2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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Anyone here ever used individual braids to help with a stretch?

I've used cornrows to help with my stretches. :yep: I do them myself thanks to a video I watched on Marquetta Breslin's website. But I just don't have the patience really for the individual braids. :ohwell:
I've used cornrows to help with my stretches. :yep: I do them myself thanks to a video I watched on Marquetta Breslin's website. But I just don't have the patience really for the individual braids. :ohwell:

Do you style them or add designs or anything or wear them straight back? Do you add hair to them? Sorry for the questions, but I think that cornrows would be a great way to get through this heat. :lol:
Raspberry said:
xu93texas KiWiStyle

The heat took me by surprise and now I want to go low/no heat for the summer and get back to co-washing/air drying. Plus I need to practice making cute buns. Did the heat make you switch it up?

I've been on a no heat regimen since January 2011, I only blow dry and flat iron after relaxing and for trims. I air dry, M&S and braid. My hair gets very straight by doing this. 2013 I will maintain my no heat regimen and hopefully have thicker/longer hair for juicy buns. I will rotate my bun and single braid as my protective styles.
I'm 11 weeks post relaxer.
Goal: 24 weeks stretch until Aug 24th. (13 weeks to go.)
Issue: Detangling has always been a problem for me
I'm trying to improve my thickness.
This will be my longest stretch ever, if I make it.

I need a buddy. I'm getting weak. Lol!
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Raspberry, KiWiStyle
Heat is always an issue in Texas. :lol: I'm planning on a heat-free style summer. I'll be wearing wigs, half wigs, faux buns, and cornrows. I do plan to use a heat pass at the end of June (around 11 wks post) for a trim, rinse, and flat-iron style.

How are things coming along during this stretch?? I'll be 7 wks post tomorrow and my ng is looking good. I broke down and bought some Shescentit, Claudie's products, and DB transitioning creme. This stretch will be longer for me and I want to incorporate some new products into my regimen to keep my ng moisturized.
xu93texas said:
Raspberry, KiWiStyle
Heat is always an issue in Texas. :lol: I'm planning on a heat-free style summer. I'll be wearing wigs, half wigs, faux buns, and cornrows. I do plan to use a heat pass at the end of June (around 11 wks post) for a trim, rinse, and flat-iron style.

How are things coming along during this stretch?? I'll be 7 wks post tomorrow and my ng is looking good. I broke down and bought some Shescentit, Claudie's products, and DB transitioning creme. This stretch will be longer for me and I want to incorporate some new products into my regimen to keep my ng moisturized.

xu93texas, Raspberry,

YAY, i'm at the halfway mark!! I'l be seven weeks post tomorrow as well. So far I'm planning to relax at 14 weeks post but I'll assess whether or not I can stretch longer at that time. Xu93texas, are you planning to go beyond 14 weeks? If so, I'm going to push to go longer with you because I really want to beat my last stretch.

Those are great products!! I'm not buying anything as I have plenty of great products as it is. I just finished my QB BRBC, now I'm finishing my DB lemongrass transitioning creme, just in time for the final stretch. You will love the DB transitioning creme!!

Guys I have to tell you, this single braid I'm rocking is awesome!! I just took it down (mid-week) did a HOT, massaged my scalp, moisturizer with DB and sealed my NG and length with hairveda vatika frosting then braided again. No combs or brushes and it came out PERFECT and best of all, I only saw a few shed hairs :-). I have slightly over 2" for APL but 3-31/2" for full APL! I'm giving myself until December relaxer to reach my goal realistically.
Loving said:
KiWiStyle....how do you do your single braid? Like a french braid?

Yes, it's like a French Braid only I do the inverted braid (inside out). I think I get better with each one. I read somewhere that the inverted braid is less tension on the hair as oppose to the regular braid. Here is a picture I posted a few days back.

Yes, I'm definitely stretching longer this time. It would be great if you can hold out longer as well! :grin: I plan to relax in mid-August and again in December. I only want to relax three times a year.

I can't wait to try my new products. I've had the DB transitioning creme before and sold it. :sad: I don't know what I was thinking.

Your french braid is on point! Isn't it great when you find that perfect style? I haven't yet. I can't wait to just wear my own hair in a protective style. Once summer is over and I reach my short term goal of full SL (2 inches needed), I need to really think hard about rollersetting. We'll see.:ohwell:

ETA: proposed relaxer #2/3 for 2012 is 8/9 @ 17 wks post and relaxer #3/3 for 2012 would be 12/06 @ 17 wks post.
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@KiWiStyle thats really cute! And I can see where it would be low mani too! But I can't braid to save my life and I don't think I can wear that style to work...

