2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

When in the heck did all these new school gospel music start acting like God is a darn genie? I mean I may be not peppy sappy enough but there has been alot of songs on my gospel Pandora site I have given the major side eye bc I don't believe in some of this foolishness that is being spewed out like it's gospel. This is why some babes in Christ think things are rough or that it's ok to maintain the life they are living still smoking,drinking to drunk and sexing up the pastor and deacons by some of the music. I mean prayers go up blessings come down. Are the flipping serious.NO that isn't what the word says. All this stuff is making for a weak generation of believers. Give me some old Yolanda Adams,Karen Clark-Sherd or Clark sisters or some old choir songs..We are to be uplifted but not with foolishness..it will then disappoint folks when their little prayer for a new car doesn't pan...I'm done please don't stone me..

Cosign. I was just thinking about the bolded the other day.
Romans 14:13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
God, You kept me up last night. Why do I feel....it's just a queasy feeling I get and I hate it. I released something, but the enemy keeps bringing back up. I want it off of me. Why does it bother me now?
I pray for me and them. I am friendly (even during the enemy's attack and the carnal in me is SCREAMING to come out).
What is it exactly You are trying to weed out of me? Can You just give me a list?

Thank You for all you have done. Thank You in advance for the lessons I am to learn.
God does answer prayer. I asked and prayed for God to show me me and he has done just that. I know for me to move to the next phase of my life I must correct those flaws now.I don't want to be married or have a good job and still stumbling and foaming at the mouth with sin and flaws. It's not pretty what I have become. I see failure and a dyfunctional misfit but God isn't through with me yet so I will continue to pray and fast and keep hope that I will be able to dig deeper and become what I was made to be.
Father God, please watch over us. Preserve and protect. Heal and deliver. Regulate everything that needs regulating, and may I keep my mind stayed on You in this time.
I won't compromise. I won't compromise. I won't compromise. I won't compromise.

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
Positive thinking should always point to Him being superior and not that we are "one" with Him. Don't allow the eastern philosophy to crowd out the faith. We are dependant upon Him...we're not "one" with Him and any "g-d" within is HIM, not something of ourselves.
I'm battling in my mind if I should just accept this state. It doesn't look very promising and hopeful but then I start to think maybe I'm lacking faith. Well, what do you do when all the signs point to impossible? I guess, keep believing? Sometimes I'm not convinced...
I know you all this may come off so kindergarden or pre-k but dang the bible is so cool. I read my whole lunch break and didn't even notice the time. I guess time flys when you having fun. I was reading my normal Psalms thanks to a certain someone then I ventured and read various thing James really soooth me esp the verus in regards that love covers a mulitude of sins. Then went through Genesis in regards to chapter 12 and beyond. It was so dope to see how faithfull Abraham was and how he would give up his only son. Then I read Job towards the end..Jesus went in on Job at the end I was like dang Jesus did you have to go like that but it was needed. It checked me as well on certain things. We allow our bitterness to cloud our minds.But Job stayed pressing which is a reminder to all of us esp those that are in the middle of the 3 phases:about to go through going through and just got out of going through. Enrich lives ladies I can't stress that enough.
Lord, please be my strength as I go through this 30 day fruit fast. I intend to clean my mind and my body. I hope to get closer to you in the process and be at peace. I thank you lord for the experience and my success on this spiritual/internal fast!! AMEN!!!
My brother had a stroke sometime this weekend and he wasn't found till Monday morning when he didn't show up for work.

This is the third time he's had a serious health crisis, but this will be the one that he doesn't walk away from in a week or two. He can't move anything on the right side of his body. He can't speak. No one has mentioned any facial issues. I will see him on Friday.

I know God is with him and that just being alive for the THIRD time means he's already a miracle.

I'm just so sad for him.

He has always been fatalistic about his health. Just resigned to poor health rather than taking action to change his lifestyle. He would talk about dying young. And I would tell him... "You don't always get to die! You might be an invalid where someone has to take care of you and change your diapers!"

