2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

It really disturbs and frustrates me that so-called believers will compromise their faith, then get mad when other believers (in love) correct them. But thankfully, my job isn't to convert, it's to inform. I can only pray and trust in the Spirit to do the rest. Thank you Jesus!
Don't YOU get disturbed or frustrated...disturb and frustrate them with the TRUTH! The truth never fails or disappoints!
I hope this isn't irreverent, but sometimes I think the Lord's guidance and providence are like a GPS system. You know how as you're approaching the turn, it'll keep telling you, "Turn left..." But if you miss it (and I often do) it goes, "Rerouting...in x miles, turn right". And if you miss the re-routing directions (ok, so I'm really bad at following the GPS! :lol:), it will simply again say "Rerouting...in 1 mile..."

Now, I've definitely made trips much longer than they needed to be by not heeding the GPS. But no matter what gaffes I made, it always gets me to the final destination. I thank and praise God that when we miss our turn (maybe we weren't listening, maybe we got distracted, maybe we were just stubborn) that he continues to give us "updated" guidance until we get to where we were supposed to go. Unless you just completely turn Him "off" and decide to completely go your own way, He will persevere with you through your mistakes and get you there.

Praise the Lord, for He is faithful!

:lol::lol: Aint this the story of my life right here.. smh. The worst/best part is after all of the distractions and complaining about getting lost, the directions are still the same and God is still just as patient as ever saying the exact same thing He said when the trip first started. :drunk:

Thats a whole sermon right there girl.. save that one lol.
There must be PEACE!

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors.

If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.

And when you have Jesus...you have PEACE!
I'm sorta glad no one response to my comments here.I feel that I shouldn't desire men anymore.I often feel stupid that I even want a man because obviously I must be ugly as I'm not able to attract anything in person and only loser type online.My male coworker who at first I had a crush on keeps telling me I should cut this whole christian act and just live.He is worldly and catholic who doesn't take his faith seriously at all.He makes me feel stupid for wanting to be a pure christian woman.Im no virgin but I want to be as pure as possible if I ever become attractive enough to be selected by a godly man.

I want to abstain from all perverse things as God says so.I wish I could be around those who are followers of the word and only them,but I know that's impossible and doesn't properly test my faith.I have wanted to go out with coworkers but I feel I'm not strong enough in the Word bc I may be tempted and as a christian your shouldn't be able to be tempted..you should be fervently solid in the word.I wish I could sleep around test drive men and live loosely.I wish I could be ok with me messing up but I want to be so great for God it eats at me.I find at times when I don't read my devotional I beat myself up for backsliding.I don't want religion I want relationship.

I wish I knew what I'm to do.I want a great life a happy one.I wonder is it possible for me to be happy.I wonder if Im one of those who will be better dead than alive.I wonder if I'm suppose to be poor for life or if this is just a rough season.I wonder if I ever will be able to socialize and not feel so overwhelmed with guilt or inadequacies..My coworker that I look up to told me she thinks Im in love with my male coworker..I love the idea of him bc he is nicely dressed,flashy,opens doors but I know he isn't of God therefore off limits.I have been in love with the idea of him.

I have often felt I was/and am not good enough for him because I'm fat and not well to do.I felt I should work on being more open so we have had not so Godly chats which I have stopped completely.I have also felt that bc Im not good enough I should work on being good enough to him.I guess I hate the rejection that I'm not the pretty girl that is sought after by the nice guy..Im glad I am following faith and not listening to some of the ladies here who feel its ok to have relations before marriage..I may want to for the rationale they gave but I know its polar opposite of what the word says and I just want to be as much as possible on accordance with God.
While doing my bible study at IHOP this morning I ran across the scripture that always gives me chills bc of how deep and easy yet hard..Love thy neighbor and if you don't have love you have nothing..
Ever heard of these?

Try Jesus. If you don't like Him, the devil will gladly take you back.

Know Jesus, know Peace. No Jesus, NO PEACE.

There must be PEACE!

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations.

If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities.

If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors.

If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home.

If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.

