2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Thank you for this... I had a long hectic day and this is a good reminder that I have patience to work with others for a more desirable outcome; I won't be tricked into thinking I don't have patience. Glad I came to RT first... that laugh lightened the tiredness.. no wine for me, though. But I'll have a non-alcoholic piña colada, right about now.. :lachen:

When your vertical relationship with God is pure and holy, then we are better able to succeed at our horizontal relationships with people. The main purpose for getting free from satan is not so that your life will be more comfortable. The purpose is for you to then reach down and strengthen others who are in the same place you once were.

Seek to be an encourager!
Some days a good, hearty laugh are in order... love you ladies!. :lol:
Girl....you aren't kidding...I need to laugh too:lol:, actually...you know I love to laugh...:look:

Thank you for this... I had a long hectic day and this is a good reminder that I have patience to work with others for a more desirable outcome; I won't be tricked into thinking I don't have patience. Glad I came to RT first... that laugh lightened the tiredness.. no wine for me, though. But I'll have a non-alcoholic piña colada, right about now.. :lachen:
You are more than welcome and I'm glad that it put a smile on your face. I hope it made you ugly snort, after those glasses you hit me with yesterday....:lachen:

I don't drink either, but....JB does so I put that in to make her laugh. People must laugh...the Bible says "Laughter is as good as medicine" so it's good for you.:yep:
:lol: Naw, it was more like a chortle.. I got a good bellyful, too.. lol

Girl....you aren't kidding...I need to laugh too:lol:, actually...you know I love to laugh...:look:

You are more than welcome and I'm glad that it put a smile on your face. I hope it made you ugly snort, after those glasses you hit me with yesterday....:lachen:

I don't drink either, but....JB does so I put that in to make her laugh. People must laugh...the Bible says "Laughter is as good as medicine" so it's good for you.:yep:
Girl....you aren't kidding...I need to laugh too:lol:, actually...you know I love to laugh...:look:

You are more than welcome and I'm glad that it put a smile on your face. I hope it made you ugly snort,

after those glasses you hit me with yesterday....:lachen:

I don't drink either, but....JB does so I put that in to make her laugh. People must laugh...the Bible says "Laughter is as good as medicine" so it's good for you.:yep:

:lol: I love those glasses... I had to borrow them from you, Sis. If you can't find them.... it's not cause' you don't have 20/20.... :look:


I still got em' on. "Ain't I cute?" :lol:
This is not directed at anyone in particular, but if the cap fits repent (I did)

When the truth is spoken whether gently or firmly often times it hits 'flesh', the flesh never wants to be told that it's wrong, it never wants to be told what to do, how to do, or when to do. We live in our feelings and the flesh always wants to be comfortable, agreed with and appeased.

The bible says the flesh is at enmity with the spirit, it's hostile towards God, it does not subject itself to the laws of God, it cannot not even comprehend the things of God, the ways of God, the word of God (because we are limited in our own intellect without HS), because of its mindset....let's walk in the spirit so that we can please GOD.
This is not directed at anyone in particular, but if the cap fits repent (I did)

When the truth is spoken whether gently or firmly often times it hits 'flesh', the flesh never wants to be told that it's wrong, it never wants to be told what to do, how to do, or when to do. We live in our feelings and the flesh always wants to be comfortable, agreed with and appeased.

The bible says the flesh is at enmity with the spirit, it's hostile towards God, it does not subject itself to the laws of God, it cannot not even comprehend the things of God, the ways of God, the word of God (because we are limited in our own intellect without HS), because of its mindset....let's walk in the spirit so that we can please GOD.

I receive this correction, because I know I full of 'flesh' and need more and more of God's indwelling in me each moment of each day.

There's no making it in this life without God. None. :nono:

Thank you Healthy Hair for the loving 'rebuke'. I'm not turning it away.
"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." 2 Thessalonians 3:16
TY mods for keeping this thread alive! :clap:


Psalms 122 says to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. I believe in unceasing prayer for Israel, the people and the physical place. But does anyone else believe that when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem we're also praying for the Body of Christ? WE ARE Israel.. :yep: When we pray in earnest for peace for others, we maintain Peace into our own beings. Not the kind of peace the world gives, God's Peace [ that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ]:

Psalm 122

A song of ascents. Of David.

1 I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
2 Our feet are standing
in your gates, Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem is built like a city
that is closely compacted together.
4 That is where the tribes go up—
the tribes of the Lord—
to praise the name of the Lord
according to the statute given to Israel.
5 There stand the thrones for judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May those who love you be secure.
7 May there be peace within your walls
and security within your citadels.”
8 For the sake of my family and friends,
I will say, “Peace be within you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your prosperity.
Cant sleep. Led to read through the Christian forum. Very encouraging. Comforting to see Christians with great love for the one true God. Thank you

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 2
I have been having issues with my next neighbor not picking up behind thier dog in the back yard we share for months. I have complained on several occasions to my landlord and they pick it up for a few days. Next, the cycle of not picking up starts all over again. Well, I called my landlord last week in sheer frustration and used some words (several) that are not in the bible :look: to express myself. He once again promised to enforce changes with my neighbor.

Today, I was talking to my co-worker about the fact, I haven't seen not one change to this issues, all my cursing and being out of character wasn't worth it.

She said something that for me was profound. She said stop getting upset over what has or hasn't happened. Plan your exit stragety, pray ask God to order your step. Be open to hear from him so that he can lead you.

As you work on figuring what God next step for you concerning your living arrangement, it will keep you out of frustration and lower your blood pressure.

I just stared at her for a minute, thinking she is absolutely correct, I can make a God move rather than an emotional move out of this present situation.


I've been reading through this thread and I cannot tell you how this message has blessed me. Thank you again, for sharing this. It's very timely for me and most indeed a blessing and the answer to prayer.

God bless you and I pray that all is well for you.

Cant sleep. Led to read through the Christian forum. Very encouraging. Comforting to see Christians with great love for the one true God. Thank you

Sent from my SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 2
Love your posts...nice to see you posting in the CF. Hope to see more of them.... :love2:
As I look back over my life...and I think things over...I can truly say, that I've been blessed- I have a testimony!!!
Where are you ladies getting your news from? I stopped watching the mainstream news about three to four years ago but I feel like I simply don't know what's really going on in the world which is not a good thing at all. Any websites/magazines/journals you would recommend?
I just downloaded 7 versions of the Bible to my iPad to read offline. I will read the Bible in it's entirety. I hear that it's life a life changing experience. That's exactly what I need!
Where are you ladies getting your news from? I stopped watching the mainstream news about three to four years ago but I feel like I simply don't know what's really going on in the world which is not a good thing at all. Any websites/magazines/journals you would recommend?
I watch the mainstream news...I chew the meat, and spit out the bones.

However, you can google 'Christian News' and get more than one website to get information about World News, etc.
