2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Lord please forgive me! Although my words say that I need you, I haven't necessarily been living my life as though I do. I realize the error in my ways! Complete surrender to you Lord, you are in charge! Amen
Lord please forgive me! Although my words say that I need you, I haven't necessarily been living my life as though I do. I realize the error in my ways! Complete surrender to you Lord, you are in charge! Amen

This is almost my exact post I came in hear to write. I'm glad to know that I am not alone, but we can do this. With God's help, we will get there.

Studying this weeks lesson topic on Worship, and how the right worship keeps us close and connected to God, answered my question on how I need to get there. I need to worship and worship with honest conviction and not just going through the motions.
I sure could use some prayer..I feel every bit of anxiety about my future esp financially..I start looking at my budget for once I move and it scares me.I know we are suppose to cling to his word and Im trying but Im still scared.I don't have a man no prospects so I don't have any back up no one to help toe the line if things get tight,nor do I have family that can help.I really wish I didn't have to move out but I must for my sanity..Lord I want to take the big leap even if this job doesn't pan out please give me renewed faith and trust in you that you got this..I just hate to feel so vulnerable and know I could potentially be bad off financially..I know a 2nd job could help but then dang no weekend just to survive which means no church and I need that more than anything.I know I need to pay my full tithes..pray for me ladies.
Thank you Lord just thank you..your so good to many and your no respecter of person's as you can use even a non-believer to bring you glory.I have never felt so into the worship service a bible study..I guess having been beaten down at work both by myself and others I am a desperate sight to see.I want to be whole so I can stop bleeding all over the place.I feel like such a fool by having so many problems personality wise.I'm tired of being so bitter and angered by things that shouldn't matter.I'm tired of being perceived as a bitter black woman who is just mad at the world...Im a hurting woman still Lord can you fix me? I want to be considered by you Lord I wonder can I rise to the occasion to show you Im able..Im finally feel Im at a breaking point in my walk with God..I feel my tears stream down my face like ice as though the ice on my heart my soul that have been encased with the world's icy locks are melting away..Lord I love you but help me to really love you for you not for the possessions you provide me..
Foreshadowing of the Incarnation and Perpetual Virginity of the BVM:

From the New King James, Ezek 42:1-2

1 Then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, the
one facing east, and it was shut. 2 The LORD said to me, “This gate is
to remain shut. It must not be opened; no one may enter through it. It
is to remain shut because the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered
through it. 3 The prince himself is the only one who may sit inside the
gateway to eat in the presence of the LORD. He is to enter by way of the
portico of the gateway and go out the same way.”
I am enjoying all the fruits God has to give and I humbly receive, receive, receive. I got a phone call today regarding my childrens school tuition for next year and it was reduced by $300. I have no idea why nor do I care but I know HE is responsible.

Lord I thank you!!!
So many thoughts coursing my mind today...
But I remember the first time as an adult that a living being died in my hand. It was a little bird I tried to save. He was panting, gasping for his breath and exhaled his last. That had a profound effect on me. Soon, I had to see death with my mother and father. I'm going to go through that twice, unfortunately, with one set very close and the other distant. Brings to mind:

Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

If we could figure out that G-d created the ecology and that all of us fit within it, we'd protect the earth because He loved it so much, He created it.
A wonderful part of being in Christ is that you find your identity in Him and Him alone. This is accomplished by the Blood He shed. His Blood tells us who we are. Without it, we lack proof of our sonship and are pseudo-heirs trying to receive promises reserved for GOD’s legitimate children.
Being in this situation is really revealing my character flaws, thing I need to pray about about ME! I need so much more patience, and to learn how to give things up to God and not try to carry them myself. Pray instead of being anxious and stressed out to the point that I feel ill.
James 1:2-4: My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
I'm going to ask him directly since it's rather hard to find on his websites. Got his email and I'll have an answer. But one thing, no one should be uncharitable to another, no matter which side you are on.
Lord I love you,I magnify your name..thats why my heart is filled with praise.As this song is stuck in my head I am compelled to really think Lord why do I love you,after all you allowed so much pain in my life like abuse in every form,poverty,rape,selling my body,no love from people why should I love you.But I can say he didn't do it to harm me,but he didn't for his glory and it allowed me to be reconstructed with the things I needed.We often get so caught up in wants but if we think about it he gives us our need.We don't need a fancy car but he gives us a mode to travel,we may not have the penthouse but we have a place to sleep,we may not be able to revive at the latest spa but our daddy said he will restore our souls.