And when you have Jesus...you have PEACE!
Well I had a good day at work then good workout then a awesome 2nd day of revival at church to come to this house I have my things into to utter nonsense..I feel this is definte confirmation its time for me to leave.I almost knocked the hell out of mothers husband..see I would for once love to give him the physically beating he use to give me..see I would love to see the fear in his eyes as I go blow by blow on his face but God..I will not be the low life he may be..all I can do is keep my distance inconvenience myself by not buying groceries no more and just leave..there is no happy family..I have none but I will not allow chickens to prohibit me from soaring like the eagle I am.
I've been riding on your wings forever, I just forgot they were there. I'm coming into my own. You will tell me the next step by leading me there. Jesus, I trust in You.
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Church service was amazing again..I truly want to be a well done christian and not someone who is good when they have but are jacked up when they don't.The lady I sat next to seemed so heavy in things then asked me you look like a baby are you 20..I was like no Im 25 she said I looked like a baby and that she could tell I love me some Jesus..oh my gosh my Jesus is showing..and if she only knew how much hell I have been going through and still have a baby face that ain't nothing but God.
Why can we not take disagreements to the Lord, fast over it, and wait for His answer? Is it pride? Impatience? Forgetting He is sovereign? Undercover disbelief? I just do not get it...
Im soo blue our revival is over..I wish I could remain in the house of the Lord forever..now if you would have talked to me about church 2 months ago I would have made up every excuse in the book.I'm super proud of myself for going and not sitting like a bump on the pew looking at folks like it don't take all that why she shouting..Tonight the word on being reinvented for God's destiny had me up all over the place..the devil wanted me to be in a funk all afternoon he wanted me to not get up and praise while there but to here how the guest pastor had his flight delayed then had to drive 2 hours to get to another major city to get a flight to get there was omg amazing to me..then the other guest preacher on Holding to your dream and using Joseph as the underlining text..Its time for some things to be done away with bc the cost is too great..

Oh and I pray that I get some clarification on my calling.I have always had the gift of speaking and I am more and more am attracted to the pulpit.I pray I can get some clarity Lord bc I surely know you ain't going use me up in nobody pulpit as a Pastor..Lord but you have been known to use unqualified folks to bring you glory.
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Love this!!!

Why Your Brighter Future Is Ahead​
by Dr. Tony Evans

God has placed a crown on your head. You are majestic. For real. The enemy does not want you to know that you are majestic. Satan does not want you to know that you have glory, honor, and dominion from God.

As long as Satan can keep you from thinking like royalty, he can keep you from acting like royalty. As long as he can keep you thinking that you are nobody… or that you don’t matter and you have no say… he can keep you acting like you are nobody, that you do not matter, and that you have no say. As a result, Satan can keep the greatness of your future locked up and tucked away. But I want to let you in on a very powerful secret: You have something that Satan does not. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have spiritual authority!

Many people feel like everything in their life is wrong, but in fact there’s just one thing that’s wrong and it affects everything else. And that one thing is that many are living a life without purpose.

You have been crowned with majesty in God’s Kingdom. It is up to you to use the rights that come with the majesty you have been given. While God is the sovereign and absolute King, He has given you the authority to accomplish all that you need to do to fulfill your destiny.

You Have Been Empowered

Not only has God given you spiritual authority, He has empowered you with all you need to exercise it. If you only memorize one verse in your entire life, memorize this one. It is one of my favorites: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Anything that you do in God’s name for His glory, a good deed, will have His sufficiency to do it. It is a promise. God doesn’t always call the equipped, but He always equips the called. When God sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from bondage, He empowered Moses to do the enormous task before him.

He said, “See, I make you as God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you, and your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land” (Exodus 7:1-2, emphasis added).

God told Moses that He was going to make him “as God to Pharaoh” even though Pharaoh was the one who everyone thought held the control. He was the one they thought was the biggest. And Pharaoh was who they thought called the shots. Yet, God trumps everyone, and when God sends you to do what He has created you to do, He empowers you to do just that! God didn’t make Moses be God, He made Moses “as God to Pharaoh”—meaning He gave him authority, even over someone who seemingly held more earthly authority over Moses!

It doesn’t matter what opposition you face. It doesn’t matter how big the “Pharaohs” are in your life. If you are doing what God has created you to do, He has empowered you with authority. You are majestic.
What many of us have done, unfortunately, is given away our spiritual authority. Satan didn’t even have to battle some for it. They simply examined the situation, saw the size of the challenge, or looked at their own inadequacies, and gave up. In doing so, authority over that situation at work, that situation in the home, that problem, that addiction, that ambition, or that vision was handed over to Satan.

But you can get it back. You don’t have to live a life of defeat or a life that is simply getting by while not maximizing all you were created to be. You can reclaim your spiritual authority. It is never too late. Start now!

