2014 Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge


I chose the peppermint! I love it! My sister says the Liquid gold sulfur oil is more potent than the pomade, but I'm way too scared of the smell to test that theory
Still bunning. Sealed my ends yesterday with castor oil. Wash day later this week. The neem oil I put in my shampoo during my last wash has kept my scalp clear for the whole 2 weeks, so I'm happy about that.
My Pibbs is coming today and my SSI products came yesterday so I'm going to have a fun (I hope) wash day this afternoon.

Coat hair with oil mix
Wash scalp with MHC Honey Cleanser
Protein DC under HotHead for 30 minutes with SSI Okra
Steam with SSI Moisture Riche
Curlformer set with DB Sweet Cocoa Curl Cream, diluted Lottabody, and Curls Control Paste
Sit under dryer (hopefully for no longer than 45 minutes
Pineapple or loose bun to stretch curls

We'll see how it turns out. Won't wash again until Friday or Saturday.

I know we're all busy protecting our hair, but I wanted to bump this thread in case there were updates/ discoveries/ pictures/ or anything else you all wanted to share.
Took down twists in preparation of wash day. My twist out is cute so I will rock this until Sunday then wash/condition/retwist.
I'm still in my braids. They look pretty fuzzy now. It has been two weeks. :ohwell: I'm pretty sure I can make it another two weeks with them. I can't wait to take em out so I can play with my loose hair. When I take them out, I will detangle, do a medium/strong protein treatment, DC, and probably rock a bun for one week and my normal twists for another. Depending on my hair's condition, I will put another set of the braids back in for four weeks.
Of course you can join Super_Hero_Girl

Can't wait to read your posts!

gvin89 and Froreal3 glad you ladies are doing well!

I'm still washing and setting my hair twice a week. After three days of moisturizing and sealing my hair is still stretched but not straight anymore. That's okay, because I still bun every day and I run everyday so the sweating doesn't help. I don't want to use true setting products because they don't have super beneficial ingredients, but I ordered some Carol's Daughter styling products to see if they help.

I don't use products with silicones because I think using natural products gives me a more pronounced curl pattern, but I haven't been wearing wash and go's so I guess it doesn't matter that much.

I do plan on getting a deva cut in April, so starting in February or March I will attempt wash and go's on the weekends so I can get my style together before I go get it cut.
I always like the idea of protein conditioners but HATE how they make my hair feel afterwards. I used the SSI Okra on my hair on Tuesday, and even though I followed it with a moisturizing DC I can tell that I have protein overload when I cowashed my hair today. My natural hair doesn't need that much protein, that often. I think I can use that conditioner once every 3 months or so. Will baby my hair with lots of moisture until then.

Sitting under the Pibbs setting my curlformers. :love:
Took my twists out today and put in about 8 Celie braids. I'm going to wash tomorrow morning then re-twist for next week. Will update when finished.
I really want to try something different, and I'm thinking the "different" is going to be products with some silicones. I don't want to go crazy, but I did order a Carol's Daughter Blow Dry Creme to use when I set my hair, and it has a cone in it towards the end of the ingredient list. I wonder if I can use a mildy "cone-y" deep conditioner and cowash conditioner, a natural leave in, cone setting products, and moisturize my hair with natural products.

Will the cone's prevent the natural from getting in? When I grew out my hair last time I went back and forth with using silicones. Mostly I didn't, but for months at a time I would and I didn't experience any sort of setback. I think I stopped because I wanted to wear my hair natural and the silicones gave me less curl pattern. If I'm going to do curlformer sets for the year than that doesn't really matter, right?

Going to go to Ulta in the morning and buy a large conditioner and DC and see what happens.

I'll still use my oil mix, DB Sweet Cocoa Cream leave in, SSI Seyani Hair Butter, and sulfur pomade for my scalp.
Still bunning! ( This week it has been twists for the first half and a bun for the second half) :grin:
Wore a twist out Saturday and Sunday. Back to bunning today.


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Have my braids braided up into one big braid and pinned up. I have been moisturizing them and sealing them daily. This cold weather is no joke.

Even though I did a light protein DC over the weekend, my hair felt like it needed another bit of protein, so I sprayed with Aphogee Green Tea & Keratin. I just used a little on the ends. Then I moisturized with Annabelle's Pumpkin leave in spray and used Qhemet AOHC on top.

