2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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We had a super / awesome weekend. We got to see each other Friday, Saturday and Sunday (even though he worked on Saturday). I'm still sitting here with a big ole smile on my face. :grin:

He knows I'm a couponer, and he got to see me in action on today. He was amazed (especially since I had a coupon for everything). :giggle:
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He is a great guy. Really great. But I think he would be so much better off with someone else and vice versa. We just don't fit and I find it hard to believe he doesnt feel the same way. Why are we both willing to stay in this relationship that is obviously good for neither of us? I mean, I know why but I wish one of us had the courage/balls/decency to end it.
Why are we both willing to stay in this relationship that is obviously good for neither of us? I mean, I know why but I wish one of us had the courage/balls/decency to end it.
That's the worse. Dating is so discouraging it takes a lot of courage to leave a "good man." I like to equate it to a sports team always being in the mix to win the championship but can never win it in the end. You start to think should I drop the head coach for the unknown (and possibly win a championship or lose) or keep what I have because it is better to have consistency.
We had a super / awesome weekend. We got to see each other Friday, Saturday and Sunday (even though he worked on Saturday). I'm still sitting here with a big ole smile on my face. :grin:

He knows I'm a couponer, and he got to see me in action on today. He was amazed (especially since I had a coupon for everything). :giggle:

yay! I love that you are so happy in your relationship.

We had the best weekend too. We just huddled up in the house like old times but better. He is such a good guy. I am so thankful for this experience. There is so much hope out there.
yay! I love that you are so happy in your relationship.

We had the best weekend too. We just huddled up in the house like old times but better. He is such a good guy. I am so thankful for this experience. There is so much hope out there.

Thx hun. It feels so good being THIS happy.

I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend too. Keep on smiling and being happy.

I absolutely love huddling up in the house (with him of course lol). We spent 5 hours on the love seat yesterday watching football, napping, chatting, snuggling and just being plain ole happy. :grin: Fall and winter bring on those good ole huddling up times. I love it.
I do love football season. And my team won 2 great games so now they can continue on their usual path if they must. #americasteam

We always cuddle, what made this weekend a little extra special was that our communication was on point. I mean we even had a discussion about topics that are usually tough for us and then we went on to have a great day. So I hope it continues to get better and improve.
I am getting to see him more and more and I am getting used to it. Even though I worked all this weekend he made it a point to see me at least once a day. He even surprised me and brought me my favorite Starbucks coffee up to my job super early in the morning. I love that he sends me random texts letting me know he is thinking about me. He even was watching football and made me a video message saying he was missing me. We stayed up late last night just talking and cuddling, I love the way he looks at me. I was talking randomly and he had this look in his eyes and was smiling and I paused and said "what" and he replied "I just love you so much baby" as he was rubbing the side of my face :luv2:
I am getting to see him more and more and I am getting used to it. Even though I worked all this weekend he made it a point to see me at least once a day. He even surprised me and brought me my favorite Starbucks coffee up to my job super early in the morning. I love that he sends me random texts letting me know he is thinking about me. He even was watching football and made me a video message saying he was missing me. We stayed up late last night just talking and cuddling, I love the way he looks at me. I was talking randomly and he had this look in his eyes and was smiling and I paused and said "what" and he replied "I just love you so much baby" as he was rubbing the side of my face :luv2:


Aww isn't that the sweetest feeling?
That's the worse. Dating is so discouraging it takes a lot of courage to leave a "good man." I like to equate it to a sports team always being in the mix to win the championship but can never win it in the end. You start to think should I drop the head coach for the unknown (and possibly win a championship or lose) or keep what I have because it is better to have consistency.

this sums it up perfectly! great analogy.:yep:

i'm so conflicted.:sad:
30 hours together straight. Never before. Went out to eat with his family, then spent time with them and then went to be on our own. Even running random errands together is so easy and fun. 4 more days....
It's hard to let him be a man and carry his own load. I want to do things for him to bring him a little happiness, to take off the load but I know that these things don't prove much to a man. My ex is getting his whole grill done over with the help of my hard work. Key word, EX!

On another note, we went to our usual spot with my male friend. He noticed that I put on my outerwear and said "I'm ready when you are" to which I responded "whenever you all are ready." He looked at me one time and was like "when you ALL? No, when WE are ready" pointing to him and I. Hmmmm....that scared me. I noticed that he's really about just the two of us with darn near everything. I'm not sure how this fits in with my personality to invite friends over, to go out with etc. I like having people around.
He is planning me a Birthday in Vegas next month! Ahhh this is going to be so much fun! 3 days with just me and him and VEGAS!!!
Spent the weekend with my boyfriend and his parents. Since he was working on Saturday I went to his parents house by myself and a had a ball, we were drinking and carrying on. By the time he got there we were all tipsy and his mom was sharing baby pictures. He ate and was just watching me interact with them. At the end of the night he was so pleased with how everything went. I even stayed the night at his parents house and went to church with them in the morning. Overall it was such a great weekend, I think seeing me bond with his parents was icing on the cake for him.
We had a great talk. And though its early in our relationship we both agreed its very comforting to have a relationship with a plan for once. Getting to know each other and purposely and with intent to nake ourselves vulnerable and be conscious that that is precisely what we are doing so the other is careful to not hurt the other as we do.

Our plan, of course, if we are still good to go like this in a year, well.... :giggle: its nice to have the end game not be a mystery or unspoken secret. Amen. We are both over 40 and that ish is way overrated.
We had a great talk. And though its early in our relationship we both agreed its very comforting to have a relationship with a plan for once. Getting to know each other and purposely and with intent to nake ourselves vulnerable and be conscious that that is precisely what we are doing so the other is careful to not hurt the other as we do.

Our plan, of course, if we are still good to go like this in a year, well.... :giggle: its nice to have the end game not be a mystery or unspoken secret. Amen. We are both over 40 and that ish is way overrated.
Yes indeed.
I finally opened up my heart this year, but he turned out to be yet another lying, cheating, self-hating coconut who I just found out left me for this........



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No. Say it aint so.:nono:

So that Michelin Man looking Becky was a better choice?

He is deluded. You are obviously better off.
It's been a nice and busy week at work. I am so looking forward to this four day weekend and spending time with him. We haven't seen each other since Sunday. On Monday morning, he sent me an 'I miss you' text. He continues to make my :heart2: smile. I love it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
We decided to end things amicably and mutually while I'm gone. Neither one of us is cut out for LDR and there's still things the Lord needs to work on in both of us so we'll be using this time to just be friends. I'll be back in Feb/March. We'll reassess then. I think I'm finally at peace. We had a nice talk last night before bed and I feel so much better. No anxiety, no what ifs, no wondering if he'll still like me when I get back. Just peace. I'm ready to leave now.
Y'all talking makes a world of difference. Something about communicating about meaningful things that makes everything else better. I really like the way he thinks.
Having long distance blues this week. Is it because I'm stressed out? Maybe the fact that our last 2 visits were so close to each other has spoiled me.
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