Love this!!!

Why Your Brighter Future Is Ahead​
by Dr. Tony Evans

God has placed a crown on your head. You are majestic. For real. The enemy does not want you to know that you are majestic. Satan does not want you to know that you have glory, honor, and dominion from God.

As long as Satan can keep you from thinking like royalty, he can keep you from acting like royalty. As long as he can keep you thinking that you are nobody… or that you don’t matter and you have no say… he can keep you acting like you are nobody, that you do not matter, and that you have no say. As a result, Satan can keep the greatness of your future locked up and tucked away. But I want to let you in on a very powerful secret: You have something that Satan does not. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you have spiritual authority!

Many people feel like everything in their life is wrong, but in fact there’s just one thing that’s wrong and it affects everything else. And that one thing is that many are living a life without purpose.

You have been crowned with majesty in God’s Kingdom. It is up to you to use the rights that come with the majesty you have been given. While God is the sovereign and absolute King, He has given you the authority to accomplish all that you need to do to fulfill your destiny.

You Have Been Empowered

Not only has God given you spiritual authority, He has empowered you with all you need to exercise it. If you only memorize one verse in your entire life, memorize this one. It is one of my favorites: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Anything that you do in God’s name for His glory, a good deed, will have His sufficiency to do it. It is a promise. God doesn’t always call the equipped, but He always equips the called. When God sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from bondage, He empowered Moses to do the enormous task before him.

He said, “See, I make you as God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you, and your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land” (Exodus 7:1-2, emphasis added).

God told Moses that He was going to make him “as God to Pharaoh” even though Pharaoh was the one who everyone thought held the control. He was the one they thought was the biggest. And Pharaoh was who they thought called the shots. Yet, God trumps everyone, and when God sends you to do what He has created you to do, He empowers you to do just that! God didn’t make Moses be God, He made Moses “as God to Pharaoh”—meaning He gave him authority, even over someone who seemingly held more earthly authority over Moses!

It doesn’t matter what opposition you face. It doesn’t matter how big the “Pharaohs” are in your life. If you are doing what God has created you to do, He has empowered you with authority. You are majestic.
What many of us have done, unfortunately, is given away our spiritual authority. Satan didn’t even have to battle some for it. They simply examined the situation, saw the size of the challenge, or looked at their own inadequacies, and gave up. In doing so, authority over that situation at work, that situation in the home, that problem, that addiction, that ambition, or that vision was handed over to Satan.

But you can get it back. You don’t have to live a life of defeat or a life that is simply getting by while not maximizing all you were created to be. You can reclaim your spiritual authority. It is never too late. Start now!

Beautiful. This should be up front as a separate thread. :Rose:
Amein... Nothing as soothing as the humming of a praise/worship song. Very soothing to the soul, esp when Momma does it! ;)

One step at a time dear Saviour... I can hear my Mom humming it. God you're so good!
Went to church this morning tired as heck I could get up and moving.But I'm glad just to be in the prescence of the Lord in his house..luckly he is everywhere I want to be so I never have to worry that he is only in the church house.I was reading my sermon notes and noticed a trend in 2 message in the same week 1 was I must do what I'm called to do in order for others to get what they need.2 I need to be able to rebuke(check)myself..I almost started running in Denny's while reading this..I need to break from dysfunctional people mainly what I call family and stop trying to please them.Its not that they aren't important but I know they will never understand what God made me for.I also need to talk to self and say hey now you need not do that how is your thoughts going to lead to saving others..Hope you ladies have a awesomely blessed week!
I have to remember that we talk differently, quite differently. If I have to re-edit a lot, it's because the communication and explanations differ so that one might misinterpret what I'm truly asking when, I could ask one of my own and they'd understand the question completely. Keep pressing on.
Repost from 01-01-2011... healing from His incorruptible Word. I'm soooo glad!

:Rose: Forget the heartaches, sins and errors of 2010 -

God loves you and He's with you to begin again... :Rose:

Isaiah 43

GOD'S WORD ® Translation

1 The LORD created Jacob and formed Israel. Now, this is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid, because I have reclaimed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.

2 When you go through the sea, I am with you. When you go through rivers, they will not sweep you away. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will not harm you.

3 I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Egypt is the ransom I exchanged for you. Sudan and Seba are the price I paid for you.

4 Since you are precious to me, you are honored and I love you. I will exchange others for you. Nations will be the price I pay for your life.

