2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I wish I could receive comfort and accept joy peace and tranqulity I guess that's not in the cards for me.I feel tortured in my soul even when I try to allow folks in it hurts.I wish ppl who say they are in the body of Christ would really watch what they are saying and not blow smoke up others bc its hurtful.I feel like I'm bleeding out and no one is there to help.I know God is there whatever but that isn't the desire or need at this point.I'm tired,Im alone in existence and I'm wishing something good would happen.I don't want to step outside of the will of God but it makes me very unhappy to be in such dreadful state.Maybe one day before I'm dead I will get to enjoy living.
One Bread, One Body
Isaiah 29:17-24
View Readings Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14 Matthew 9:27-31
Similar Reflections


"Jesus warned them sternly, 'See to it that no one knows of this.' But they went off and spread word of Him through the whole area." —Matthew 9:30-31

Jesus healed two blind men, and "warned them sternly" not to let this healing be known (Mt 9:30). It wasn't yet the right time in God's plan to spread the news of Jesus' works. The groundwork for revealing Jesus' identity hadn't yet been fully laid, and without the foundation, misunderstanding could result. Nonetheless, the newly healed men "evangelize," but in disobedience (see Mt 9:31). These men had been marginalized in society. Perhaps they wanted to instantly re-establish their standing in society and weren't willing to wait for Jesus' physical healing to blossom properly into complete societal restoration. A similar "evangelization" occurred after Jesus healed a leper (see Mk 1:44-45), which prevented Jesus from entering towns openly.

We can disobey Jesus by witnessing at the wrong time or with the wrong motives. We can also disobey Jesus by holding our tongues when called to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout the earth.

This Advent, let's "prepare the way of the Lord" (see Mk 1:3) by obeying Jesus quickly, completely, and in detail. Let's not obey Jesus only partially, for that can obstruct details of His plan. By our detailed obedience, we "clear Him a straight path" rather than leaving Him a rocky road (Lk 3:4). "Obedience is better" (1 Sm 15:22).

Prayer: Father, give me "ears open to obedience" (Ps 40:7). Give me a heart quick to obey You in every detail.
Promise: "Because of your faith it shall be done to you." —Mt 9:29
Praise: John was obedient to the Lord and moved with his family to a different area of the country to be part of a ministry to which he felt God was calling them.

(This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)

Rescript: In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant my permission to publish One Bread, One Body covering the period from December 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012.
†Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, July 27, 2011

The rescript is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted ecclesial permission agree with the contents, opinions, or statements expressed
GM I mean you know harm ...being inside of the will of God should not be considered a 'dreadful state'....God is not a man that he should lie, he came to give us life more abundantly and everything that you are feeling he is not I know that he is, he is not a God who only works for some of his children but not for all so something must be wrong...

I pray that you are delivered and set free and that you will meet someone who will help you with on going assistance that you need, serving God is not torturous or burdensome his yoke is easy and his burden light...

I can only give you the word dear, it's truth and it gives life

Come on the prayer line tonight if you are willing , we are here for you

I wish I could receive comfort and accept joy peace and tranqulity I guess that's not in the cards for me.I feel tortured in my soul even when I try to allow folks in it hurts.I wish ppl who say they are in the body of Christ would really watch what they are saying and not blow smoke up others bc its hurtful.I feel like I'm bleeding out and no one is there to help.I know God is there whatever but that isn't the desire or need at this point.I'm tired,Im alone in existence and I'm wishing something good would happen.I don't want to step outside of the will of God but it makes me very unhappy to be in such dreadful state.Maybe one day before I'm dead I will get to enjoy living.
I love watching folks here those who are sad,miserable,happy,glad etc.I love seeing those who are just blown away by God and seeing the praise reports be it small or large.Right now my walk is not happening.I am going to take time and make some choices about what is needed for my life.If God wanted me to have a great life things would not have happened.I try to think God allows certain things in order for you to be prepared for bigger things but I see too much pain,anguish and suffering for me to believe there is a God or if he there that he is loving and kind.I find there are some who struggle and it all comes together nicely and there are those damaged ones who just kinda are there and are a thorn in others side esp when they are trying to become better or grow or reach out to others.Most just ignore them and chop them up as depressed,worthless,waste of time and that those who ignore them are more valuable so they shouldn't waste their precious time.I think this will be it for a while.2 months should be good enough time hopefully to get a job,some money,and maybe some joy.Peace ladies...
oh GM, my heart aches for you....

