2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Nothing is wrong--you were blocked for two years and some months.. If you weren't blocked, then your name would register as GoddessMaker to left-side of the blog. When, the site switched over as soon as your name popped up, because the controls weren't on. I reminded them to block you. You haven't been hounded...I don't know what's going on with you...To keep the peace, I blocked you and were have never interacted...Computer stuff are set so, you can't lie about it hun. You aren't on my mind....Have a nice day!

Prayer is the only thing that can change someone with a multiple personality disorder. Please pray tonite for women over 50 with that ailment.
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and I mean EXACTLY THAT..
this is a safe place to post RANDOM THOUGHTS.. not to attack each other as if it was a spiritually cannabalistic feast.. THIS IS NOT OF YAH.. THIS IS NOT HIS RUACH FLOWING HERE... what THE HELL IS GOING ON? somebody operating in HELL needs to bounce/leave....
Sometimes we think because something is in the will of God we won't have trouble
that things will go smoothly and perfectly
But the will of God brought Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days to face the devil
Because of God's will Jesus had to face humiliation pain and crucifixtion to redeem us

Doing God's will doesn't mean it's going to be easy and smooth sailing
and facing difficulty because of a decision doesn't necessarily mean it's not God's will
just know that ALL things work together for good to them who love the Lord and are called according to HIS (not our) purpose
December 13

Joshua 5:14
"Neither one," he replied. "I am the commander of the LORD's army." At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. "I am at your command," Joshua said. "What do you want your servant to do?" (New Living Translation)

This is the Captain's answer to Joshua when he asked: "are you for us or for our adversaries?" Here's what I want to ask all of you: If the Lord showed up for your next battle, would you even recognize Him? He doesn't usually show up in expected ways. Then, once He gives you a clue about His intentions, you need to know how to respond. Joshua wasn't concerned about the battle when he realized he was in the presence of Omnipotence. The only fitting reply is to find out what He wants from you, or what He wants you to do. God was about to reveal the most unusual battle strategy to take down a highly fortified city. The warfare we wage now is also against forces much more formidable than us. Listen for specific instructions about His plan to give you victory. It was interesting how this Captain didn't take sides. Apparently His appearance was for the purpose of letting Joshua know that He is in charge. I can appreciate Joshua's reverence, because he could have let this Captain know that he was chosen by God to bring the victory. Even the chosen of God need God's help.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
So blessed...and extremely blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined!

The Lord is so good to me...I am humbled :notworthy
December 13

Joshua 5:14
"Neither one," he replied. "I am the commander of the LORD's army." At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. "I am at your command," Joshua said. "What do you want your servant to do?" (New Living Translation)

This is the Captain's answer to Joshua when he asked: "are you for us or for our adversaries?" Here's what I want to ask all of you: If the Lord showed up for your next battle, would you even recognize Him? He doesn't usually show up in expected ways. Then, once He gives you a clue about His intentions, you need to know how to respond. Joshua wasn't concerned about the battle when he realized he was in the presence of Omnipotence. The only fitting reply is to find out what He wants from you, or what He wants you to do. God was about to reveal the most unusual battle strategy to take down a highly fortified city. The warfare we wage now is also against forces much more formidable than us. Listen for specific instructions about His plan to give you victory. It was interesting how this Captain didn't take sides. Apparently His appearance was for the purpose of letting Joshua know that He is in charge. I can appreciate Joshua's reverence, because he could have let this Captain know that he was chosen by God to bring the victory. Even the chosen of God need God's help.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church


Thank you for always sharing this pastor's blog posts. They always blessed me.

@ the bolded....I love this because it charges us to 'Listen' so that we can get the plan that will lead us to victory!
He is the Rock, His work is perfect;for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and without injustice;righteous and upright is He.

Thank you for another day of life!
Been singing this song since yesterday... :love2:


My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
Sometimes we think because something is in the will of God we won't have trouble
that things will go smoothly and perfectly
But the will of God brought Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days to face the devil
Because of God's will Jesus had to face humiliation pain and crucifixtion to redeem us

Doing God's will doesn't mean it's going to be easy and smooth sailing
and facing difficulty because of a decision doesn't necessarily mean it's not God's will
just know that ALL things work together for good to them who love the Lord and are called according to HIS (not our) purpose

So true, I know at one time I thought my life should be a breeze cause I'm a Christian. It finally dawned on me that if Jesus suffered why do I feel like I'm exempt.
So true, I know at one time I thought my life should be a breeze cause I'm a Christian. It finally dawned on me that if Jesus suffered why do I feel like I'm exempt.

