2011 Hide Your Hair Challenge Part 3 (July 1st - Dec. 31st)

Hiya Ladies!! I wore my hair on small two strand twists for 3 weeks under assorted beany hats and a wig called Leni. I just know I gained more length from looking at the roots.

I washed Tuesday night (I only wash-wash once a month I co-washed every few days) with Aubrey Organics honey suckle rose and did an overnight DC with a mix of Aubrey Organics conditioner, WEN fig, and Mane & Tail conditioner. My hair feels so healthy and thick. I'm loving it.

Right now I'm wearing a half wig LaFasta. I'm staying on track with my goals. Hope everyone else is doing well!
I have my hair in 4 plaits, with the front two pinned back. I should take them out and make this into a braid out but im just too tired and it's too hot. plus I wore my hair like this yesterday at work(because the braids were too damp to create a braid out) so everyone has already seen me wear this lil kid style, so what does it matter if they see it again today, right.
mEmYSELFaNDj, whether you have your hair in four plaits or twenty, it's drop dead gorgeous!

Drtondalia, you're making great progress! I need to go back to twists myself, but I'm too lazy. I've been looking around for someone to do individual braids at a reasonable price. I think I could make good progress with them.

As for me, I'm sporting a messy bun. I'm so bored...
@mEmYSELFaNDj, whether you have your hair in four plaits or twenty, it's drop dead gorgeous!

@Drtondalia, you're making great progress! I need to go back to twists myself, but I'm too lazy. I've been looking around for someone to do individual braids at a reasonable price. I think I could make good progress with them.

As for me, I'm sporting a messy bun. I'm so bored...

Im going to let you keep thinking that and not disappoint you with a pic of the reality. :lachen:Because I'm sure you would change up that statement. :yep: But thanks for making me feel better about this style hehe
Hi Just Checking in...

I've had my hair in braids since July. One was in a weave style, and two weeks ago, I had my hair cornrowed into a ponytail, and I am getting it re-touched tonight. Next style will be Tree Braids towards the end of September.

My hair IS growing, so I need to make sure I stick with my regimen!
My twists lasted a week and a half. I took them out today for a twist out. I'm hoping to get at least a few days out of it before I wash again.

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I'm still sporting my messy bun.:look: I've visited three different braid shops and still haven't found anyone I like to do my braids. *sigh*:ohwell:

On a good note, I've been very consistent with my vitamins (a major feat for me). Hopefully, I will yield good results. :yep:
Want to find a 4? textured wig. Can you ladies help?

Have been wearing a straight bob for a long while now but as I find it ratty looking people been complimenting me thinking it's my hair.:perplexed
Hi ladies...I've been on hiatus for a while living life, and trying to figure out what to do with my hair. About 2 years ago I was really active on the board but it all got to be overwhelming with bandwagons, products, and challenges...

Anyway, just wanted to say that I made alot of progress here when I was texlaxed but I decided to cut my hair short (first into a bob, then into a short cut). I attempted to transition for a short time, but that was an epic failure. :nono:

Now I've decided to attempt transitioning again. I'm not one for alot of the short natural styles (think TWA's and 2-strand twists), so I'm transitioning under a weave. I've never really been big on weaves but hey...I had to figure out something. I haven't relaxed my hair since May. It doesn't seem like a long time, but for me it is. I can't belive how easy my transition is going by hiding my hair. I would've done this years ago.

I won't officially join the challenge until January though. I just wanted to revive this thread and thank all you ladies for giving me added inspiration.
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I wore my twist out for one day, and then put it into a high bun that I've been wearing all week. I really need to make time to wash and DC. I'd like to re-twist and do another three week cycle, but I don't think I'll be able to do that this week. I'll probably just do some big braids and then more bunning.