I love watching folks here those who are sad,miserable,happy,glad etc.I love seeing those who are just blown away by God and seeing the praise reports be it small or large.Right now my walk is not happening.I am going to take time and make some choices about what is needed for my life.If God wanted me to have a great life things would not have happened.I try to think God allows certain things in order for you to be prepared for bigger things but I see too much pain,anguish and suffering for me to believe there is a God or if he there that he is loving and kind.I find there are some who struggle and it all comes together nicely and there are those damaged ones who just kinda are there and are a thorn in others side esp when they are trying to become better or grow or reach out to others.Most just ignore them and chop them up as depressed,worthless,waste of time and that those who ignore them are more valuable so they shouldn't waste their precious time.I think this will be it for a while.2 months should be good enough time hopefully to get a job,some money,and maybe some joy.Peace ladies...
I love watching folks here those who are sad,miserable,happy,glad etc.I love seeing those who are just blown away by God and seeing the praise reports be it small or large.Right now my walk is not happening.I am going to take time and make some choices about what is needed for my life.

If God wanted me to have a great life things would not have happened.I try to think God allows certain things in order for you to be prepared for bigger things but I see too much pain,anguish and suffering for me to believe there is a God or if he there that he is loving and kind.

I find there are some who struggle and it all comes together nicely and there are those damaged ones who just kinda are there and are a thorn in others side esp when they are trying to become better or grow or reach out to others.Most just ignore them and chop them up as depressed, worthless, waste of time and that those who ignore them are more valuable so they shouldn't waste their precious time.

I think this will be it for a while.2 months should be good enough time hopefully to get a job,some money,and maybe some joy.Peace ladies...

GoddessMaker... tomorrow night (Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 10 p.m. Eastern time, I want you to call the Prayer Line. This will be 'YOUR' time to talk and 'we' will listen. It will be 'Your Night' of Sister Time, Heart to Heart.

Will you call? Please say yes and please do. We love you and we support you. We will listen with our hearts. :heart2:
Ladies, I am exactly 2 exams away from completing my law degree. I'm tired, my apartment, car (and hair!) are a horrible mess, and my left eye has been twitching for 3 days now. :laugh: (seriously, though) Please pray for me to persevere in this very last stretch, because for some reason I'm less and less motivated the closer I get.

I give the Lord glory for having gotten thus far and trust Him to open the next door that I should walk through. I pray for discernment and that any doors that are not of Him would close and those that are of Him would open.

"To whom can you liken Me as an equal? says the Holy One." —Isaiah 40:25

No one equals God in anything. Consider God's strength; He is unequaled in strength. Almighty God is so strong that He made and sustains the millions of stars which span light-years in space (Is 40:26).

Almighty God is willing to share His unlimited strength with us. "He gives strength to the fainting; for the weak He makes vigor abound" (Is 40:29). When God strengthens old or weak people, they can outrun, outwork, and outlast young folks. Those who let God renew their strength "will soar as with eagles' wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint" (Is 40:31).

It gets better. God will make you so supernaturally strong that you will be able to say with Paul: "In Him Who is the Source of my strength I have strength for everything" (Phil 4:13). God's love in you will be stronger than death (see Sg 8:6). Death, sickness, pain, and Satan will wear out before you will. You will have the strength to enter into eternal life and rest (see Mt 11:29).

To receive this supernatural strength, come to Jesus. "All you who are weary and find life burdensome" (Mt 11:28), come to Jesus.

Prayer: Father, beginning this Advent may I have Your strength for everything.