Nope, we should actually EMBRACE our cross. Very hard concept for us to accept, though. :ohwell:

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5
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I want to share something about you that has always taught me about love and forgiveness.

When my Mom was ill, it was a hard, draining and tearful time for me and my family. There was so much going on that I had a headache every single day and it began to 'show' in many of my posts. There were several posts where things that I said were offensive and I snapped at you several times. I misjudged you and I didn't even care. That's how tired and frustrated I was from having to deal with my family (i.e. it was one of my sisters in real life).

Laela, when my Mom passed away, Nice & Wavy and pebbles were right there with me (via phone) as I was enroute to the hospital where they were trying to revive my mom and as I sat in the family waiting room when they pronounced my mom's passing. They supported me throughout the entire process. I was 'good' with them from the jump so it was easy for me to be 'nice' to them.

Yet YOU, the one that I was unkind to, you cared so much that you put aside all that I had done, and you never missed a moment of Ministering to me in that time of grieving. You sent me messages, you emailed me at home, you sent prayers, ecards, and messages of encouragement and never once did you remind me of how badly I had behaved towards you.

When I was away from this forum for serveral months, during that time, you continued to communicate the Love of Jesus, the Love of a Sister, the Love of a Dear and Trusted Friend.

You are the Art and the Beauty of Forgiveness. A true lesson that I learned from the heart of Jesus Christ through you. I can't imagine how much love it would have taken to forgive my rudeness and coldness, yet you gave it and to this very moment of this very day, you never once brought it up. You never held a grudge. And today, you are still this person that I will always, love and admire and trust with all of my heart.

Even your Hubby thinks I'm an angel... :look: All because of you. And he's always laughing at my posts. You have him thnking I'm innocent.. :blush:

Thank you, Laela Rose for the beautiful lesson of forgiveness which has never failed. You truly are a woman who loves the Lord and shows it to all.

Love always,

Your sister

Shimmie... :love3:
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Evil wretched people...even their hell-bound descent doesn't soothe the heart. The only thing that does is knowing Jesus' sacrifice can admit all into heaven. Individual choice. May He hold all our hearts in peace. This is a hard thing to chew on. G-d rest all those poor souls.
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27 dead at school shooting at grade school in CT.
18 of them are children
Please pray for our country and our children
please cover your children before they leave the house
This is extremely upsetting:nono:
Evil wretched people...even their hell-bound descent doesn't soothe the heart. The only thing that does is knowing Jesus' sacrifice can admit all into heaven. Individual choice. May He hold all our hearts in peace. This is a hard thing to chew on. G-d rest all those poor souls.

27 dead at school shooting at grade school in CT.
18 of them are children
Please pray for our country and our children
please cover your children before they leave the house
This is extremely upsetting:nono:

I know, I'm sitting here at my desk, just stunned and shaking inside. I feel so sad for these families and those innocent precious babies who were killed for no reason. I just hurt for them...
Shimmie what a beautiful and honest post. This is why I love you so much, Shimmie. :kiss:

Thank you Precious Pebs...

I remember when folks had to 'warn' you about who I was.. a piece of work for sure.

I love all of my sisters here on this forum; especially when times are a challenge.

me too, these are the endearing qualities that drew me to her Shimmie...you have all been such a blessing and somehow I feel like Laela and I are sisters as we have so much in common...

You are such a strong and beautiful pillar of support. Here's the thing: "Health Hair", you never give up. You continue in love, praise and worship and honour unto God. You always have a praise for you sisters and brothers in Christ and those not in Christ. And your love for God just blooms over everyone.

I'll never forget how you refuse to give up on one of our members. You stayed in fasting and prayer until there was a breakthrough. That's how much you cared. You embrace people into your heart and nurture them unto the Father in prayer all in the love of Jesus. :love3:

I've learned so much about love and forgiveness from so many of you here. It is beyond amazing... beyond. Totally beyond.