2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Im so trying to be ok I want my new job but God seems to want to be funny and leave me in a hell hole..I want to be gone God what else is it Im suppose to learn.
The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he added no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22
blessing is singular. That one blessing makes me rich. He (the LORD) adds no sorrow with it (singular blessing). Jesus Christ. Amen.
YW,sis...Testimony Part Deux:
I received it as something for me to share for sure. Got confirmation of the significance of this moment when I went to Bible Study later in the evening. Toward the end of service pastor repeated "The power, the power, the power, the power" quite a few times. At first I wasn't paying attention (was putting away my notebook to wrap it up) when it hit my spirit he said this so many times. I paid attention, just in time and was blessed by it! Confirmation for me I had to share this Word earlier in the day.. God is God and I KNOW you know this, maaaan. :lol:
Wow......thank you, sis!!! :love2:

(( Divya)) Living water springs from the well... Stay blessed.

It's a cycle now. I'm so frustrated, but I know what I've spoken concerning this is right. Have to stay in faith and exercise my spiritual muscles. When I think about it, this is small stuff, God help me cause it don't feel small at all. Times like this I'm glad God is concerned with everything that concerns me.

I really miss my bestie... RIP babygirl.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Psalms 27:14

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen your heart. WAIT I say on the LORD!

Father, thank you for blessing me. Thank you for granting me my hearts desire.
Most don't get it, L-rd...but You do and I'm glad. Maybe a good psychotherapist can help them get over this stuff.
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Got a good Word today...when Paul was looking through the brushwood to gather more wood for the fire, he got bit by a snake. But Paul just shook off the snake, into the fire. Others were looking on, waiting for something to happen to him...for him to lay down and die. Never happened, he suffered no harm. He shook it off -- pressing toward the mark that was much bigger than him. When troubles comes your way, don't allow others discourage you. Remember Paul. Acts 28. And shake it off. Amein~

:lol: <- I have a reason to)
YW,sis...Testimony Part Deux:
I received it as something for me to share for sure. Got confirmation of the significance of this moment when I went to Bible Study later in the evening. Toward the end of service pastor repeated "The power, the power, the power, the power" quite a few times. At first I wasn't paying attention (was putting away my notebook to wrap it up) when it hit my spirit he said this so many times. I paid attention, just in time and was blessed by it! Confirmation for me I had to share this Word earlier in the day.. God is God and I KNOW you know this, maaaan. :lol:
Yesssss....I know this, maaaaan!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

I may not have the ability to bring xyz to fruition as it stands, so I have faith in Him who can put things into motion and me into the right path. But...the operative word here is....


It will not happen unless you DO something about it. Trust in Him, but get busy and at least make a move. You won't get across the street until you engage your legs.
Lord I feel that the apartment I applied for was for me please Lord all I want is some good news this week and that I will be approved without a extra fee for a apartment.I really want to make my goal a reality of my Aug 5th move date.I may not have alot to move with but Lord please allow it as I know your will be done.I'm so tired of having no where to go and dreading going to the house I stay at..Im ready to feel like an adult.
Hour of Great Mercy (3:00 p.m.)

You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls
and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world.

O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy,
envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus
as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You. (3x)


Jesus, I trust in You.
All glory goes to Him, not to man. None of us deserve His mercy. He offers it freely. If we were to truly see our sinfulness, even though we think we are His best friends, we might not survive the moment.

Prayer of Trust to the Divine Mercy

I fly to Your mercy, Compassionate God, who alone are good. Although my misery is great and my offenses are many, I trust in Your mercy, because You are the God of mercy; and, from time immemorial, it has never been heard of, nor do heaven or earth remember, that a soul trusting in Your mercy has been disappointed.

O God of compassion, You alone can justify me and You will never reject me when I, contrite, approach Your Merciful Heart, where no one has ever been refused, even if he were the greatest sinner.

Jesus, Friend of a lonely heart, You are my haven, You are my peace, You are my salvation, You are my serenity in moments of struggle and amidst an ocean of doubts. You are the bright ray that lights up the path of my life. You are everything to a lonely soul even though it remains silent. You know our weaknesses and, like a good physician, You comfort and heal, sparing us sufferings – expert that You are.

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I'm standing, Father. I'm trying. Some days are better than others, but I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Quitting is not an option.
The Lord is not a respecter of persons-nor is he a respecter of cultures. Everything that is not of Him must be given up. People will say they're resisting Western dominance, but often it's a refusal to die to everything-including culture if need be. The Lord takes this so seriously that every "culture" the Israelites encountered they were commanded to destroy. It's not insensitivity to tell people to lay down everything, it's the truth. That's the only way.