I really need some more protective styles - all I do these days is a boring bun :nono:
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Yes, I'm definitely stretching longer this time. It would be great if you can hold out longer as well! :grin: I plan to relax in mid-August and again in December. I only want to relax three times a year.

I can't wait to try my new products. I've had the DB transitioning creme before and sold it. :sad: I don't know what I was thinking.

Your french braid is on point! Isn't it great when you find that perfect style? I haven't yet. I can't wait to just wear my own hair in a protective style. Once summer is over and I reach my short term goal of full SL (2 inches needed), I need to really think hard about rollersetting. We'll see.:ohwell:

ETA: proposed relaxer #2/3 for 2012 is 8/9 @ 17 wks post and relaxer #3/3 for 2012 would be 12/06 @ 17 wks post.

xu93texas, Raspberry
Thanks! 3-times a year is my plan as well and gradually working my way down to Bi-Yearly relaxers. August and December were my estimated relaxer months so yeah, we're right there together Only I was thinking (MAYBE) of relaxer on July 20th for my wedding anniversary but i'm seriously contemplating just having it shampoo'd, blow dried and flat ironed, IDKY.

I have no idea what you were thinking getting rid of that DB transitioning creme, temporary moment of insanity maybe,LOL?

I know what you mean about protective styling. When I was NL and barely SL, I was getting very frustrated with my teeny weeny bun, I couldn't do a high bun because my nape hair was way to short. The short hair at my nape also created a problem for my single braid too because it was pulling too much so I had to stop doing that too. This last stretch/growth made life a bit more easier for me :-).

The jury is still out for me as far a roller setting. I see many of the longer haired members doing them and is their style of choice for growth but I lost too much hair; way too brutal for my fine hairs. Maybe i'll revisit it when I notice more thickness and strength. We'll see.

The bolded above sounds like a plan but I can't promise you anything. Like I said before, i'll be monitoring my hair big time and when I notice excessive tangles and breakage i'm going in. The use of protein is going to be key for a 17wk stretch.

@KiWiStyle thats really cute! And I can see where it would be low mani too! But I can't braid to save my life and I don't think I can wear that style to work...

I really need some more protective styles - all I do these days is a boring bun :nono:


Thanks lady! Why can't you wear it to work? I think it's simple and professional, IDK. I am a real estate broker and so i'm virtually my own boss. I work from home most days when i'm not out with clients. I don't think I would have any problems wearing this style in corporate...maybe that's why I got laid off TWICE, LOL! BTW, I learned how to do the inverted french braid by watch YT videos, lol. I watched and studied the videos, got up to try it out and was pretty successful on my first try. To be honest, I can't wait to do loose buns, I think they're lovely.
Do you style them or add designs or anything or wear them straight back? Do you add hair to them? Sorry for the questions, but I think that cornrows would be a great way to get through this heat. :lol:

gabulldawg : I am pretty simple with my cornbraids. This is how I wear my braids mostly for vacation and during the summer. Still pretty versatile since I can put it in a low bun at the back when I want. I wash the braids under a stocking cap, so I don't mess up the hair too much. This can usually last me a whole month if I'm very careful...


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I think my problem could be not enough protein. My mom use to use the apogee product where My hair would get really hard and then I'd wash it out.think I need to go back to that on a regular basis.

.....ETA: proposed relaxer #2/3 for 2012 is 8/9 @ 17 wks post and relaxer #3/3 for 2012 would be 12/06 @ 17 wks post.

xu93texas : You and I are almost on the same exact stretching schedule. :spinning: I also do only 3 relaxers per year. Last relaxer was April 14th. Next relaxer is 17/18 weeks away....August 19th. Final relaxer for the year will be around December 15th. Not sure if I've been assigned a buddy as yet....but I'm up for adoption....LOL!!! :lachen::lachen:
@xu93texas : You and I are almost on the same exact stretching schedule. :spinning: I also do only 3 relaxers per year. Last relaxer was April 14th. Next relaxer is 17/18 weeks away....August 19th. Final relaxer for the year will be around December 15th. Not sure if I've been assigned a buddy as yet....but I'm up for adoption....LOL!!! :lachen::lachen:

Sure, we can buddies as well. We may be off a week or so, but I think that's OK. We can motivate my buddy KiWiStyle to stretch right along with us. :grin:

