2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit. Msg. Luke 18:1
God has a plan. I read once that even when I make mistakes, God has accounted for them in his divine plan. He knew every bump that I would hit. Yet none of them will change my destiny!!! What a relief! I can trust Him and I can trust His plan. He is so perfect! My mind cannot grasp his perfections nor His love for me.
Time is a precious thing. It's a limited commodity. I am so grateful that studying his word has never been a waste of time. It's time well spent. It is life!! It gives and keeps on giving. Romans 10:17 was the first scripture I ever memorized. It's that word. The more you saturate yourself in it, the more firm your foundation. The more you know Him through his word, the more you know Him. The more you know Him, the more you trust Him! I've got nothing to boast about, except that I know Him. Jeremiah 9:24
Cast your cares upon him, for He cares for you! He cares! He cares! You can trust in an individual when you know that they care about you. When you hurt, they hurt. When you are joyful, they are joyful. That is how God is with us. He cares about everything that concerns us. When we hurt, he hurts. When we rejoice, he rejoices too..with singing and dancing! Singing and dancing???...what manner of God is this!!?? The wounds of a friend can be trusted...they are food good and not to harm you. Do you trust Him? He is always careful to deal with us in truth. What a friend we have in Jesus...
Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the LORD that man gets justice. Proverbs 29:26. I don't have to be in the presence of those with influence or power, My God controls everything! Everything obeys Him. His plans prevail. What a privilege it is, to have a the King of Kings for a friend. Everything I need is in his presence.

He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend Proverbs 22:11
In prayer one day, I realized that Faith cometh by hearing the word of God. Not just faith for situations. But faith in God. His word causes us to believe in Him. To trust in Him. I just want to abide in trusting in you!

(Please excuse my twitter moment)
Lessons from the heart: Hindsight is always 20/20 vision...the things/people I'd taken for granted at times had turned out to be most important...be vigilant if you suddenly find yourself taking a person/thing for granted and don't know why. There is a blessing waiting for you when you consider or honor them and their place in your life.
July 4

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (New International Version)

Our liberty is the highest form of privilege. Since Christ has set us free, we can proclaim the permission to walk in whatever He commands. An inferior power to Christ can sometimes confine our body, but does that hinder the spirit? Confidence in God helps us walk in our liberty even if we're in bonds. Paul was the perfect example of continuing to fulfill his mission even while imprisoned. His message to the Galatians was clear and concise. In a real sense, the church is above the law! In the New Testament, we have been adopted by the one that satisfied the perfect requirements of the law. Since we're accepted in the one that God accepted, we don't have to adhere to those binding ordinances. The law only taught us that we cannot please God on our own. Our best efforts would only produce guilt: guilt produces burden: burden produces frustration. The law is an evangelist of bondage! Stand firm: Christ gave us freedom in order for us to remain free. Liberty is better than independence because we can give ourselves to the Highest and still remain free. We're never on our own.

Elder S R Henderson, Pastor
Newness of Life Ministries
Precious Sisters:

I'm sorry for the long absence. Our power has been out since my last post at 9:20 p.m. Friday night (June 29). I thought my last post was 8:29. It was a huge Thunder/Lightening Storm which took out the power from Virginia to parts of New Jersey. I'm in Maryland.

The east coast was hit really bad. Trees and power lines fell in so many places. Huge trees were downed and blocking many of the streets; some fell on homes.

My home phone service and the Internet were just restored last night. My cell phone was having problems staying connected, which didn't make any sense to me at all.


God is awesome, He really took care of our families. Our prayers are with those who are still without power, that all of their needs are met and they have comfort from the heat, food and shelter and most of all are kept safe.

Again, I apologize for the long absence.

Love to each of you...

Shimmie :love3:
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Shimmie welcome back! So glad you and your family are ok. I did notice you weren't around and thought maybe you were on vacation.

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Shimmie welcome back! So glad you and your family are ok. I did notice you weren't around and thought maybe you were on vacation.

