2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

December 11

I Corinthians 4:13
When slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things.(English Standard Version)

What was your response the last time you found out about someone slandering you? Did you retaliate? Maybe you demonstrated a very "spiritual" response by ignoring it. Chances are slim that you tracked down the source of the slander and entreated them in the things of God. If you know someone that considers you the scum of the earth, a normal reaction would be trying to discover why they don't like you. You're not such a bad person, so why would anyone say such mean things about you without cause? Hellooooo? Don't forget: Your life is NOT about you! One person's trash is another Person's treasure. Paul didn't mind being garbage to the world while being grand to God. Consider this: nobody remembers who those people were that considered Paul, and other followers of Christ, worthless individuals. And yet, Paul will be remembered as long as the Bible is available. So don't be so concerned when men consider you pointless, as long as God considers you priceless.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church

I so needed this message today. Thank you.
Habitual liars will always tell on themselves because of the lies they tell to stay focused on lying. My suggestion, just tell the truth.
Ah, Belle, if that came off as accusatory to you, I apologize; That was what was on my heart to say at the time and that's what I meant to say.
I ...ME... LAELA...won't pretend to be a scholar, because I'm not. :lol: I chose at that time to speak what was on my heart. Regardless of what we know and who we are, Jesus is the denominator and that was my focus. If I appear overzealous to anyone, that is not my burden to bear. No offense to you, the Scripture you use is appropriate. I appreciate your response, and take it to heart. :yep:

No I know that it wasn't directed to me so I didn't take it personally, and i don't consider myself a scholar. However I do have a burning desire to know more and i appreciate the scholarly posts that others share, even though they are accused of being know it alls, etc. None of us knows everything and could learn to appreciate a different perspective. I guesd it depends on whose mouth it comes out of. :ohwell:
Honestly, how is copying/pasting and alerting folks of articles of interest pretending to be a scholar? How is it 'know-it-all-ism'? Could it be falsely accusing someone of something simply because you dislike that person? It's not like they don't know you could care less for them. How you hash that out with Jesus though, that's on you.
God is so gooooddd!

My strength has been renewed and my joy restored! :grin: Not my will Lord, but yours! I was so broken, but God I cried and the Lord heared my cry and delievered me with a mighty strong hand!
:dance7: :band2::reddancer::reddancer:

Through my pain and suffering is how I know Him to be a comforter..

I just gotta praise Him....:look:

Today was supposed to be my wedding day. :( I'm kinda numb. I know God has greater for me and His ways are so much higher and that He, not that man, is the lover of my soul... But today is still numb.

:sad: Sorry for your disappointment. A verse that spoke to me today: “For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease. Though its root grow old in the earth, and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put out branches like a young plant." Job 14:7-9

The Lord is the Lord of new beginnings. In Him, there is always the hope of new life.
Honestly, how is copying/pasting and alerting folks of articles of interest pretending to be a scholar? How is it 'know-it-all-ism'? Could it be falsely accusing someone of something simply because you dislike that person? It's not like they don't know you could care less for them. How you hash that out with Jesus though, that's on you.

It isn't. Like I said, you can get the same message posted by two different people but the same message will be received differently. It says more about the person receiving the message and his/her ingrained prejudices. There is clearly an "us" and "them" mentality within the body of Christ (that goes even beyond this board). So many feel comfortable--even justified--in judging another person's salvation based on a denomination. The division within the body will continue to be propagated by Christians, sadly. However, like our Lord said, many of us who think we're "good" or we know "enough" will be standing right in line among the goats :look: :perplexed

"...first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matt 7:5
I absolutely agree... I don't know why you two are bent on my making a comment about me not considering myself a scholar calling anyone a know it all.. :lol: Are you guys seriously evolving a "debate" about my thought?

At the bolded, I agree...please try not to casually don't overlook when others are accused of being liars, deceivers, ignorant, holier-than-thou's, fake, overzealous, part of a sect, etc... we tend to call each other everything but a Child of God. lol That is truth and thanks for pointing that out.