So what are your summer hair care plans?
Now that it is summer, I desire to cowash but I can't seem to cowash without generating some level of breakage to which I consider unacceptable. The breakage I see comes from detangling. I'm not interested in increasing the amount of times I do my hair if I can't accomplish it without breakage but I was wondering if going 5-7 days between washes increases the likelihood for tangles vs. keeping a shorter wash cycle, say 2-4 days, would minimize tangles since the hair remains in a fairly stretched state when washing back to back. What's your thoughts? @Nix08 @sunnieb and other frequent cowashers. ETA: I forgot about the relaxed cowash thread...I will post this there also.
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divachyk as you mention it I do think a once a week wash would work. Your hair would get fully detangled and should only need mild detangling until you wet it again. I'm assuming you would be bunning and maybe wearing your hair out closer to wash day. If on the other hand you were wearing it out then likely you'd run into more tangles that may cause problems with a longer wash cycle...if you did do this I would use the comb after the washing and try and stick with mainly finger combing until the next wash day.
KiWiStyle xu93texas You guys are doin it big with the long term stretches. I'm still tryin to reach the 12 week mark :giggle: I only made it to 11 weeks last time..

xu93texas I love that single braid, I'm gonna have to commit myself to practicing so I can get mine as smooth as yours. That's an excellent way to set the hair though.. I'm assuming you get a really wavy look?

I'm hoping increased co-washes will give me a growth boost.
divachyk - I think the key for me is that I comb (lightly) several times a day. My hair doesn't have time to tangle up.

Also, when my ng starts acting up, I always goop the conditioner on and detangle in the shower then use Mane 'n Tail detangler when I'm setting my hair to airdry.

I don't experience any breakage at all. Matter of fact, I need to go cowash now. My HE LTR is calling! :)
baddison said:
KiWiStyle : Love that braid!! Can you recommend a good tutorial or vid??:yep:

Thank you! I'm sorry but I have no idea what video I watched on YT. I have an apple TV which allows me to access YT on my tv. one night I sat up in bed and watched a bunch of how to videos then tried it. If I could simply explain it, I would say you would French braid over as oppose to under. You would still grab three pieces of hair but you would start "crossing" over the other piece instead of under like you would with the traditional cornrow braid. I'm sure you are probably more confused than before, lol! I say do a YT search for inverted French Braid. I hope this helped some, sorry.
Nix08 said:
divachyk as you mention it I do think a once a week wash would work. Your hair would get fully detangled and should only need mild detangling until you wet it again. I'm assuming you would be bunning and maybe wearing your hair out closer to wash day. If on the other hand you were wearing it out then likely you'd run into more tangles that may cause problems with a longer wash cycle...if you did do this I would use the comb after the washing and try and stick with mainly finger combing until the next wash day.

I've had great success doing exactly this. My hair LOVE being wet and co-washing but my fine strands tangle something awful when i'm deep in my stretch.
I just finished a 14 week stretch. I relaxed last night with a new relaxer. Arganics and I totally am loving the results. Anyone at day 1 and need a buddy. tThis last stretch was the longest I have done and it went really well. i did some new things this time and i think it help a lot. Prior to this stretch i do 12 weeks and usually find my new growth is tough to manage but this time i did 2 coconut cream relaxer while stretching and I really think it help. i also roller set my hair the last couple of weeks. this time I shooting for 10 to 12 weeks.
Raspberry said:
KiWiStyle xu93texas You guys are doin it big with the long term stretches. I'm still tryin to reach the 12 week mark :giggle: I only made it to 11 weeks last time..

xu93texas I love that single braid, I'm gonna have to commit myself to practicing so I can get mine as smooth as yours. That's an excellent way to set the hair though.. I'm assuming you get a really wavy look?

I'm hoping increased co-washes will give me a growth boost.

xu93texas, @ Raspberry

Thanks LOL, that was me with the single braid. I was just noticing today that it's giving me a nice braidout. It's too bad I'm hiding my hair for the entire year.

I have gradually increased my stretches over time. My last 14 week stretch gave me fantastic results and now I'm hooked. I want to eventually relax only twice a year. Since you did 11wks last time, aim for 12wks this time but we'll motivate you to go longer if it's safe to do so.
@KiWiStyle @xu93texas You guys are doin it big with the long term stretches. I'm still tryin to reach the 12 week mark :giggle: I only made it to 11 weeks last time..

xu93texas I love that single braid, I'm gonna have to commit myself to practicing so I can get mine as smooth as yours. That's an excellent way to set the hair though.. I'm assuming you get a really wavy look?

I'm hoping increased co-washes will give me a growth boost.

Yeah, I wish I could take credit for that beautiful braid, but that's not my hair.:grin: Go girl KiWiStyle !! I'm hiding this hair all year up under wigs and faux buns. I will eventually make it to rollersetting.

Raspberry, come on and stretch longer with us. Do you wear protective styles??
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