2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Lord, Help me stay focused on the prize, which is the high calling of God! 1 Corinthians 9:24 I want that crown more and more everyday!
Lord help me not do what I want to do right now. I don't do well in unknown. I know it's all my fault God if I were like this perfect person who doesn't complain or grumble I would still have a job and would be ok I wouldn't be in such scared panic as I am right now. If I didn't have a brain I would be ok bc then I wouldn't be so hard up for wanting to be respected and wanting to be in a position of power or anything..I just don't want to lose it all my mind my place my soul..
((((GoddessMaker)))) I just want you to know that I've been scared before, I've been there, and even if it's hard continue to trust in God, He will see you through, prayers sent up for you sis!
God help me. You have allowed some good people to come in my life and I thank you so much for adding them into my life. I pray that I'm able to stand strong in this stuff and be able to come out victoriously and be in a position to help my fellow sisters out there who are going through. Lord bless those you have put in my life right now. I am thankful for those noodles I just ate its the little things. Lord I thank you for my place right now and the things that come with it. I just glorify you Lord thank you in advance.
God help me. You have allowed some good people to come in my life and I thank you so much for adding them into my life. I pray that I'm able to stand strong in this stuff and be able to come out victoriously and be in a position to help my fellow sisters out there who are going through. Lord bless those you have put in my life right now. I am thankful for those noodles I just ate its the little things. Lord I thank you for my place right now and the things that come with it. I just glorify you Lord thank you in advance.

Praise Him in advance!!!!!
Last week I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine about chrisitianity. The more I read about the bible and christianity history it is unsettling.....I do believe in the power of prayer but I am starting to question some of the things that I have been taught to believe in and the stories behind it.......for instance, why is some of the books missing out of the bible when relevation tells us that God will bring the wrath on the one who takes or add from the good book??
Last week I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine about chrisitianity. The more I read about the bible and christianity history it is unsettling.....I do believe in the power of prayer but I am starting to question some of the things that I have been taught to believe in and the stories behind it.......for instance, why is some of the books missing out of the bible when relevation tells us that God will bring the wrath on the one who takes or add from the good book??


Be careful of what books you read. The enemy is hard at work and works through authors to paint a convincing picture that questions the basis of Christianity. The only truthful book I stand by is "The Case for Christ", which actually has the answer to your question of why certain books have been left out of the Bible. (There are probably a few other truthful books, but that is the only one I can stand by since I've read it.) It is fine to be inquisitive about the history of the Bible and Christianity, but also be inquisitive of the books and authors who claim to answer such questions. :)
I don't know which one is more difficult ... times of waiting or times of suffering. Actually, I think I'll take a time of waiting over suffering any day.

Be careful of what books you read. The enemy is hard at work and works through authors to paint a convincing picture that questions the basis of Christianity. The only truthful book I stand by is "The Case for Christ", which actually has the answer to your question of why certain books have been left out of the Bible. (There are probably a few other truthful books, but that is the only one I can stand by since I've read it.) It is fine to be inquisitive about the history of the Bible and Christianity, but also be inquisitive of the books and authors who claim to answer such questions. :)

@loolalooh, I may have to read this book.
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You know I've had "The Case for Christ" on my bookshelf for years and haven't read it. I will try to read it this year.
I got so discouraged today to the point of tears and it really made no sense to me. I think that was part of my frustration with myself. I am in need of a reliable car which I have prayed for and I know that God has already answered this prayer.

God has blessed me with a new job, doubled my salary and I have cash on hand to buy a little something, something. I thank God for it but yesterday and today, my faith was challenged. Yesterday, on the way home I stopped by DQ to buy a salad. I parked my car and go inside to place my order. I come back out to find my car (which I am so desperate to get rid of) gone. I walk around the entire parking lot and see that some how it had been moved to a lawn of the restaurant next door. I don't know if it was a prank or someone attempting to steal it. But I got in it, it cranked up and I drove home. I have been so stressed out about the car because it really starting to malfunction that it didn't dawn on me to check the car out until later on that evening.

Today, I went to three car dealerships looking for a used car and was so disappointed out not finding anything I like.

I know that this too shall pass and things are not really that bad, I have a way to get to work even though I don't like the long commute. I have income now and God's favor at work. I feel frustrated with myself because I don't think I am trusting God as deeply as I could in this situation. I think I have been looking more at what I don't have than what I do have.