Well here we are... at least (hopefully) temporarily. I really can't believe I'm even talking about my brother and not some "other."
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LadyRaider I'm so sorry your going through this. I will pray for your brother tonight. I hate to hear this line of thinking as I have been there before

Tonight my soul feels so heavy. So much pain in this world and not one person can do enough to help the masses. We are suppose to love one another the bible says this in so many places but if you have ever been burnt then this is not easy. I have never felt so passionate maybe for once in my life I have taken hold of my spritual life and really pushed myself to go deeper and to tackle my issues face on. I want to inspire not of my own voliation but for God alone. I want to help the baby mama get her self to God,the inmate who has 25-life,the unemployed,the drug dealer,the ***,the person who is out in the world who thinks this has to be life. I want to help the me of 2009 who wanted to blow her brains out over the burn marks that were left of yesterday. When you are burnt so severe it leaves permanent damage your not the same. You heal,you become raw and have to use things to cope then you eventually may heal if infection doesn't sit in.

God thank you for your word I feel your presence right now as I type this is so dope to me.
Father God I know that you are not the author of confusion, doubt means don't. I'm praying and believing for guidance with this issue.
From sermon I'm listening to:

-You need to have a victorious attitude, if you're going to have a victorious life.

-What is your attitude? Are you hindering your growth with a nasty spirit?

-You can't help feeling pain, but you don't have to carry hurt
Anyone familiar with Andrew Womack Ministeries? I really like some of these articles he has. Here's a quote from one on blessings and miracles:

"It’s always better to avoid problems, which is the result of living in blessing, than it is to be delivered out of them, which requires a miracle."
Everyone may not understand this. Every time I watch the church I follow that I claim as my church I want to cry. I have never felt such a strong connection to a church in my life. All the other things I want to do such as career and school are tied to me moving to MD so I can go. I have never wanted to go to church as much as I do right now but I only want to go there. I'm figthing back tears now because I feel like God that is where I belong that is where I'm getting spritually feed why am I not there? My soul is always uplifted and encouraged. As the tears flow I think of this little bite my pastor posted:

How to know your purpose

You do it with ease
You do it with much enthusiasm
You do it with much energy--never enough time in the day to do it;time jut flys
You do it with much effectiveness.

For me as I sit and wonder if the degree I want would be for me I see all 4 things screaming at me. God I will wait on you and not move til you so go,but I'm ready to be at home.
You know how we sometimes ask a good friend for their advice, input, recommendation etc. about a situation/issue that we are dealing with? Well, here is what a friend sent to me:

Job 5:8. If I were you, I would go to God and present my case to him.

Best advice ever.
Jesus is so good for allowing me one more day to live and have the ability to praise him in prayer. To not be below others to not be low in spirit,to just accept what God has for me and how he sees me is not like I'm nothing. I know folks here can't relate bc you probable have always seen yourself as such the perfect child of God that is loved and wanted...this morning has been great I didn't want to be bothered with the things in life I just wanted to be in worship with God me alone. But alas we are made to be in reality but I will fight to keep my peace.
Miss this... actually it was a real question. lol .. just wanted to know how folks addressed someone like that. For instance, I saw where someone told a person with a Gift.. "May God enlarge your territory" and it seemed fitting... just was wondering... :grin:

rhetorical ?
God is God he isn't magical he doesn't do breakthrus..I can't do nothing that will make God do something other than what he will do. I can pray and that may not change the game in my favor or the way I want it to be. God is to be praised and exhorted. I know I may get side eye but I just can't keep looking at folks who say things that sound spritual but aren't. Increase increase isn't of God. God will give as he sees fit for his glory. We should do all we should then go forth.
God is God he isn't magical he doesn't do breakthrus..I can't do nothing that will make God do something other than what he will do. I can pray and that may not change the game in my favor or the way I want it to be. God is to be praised and exhorted. I know I may get side eye but I just can't keep looking at folks who say things that sound spritual but aren't. Increase increase isn't of God. God will give as he sees fit for his glory. We should do all we should then go forth.

You have not because you ask not. We don't ask to expend it on selfish and excessive desires...but yes He does meet needs, and bless beyond expectations for those who ask of Him. He hears when his children seek Him in prayer. He gives seed to the sower.

By the way, I like the prayer in Proverbs 30: 7-9. Ask and it shall be given!
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