One Bread, One Body



Jesus, I trust in YOU.
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You know when I was young, I used to find it so easy to be good. I never understood why people broke rules and so being a Christian took little effort. But when you're "without fault" it's easy to get big-headed and judgmental and think you can never be wrong. But I do remember being tempted to take a pen that wasn't mine when I was 8 because I wanted it. And I did. And being caught was the most humiliating thing to me. And I had the audacity to lie and cry and swear it was not the pen they thought it was and that it really was mine. :nono:

Anyway, as I grew older, I found it so easy to do wrong and over time, I was humbled so much to the point where I now know that I am susceptible to any wrongdoing...and that the only way to keep from doing wrong is to stay away from any temptation. Like when I was avoiding sugar, I made sure my home had fruits instead of candy. When I was offered weed to smoke by a band that my friends and I were so excited to have been invited to meet, it seemed cool and like you'd score points if you were game, but I said no...because while I'd be the prune of the bunch who's never smoked weed, I just didn't want to take the chance of picking up a habit I may not be able to break. I have made mistakes in my life, of course, but over time, I just know it's best never to think I'm above temptation and so much better to play it safe and just say no or keep off. I may miss out on the fun, but at least I can look myself in the mirror the next day and still hold my head high.

Sorry for that ramble, but today's reading (I get daily emails) touched on this topic and I see so many of my peers and younger sistahs taking risks that I remember used to be exciting to me too. But it takes just one mistake for the excitement to end and shame/regret to take its place. So I wanted to share today's reading with you all, in case it might just speak to someone:

December 15, 2011

Affair Proof Your Mind

Lysa TerKeurst

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
Matthew 26:41 (NIV 1984)

As a woman thinks...so she eventually acts.

A few years ago I watched a friend get tangled up in an emotional affair.

She was a strong Christian woman who loved her family but the attraction to this other man seemed unavoidable. She tried to talk herself out of it but her heart played tricks on her mind and the justifications for letting things go just a little further soon led her to a very dangerous place. She was becoming emotionally attached to this other man.

In a moment of desperation and fear, she confided in me what was going on.

As she described how she got pulled into this place, I found myself being challenged by the realization of how subtly this had happened. She hadn't planned on being emotionally attracted to this other man. As a matter of fact, she'd always prided herself on being a woman of strong conviction and had scoffed at the idea of ever being tempted to have an affair.

It starts off simple enough - a comment made that you mull over one too many times, a conversation in which you find a surprising connection, a glance that lingers just a second too long, or one of a thousand other interactions that seem innocent yet aren't. These are the dangerous seeds that can easily sprout into an emotional affair.

Some think it is a safe way to enjoy the lure of being attracted to someone other than your spouse without crossing any lines. But God boldly and plainly says in 1 Corinthians 6:18, "Flee from sexual immorality." God doesn't say walk away from sexual immorality. No, He says to flee as if your very life is at stake!

Our thoughts are so powerful. If we want to affair proof our marriages, we must make our thoughts work for us instead of against us.

The time to prevent an emotional affair is before it ever starts.

We must never assume it could never happen to me. We are all just a few poor choices away from doing things we never thought we would.

Jesus warned his disciples in Matthew 26: 41,"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

The Life Application NIV Bible commentary says, "Jesus used Peter's drowsiness to warn him about the kinds of temptation he would soon face. The way to overcome temptation is to keep watch and pray. Watching means being aware of the possibilities of temptation, sensitive to the subtleties, and spiritually equipped to fight it."

I now realize that I need to be aware that I am just as prone to this temptation as anyone. One of the best ways to be watchful is to be praying with and for my husband. We need to be open and honest about meeting each other's needs and investing wisely in our marriage.

Sensitive to the Subtleties:
I will have to be honest with myself that temptations do exist. When another man says or does something I wish my husband would say or do and doesn't, it can make me lessen my husband in my heart and build up this other man. This is a seed of poison.

Spiritually Equipped:

I must park my mind with the truth and the truth is I am married to an amazing man. He is not perfect and sometimes our marriage can be hard, but I made a commitment to him in a covenant before God and there are no biblical reasons in our marriage why we should ever part.

My friend did the hardest but wisest thing she could have done in telling me about her emotional affair. It helped her to see she needed to flee and have someone else hold her accountable. But it also helped me. Her admission made me aware and alert to the dangers lurking in any kind of unhealthy emotional connection with another man.

Dear Lord, may I forever treasure my marriage and see it worthy to be protected. Help me to be a courageous woman who absolutely flees from any and every situation where there is even a hint of danger. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:

For a creative idea to improve the communication and connection in your marriage, click here to read more on Lysa's blog.

If you want simple tips to improve your marriage, you'll want to read the marriage books Lysa has written - Capture His Heart (for wives to read) and Capture Her Heart (for husbands to read).