5 Do not be afraid, because I am with you. I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west.

6 I will say to the north, "Give them up," and to the south, "Do not keep them." Bring my sons from far away and my daughters from the ends of the earth.

7 Bring everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

8 Bring the people who are blind but still have eyes, the people who are deaf but still have ears.

9 All nations have gathered together, and people have assembled. Who among them could have revealed this? Who among them could have foretold this to us? They should bring their witnesses to prove that they were right. Let the people hear them. Then they will say that it is true.

10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD. "I have chosen you as my servant so that you can know and believe in me and understand that I am the one [who did this]. No god was formed before me, and there will be none after me.

11 I alone am the LORD, and there is no savior except me.

12 I have revealed it to you, I have saved you, and I have announced it to you. There was no foreign [god] among you. You are my witnesses that I am God," declares the LORD.

13 "From the [first] day I was the one [who did this]. No one can rescue people from my power. When I do something, who can undo it?"

14 This is what the LORD, your Defender, the Holy One of Israel, says: For your sake I will send [an army] to Babylon. I will bring back all the Babylonian refugees in the ships that they take pride in.

15 I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.

16 The LORD makes a path through the sea and a road through the strong currents.

17 He leads chariots and horses, an army and reinforcements. (They lie down together and do not get up [again]. They are extinguished and snuffed out like a wick.)

This is what the LORD says:

18 Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.

19 I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don't you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.

20 Wild animals, jackals, and ostriches will honor me. I will provide water in the desert. I will make rivers on the dry land for my chosen people to drink.

21 I have formed these people for myself. They will praise me.

22 Jacob, you have not prayed to me. Israel, you have grown tired of me.

23 You did not bring me sheep for your burnt offerings or honor me with your sacrifices. I did not burden you by requiring grain offerings or trouble you by requiring incense offerings.

24 You did not buy me any sugar cane with [your] money or satisfy me with the best part of your sacrifices. Rather, you burdened me with your sins and troubled me with your wrongdoings.

25 I alone am the one who is going to wipe away your rebellious actions for my own sake.

:Rose: I will not remember your sins [anymore].

We all make mistakes, errors, misjudgments, break rules. Put down whatever burden you're carrying for any wrong, or error done. Start all over again, walk in the Victory God has won, just for you. You are still His darling child, no matter what.

Happy New Year, Beloved Ones of God... :giveheart:
We didn't have power today, for about 15 minutes. Those short minutes seemed like an eternity..nothing was working. Couldn't brew coffee, couldn't get on the computer. Didn't know the time, 'cause digital clock stopped. Couldn't really move around without some light from outside. :look: Pitch dark. When the lights finally came on, everything started working again and it was huge relief! It felt good..let there be light, we joked.

These few precious moments without 'power' gave me some time to reflect on the darkness of my unsaved life and/or when I was in a wilderness, not trusting God...didn't know whether I was coming or going. Nothing ever seemed to work. It seemed like time stood still. I pray that if anyone is feeling this way now, that God's Light would radiantly pierce through any darkness Satan tries to cover you with. You were not born to live without Hope. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And it doesn't matter what's wrong or what's not working, there is NOTHING He cannot do to fix that, because He loves you.

:Rose: Whoever this is for .. stay encouraged. God will see you through and I believe that! ~
I am most free when I recognize and protect the human dignity G-d gave me. Although we are mere animals, we are the higher creation.
I'm feeling bad about not attending Wednesday night bible services for over a month. but he's going through Psalms and I consider it really boring.
We didn't have power today, for about 15 minutes. Those short minutes seemed like an eternity..nothing was working. Couldn't brew coffee, couldn't get on the computer. Didn't know the time, 'cause digital clock stopped. Couldn't really move around without some light from outside. :look: Pitch dark. When the lights finally came on, everything started working again and it was huge relief! It felt good..let there be light, we joked.

These few precious moments without 'power' gave me some time to reflect on the darkness of my unsaved life and/or when I was in a wilderness, not trusting God...didn't know whether I was coming or going. Nothing ever seemed to work. It seemed like time stood still. I pray that if anyone is feeling this way now, that God's Light would radiantly pierce through any darkness Satan tries to cover you with. You were not born to live without Hope. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And it doesn't matter what's wrong or what's not working, there is NOTHING He cannot do to fix that, because He loves you.

:Rose: Whoever this is for .. stay encouraged. God will see you through and I believe that! ~
Wow......thank you, sis!!! :love2: