Once you stretch you'll never go back

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Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I never would have imagined that I would be able to manage my hair as long as I have. It has been 12 weeks since my last relaxer and I can still comb through it without breaking a comb or my hair. I have always been told my hair is "nappy" I guess b/c I am the only person in my family with my hair texture. People feel sometimes b/c you are lighter in complexion your hair should be a certain texture. NOT TRUE. My hair is very light in color naturally even blonde in some areas. I think the color causes it to be dry. But forreal ya'll I was not trying to let anyone see how very "nappy" (I hate that word) my hair was. So I permed the life out of it but thanks to you ALL at LHCF I am proud of myself and my hair. The key for me has been to keep my hair well moisturized. I think it is on its way to being full and thick and bouncy again. The CW and S-Curl and GPB?? Ya'll when my boyfriend saw all those products he was like what the
is going on in this bathroom! I guess he thinks I am having a love affair with my products. But anyway I want to thank you all I am happy and I think my hair is too.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Dolce_Dawn said:
Absolutely!! lol... I'll go into work w/my hair looking nice and then when I go for a bathroom break and look in the mirror, my hair has all these "lumps" in it from where my fingers were groping my new growth! I can't keep my hands out of it!

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LOL! I do this too! All those hundreds of soft little "bulbs" are irresistable to touch..lol! I normally re-touch every 3 months and I've been wanting to stretch it out more. However, with the summer fast growth(and perhaps all those protein shakes), its only been 8 weeks and I have almost 2 inches of new growth already so its getting hard managing it. I'll start stretching out after the summer.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I stretched 13wks, the tangles got a little difficult at times but overall it was a good experience. When I did relax I had very good results as far as growth goes so I decided on relaxing every 12wks from now on.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

dtachi said:
Dolce_Dawn said:
Absolutely!! lol... I'll go into work w/my hair looking nice and then when I go for a bathroom break and look in the mirror, my hair has all these "lumps" in it from where my fingers were groping my new growth! I can't keep my hands out of it!

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LOL! I do this too! All those hundreds of soft little "bulbs" are irresistable to touch..lol! I normally re-touch every 3 months and I've been wanting to stretch it out more. However, with the summer fast growth(and perhaps all those protein shakes), its only been 8 weeks and I have almost 2 inches of new growth already so its getting hard managing it. I'll start stretching out after the summer.

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Dtachi, which protein shakes are you taking? Are you drinking them daily? 2 inches of growth at the 8th week mark sounds phenomenal!

Stretching my relaxers is the best thing I could've done for my hair!
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

My last relaxer was stretched out 11 weeks. Not by choice
but I was very surprised that I made it. Seemed like no time at all.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I have 4b and use to relax every 4-6 weeks. I now go every 8-10 weeks -- once went up to 12 weeks but found that there was too much breakage after 10 weeks because the texture of my new growth so much curlier than the relaxed portion. I am DELIGHTED to find that I can go up to 10 weeks and the conditioner washes do help my new growth stay nice and soft, plus washing 2 times per week is worth the time. I think that ladies who can stretch for much longer, like 4 and 5 months have softer new growth (the 2s and 3s) have an easier time managing breakage than the 4s, IMO.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I am currently transitioning...but if I decide to texturize(relax) again it would be 1... maybe 2 times a year. I can easily go 6 or more months.I went 2 years the first time. My hair just grows so much faster then when I was relaxing every 12 weeks.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Vanessa22 said:
dtachi said:
Dolce_Dawn said:
Absolutely!! lol... I'll go into work w/my hair looking nice and then when I go for a bathroom break and look in the mirror, my hair has all these "lumps" in it from where my fingers were groping my new growth! I can't keep my hands out of it!

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LOL! I do this too! All those hundreds of soft little "bulbs" are irresistable to touch..lol! I normally re-touch every 3 months and I've been wanting to stretch it out more. However, with the summer fast growth(and perhaps all those protein shakes), its only been 8 weeks and I have almost 2 inches of new growth already so its getting hard managing it. I'll start stretching out after the summer.

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Dtachi, which protein shakes are you taking? Are you drinking them daily? 2 inches of growth at the 8th week mark sounds phenomenal!

Stretching my relaxers is the best thing I could've done for my hair!

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I'd say I drink them about 4 times a week. I'd like to drink them every day but time doesn't always permit (I usually make them in the blender with milk, bananas, and strawberries).
I also take Omega 3 fatty acids, either through eating salmon or taking Shaklee's Omega 3 oils Marine Complex. I mention Shaklee by name because as far as vitamins go that is the best and most effective brand in town! Its more expensive but I've never got the same results with cheaper brands. Their alfafa supplements give phenomenal growth but you have to take 10 a day so I've toally slacked on that..lol!
Anyway, I'm pretty sure this has contributed to the fast growth. I wouldn't say my new growth is 2 inches exactly but a little more than an inch and half.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Oh you also asked which shakes I was drink..sorry! Of course I drink the Shaklee soy protein.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Excuse me ladies but quick question if you stretch out your relaxer when do you trim/dust your hair..i did stretch out my relaxer and the HD "trimmed" my ends she took about 2-3inches
so i think i will get my relaxer every 2mths and a trim ever other month.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

LondonDiva said:
Jennifer how much growth did you get in your 9 month stretch out?

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I didn't measure my newgrowth, but it was a lot....here's a picture I took of my newgrowth when I washed my hair at 9 months post relaxer:


Poohbear: I don't know if my hair grows faster now because I get blowouts every other week which smooths out my roots. Touching my 7 weeks post relaxed head now, I'd tell you I have no newgrowth. (Those blowouts are amazing) This is a picture of a blowout with my 9 months of newgrowth:

Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I agree! So far I've only spaced my relaxer to 13 weeks
, but now I'm like why did I ever get a re-touch every 6 weeks ? There's no turning back now.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Jennifer how did you blow your hair out so straight?
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Lisa said:
Jennifer how did you blow your hair out so straight?