Unlike you toaster, my hair needs light protein every couple of weeks.
DigitalRain Froreal3 glad you ladies are doing well. It's nice to get in a roll with your hair and know what it wants.

FoxxyLocs I'm tired of my bun as well! I'm not actually tired of it, I just want to wash my hair. I have to take professional pictures Friday morning so I want a fresh curlformer set. Waiting to wash my hair until Thursday night sucks!!!
Ladies, I'm switching from twists to buns.:ohwell: The twists screw up my ends. Hopefully, I will do better with buns.
Good luck @DDTexlaxed

Not everything works for everyone, but can you share with us how the twists were ruining your ends?

No matter what I use to moisturize and seal, my ends look raggedy. I am going to retry when I get my steamer. I think it is harming my retention. I did not have this issue with texlaxed hair, however. I am going to try everything before texlaxing, though.:ohwell:
Finally got around to washing my hair! Well actually cowashing..I pre-pooed.with aobc and my hair felt amazing when I rinsed. I even had definition in my curl pattern. I didn't want to lose that, so I decided to use ssi honey rinse instead of shampoo. It took away a little of the definition but it was super soft. It was easy to detangle....really didn't use the comb. I moisturized with qb ctdg and plaited it up...i will start twisting tomorrow morning.
Bump bump bump!!

How's everyone's hair doing?

My hair seems to like being stretched and then bunned. The days I actually do my hair end up being long and involved with the actual setting and sitting under the dryer, but the results are pretty good. Going to try a traditional roller set on Monday to give myself a small break from the curlformers. I really like them, but I'm getting addicted to rollers. Speaking of which, I've been looking for a product with low or no water content to moisturize my stretched hair. My leave in leaves my hair pretty moist for about 3 days but I need something for the 4th day. Froreal3 how do you like the SSI Juicy Berry Buttercream? The website says it's moisturizing, but there's no water in it.

How are you ladies doing? Almost a month into the challenge!!
Still bunning! ( This week it has been twists for the first half and a bun for the second half) :grin:

DoDo How do you make sure your edges stay in tact while bunning? Also, does your crown get matted when you bun?

I'm still in my braids for the C&G challenge. It's the third week. I just cowashed and am dcing now. I will take the braids out next week, do a strong protein treatment, very moisturizing dc and rock my normal twists for a couple weeks while I decide if I want to do a long term braid style again.
Bump bump bump!!

How's everyone's hair doing?

My hair seems to like being stretched and then bunned. The days I actually do my hair end up being long and involved with the actual setting and sitting under the dryer, but the results are pretty good. Going to try a traditional roller set on Monday to give myself a small break from the curlformers. I really like them, but I'm getting addicted to rollers. Speaking of which, I've been looking for a product with low or no water content to moisturize my stretched hair. My leave in leaves my hair pretty moist for about 3 days but I need something for the 4th day. Froreal3 how do you like the SSI Juicy Berry Buttercream? The website says it's moisturizing, but there's no water in it.

How are you ladies doing? Almost a month into the challenge!!

toaster The Juicy Berry Buttercream is a light, creamy, and whipped butter cream. It is a sealant. It reminds me of HH Carrot Cake Frosting (RIP) if you ever used that one. When I first got it, it was frothy. I've had it probably over a month and today I found that mine had collected some oil at the bottom, so I mixed it a little and the consistency is a lot creamier rather than frothy. I like this consistency better than the froth. I really like it and will repurchase.
DoDo How do you make sure your edges stay in tact while bunning? Also, does your crown get matted when you bun?

I'm still in my braids for the C&G challenge. It's the third week. I just cowashed and am dcing now. I will take the braids out next week, do a strong protein treatment, very moisturizing dc and rock my normal twists for a couple weeks while I decide if I want to do a long term braid style again.


I usually use a butter or moisturizer to slick them down. It wont keep them particularly sleek though. I do expect and accept a certain amount of frizz. My hair is very kinky.

I usually use a butter or moisturizer to slick them down. It wont keep them particularly sleek though. I do expect and accept a certain amount of frizz. My hair is very kinky.

DoDo same here...but I meant do you experience thinning? Sorry, I should have been more clear.

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