Come see the downloadable Freebies on Lysa's website! Encouraging articles for lots of situations to print and share with a friend! www.LysaTerKeurst.com

Your purchase through Proverbs 31 Ministries supports the many areas of hope-giving ministry we provide at no cost. We wish we could, but we simply can't compete with prices offered by huge online warehouses. Therefore, we're so grateful for every purchase you make with us. Thank you!

Application Steps:

The time to prevent an emotional affair is before it ever starts. Confide in a friend or mentor to help hold you accountable in this area.


Our thoughts are so powerful. If we want to affair proof our marriages, we must make our thoughts work for us instead of against us.

Power Verses:
Proverbs 31:10, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." (NIV)

© 2011 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved.
@GoddessMaker, you forget that Satan and his cohorts are alive and well and not just twiddling their thumbs letting God's reign be the only thing evident. The Bible doesn't lie and when sin came, with it came all the symptoms you describe. In God though, we have grace to endure it. What's more, Satan is no fool; he has been around you since you were born and knows just what buttons to push to make you feel like you do and make you doubt the TRUTH that is. You need to REMEMBER what you know of Father and you need to hold fast to His Word. This dude even tried to trick God the Son Himself, reeling off scripture like he was some theologian. You need to stop looking at what's going on around you and keep your eyes to the Son who is as bright as the sun, and you will not see the shadows.

Goddessmaker, you need to stop letting Satan's BS get to you; that's all it is. You need to take it seriously that you are at war every day of your life and be dressed for it by putting on the armor of God:

Ephesians 6:10-18 (New International Version)

The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
And to fully understand what that means, click here.
You know when I was young, I used to find it so easy to be good. I never understood why people broke rules and so being a Christian took little effort. But when you're "without fault" it's easy to get big-headed and judgmental and think you can never be wrong. But I do remember being tempted to take a pen that wasn't mine when I was 8 because I wanted it. And I did. And being caught was the most humiliating thing to me. And I had the audacity to lie and cry and swear it was not the pen they thought it was and that it really was mine. :nono:

Anyway, as I grew older, I found it so easy to do wrong and over time, I was humbled so much to the point where I now know that I am susceptible to any wrongdoing...and that the only way to keep from doing wrong is to stay away from any temptation. Like when I was avoiding sugar, I made sure my home had fruits instead of candy. When I was offered weed to smoke by a band that my friends and I were so excited to have been invited to meet, it seemed cool and like you'd score points if you were game, but I said no...because while I'd be the prune of the bunch who's never smoked weed, I just didn't want to take the chance of picking up a habit I may not be able to break. I have made mistakes in my life, of course, but over time, I just know it's best never to think I'm above temptation and so much better to play it safe and just say no or keep off. I may miss out on the fun, but at least I can look myself in the mirror the next day and still hold my head high.

Sorry for that ramble, but today's reading (I get daily emails) touched on this topic and I see so many of my peers and younger sistahs taking risks that I remember used to be exciting to me too. But it takes just one mistake for the excitement to end and shame/regret to take its place. So I wanted to share today's reading with you all, in case it might just speak to someone:

I just read this same email... :yep: Thanks for posting Nonie. :Rose:
Aw man, I'm sooooo happy for you, Nicola!
Ethical, God-fearing people make great attorneys.. You're in my prayers on that last stretch, chica.. God bless~

Ladies, I am exactly 2 exams away from completing my law degree. I'm tired, my apartment, car (and hair!) are a horrible mess, and my left eye has been twitching for 3 days now. :laugh: (seriously, though) Please pray for me to persevere in this very last stretch, because for some reason I'm less and less motivated the closer I get.

I give the Lord glory for having gotten thus far and trust Him to open the next door that I should walk through. I pray for discernment and that any doors that are not of Him would close and those that are of Him would open.
@GoddessMaker, it's not easy...please, don't ever believe it's easy. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I tend to focus on what's good and leave the bad in God's hands. That is why my life may appear 'perfect' or 'easy' to others. It is not. What keeps me sane is not comparing my life to others'. That's one of the oldest tricks the devil has in his Georgie bundle. I just refuse to give the devil space and time in my life and give him credit for everything that goes wrong. Sometimes it's ME.