In this stage of my life I ask God why do you have me going through.Ain't it time yet,but I think about how those ribs you all will eat tomorrow has been preparing if they are any good since Friday being prepared for tomorrow..see the more we wait the better we will become.We can't rush Jesus time since it's the best time.We must be happy to know we are going through so we can build up,reconstruct us.I may not have the job or the body or the man I desire but the Lord has brought exactly what we need in our lives.I love you my lhcf sisters or for the deeper rooted ones my lhcf sista's..be blessed hold your beauitful enchanted heads up high as a queen wouldn't look down on the floor but up high.
In a matter of minutes, laughing with friends while driving turns into lying in the hospital on life support. Some never realize the importance of the Life our Father gives us, until it's being yanked away.... My prayer is for the young people in our churches, that they are covered by the Blood of Jesus, to do the Will of God on earth. Devil's running out of time, and getting more vicious, as he tries to keep a foothold on territory that doesn't belong to him....
I have been so emotional lately it's unreal.I guess it really is happening:actual change.I'm stubborn and I'm slightly terrifed of the changes God is making in me.I feel as though things I was so hard pressed about are being removed but there are still some areas that are having to be broken down in order for me to grow.I find I'm crying every Sunday at church.I'm getting excited about the word and Im able to find some illustrations in wordly things that shouldn't be like watching the Transformers movie I was getting all happy when one of the characters was like someone is watching over us bc our steps are guided..had to not shout in the theater..I'm being broken right now
Have you ever been praying earnestly for one thing and the Lord moves, but it's in an entirely different arena? I left my prayers and proclamations today sensing a movement in my spirit--but it was regarding something entirely different. It was a blessing, but I was kinda like, "hey, that's not what I was praying about..." Maybe as things unravel they will be connected.
If I could pay for a huge tub of patience and endurance and faith I would. But I can't. So LORD, please help me. I'm sick of the way my flesh wants me to be. Thanking God for godly praying friends.
Constant gentle and sobering reminders that it's not how you feel. It's not exuberance and lofty soul, it's the daily grind whether pleasant or not. It's all in there together. It's a choice to move forward but it is not based upon how I feel. Upward the hill and falling back and lots of learning myself...compelte honesty. And it's okay that it's all so very mundane. It just is. " As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, amen." That ought to sink in deeply daily. Tomorrow will be a new day, whether it is granted to me or not. Just another test on top of older tests. Perhaps that is a great blessing.
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An emotionally trying day. I praise the Lord for His mercy and grace, and for the power of His word. He is faithful. Amen.
It's unattractive. I see no Christ in it, not even a glimmer. Really. I can't get with it. It actually aggravates my spirit. As much as I'm not perfect that's one thing that was inscribed on my heart, I can't ignore it now or pretend it doesn't mean anything. I miss the you that was with me on that one point. More grace Lord. I am such a work in progress. Lord you know. I'm going to stay thanking you, stay true to who You called me to be, but remind myself that I can't do it for you, I can only control myself and what that means now is holding my tongue... At least some of the time.
Lord I can sense something is going to happen in my life right now.I can feel all the pressure wanting to erupt into something massively horid..I pray it doesnt explode into my death by my hand.I want to be able to grow in you and not allow this considersation time frame to destroy me..but if I can't go through what will I do.Im tired of being solo in my walk..I know when we get to heaven its by your self but I have made these thikck walls that I want to break down..Im tired of being caught in isolation when that joker attacks me.

I wish I could wrap myself around the idea of not looking like I'm going through while going through..I want to be able to praise in spite of my credit cards and my job..I want to love strong in spite of not receiving love from man in such a long time..I want to be used well God Im tired of being or at least seeing myself as defective.
I'm glad my pastor spoke about true conversion of the heart on Sunday. He highlighted that conversion is a process, what that involves progress. There are times I get frustrated with myself because while I see progress I forget that it's a process and expect myself to chage all at once. God is taking me through the process and it was great to get the confirmation. As a new Christian I am really beginning to understand the process.



Whew....ok, I'm good, I'm good....done!

That was funny...I needed that!

The Joy of the Lord is and always will be my strength!

Thank you, Jesus!
It really disturbs and frustrates me that so-called believers will compromise their faith, then get mad when other believers (in love) correct them. But thankfully, my job isn't to convert, it's to inform. I can only pray and trust in the Spirit to do the rest. Thank you Jesus!
I hope this isn't irreverent, but sometimes I think the Lord's guidance and providence are like a GPS system. You know how as you're approaching the turn, it'll keep telling you, "Turn left..." But if you miss it (and I often do) it goes, "Rerouting...in x miles, turn right". And if you miss the re-routing directions (ok, so I'm really bad at following the GPS! :lol:), it will simply again say "Rerouting...in 1 mile..."

Now, I've definitely made trips much longer than they needed to be by not heeding the GPS. But no matter what gaffes I made, it always gets me to the final destination. I thank and praise God that when we miss our turn (maybe we weren't listening, maybe we got distracted, maybe we were just stubborn) that he continues to give us "updated" guidance until we get to where we were supposed to go. Unless you just completely turn Him "off" and decide to completely go your own way, He will persevere with you through your mistakes and get you there.

Praise the Lord, for He is faithful!
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My time frame is different from Your time frame. I realize it took many millions of years to make the earth and all creation. It might take periods of time I do not comprehend to fix this. I just ask you to please consider that it's 11:59. Thank You, no matter what because I'm in your hands.
Lord I can sense something is going to happen in my life right now.I can feel all the pressure wanting to erupt into something massively horid..I pray it doesnt explode into my death by my hand.I want to be able to grow in you and not allow this considersation time frame to destroy me..but if I can't go through what will I do.Im tired of being solo in my walk..I know when we get to heaven its by your self but I have made these thikck walls that I want to break down..Im tired of being caught in isolation when that joker attacks me.

I wish I could wrap myself around the idea of not looking like I'm going through while going through..I want to be able to praise in spite of my credit cards and my job..I want to love strong in spite of not receiving love from man in such a long time..I want to be used well God Im tired of being or at least seeing myself as defective.

I thought of you when I read this:

“But God remembered Noah” (Gen. 8:1 NIV).

I still quote those words to myself from time to time. The Lord knows where you are and how much strength you have in reserve. Just before you run out, God will send a wind to blow back the flooding waters of impossibility and provide for you.