This goes beyond personal prejudices IMHO. It's a bigger picture than that.

It isn't. Like I said, you can get the same message posted by two different people but the same message will be received differently. It says more about the person receiving the message and his/her ingrained prejudices. There is clearly an "us" and "them" mentality within the body of Christ (that goes even beyond this board). So many feel comfortable--even justified--in judging another person's salvation based on a denomination. The division within the body will continue to be propagated by Christians, sadly. However, like our Lord said, many of us who think we're "good" or we know "enough" will be standing right in line among the goats :look: :perplexed

"...first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matt 7:5
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^^:yep:So reminds me of some communication from the orthodox I read not too long ago. They said, "you catholics don't have the H-ly Spirit in your church." I laughed, though. We are just more similar than different...all of us. :yep:

Well, to those here who know they see me as a "know-it-all," well, I don't know what to say to them other than "be blessed." I mean, I've never known it all so to have had that cross my mind is impossible lol. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but it so reminds me of grade school where there were some kids who didn't like anybody different. They'd start with that...."she thank she cute" business. Oh L-rdie. No, that's not it at all. What I have tried to promote here is transparency and openness and celebration of differences with responsibility. We can disagree but there's a way to do it and there's a way not to do it at all. I don't need to give further examples. :look:

Eh, I overall enjoy this forum and wish no ill on anyone here. I realize that there are some who will not ever reciprocate. Thank G-d that HE possesses the keys of heaven. We humans are not worthy.


I wasn't responding to anything you have written here.
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If someone is a compulsive liar, then they are. It is not name calling or misunderstanding which was the common lie told when caught. Devotionals reach home or the spot when we resemble the one we call God. Capital God, not lowercase god. Let me get back to being productive.

Yerushalayim shal zahav! Oh, Yerushalem of gold, how I long for thee!!!!
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Everyone will have different beliefs, but what brings us together is salvation and through His blood we have been made the righteousness of God. Thus, through His blood, we qualify. We won't to live in mess forever and ever. Everyone smells it bit you dont want to deal with it. Grace makes you experience a heart conversion that everyone can see. Mess don't smell good or feel good. Neither mud.

Productive is what I need to be.....
I absolutely agree... I don't know why you two are bent on my making a comment about me not considering myself a scholar calling anyone a know it all.. :lol: Are you guys seriously evolving a "debate" about my thought?

At the bolded, I agree...please try not to casually don't overlook when others are accused of being liars, deceivers, ignorant, holier-than-thou's, fake, overzealous, part of a sect, etc... we tend to call each other everything but a Child of God. lol That is truth and thanks for pointing that out.

This goes beyond personal prejudices IMHO. It's a bigger picture than that.

Laela, my first post quoting you was in response to what you said, but the other posts were not directed at you. I am not throwing words at you. :yep:
@Nice Lady,

I'd be happy to post the only PM that I ever sent to you -- back in May -- so everyone who hasn't read it can read it themselves to come to their own conclusion.

You're not "exposing" me at all....what are you exposing? I am a Child of God. There is nothing you or anyone can say or do to change who I am in Christ. I made a mistake by wondering why you've been hostile toward me, addressing it in a PM, and not affording you the opportunity to respond. I confided in two sisters in this forum about that. If my approach was unsavory in your eyes, I sincerely apologize. I'm not trying to be your personal friend and had told you that. Is that the "consequences" you're talking about?

Your words and actions are not Godly behavior, either, and a bit startling, IMHO. Don't want me to read your blogs? Fine, I won't. I fail to see how this all puts you in a better light, hounding me for months in the CF.

Whatever anger and bitterness in your heart toward me is not my burden to bear. I won't accept it. My mistake was trying to own it, when I PMd you months ago. I was angry at first, which is why I PMd you in the first place; bu I had prayed about it and had since left it alone; I have no aught in my heart concerning you or anyone in this forum. If you don't believe that, I hope you can take this to the Lord in prayer for the answer. We are bigger than that.

