2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I need to get back in the Word and keep praying. I need to stay consistent with all the aspects of my life that need change...praying for wisdom.
Lord I wrote out all I have a desire to do in this life.I really would like to see all these things come to pass however I know what you have me here for is always going to take over.I really wish my desires and your plan so to speak would align.I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.I'm ready for things to align so I won't have to waste energy spinning my wheels.I want to make money,I want to use the money for great causes and help others develop.I pray this happens soon.
I thank you Lord for leading me. I pray I follow where you lead.

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I pray everyone lady on this section has a blessed awesome week even with it being short.I hope those who are struggling in anyway get renewed spirits to keep moving as he gave us our portion of the struggle that he knew we would be a good fit for.
Sorry to say that, if you were once a christian and converted to another faith, you should be happy enough not to blame others for not following you. I always wish you well in your endeavors yet, there remains your hidden agenda.

Sorry to say that, I have supported your choices yet, there remains your hidden agenda.

Sorriest to say that, you were lying in the woodchips like a viper, looking for fabricated blame and error because of your choice. One ought not attribute evil to those who have not committed it. That makes you a hypocrite as you casually put down others' religious choices because they "stupidly don't follow." Happy to say, that is not my problem.

Happiest to say, I'm glad for my own choices. They are choices and everyone has one. They are not one in the same with evil nor heresy. Let every one follow his conscience to the best of his ability.
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May sound like a cliche to some, but I know it is not:
God is Good ALL the time, and ALL the time, God is Good!
God I really need you rebuild me bc if not I will self destruct.I notice for the last 2 days I have been beat down at work mentally and keep messing up.I want to quit and just go bc I'm tired but God keeps me here for some reason.Tonights bible study was tithing and managing your 90percent..it hit my like a ton of bricks bc I know deep down inside I don't trust God and its not that he can't but he seems to not want to for me..like not if can but will he do it..
Lord why don't you respond.Kill me if you will not answer me.I'm sick of this life and all that comes with it.I already feel partially dead inside bc of all the nonsense around me.And no comfort insight.You see me with a bledding heart but you chose to look the other way and not send anyone to help.I'm tired of hearing about everyone else success and those esp who aren't christian getting married and happy and such.I really wish I could muster enough motivation for myself as I do for others.
"It is a paradox of Christianity that true strength is found in weakness. Jesus himself embodied the world's idea of weakness, even to the point of submitting to an excruciating death. However, just as Christ's saving power worked through that "weakness," so God's power is often most visible in the midst of suffering, humility, and weakness."

2 Corin 12:9-10
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Take heart..your impact for the Kingdom of God is more profound than you may think or believe! :heart2: Amein~

Lord why don't you respond.Kill me if you will not answer me.I'm sick of this life and all that comes with it.I already feel partially dead inside bc of all the nonsense around me.And no comfort insight.You see me with a bledding heart but you chose to look the other way and not send anyone to help.I'm tired of hearing about everyone else success and those esp who aren't christian getting married and happy and such.I really wish I could muster enough motivation for myself as I do for others.
I had a lovely convo with my boss and our admin in the office they are like my spritual mother and papa.I can be transparent and not feel stupid.I am my most worst enemy.I erase the things God has made me.Like if I get a good review I knock it bc its not stellar and the best.I want to be error-less in life in all aspects..perfectionism at its finest.I wish I could be ok being good and not feel like a total waste of life.
I really take nothing for granted spiritually anymore. Appearing good or spiritual doesn't mean anything. People and things either flow in line with God's revealed Word or they don't. There's nothing that God is speaking to someone that will contradict what He already said.
Lord am I wrong for wanting better? Am I wrong for telling my clients to trust you and give it all to you and I don't believe it for myself? See God I don't doubt your abilities bc I see if in others but where I doubt is if you will do it for me.I know I'm not perfect and I know I'm not doing it all right but I know you say Lord you never see the righteous forsaken..Lord please don't forsake me I know my heart is right help me be able to give up the areas I fal.
Why do I stay where I've landed and others have defected? I stay because that's where I've landed and I find the eucharist central to everything. Without it, I wouldn't stay and it's the only place I can receive it as it is. It's quite simple. The rest can be considered legalism...but it is the gift of the eucharist that is miraculous. It's all personal choice that should not be forced upon others.
I'm so scared right now that I will be homeless.No I haven't lost my job nor have a eviction notice but because I can't seem to get perky or be fake like most of society.I just want to be peppy so I can at least act as though I'm grateful.I'm sadden by having to help ppl get into shelters and such.I know that has to be a great deal of pain and fear.I hope all that I'm giving away will help others majorly..I don't want my life no matter how short it will be to be in vain.
I'm so scared right now that I will be homeless.No I haven't lost my job nor have a eviction notice but because I can't seem to get perky or be fake like most of society.I just want to be peppy so I can at least act as though I'm grateful.I'm sadden by having to help ppl get into shelters and such.I know that has to be a great deal of pain and fear.I hope all that I'm giving away will help others majorly..I don't want my life no matter how short it will be to be in vain.

What do you mean by that?
My strong contention is that the Church misunderstands the purpose of God’s judgments, and consequently, misrepresents His character to the world. Rather than viewing all of God’s judgments and punishments from the perspective of the “spiritual man,” Christians have instead interpreted them out of the “natural man”—a man desiring retribution against his enemies. Most of us have been taught that the “natural man” spoken of by Paul in 1 Cor. 2:14 applies only to unredeemed man, however, Christians are just as capable of thinking and walking in the natural (carnal) realm. - Ken Eckerty
God thank you for sending my boss by today to say you are fine just as you are bc you were made in God's image.Stop taking 5 steps forward then giving back 6 bc you don't think you deserve it or not good enough.I almost cried in front of that man when he shared he had self image issues bc he didn't have a daddy to tell him he was good enough..just thinking of that makes me want to cry which I may bc that touched something deep within me..and what makes things worst I use to hate this man now I love him.