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I have been walking with the Lord for many, many years and I have seen the Lord do the miraculous..not only in my life, but many, many others.

Today, I am still seeing the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, moving on my behalf. What looks impossible to man, is soooooo possible with God! He places you where He wants you to be, and when you are obedient, you see the fruit...and girls, let me tell you....it sure is SWEET!!!

Thank you, Lord...for always causing me to triumph!


I am humbled and blessed....
I feel blue even though I know why.I hate stress and having to wait on things I really want and need.I'm tired of waiting for this next phase of life.I want my new place,new job and a new body so I can be found by a man of caliber.I want some great morning that I look forward to being awake and able to make a lasting impression on the world.I know God is good I'm just wondering if he has forgotten about me or have I not done enough to be chosen.
I find it so amazing that the Lord makes Himself so available to us if we but seek Him out. There are so many resources available to delve more deeply into Him. And many are completely free. He has made it so easy for us.
Lord Lord your word went forth through my pastor at bible study.I know this is super geeky but I'm happy Im excited about bible study.I mean I will not go workout if I have other things to do before bible study but Im up in that church at 7pm on Wednesday.I love getting this word even though I haven't quite totally matched up with everything.I know I have to trust God.My pastor hit a hard mark that some believe if you commit suicide you go to hell if that's the case then we all should be going to hell immediately after any sin.No sin is bigger than the other.The thing one would have on their hearts is God asking why didn't you trust me.I just started balling as that was me a year ago.

I'm trusting slowly but I believe surely I will get to total dependency like a child on God.I want to be ok giving the full tithe and some without feeling itchy or having faith that he hasn't forgotten me while I'm going through the test so I can be grown more in him.
Greed ~pos - noun
* Three forms of greed
1. an obsessive desire for even more material goods and the attendant power
2. a fearful need to store up surplus goods for a vaguely defined time of want
3. a desire for more goods for their own sakes

A selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed.

synonym: covetousness
Greed can never be satisfied
Isaiah 56:11 They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough....

They say this is a deadly sin.:perplexed The wages of sin is death...
As much as I want to say I like my job and co workers I must be honest I don't.There are a few who I do like but in the same breathe ppl don't turn the other cheek so I still feel very isolated and un included in things.They always ask for things at the wrong time.I'm grateful for work as I know I could be on the streets but I hate feeling like crying over a job it makes me feel so stupid.I wish something career wise would be break for me as I know sometimes a new place can be a new chance.I know God has me here for some reason Im just ready to move.
Jesus does not provide your healing nor gives you wealth or success. Jesus Himself IS YOUR healing, HE IS YOUR wealth and HE IS YOUR success.
God I need you!!! I can't continue my life the way it is right now. I just need you to speak to me and show me which way to go.
For the past six months, I've been watching road crews come together to put up a new bridge and carve a new road. Back then, I couldn't see it. It looked a hot mess, with tore up gravel. Dirt. Trucks all over the place.
For days I wondered...how can they pull this off? How could they span a bridge over the water? Some days I mused to myself that when it's built "I'm not crossing over that bridge!" :lol: Well, today I crossed over that bridge for the first time and hardly even noticed, until I almost got across. :blush: I had to chuckle. Because from the time the work started, when things weren't looking quite right to me, I had no trust in the work of all those men and women who came together day in, day out with their CAT equipment and hardhats...steadily doing a job they were tasked to do. I didn't have the power to tell them, stop doing that or I don't like how you're carving this road. I had no control. All I could do is drive by each day, looking on, marveling or getting annoyed if they caused me to be late. lol My car was the only thing I had control over.

The result of this crew's effort today is new asphalt, a smooth transition over a new bridge, curved nicely and the median in the process of being prettified. The road curved in ways I didn't even think possible. But there it is a NEW ROAD! WHERE did all that time go? It's as if no time had passed at all between the old and the new. I had a great appreciation in my heart for those crew members for all their hard work!

Some things in life just put things into spiritual perspective for me... with a lesson. This one was on them: Trust God, even when things look tore up, inconceivable, etc. I'll just keep doing what I'm supposed to do .. drive...and like the crew, let Him pave the way. I'll surely follow.
He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is crooked in his ways despises Him. Proverbs
A lying tongue hates those it crushes... Proverbs 26:28
...You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this
saying, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to a neighbor... Romans 13:9,10​
...prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked
and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15​
Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put devious lips far from you. Let your eyes look directly ahead,
and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet, and all your ways will be
established. Proverbs 4:24-26​
He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing​
in unrighteous also in much. Luke 16:1

Thus saith the Word of the Lord.
