2011 “Relationship” Resolutions

1. Be a great and supportive friend, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, sister
2. Quit beating myself up for past failures/mistakes/flaws. Nuture my relationship w/myself and believe in myself
3. Don't fall into the trap of linking up w/dudes just to past time or fill some void (i've done this several times in the past, using the next dude to fill the pain/resentment/hurt whatever that was left behind from the previous dude). Just step back, be alone for a while, and work on being happy with myself and with my life and really discovering who I am and what I want.
4. Get out more and make a serious effort to meet people, friends, acquaintances, business connections,etc. Don't be afraid to go places alone.
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This is an interesting thought. I'm still trying to figure out if it's appropriate to make relationship goals. I've never made them until about 2 months ago.

Ok, making a resolution that involves an "other" like I'm getting engaged by April most likely will not work, if you just started dating someone in March.

But, you could make "relationship" resolutions that you control based solely on your behavior, thoughts, and moods.
My relationship goals for 2011 are:

1. I plan to “host” friends and/or family at my place once per month. I did this during the summer (had a cookout, movie night, and a happy hour) and I loved entertaining, having people over (got to try out new recipes and use the dishes I’ve been collecting) plus I got more INVITES in return.

2. Write down friends and family's birthday and send a card in advance. I’m really bad about remembering, and my friends are really creative about sending something special and heartfelt.

3. I realize that I really enjoy being in the company (around that alpha energy) of males – so co-ed environments as much as possible. Not just in a dating situation, but just around men - if that makes sense.
So my Resolution is to go on atleast 10 dates this year.
2. Expose myself to more places and people.

Start going out more so I can be found

i vow not to buy into the majority of black women are single, there are no good black men out there,if you want a man you have to follow this or that formula and look like so and so and talk like so and so and walk like so and so.

I'm just going to think positive and work on being a better me. If you build it (meaning you) they will come.

One of my resolutions for 2011 includes:

This may sound silly – but learn (and practice) how to flirt. Nothing outrageous, but I tend to claim up and get nervous when a guy express interest.

My 2011 Relationship Resolutions are:

-Get out more and not stay shut up in the house all weekend.
-Try to meet new people and make new friendships'.
-Actually start dating again.
-Get over my fear of going out by myself.

My goals are to:

Go out more. I have another single gf that would like to go out, so that's good to know. I only have like 2 gf's that I have that I can go out with, so that makes things a little difficult. But that shall not deter me. Truthfully speaking tho, I suspect that I will prob meet someone when I least expect it, when I am alone.

My other goal, is to not fill in my gf on every little detail of who i'm interested in, etc etc. They don't need to know everything. I suppose this is more of a peronal goal, but I vow to stop trying to 'gain approval' from my friend.

My relationship goals for 2011:

-be good to myself. Take care of myself, court myself, woo myself, etc.
-ALWAYS trust my instincts without question. I don't need to justify or rationalize
-nurture my relationships with male friends (platonic friendships)
-continue to support my friends' dreams and goals
-embody the traits and characteristics I want to attract in a spouse

1. To have a better relationship with myself
2. Do not lower my standards
3. Meet new people
4. Socialize more

My 2011 resolutions are to continue to go out alone, meet new people through new activities (funds probably won't be a limitation like they were in 2010) and do NOT under ANY circumstances tolerate sh!t from anyone because like my supervisor told me, my voice matters and has value!

1. Be a great and supportive friend, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, sister
2. Quit beating myself up for past failures/mistakes/flaws. Nuture my relationship w/myself and believe in myself
3. Don't fall into the trap of linking up w/dudes just to past time or fill some void (i've done this several times in the past, using the next dude to fill the pain/resentment/hurt whatever that was left behind from the previous dude). Just step back, be alone for a while, and work on being happy with myself and with my life and really discovering who I am and what I want.
4. Get out more and make a serious effort to meet people, friends, acquaintances, business connections,etc. Don't be afraid to go places alone.

Pretty much all of the above :yep: Also, to not get down on myself . . . there will always be someone out there prettier, younger, thinner, richer, etc. But that doesn't mean that there isn't someone who is right and just waiting for me :grin:
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1. To continue the amazing growth that I've experienced internally which has resulted in an exponential improvement in my self love.

2. To continue to nurture my familial relationships.

3. To continue to nurture my friendships.

4. To continue to make new friendships!

5. To give my budding, beautiful relationship with a man who seems (in my heart and mind) to be a truly wonderful person all that I've got, as long as he's willing and able to do the same.
my resolution for 2011 is to... not make a relationship resolution, goal or plan.
I made for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
soooo. it will happen when it happens... whenever that may be.

These are my exact thoughts at this point its not giving up but whatever...I will continue to live my life as normal as possible.
Focus on myself. Not actively work towards or think about dating. As far as my thoughts around my ex, I'm going to stop wanting, and just let. A huge part of why we are not together right now is because the long distance thing can't work if there is not a concrete end in sight. (the other being that i don't want a relationship right now). I need to stop worrying about where or what job he will find after graduating, and its proximity to me. If we end up together, that's great. But if we don't, that's okay as well. Worrying about the how/when hasn't done me any good up to this point, so why continue?
To be:
more attentive to daily needs,
more romantically creative (if I get into a relationship again),
to learn to follow my intuition,
to learn to manage self-disclosure (the extent to depend on the situation and the level of the relationship)
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^^ I never made mine. But my goal is to give and invest the same amount into a relationship as I am receiving.

I will also continue to pray and seek to be in God's will re: my life and my relationships.