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I am still weaved up and I will be for the next 6-8wks. I am trying to decide if I should get another sew after taking a 2wk break. When I take this out in beginning of Oct I will be about 19wks post and trying to decide if I want to wait until December to texlax.
^^^ I want an install for my Bday any donations" LOLOLOLOL

Somebody's is gonna be a Married woman in just a few short days? :woohoo:
I'm slacking hard body, like Idk wth is wrong with me. Starting next week, no heat for me and wearing a bun or updo for the remaining months of this challenge
If it's not too late I'd like to join. I'm on my phone so I can't thank the OP. I actually bought 2 wigs last month and have been wearing them with my hair braided underneath. I just got my hair cornrowed in a beehive Sunday. I'm gonna wig it all of this month.

My plan is to wear wigs and buns throughout the remainder of this year.

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Week 4 of hopefully a 6-8 week braid install. They looking fuzzy, but I'm in no mood to take them out. I'll be refreshing the edges hopefully this weekend.
It's been about month, and my twists do not look cute anymore. lol... I have quite a bit of new growth. I've been using my MN mixture and taking 2000mcg of MSM and my hair skin and nails vitamins. I think it has about 1000mcg of biotin in it. Yep! so, I'm a hairy beast. I'm loving my results though. I've mixed my fave ceramide infused conditioner with some water and spritz my hair daily. Yep! go me!!! I'm doing awesomely. I can't wait to take my hair out. Oh, one more thing, I will be discontinuing my use of MN simply because I'm cheap. I'm tired of buying that stuff. I will just be oiling my scalp with EVCO and Castor oil. :-)
I just washed my twists, so I'll be pinning them up for the remainder of their run. It's been three weeks, and they were still looking decent despite my sulfur mix and moisturizing.
Washed my hair on Monday and used AOHSR to DC. I didn't feel like washing it out so I just pinned it up with my flexi8. It's probably gonna stay like this until the weekend.

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I don’t have much of an update. Took down this last protective style (kept in for a month) and did a REALLY good wash with a treatment as follows:

- Pre-pooed with Vo5 Moisture Milk (Strawberry) to detangle and twist my hair. (Covered with a plastic cap, scarf, and bonnet and left in overnight)
- Washed with Giovanni Clarifying Shampoo followed by Nourish Spa Shampoo
-Applied Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor focusing on my ends and rinsed with lukewarm water after 5 minutes
- Applied Roux Porosity Control and just kind of massaged through my hair for a spell and rinsed.
- Deep Conditioned with ORS Replenishing pack for 3 - 4 hours, also added a quarter size of porosity control on top of ORS just because (covered twisted hair with plastic cap and then wrapped my towel around my head
- Followed my DC with Nourish Spa Conditioner and rinsed with cold water
- To finish, I detangled a little further, moisturized with a mixture of Shea Butter and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 and sealed with a mixture of almond, olive, and castor oil and air dried in twist.

** I only wash like this after a long-term (one month or more) PS removal, otherwise I co-wash and use shampoo only when/as needed.

Later this eve I will put my hair in a bun. My plan is to hold out from doing anything else to my hair (PS-wise) until I get my install (professional) at the end of this month. We shall see.

As for the porosity control, I think it’s too new to really say how well/if my hair is responding to the product. What I WILL say is that it immediately felt better and seemed to respond well to my DC (as if pulling in and keeping the moisture…which it didn’t before), but really I refuse to sing praises until some time has passed.

What I WILL speak on is how rude and disrespectful my crown area has gotten over time. I am at a TOTAL loss as to how to deal with this rebellious section of mine. I generally try to hit that area with positive reinforcement, such as:: You are such a good section of hair…you gonna act right this wash…you gonna detangle at first touch and feel like fluffy cotton..on and on. And when I tell you my crown gives me the Baby Louis side-eye and treats me like I stole her favorite hair product on purpose!! UGH…I will figure something out..cause my personality type just can’t deal with blatant disorderly conduct.

On a lighter note.. I DID get my ½ inch!! And it looks like it is still on my head.

Checking in...I have been doing twist outs lately. Right now I am sporting a flat twist out & I love it! If only I could do it myself & not have to depend on my friend to do it :look:
Checking in...I have not used any passes yet. I've had a sew-in since the end of June. I'll be taking it out in 2 weeks, deep conditioning, and braiding it back up until December. :yep: