2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

If we intend to accomplish anything, we must react to adversity like yeast. Once yeast is thoroughly stirred into the dough, it cannot be detected yet it is highly effective. When the heat is on, it will rise. Likewise, God sets us in warm, uncomfortable places so we can rise. Sometimes the worst times in our lives do more to strengthen us than all our mountaintop experiences. Bishop T.D. Jakes
I love this quote by R. Swope:

In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, so do our thoughts. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts.
God what are you doing to me.I hate this.I just want to be left alone.I'm so tired and you just keep allowing things happen.I'm grateful for my place and this job but I'm tired of trying and caring.I want to be free of the nonsense so I can finally say I can be happy.I know struggle is part of the journey and I would love to quit but I know the life I desire won't allow that.If I can just get to church tonight I will be ok because right now I feel like I'm out of my body and mind.
How many years did it take to leave your serious sins and follow Him on a regular basis? Did you ever fall? And yet, there is still so much more to learn...yet, Jesus patiently awaits. :yep: We even have to have patience for ourselves or we'll lose faith that a change will come (growing in holiness).
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If you (not you, just someone I know) take that much effort and put it towards praying for the lost and leading them to Jesus, you will find much Peace and you will find Rest in your soul...it's easier than you think! :grin:

I thank you for the small things, which is just preparing me for the big things to come.

Oh BTW, I need a JOB Lord. A really good one, I deserve it. Thank you Amen!
Do not despair! You do not have to wallow in self-pity and hopelessness. Look at what the Word says about where you are now: Standing in grace. You cannot be bowed down with hopelessness and self-pity and be standing in grace simultaneously. “Through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in the glory of God” (Romans 5:2).
wow! You must've been sitting in the back pew at my church? :blush: :lachen:

Soul winning -- in all forms, incl praying for someone and leaving it in His hands -- was the admonishment last night. Some will plant the seed, some will water, some will nourish. It's up to us to know what role we play in the lives of others and this knowledge comes only through prayer and asking God. I'm listening...and Amein~

If you (not you, just someone I know) take that much effort and put it towards praying for the lost and leading them to Jesus, you will find much Peace and you will find Rest in your soul...it's easier than you think! :grin:
I felt good last night after prayer and worship.I felt light and airy.I want the feeling all the time but I don't know its possible.I'm tired of feeling like giving up and crying.I'm tired of folks thinking I'm stupid or need pills because I'm stressed out.I want to feel important for once and not always have to petition for my own rights..I guess this is life for now.
Pray for women to make better choices so they don't end up raising their children in prison. Pray for their protection and that the never return.
wow! You must've been sitting in the back pew at my church? :blush: :lachen:

Soul winning -- in all forms, incl praying for someone and leaving it in His hands -- was the admonishment last night. Some will plant the seed, some will water, some will nourish. It's up to us to know what role we play in the lives of others and this knowledge comes only through prayer and asking God. I'm listening...and Amein~
My other girlfriend said the same thing...lol. :lol:

Yes....I'm listening too, sis..and Amein~
I pray that we as Christians never lose our conviction that God does change lives. We must protect this message.

Our God enables us to make the radical changes necessary for fulfilling our purposes and responsibilities. Like the caterpillar that eats and sleeps its way into change, the process occurs gradually, but nonetheless powerfully. ~Bishop Jakes
What are the Wages of Sin? I thought it was death, but I been told its suffering for eternity, Someone must be wrong, my bible says the wages for sin is death. Death to me is no more, done away, gone.
What are the Wages of Sin? I thought it was death, but I been told its suffering for eternity, Someone must be wrong, my bible says the wages for sin is death. Death to me is no more, done away, gone.

If I remember correctly, Jesus saves us from shame, sin, suffering and death. That's what we're taught in our catechism. Because of sin of man, we all die physically. If we don't abide in G-d, we die the ultimate spiritual death. I guess both are correct. Something to think about esp. related to my thread. Make you truly think it out. Thanks for this.
I'm so happy to just be able to breathe have life in my body.Tomorrow isn't promised and I know I'm not always a beckon of joy and praise.But I know when I'm down one day I will be up again..I wish I lived a bit closer to my church or had a friend to come get me when my money isn't the best for gas but I'm so happy that churches have gotten more technical savvy and I can watch online..but will be at bible study Wednesday since I pass by it on the way home.