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:kiss: Thanks Maria. We were on 'vacation' the week before. I should have stayed in Florida with all the rain from Tropical Storm 'Debby'. :lol:

God is awesome; neither of our homes in Florida or Maryland were damaged. We're praying and helping those we can who did have damage. A lot of homes had trees that fell onto their roofs, cars and property. I couldn't believe the extent of the damages when we were out Saturday going through our community. The reports were unbelievable. Trees have huge splits in them from the top and middle and it looked as if a giant jagged blade just sliced into them. Huge tree trunks and branches are literally everywhere. Many streets are still blocked from traffic and from walking; a lot of power wires were pulled down with the trees. :nono:

And to think that I slept through the worse of the storm. :spinning:

ETA: Here's the Grace of God: I live in the Woods... a very heavily wooded area and not one tree fell near my home. Not one. Leaves and small branches, yet not one tree. Tell me God isn't merciful. Praise Him. :pray:
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I'm tired Lord why do you keep putting things in my path that you know drain me? I'm feeling as though I could explode. My loads have exceeded my limits and I am trying to not pop off. I know I can't because of the image of the kingdom is at hand. I just want to sleep and be renewed. The physical is ill as well which pushes me a bit over. But none the less I will pray and thank you for allowing me to live. I will be renewed even if it's after death.
I'm sorta glad I'm learning I can't go based on feelings in regards to certain matters. Because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to grow in certain areas.
the gay community is annoying. I wish somebody would understand a few things concerning the gay community:

1. it is NOT natural!
2. I don't want to hear you publicly announce who you are sleeping with
3. I say what God says about.
gn1g said:
the gay community is annoying. I wish somebody would understand a few things concerning the gay community:

1. it is NOT natural!
2. I don't want to hear you publicly announce who you are sleeping with
3. I say what God says about.

I keep having to remind myself that God is still in control. I also stopped reading the Boston Globe online (liberal media) and bookmarked the Christian Post instead. We have to keep our eyes on God and pray for this nation.

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the gay community is annoying. I wish somebody would understand a few things concerning the gay community:

1. it is NOT natural!
2. I don't want to hear you publicly announce who you are sleeping with
3. I say what God says about.

Folks do understand...quite clearly. There are folks who just don't want to feel the conviction that it's wrong, unnatural, and not of God.

There is salvation and deliverence from that lifestyle and it's totally free; the price of it has been paid in full by the love of Jesus.
Lord, help me write this performance (goal) review by tomorrow.

Lord, help me write a convincing argument to convince my manager to change my title and give me extra money to match my responsibilities by tomorrow.

Lord, I'm so tired of my current "title". I pray the devil gets his hands OFF my career.

In Jesus name...Amen.
I may never be what I desire to be. My plan may never match what I will become. I wish however it would in order to not waste time.I know some believe all that one goes through is part of the process. It may be but I don't like it. I like to go from point A to point B smoothly. I don't like looking a fool. My goals have changed alot. I notice what I'm great at and how it won't just increase me but will increase others. One prays then one must be open to what is there. I may never be married,I may never kiss a man again,I may never know what it feels like to be loved by a human being but I will do what I'm called to do. Things are always developing but I will not be sad because my fairy tale life that I thought I deserved didn't play out. I may never understand the rhyme or reason of God. But will do what I am told to do. God isn't a genie and he isn't here to grant me wishes he created me and all of you for a purpose that is interconnected. For instance your purpose could be to be a mother. To some that seems so low. But what if the baby you birth is to be the next president your job is worth so much. Embrace your power that was God given and go forth.
God you have taken me so far!

A few very short years ago, I would have thought this information was the truth, but through You I was able to discern right away. Thank God for small steps and miracles.

One of the greatest things for me about being saved is praying out loud and having conversations with God out loud. I can't explain it, but there's nothing like speaking God's word out loud. It completely changes the atmosphere! It brings an inexplicable peace. Maybe I should put myself on a challenge - speak His word out loud when I find myself getting annoyed at ppl.