2011 Hide Your Hair Challenge Part 3 (July 1st - Dec. 31st)

Checking in!!

Used a pass?? Is that what its called...cause I surely straightened my hair and will be wearing it down until Thurs or Fri...I have these two events to attend and the bun just wasn't happening. After Thurs or Fri..I will throw it in a panytail...cause I'll be back in the gym.

I straightened myself using IC heat protectant and shea butter :look:. It didn't come out how it did when my stylist straightened (hecka straight)...but my attempt didn't touch my pockets. More importantly, I know that in a pinch, I CAN straighten and it wont look crazy (yay me!!!)---I can save the sylist for those "SPECIAL" times.

@Ms_CoCo37 love those buns! Ok, I usually do mine every other day too. Are you taking them down at night or do you sleep with your buns?
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divachyk OMG thanks for mentioning your blog! You have TONS of great info there. :yep: I realize I need to start thinking outside of the box with my buns. I've been trying different things. I really like how you show pics how you achieved your styles.
@divachyk, hey girlie! How ya been? I have to say I'm loving your progress! Your hair looks gorgeous and healthy! Must be all of those fabulicious buns!:grin:

Ms_CoCo37 - I've been good and you? Thank you for the compliments. :giggle: How are things going for you? I've been doing my thang, ya know, bunning nonstop. You know how I do. :lol: Your hair is looking mighty good also.
2 more weeks until I take these braids out....will have done 8 weeks with this install. Plan to take a 2 week break, then back to the braids again. I've gotten my routine for caring for them down pat...so I'm very happy about that.
@divachyk, after a couple of major setbacks due to stress, I'm happy to say I'm finally back on track with taking care of my hair. I'm hoping to be back at MBL by December. In the meantime, I'm so happy to see all of the progress you've made with your bunning efforts. I miss seeing your posts in this thread.:grin:

pinkchocolatedaisy, I wish I could sleep in them, but I'm a bad sleeper (<---flops like a fish), so my buns wouldn't be able to survive. Right now I'm wearing twists, but I've figured out a cute way to wear them in a bun. When I redo them, I'll take pix and post them.:yep:
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Pics of my bun today:



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Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to give an update!!!

Well I relaxed more like texlaxed last week Thursday after a 9 weeks stretch. Prior to that I wore self installed single plaits. That was another disaster taking down and I had shedding/breakage like crazy. I suppose that was due to not washing weekly. yayy I know bad thing to do, but I was trying to preserve the braids and suffered the consequences in the end.

Well I'm really going to try to go on with my journey without the use of weaves and extension braids. I'm currently wearing a bun until my ng becomes too much to handle. Then I'll plait my own hair in large braids under 1/2 wigs.

Overall I'm happy with my touch-up but I want that WOWWWW feeling after a touch-up. The only time I've gotten that was when I stretched for more than 4 months. Soooo I'm going to try my best to stretch this time until Feb 2012 - 20 weeks. So I'm extending my self HYH until Feb 2012.

I have to get some cute wigs to wear during the xmas season so I’ll be doing some research and reading over long stretching forums.

Best of wishes to all and have a blessed weekend.
ojemba, sorry about the braid set back. I've suffered a few setbacks myself. Looking at your siggy, your hair looks beautiful, thick and full. Keep it up, and you will definitely feel that "WOW" factor after your next touch up.:yep:
Got some big twists in. Wearing them in a bun. Goal is to keep them in for two weeks, then a twist out.

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I got cornrows today and plan on keeping these suckas in for 3 months! The stylist put so much work into tugging and pulling, that it needs that much time to recover :yep:

It wasn't that bad, considering how great my hair looks, but still...

My hair just ain't use to this kind of treatment.
Checking in. Been wearing my curly hair u-part wig off and on for the last 3wks. With the same braids underneath. This weekend I plan on taking the braids down and either redoing them or idk... I just need something super simple. Im coming up on 9 months prego and the last thing I want to do is some hair. So maybe I'll switch it up to my other upart that has wavy hair. IDK
Got braided up again and wearing a new wig. Will try to post pics when my skin isn't looking like I'm celebrating Halloween early LOL.

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i think i gotta switch up my regimen cause right now its not working, with school and all my other obligations. i had a huge detangling issue and had a bathroom sink full of a mix of breakage and shedding. cowashing without immediately detangling afterwards on texlaxed hair is probably the cause so i am going to wear weaves the rest of the year i think... redo it once a month and spritz my scalp with aloe every other day. since i am leaving the front out i will probably be rollersetting and flat ironing my roots weekly w/ heat protectant... and dc just that part of the hair. hopefully this new reggie gets me back on track from my setback.

i did kind of a experiment to truly see my hair growth no or little vitamins and i have an inch for the past 3 months. hopefully w/ vits it will get up to the average.

**any tips i should follow please let me know
Sorry I havent checked in for over a month now, i am still PSing (bunning, updo twists) I'm washing and deep conditioning once a week, taking my hair supplements. So far its going well. Hope all of you ladies are all doing fine as well xx
It appears I will be taking out my twists in November instead of Dec. I need to let my hair breathe because I will be getting a sew-in in december, so I need to care for my hair while it's not in any weaves. however, I will be protective styling... As always.
Still wearing my twists pinned up. One week down, one more to go before I take them out. I need to wash and DC, but I won't have time for that until Thursday. I was planning to straighten again this month, but now I'm thinking I might get some braids and wait until Thanksgiving to straighten. I still have some time to think about it.

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Update!!! This sew in is really working my nerves!!!! The only thing that keeps me holding on is knowing that I will have a lot of retention! Pray for ya girl!
I bunned most of the summer but now it's starting to cool off and it's back to wigging it for me. I can't wait to Dec.
Update: I started this challenge with natural hair, but I've relaxed since then (Oct. 1) and I've been bunning everyday this week. I'm going to pick up some bobby pins and clips since I don't have any.