I sincerely hope you heard and understand what I just said. You're a tough lady, I heard you speak on the prayer line and there is power within you to set old snaggletoof on his way, Georgie bundle and all. Don't play around with him. Don't entertain him. You're already blessed... not WILL BE blessed or MAY BE blessed. You already ARE. Because your Daddy is the Great I AM.

The devil knows this. Jab him back, in the name of Jesus!!
I didn't mean to come on here but its still on my work computer.I think you ladies for your words they mean alot.Mix tired to extreme with frustration it makes for bad time.I'm scared right now.My life doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast.I know I'm not perfect and no one is.I just truly dislike those who believe they can throw certain things around like oh your depressed that all you should do this and that.I want to curse them out bc they don't know anything..I know God is suppose to be a provider and what not but when I look at my bills in comparision to income it makes me cry.I'm like in finacial sadness with no sugar daddy in sight.I have been trying to get out of my job for a year now and no luck.Countless interviews but no dice.Its like God do you hate me that much.What point are you trying to prove by making me poor.

I know there are others here and in the world who would be happy to have what ever you call it that I have.But I can't do anything.I'm like tip toeing on the edge of finacial ruin.I just want a career I can go to work 8-12 hours and go home since I have no one in this world.But it seems that I can't win.I have 2 interviews tomorrow I want to stay optimistic but I have had this before and nothing.I'm tired of being tired.Back to lurking..
Ladies, I am exactly 2 exams away from completing my law degree. I'm tired, my apartment, car (and hair!) are a horrible mess, and my left eye has been twitching for 3 days now. :laugh: (seriously, though) Please pray for me to persevere in this very last stretch, because for some reason I'm less and less motivated the closer I get.

I give the Lord glory for having gotten thus far and trust Him to open the next door that I should walk through. I pray for discernment and that any doors that are not of Him would close and those that are of Him would open.

I'm so happy for you and the Destiny that God has before ordained. Beyond the opens doors, shall be blessings after blessings which shall follow you in sucession and many more which God has laid for you before you were conceived in your 'Mommie's womb.

Both you and nathansgirl1908, will be among those whom He has chosen to uphold the law of the true "Law Giver', in Jesus' Name. You both have and will maintain the backbone to stand in the ground upon which God has placed you among 'men' who know Him not. You shall prevail against them all. In Jesus' Name.

Last night at church it seemed as though the Spirit of God was all in the place..People was getting filled with the Holy Ghost,chains were being broken, minds being free,people crying out at the altar.....but i felt untouched...It shows me my connection with God it has nothing to do with what I "feel" but its about what His word says and that is, I will never leave you nor forsake. God its been such a press with EVERYTHING lately...but like paul said, I will press toward the mark.My flesh and feelings dont dictate who I am or what I do.. Forsaking you or going back is not even option...Im just in my suffering stage.....

1st peter 5 v 10
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
I didn't mean to come on here but its still on my work computer.I think you ladies for your words they mean alot.Mix tired to extreme with frustration it makes for bad time.I'm scared right now.My life doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast.I know I'm not perfect and no one is.I just truly dislike those who believe they can throw certain things around like oh your depressed that all you should do this and that.I want to curse them out bc they don't know anything..I know God is suppose to be a provider and what not but when I look at my bills in comparision to income it makes me cry.I'm like in finacial sadness with no sugar daddy in sight.I have been trying to get out of my job for a year now and no luck.Countless interviews but no dice.Its like God do you hate me that much.What point are you trying to prove by making me poor.

I know there are others here and in the world who would be happy to have what ever you call it that I have.But I can't do anything.I'm like tip toeing on the edge of finacial ruin.I just want a career I can go to work 8-12 hours and go home since I have no one in this world.But it seems that I can't win.I have 2 interviews tomorrow I want to stay optimistic but I have had this before and nothing.I'm tired of being tired.Back to lurking..

You came back.... :kiss:

Thank you for posting your feelings and not just turning your computer off.

You matter to us... :love2:
GoddessMaker, just because no one else is saying it doesn't mean no one else is going through what you're going through. I think only a handful of people are making enough to pay their bills. Most people are not, so stop being so hard on yourself or letting what you are going through dictate your happiness. If you were to write down all the blessings you have (like your health, the fact that you are not in a shelter, the fact that you are able to dress for whatever weather and be smart and comfortable, the fact that you have access to the forum and utilities to be comfortable, did I mention that you didn't have to go to a soup kitchen?) If you just write down your blessings and make them your focus, you'll stop feeling bad. Philippians 4:8

When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.