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I didn't do it myself, I went to a dominican salon to have it done. That picture is my very first dominican blowout, and needless to say, with those results I've been hooked ever since.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Well, this is my first stretch out. It's been 20 weeks. I have 4 more to go before I get a relaxer. I am really excited to see the results.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I, too stretch out my touch up times to about 13 weeks. The blowout also helps me to make it through, especially when I need my hair not to look like a shaggy mess in a bun.

Jen, have you tried a new DS yet? Or are you still going to Luisa?
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

JenniferMd, do tell how you were able to get through 9 months. Post your regimen, please.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Yes, Jen, I agree about stretching relaxers!! I have always done this. I have been told since I got a relaxer that "I really don't need one at all, only once in a while" but certain stylists would still encourage getting a relaxer more often... I know that it was because that meant more $$$$ for them!! LOL. But those wo were truly interested in what was best for my hair type, (including me!) knew that there was not a big difference in the textures, and that I could easily manage the new groth for a long time without getting a relaxer. I soon learned that I only needed a relaxer two (and sometimes three) times a year, if that. I once went three years without a relaxer at all, and there was not much difference in the textures of my hair.

But, when I got relaxers every 10 weeks or so, I noticed, for the first time ever, that my hair gradually broke off to just below my shoulders, which was short for me. As soon as I stopped with the relaxers that often, it grew back longer, like it used to be, and it flourished.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I haven't tried a new DS yet but I only went to Lusia's once. I go to Jaselvis salon, I want to try out another salon from when Denali posted 2 new ones but this cute guy up the street from Jaselvis is flirting with me and I want to give him my number before I switch up. LOL!!

Anyway, my routine while stretching was very simple.

This was pre-NTM so I was using Barry Fletcher's Mositure Therapy Line. I would wash my hair once a week and do a deep condition under the dryer for 20 minutes rinse with cold water and blowdry my hair. I would use pomade for my ends and do a pin-up for the week. This worked for the first 4 months then I had to do something different to manage the newgrowth. I purchased Ultra Sheen Finishing Lotion which is amazing...I still use it. I would put this stuff on my hair in the morning and at night and do a nice bun. I did the bun until the 6th month. After the sixth month my hair was just untamable and I knew I needed to either get braids or relax so I went and got braids to carry me through the last 3 months. While in braids I rinsed my hair every other day shampooed weekly, used Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner, used braid spray weekly and continued to use ultra sheen finishing lotion on the length of the braids for moisture twice a day.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

my hairstylist called to tell me that my last touch up was in jan!!! i actually lost track of time...i am thrilled...

well actually at first i experienced some tangles and breakage, but thank God, i overcame that hurdle (with some help from the LHCF -- big ups!). I was able to perfect my regimen and technique and now i am enjoying seeing my natural texture with less breakage. I have also gotten compliments...

I either do the scrunch with aloe vera gel and Vitamin E ointment when i wear it out (JenMD: this is great for airdrying with some control). When I wear it up, I also have a curly afro phonypuff (
too cute; obviously couldn't do yaky straight!
) which really maximizes the look of my natural texture.

When i want a straight look, so far the dominican blowouts have not been too traumatic (with pre-oil treatments of course), but then, I don't do them too often. I find the flat iron makes it a little thin and lifeless (also don't like the burnt smell), and i like body, so the dominicans seem the move. So let's see how far i can go!....maybe through july...
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

the longest I've ever stretched my relaxer was nine weeks (That is, except when I used to wear braids; that would go on for months!). But I'm attempting to go the summer without another touchup. So far, I'm in my seventh week. I got some newgrowth, but I'm taimin' it pretty good. I'm gonna see how long I can go without one! Wish me luck!
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

But you know what, last time when I stretched my touch up to nine weeks, my hairdresser told me that my hair would turn into dreads if I didn't get a touchup sooner. I think that was just an effort to get me to come in sooner and spend more money! I haven't seen her since! heehee...
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Good luck roselyn! I'm lovin the relaxer stretch out! So much so much that I decided not to go for the relaxer that I was planning to get in July. I am starting to go through the much talked about breakage phase that some transitioners expirence. Other than that...I am finding it very easy to handle my hair. Without daily co washes and the tips here...I don't think that I would have been able to make it this long! Transitioning would have never even crossed my mind!
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

It is so worth it to stretch out the relaxers. Just seeing the new length alone is quite an inspiration.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

I love stretching out my relaxers. The longest I've ever gone is 4 months. I'd like to go for 5 or 6, but if I see any little breakage, I relax. Right now I'm at 9 weeks and my newgrowth's already behaving like 12 weeks. must be the heat. I'm gonna see how far I can go beyond 4 months this time. Coconut oil helps tremendously to manage the newgrowth.
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Well, I was going to relax again at 8 weeks, but I am going to go for 11 I think. I want to get a relaxer just before my birthday, so I can see the results of my hard work as a birthday present to me!
Re: Once you stretch you\'ll never go back

Armyqt said:
I love stretching out my relaxers. The longest I've ever gone is 4 months. I'd like to go for 5 or 6, but if I see any little breakage, I relax. Right now I'm at 9 weeks and my newgrowth's already behaving like 12 weeks. must be the heat. I'm gonna see how far I can go beyond 4 months this time. Coconut oil helps tremendously to manage the newgrowth.

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I'm a little worried about heat also with the newgrowth. I can imagine that the roots will cause me some problems as we get deeper into the summer. My next relaxer isn't scheduled until the end of August so I'll be sure to give my newgrowth extra attention.