I know right now what I want is a new job in my area so I can let this other job go.Lord bless me with with a new job or understanding and compassion for the current job so I can do better.
I look at alot of the post here on the site overall and see some who just make things happen.They lose weight and it just happens.I'm so disgusted with myself that I'm not one of those who are able to just make it happen.I have so many issues that plague me from things.Weight has so much more attachment to me than others and I just want it gone but I'm seemingly unable.This correlates to my ability to make my life proper 100 percent for the Lord.Some say they are going to stop being angry,anixious,be better stewards of their resources and lives,be courageous for God.I never seem to be able to make large enough strides in this effort before cramping out.I almost feel I overwhelm myself before I'm ever able to get out of the gate.

Lord am I just that mentally insane or is there something about doing certain things just not possible for me.I don't want to be a envious of others esp of Christians.I just want to be a person that can be seen as great not arrogant but confident.
I look at alot of the post here on the site overall and see some who just make things happen.They lose weight and it just happens.I'm so disgusted with myself that I'm not one of those who are able to just make it happen.I have so many issues that plague me from things.Weight has so much more attachment to me than others and I just want it gone but I'm seemingly unable.This correlates to my ability to make my life proper 100 percent for the Lord.Some say they are going to stop being angry,anixious,be better stewards of their resources and lives,be courageous for God.I never seem to be able to make large enough strides in this effort before cramping out.I almost feel I overwhelm myself before I'm ever able to get out of the gate.

Lord am I just that mentally insane or is there something about doing certain things just not possible for me.I don't want to be a envious of others esp of Christians.I just want to be a person that can be seen as great not arrogant but confident.

I love you!!! Take it one day at a time and during that day, actively pursue it. If you fail, pick up the next day and try, try again. Have mercy on yourself and develop patience backed by knowledge. That means, whenever you fail, don't take to hard, just get back up and try again with purpose. You will begin to develop the habits toward your achieving your goals. And do not forget to laugh at yourself. Do not fret, but resolve to leave it in HIs hands (that doesn't mean to sit back and expect a miracle...but actively pursue, trusting He will show you as you try).
THe message wasn't about dying to self but it was what I got out of it. Its not common to say die to yourself, we are suppose to die to ourselves daily. I had forgotten that and now can understand why old things still bothered me. I still get frustrated at the check out line or if someone is driving to slow and I am in a hurry. Or the children want to always talk when I am super busy, about nothing! How I want to say what I want to say right now but have to stop and take my daughter to work.
:Rose: Mom turns 65 today and I'm so grateful for her... strenghth in her bones and spirit through Christ our Lord. Thank you Father for my mother!
Worthy of repeating and Amein!!!!


I pray that we as Christians never lose our conviction that God does change lives. We must protect this message.

Our God enables us to make the radical changes necessary for fulfilling our purposes and responsibilities. Like the caterpillar that eats and sleeps its way into change, the process occurs gradually, but nonetheless powerfully. ~Bishop Jakes
I was reading a devotional a second ago on here and I find I don't like pastors who come off critical.Some messages will hurt and such but it should still be done with tact.I know some pastors feel they are really giving it the real by being critical.I know right now in this walk I'm in a critical time frame where it's do or die.I have to either sink or swim.I feel like most days I'm sinking. As much as I want to praise I feel dumb to.I feel why do all this crying and hollering for what.It won't make this life go by any faster nor better.I really do wonder was my life suppose to be a stepping stone for someone else who will be great for the Lord.

I feel as though I'm not existent and have to really go over board to be noticed.I wonder if this is why I stay in depression and why I always try to not feel defeated but still do.Why am I so scared to really go any deeper in my walk and trust God with my money 100 percent.Now off to a job that I have to say I'm thankful but slightly resent bc it's not doing anything of worth or value to me..maybe to God but it's depressing dealing with the constant folks who don't want better.
A reminder of sins either tells us that payment was not enough OR the recipient is still not happy. God remembers your sins no more.
I got into a debate at work that fat people aren't allowed to be with good people.I have never known a fat chick who gets a prize in a man..she always has to settle for alot of nonsense.I know there always is exemptions to the rule.I'm at a point that I want something more in life I just can't be bother with nonsense.I was sorta turned off a bit today when my office mother said are you on pills you are up and down and I keep going to down because it's whats comfortable what I know.I don't know what happy is or joy I haven't experienced that.I don't care if I live anymore I could die in traffic.Life is not sacred for me it would be a mind ease..Im tired of being there for others but not for me..which makes me not want to be there for anyone..