When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.


So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

Things may be a bit bleak but I'm going to look up unto the hills from where my help comes from. Satan, GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! In the name of Jesus! I got permission my priest to say that. Amein! Who is like the H-ly One, Blessed be He!!!!!!! Baruch Haba "" !!!!! I'm a daughter of Jacob...I'm blessed. He has not forgotten any of us. Thousands of years later, I'm still His. Amein!

Psalm 59:14

They return at evening, they howl like a dog, And go around the city.

The L-rd appeared and blessed me for just these very times. I look toward His face. Amein. They will not harm us.
I've read so much sad news today, it makes me very sad....the world/people are so in need of love, and are we providing it. Lord please show us how
sometimes I am so caught up with myself, so selfish, I complain so much and ppl are out there suffering, dying, it makes me so sad and so grateful. Father please forgive me....
Just needed to share.Even though my life is pretty screwed up and things aren't right I can tell there is some growth.I'm not thinking about taking a pistol to my temple.However I'm just real enough or open enough to say I'm struggling in life.I helped spearhead a young adult christmas party tonight.These aren't your cute looking sneaky as heck christian young adults but the hood ones.It was enjoyable helping them,listening to them.I took one home as well.God knows I don't have much in way of means and possessions but I try to work with what I have.My beat up Ford Focus is on its last leg I pray she can last until a career job comes.I know others are hurting and when I hear ppl say that as a rebuttal to refute my feeling I laugh.In spite of hurting ppl which hurts me deeper than some it doesn't negate how I feel.I may be a christian but that doesn't take away the feeling of abandonment,suffering even if its a result of something I did or if I'm in agony for not being born in the right place..I understand more than folks may realize about pain,suffering and having nothing..That why in heck it bothers me so much for not having it ain't for me its so I can help others and get me a few wigs.I can't live until certain things are on point.I'm grateful I'm not depressed bc my depression always leaves me with physically wounds.
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Just needed to share.Even though my life is pretty screwed up and things aren't right I can tell there is some growth.I'm thinking about taking a pistol to my temple.However I'm just real enough or open enough to say I'm struggling in life.

I helped spearhead a young adult christmas party tonight.These aren't your cute looking sneaky as heck christian young adults but the hood ones.It was enjoyable helping them,listening to them.I took one home as well.

God knows I don't have much in way of means and possessions but I try to work with what I have.My beat up Ford Focus is on its last leg I pray she can last until a career job comes.I know others are hurting and when I hear ppl say that as a rebuttal to refute my feeling I laugh.

In spite of hurting ppl which hurts me deeper than some it doesn't negate how I feel.I may be a christian but that doesn't take away the feeling of abandonment,suffering even if its a result of something I did or if I'm in agony for not being born in the right place..

I understand more than folks may realize about pain,suffering and having nothing..That why in heck it bothers me so much for not having it ain't for me its so I can help others and get me a few wigs.I can't live until certain things are on point.I'm grateful I'm not depressed bc my depression always leaves me with physically wounds.

I love you Goddess Maker... :giveheart:
Stop Making Comparisons

Our constant propensity to compare ourselves to other women around us is wrecking our perceptions of both ourselves and them. Most of us aren't in a public place for five minutes before we peruse the female players in the room and judge where we rank. Human nature rarely balances itself on the tightrope of equality, despite our noble claims. Far more often in our comparisons to other women, we fall headlong to one side with inferiority or swan-dive to the other side with superiority. A bloody tumble is inevitable either way.
The nature of our competition depends to a large extent on what we tend to value. If intelligence is high on the list, given the opportunity, we will try to assess whether or not the people around us seem smarter than we are. If appearance is a personal premium, we have the tendency to rate ourselves according to the looks of those in eyeshot…same with talent, giftedness, spirituality, and success… .
… we can stop playing the game… when we work from an activated mentality of God-given security, we are fully capable of thinking another woman is beautiful without concluding we are ugly. We can esteem another woman’s achievements without feeling like an idiot. We can admire another woman’s terrific shape without feeling like a slob. Where on earth did we come up with the idea that we have to subtract value from ourselves in order to give credit to someone else?
- Beth Moore