Uppercase G... El-Elyon is the God I serve. It's unfortunate you felt the need to go there :nono: but I forgive you for saying that as well. You're right, mess doesn't smell good.

The floor is yours....

If someone is a compulsive liar, then they are. It is not name calling or misunderstanding which was the common lie told when caught. Devotionals reach home or the spot when we resemble the one we call God. Capital God, not lowercase god. Let me get back to being productive.
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^^^ In regards to the above, this is random thoughts. Next, you are BLOCKED, so if you PMed, I never received it. So, I don't know what you could have sent to me and neither do I want to entertain it. This is not the forum. I do believe in being a lady, first and foremost. I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon. This is called "random thoughts?"

I am glad you have no one in your heart. A pure heart produces good fruit. So, you keep growing and progressing.:grin:
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I agree, a pure heart produces Good Fruit. Keep growing and progressing as well... and enjoy your afternoon. My PM is in LaLa land... OK :lol:

^^^ In regards to the above, this is random thoughts. Next, you are BLOCKED, so if you PMed, I never received it. So, I don't know what you could have sent to me and neither do I want to entertain it. This is not the forum. I do believe in being a lady, first and foremost. I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon. This is called "random thoughts?"

I am glad you have no one in your heart. A pure heart produces good fruit. So, you keep growing and progressing.:grin:
^^^You will never get a pm from me dear. You have been blocked for 2 years AMD some months. You have been fully aware of it. This is random thoughts: Don't grow weary in well doing.
That's fine, not looking for your PM.

At the bolded, that is a lie. Please don't lie on me. :nono: How can you say that and you've never interacted with me personally? I just found out today you didn't even get my PM... :lol: I thought you did... Which really make this all funny now! LOL

Aren't you supposed to be somewhere being productive, as you said? This is not productive, and I'm sorry I'm getting caught up in petty stuff. I just like to settle things in my spirit. It's the right thing to do.

I won't ever get weary in well doing. It's all good.

This is Random Thoughts. Something is unsettling about all this exchange with you. Your comments are clearly not Random. But I will let it rest and leave you to your ministry on the forum. God is not the author of confusion. Blessed are the peacemakers.

^^^You will never get a pm from me dear. You have been blocked for 2 years AMD some months. You have been fully aware of it. This is random thoughts: Don't grow weary in well doing.
Yup, I here with visible people hun getting stuff done. Couldn't make it up and working on deadlines. Not a criminal operation:grin:..Bless the Lord, O, y soul and all that is within bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul...Life causes is to see light of His Word. Don't grow wreary, ladies in well doing. Keep the faith!
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Lady, I go in a deep place in my spirit when I say this: I really hope all you're doing is for the honor and Glory of God.

It doesn't matter who you know or what you think you know, none of us here can hide from Almighty God.

I have nothing to hide, so stop trying so hard to try to punk me. This is bigger than you.

Yup, I here with visible people hun getting stuff done...Bless the Lord, O, y soul and all that is withinr bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, Ohy soul...Life causes is to see light of His Word. Don't grow wtearu, ladies in well doing. Keep the faith.
I don't know what I'm reading but let's keep the peace here. The world attacks us on here enough. If we have no love we have nothing. No doctrine or religious ramble matters if we don't have love.
Wanted to share this. It struck a chord with me.

True confidence never comes from how we feel or what we can or can't do - it comes from having a revelation of who we are in Christ. When we really know how much God loves us and receive His healing from past hurts, then we will no longer feel the need to base our confidence on things of the flesh.
Jesus wants to restore true confidence in your life by healing you from things in your past that have damaged the way you feel about yourself. As you look at what is right with God instead of what is wrong with you, you will begin to walk in the confidence that comes from being in Him.

2 Cor. 5:21 - For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

- Joyce Meyer