My heart is full of worry about the car breaking down before I can rid of it than faith that God will see me through. But I am going to change my focus cause God has done more for me and there is no logical reason for him to stop now. I have to get my emotions in check and rise above my fears. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

In less than 24 hours, God ordered my steps and I now have perfectly fine SUV as of yesterday. I thank God that he is faithful even when I am wavering in doubt, wanting to hold on to him.
I feel eriely calm right now. I got on my face prayed and then went to bed earlier but now I'm awake. Guess I will read some scriptures and hope to go back to bed.For some reason I feel ok right now. I know part is I have a plan to handle things and things I know for me don't work out like clock work. It just hasn't. It doesn't make me sad anymore though. In waiting I'm suppose to learn things and grow. I need to embrace certain emotions,own why certain things occurred,and be ok being who I am today and not be sad I'm not like someone else who I want to be.Praise God for breathe in my lungs at this second.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
(John 14:27 ESV)
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Be careful of what books you read. The enemy is hard at work and works through authors to paint a convincing picture that questions the basis of Christianity. The only truthful book I stand by is "The Case for Christ", which actually has the answer to your question of why certain books have been left out of the Bible. (There are probably a few other truthful books, but that is the only one I can stand by since I've read it.) It is fine to be inquisitive about the history of the Bible and Christianity, but also be inquisitive of the books and authors who claim to answer such questions. :)

This is an EXCELLANT book! The whole series is good. Im reading the Case for Faith now.

The author is a former athiest who was an investigative journalist (and I think a lawyer?). He started out his quest trying to disprove the Bible through his academic and professional lense. It lead him to the faith and now he is a believer and has published several apologetic books that assist believers and unbelievers.
This is an EXCELLANT book! The whole series is good. Im reading the Case for Faith now.

The author is a former athiest who was an investigative journalist (and I think a lawyer?). He started out his quest trying to disprove the Bible through his academic and professional lense. It lead him to the faith and now he is a believer and has published several apologetic books that assist believers and unbelievers.

Let me know how you like "Case for Faith". I haven't got it yet. I like how he asks the sort of questions I have asked or would ask. The whole time I was reading "Case for Christ", I was nodding. :lol:

The author's conversion from atheism to believing is a testimony in itself.
God isn't some genie who is there to grant our wishes however God isn't some over bearing brute either. God was and is the realest person who walked the earth that why they call him the truth and the light..After going through a rough few days of pain and being very hard on myself all I can do is pray and actually for once leave it on the floor. I can't keep going in the cycle of retarded-ness. However I know that it's because dysfunction and worry have been a way of life for me it's been my normal. It will be a struggle to be ok with nothing going on. I can't operate like that even though its scary not to.
I love y'all, I truly do, but if you don't open up the "thank you" card and read it, then how is anybody at the congregation going to know I said, "thank you?" Oy vey. I truly love you all...but Texas might be too close. Paris is looking good right now...REAL GOOD. Jesus, give me strength!
Tears on my pillow tonight.....God you know my heart. I am not a mean or evil person. I don't seek to hurt others even when I have been wronged........why isn't there ONE person in my life who treats me with love and respect. Never felt so alone as I do right now.
Lord, El Shaddai! We beseech you to comfort our sisters here today! Can a mother forget a baby at her breasts and have no compassion on the child she has Borne? Though she may forget, HE will never forget you. You are engraved on the palms of his hands Isa 49:14.
Ladies, have the kind of Faith that believes God will come through and doesnt turn back from this belief! It crosses the line of no return. Real Faith does not depend on whether he will come through! Its a state of trusting God no matter the outcome! Make a decision to cross the line of no return, like Queen Esther and believe. And if I perish, I perish! This pleases God. This journey is not always easy but God does not forsake his own. The just shall live by Faith. I am decided! He will come through! Everything you need is in his presence! Cry out to El Shaddai. Will he not hear and come readily? We have Jehovah Nissi on our team, so believe!
Lord, El Shaddai! We beseech you to comfort our sisters here today! Can a mother forget a baby at her breasts and have no compassion on the child she has Borne? Though she may forget, HE will never forget you. You are engraved on the palms of his hands Isa 49:14.
sidney Needed this today. Thanks