2014 What's Happening in Our Relationships?

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We did a 48 hour "fast" from one another and child... We didn't even make it 5 minutes past the 48th hour before we started professing our love. I never realized how much I enjoy having him in my life and I never want to be with out him. I did the fast for mental clarity. I needed to make sure that I was with him not because I just wanted him (so I wouldn't be alone) or the sex was great. I wanted to make sure that my mind craved him and I felt like a piece of me was missing without him. I felt just like someone took my Bestfriend away. I was a very eye opening experience. I need to thank the woman that inspired me to do this again and I'll thank him later for understanding it's purpose.

I'm used to only wanting men so I wouldn't be lonely and two days without talking to them wouldn't faze me. I wouldn't even bat an eye. It definitely wasn't the case this time.
I am angry for no particular reason. I am about to walk out the door and end it. :look:

Every month its the same damn story :rolleyes:
He came over today after work. He's been on call and working doubles since the weather got bad. He's worked like 2 weeks straight. He made me tea and made sure I took my medicine and then he was OUT. I know he was so tired.
I left him in my room because I was coughing so much and kept waking him up.
When he woke up and I was gone he was like "I'm sorry I was supposed to be taking care of you! "
Lol........he tried
I'm trying to invest in myself first (something I've neglected to do in the past), but am willing to put the EFFORT into maintaining my relationship as well.

Taking nothing for granted. <3
Oh please! *eyeroll*. You ain't going no where!

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

PMS rage is reeeaaaal! He wants to snuggle this weekend. All I imagine is clawing his face!!! :look:

Extreme, I know, but.....-shrug-

He hasn't done a thing wrong either..

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
So come to find out SO has been reading the Bible. I found where he had installed it on his tablet AND last night we listened/read the Bible together. THANK YOU GOD! I don't know what this means for him, but I'm grateful.
Had to reschedule our counseling appt because he has the plague (I call every sickness the plague lol, he actually has the flu) now I think I'm catching it.
couples counseling?

I have a cousin I have never met. Maybe a 50th cousin at this point. Nice guy. BUT he goes down my list of friends/followers and just adds them. Dude chill! If my last name was common I could not care less BUT everyone knows he is related to me. Like he couldn't just search on his own for women to add. Sorry this is not SO-related. :)
I delete them when they do that. My friends list is not visible but i have a guy thats currently adding people that he sees interacting on my page. and he's married!!
we haven't had our first real argument yet, and i'm really curious as to what it's going to be about.....he's so easygoing and sweet. i'm like bracing myself for it over here lol but seriously.
tinkat, as someone who lurks in this thread, I really find your story very inspirational. I am currently in a different city to my SO and I am really putting it out there that this year is the year that we get to be together again. I know that once we live in the same city, we can really start building our lives together and it would be about damn time too because we have been together for more than 6 years now. I keep reading your posts and thinking "One day, that will be me too". :huggle:

Aww! I'm glad that my story inspires. I have my moments bc im still adjusting but this brightened up my morning bc I was frustrated. You will go through the motions of being away from family and friends BUT it is worth it. You will be with your love soon. As long as the pros out weigh the cons and it benefits both of you, you both will be good.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
My sister is over here encouraging me to make some "friends" she said she wouldnt want to put all of her eggs in one basket again. She goes on to remind me of her fail engagement and wasted three years on her ex.....her words slightly alerted me.
My sister is over here encouraging me to make some "friends" she said she wouldnt want to put all of her eggs in one basket again. She goes on to remind me of her fail engagement and wasted three years on her ex.....her words slightly alerted me.

Well.......unless you are seeing things that would alert you to your time being wasted.....I would let that go in one ear and out the other.....jmo. Waiting for the other shoe to fall is no way to live. And I'm sure he wouldn't want you to keep options from what I've seen you post about him. Just because it happened to her doesn't mean it will happen to you.
SO's mom told him she's surprised we're not engaged yet. :look: Thanks for putting the pressure in future MIL! :grin:

Sent from my iPad mini mini.
So he popped up with flowers and a serious apology. Also dinner. He's lucky his replacement wasn't here lol. He's trying but he's such a jerk lmao. I got into a small accident the other night and totally didn't know who to call. He gave me a long talk about how I'm not alone in this world and that no matter what to always call him cus he's always here for me. I was so stressed out and he really put my mind at ease. Damn.
I need to never ever ever ever ever date someone I work with again. Horrible mistake. Wow. I feel better that we're broken up but this will probably make for an uncomfortable situation. Ugh.
TMI alert:
Yo man....I truly think I had the best O of my life Saturday night. It was just....life changing and earth shattering. I laughed and I cried. :look:
k let me scoot on now. :look:
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I surprised Mr. With lunch yesterday after church. He was fixing a car and all the guys were at the garage. I had on my Sunday best, Mr. Was all like "you can't be coming over here looking all good. They already jealous...." it was so funny.
We spent the weekend together and had an interesting talk about marriage.... :look: that was out of left field...
I was browsing a thread on the VH1 show "Couples Therapy" yesterday and he came to sit by me and when he snuggled up close and saw the tablet scream he startled me by hollering "Couples Therapy?! Why!!!?" :rofl:
Well crlsweetie912 and Briabiggles I take the conversation with a grain for now.

We are both in the midst of finalizing our divorces (did I hear an lhcf gasp? :lol: life ain't perfect, my ex has been in an intense relationship the whole 5 years of our separation. Nobody curr ). Coffee has been separated 5 years also. His ex is 2000 mi away.

We both agree that once those are final, this spring for him & summer for me, we won't be ready immediately to tie the knot. We will need a few months breathing space after the ordeals.

However marriage is officially on the table now when it wasn't at all when we met going on 8 months ago.

And to think, I just wanted to get laid when we met :giggle:
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Well. I just hope this fool aint yanking my chain. Bublin. I was very happily single as most of y'all know. He was talking about 'us' several years down the line future plans, his fears, hopes, finances, etc. I will let his actions speak over the next few months. If it sounds like bs, imma bail without warning.
Had a great time with him this weekend. We saw Lone Survivor. Gosh that was brutal. It must have been because he flinched a few times while my eyeballs were covered by my hands. We had good Dominican food and made a lot of love. I love that guy. He is excited for our trip in May, as am I. He did some stuff around my dad's house and we are going to be sweeping the sidewalk and yard for my dad before he returns this weekend. I am kinda excited to sweep trash with him. LOL!
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