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Praying for the Victory.
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
This may too basic for the OG's in this section but this may help some others.
This month is love month for me in my study time. I this is my first month in really taking a topic and studying it. But anywho this is my thoughts.
Love is patient or long suffering. Long suffering meaning we are able to endure. Endurance per Webster states "the ability to withstand hardships;the ability to sustain prolonged stressful effort or activity. So in essence we must be able to hold through the rough times.
Love is kind which means sympathetic or helpful nature. So we must show ourselves as someone who has a true concern for others needs.
I will place the full scripture at the bottom of this post.
Another area that really hit me was verse 7 which states that states we must endure again and be persistent. Persistence means to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition ,importantly or warning. So to me this means that we must go through no matter what the elements or hurdles.
Lastly without love we are nothing. I peeped this as saying God=love. So without God we can't be anything. He is the tree we are the branches. He is the potter we are the clay.So without God we are nothing. Again God=love=without love=nothing.
I hope this helps someone if not it will just reaffirm my study time. We must love ourselves as well as others. We can't love others and be raggedy. If we have love for ourselves we are able to love others. Love for ourselves doesn't mean being self-seeking. It does mean we take care of our spritual,mental and physical needs and enjoy life. Love goes freely. Like the son in the prodigal son our father is waiting for us. He is preparing a table for us. He loves us so dearly like in that same book of Luke if he losses one of us he will leave the 99 others to look for us.
Love is not rude or boastful. We all go through times where we don't want to do something and well it what it is. We have to dig deeper to push through. I'm trying to always trying to keep a check of what I say bc you never know how the next person may perceive something.
Ok I'm done ladies. Thank you for putting up with ladies. I am blessed due to ladies. And big hug to loolalooh I have hit 100 book of Psalms bc of you and sidney and you know why.
What do you typically tell someone who has a Gift and is using it for God's glory alone?