2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I finally have found whats wrong with me.I'm passive aggressive.I tend to live in this victim mindset and wonder why nothing ever great happens to me or when something decent happens I find something wrong with it from the jump.

I really want to say I'm so defective and wonder why God won't just take me out now.Is it I'm suppose to be something great or just the stepping stool for someone else's greatness.I look at me and wonder gee whiz how jacked up are you? There so much wrong with you it's horrid.Im a angry person who is riddled with fear and animosity..I want to believe in God but I have so many major doubts I feel Im just going through the motions.Im glad my coworker told me the truth as it gives me at least some perimeters of what I'm like on a daily basis..I don't want to be woe is me type but I don't know what else to be I don't like competition nor do I like to trust or get close to ppl..I need prayer before I do something that others believe is a permanent problem to what some may believe is a temporary issue.
A week ago today, God removed me from a stressful situation. I was blind for a long time and only lately started to see what was in front of me all along.

thank you Lord for blessing me and showing me the truth. I pray that you continue the good work that you have begun in me. Amen.
Ok God, please don't let me mess up and lose this freelance job. If I do, I'm so without income and probably on the streets......bad news day.....
There are some seriously mean people on YouTube. I was on there listening to Tenth Avenue - "You Were More" and made the mistake of reading a couple of the comments. Why would non religious people seek out Christian songs and then make derogatory comments about them? It must be satan burning up their souls and telling them to do such foolishness. Otherwise seems like they would be somewhere minding their heathen business! :lol:
On another note, I am feeling so blessed these days since I am studying the Word daily. I have been reaping many internal rewards for being obedient. Somebody should have told me this years ago! :yep:
I finally have found whats wrong with me.I'm passive aggressive.I tend to live in this victim mindset and wonder why nothing ever great happens to me or when something decent happens I find something wrong with it from the jump.

I really want to say I'm so defective and wonder why God won't just take me out now.Is it I'm suppose to be something great or just the stepping stool for someone else's greatness.I look at me and wonder gee whiz how jacked up are you? There so much wrong with you it's horrid.Im a angry person who is riddled with fear and animosity..I want to believe in God but I have so many major doubts I feel Im just going through the motions.Im glad my coworker told me the truth as it gives me at least some perimeters of what I'm like on a daily basis..I don't want to be woe is me type but I don't know what else to be I don't like competition nor do I like to trust or get close to ppl..I need prayer before I do something that others believe is a permanent problem to what some may believe is a temporary issue.
Are you studying the Word? Because I tell you, my thoughts about myself and my situation changed drastically for the better when I started actively seeking God. Not just going through the motions but praying and reading the Word and fellowshipping with other believers. I know I'm loved, it's a very tangible love too!

Give the Holy Spirit a chance to work with you. You'll be so glad you did! :yep:
Ladies I wonder with all my heart how does one love? or even love self? I often feel Im making others around me pay for the abuse I endured as a child and teen from family and bad males.I judge everyone and won't let anyone get too close.I feel I am the reason I'm alone and will be alone til death.This walk as I hear isn't suppose to be done alone but I don't know how can I allow myself to be subjected to possible attack? People make me very scared and nervous.Being beaten emotionally for so long has left me handicapped and unable to trust anyone esp since I don't trust myself since I fail so much.

Any thoughts on self love or love in general is greatly needed.I'm tired of hearing this cliche without some practical methods.
I seriously doubt one can ever praise God too much...:nono: (or pray, or adore Him, for that matter)

I don't think the Angels in Heaven are tired, either... will you get tired of glorifying El-Elyon when you get to Heaven?

That Michal syndrome is prevalent today - despising those who do praise God in spirit and in truth... David danced in the streets, with only God on his mind...yet he looked like a fool to Michal. In her heart, she despised him for praising God! Wow.... She, in turn, was cursed and couldn't bear David any children..had to live her life seeing him be fruitful and multiply with his other wives. I'll live to be a fool for God, all the days of my life.

I will live for Him alone...

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G-d is patient and kind, even towards those who continually reject Him. They get as much sunshine and oxygen as we do. Maybe if we're more humble, we can begin to see that. We cannot force another to love G-d. That's not the gospel. How many mistakes has the Church made from this position, only to come back hundreds of years later and issue an apology? Jesus didn't even force the Samaritans. Oh, but His convert, the lady at the well, she was that mustard seed. It's the good life that is compelling.
God, thank you for sending the lady with the tape. Although it was a small request, it was what I needed at the time. Thank you.
I seriously doubt one can ever praise God too much...:nono: (or pray, or adore Him, for that matter)

I don't think the Angels in Heaven are tired, either... will you get tired of glorifying El-Elyon when you get to Heaven?

That Michal syndrome is prevalent today - despising those who do praise God in spirit and in truth... David danced in the streets, with only God on his mind...yet he looked like a fool to Michal. In her heart, she despised him for praising God! Wow.... She, in turn, was cursed and couldn't bear David any children..had to live her life seeing him be fruitful and multiply with his other wives. I'll live to be a fool for God, all the days of my life.

I will live for Him alone...


Praise to His holy name, I grow more "foolish" as the days go by.

Jesus said, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." What did Jesus do when He was not teaching? Praised Him, worshiped Him, and gave Our Father the glory. He set the example and proved it by the Holy Spirit's power operating through Him. You are correct: this brief existence is nothing more than practice for the next. Why settle for less? I ain't.
I hate abortion. You do what it takes to make a baby then call it a mistake. No, the kid isn't a mistake, your actions were mistaken. The result is not a mistake. Stop blaming the kids. People need to face up to responsibility. At least, give the kid a chance to live with someone else.
I wonder if I will ever have salvation or if I have ever had it.I hear so many sermons on sexual impurity that makes me feel I have never been saved because if I have I wouldn't have these issues.I seem to have hard issues ie trust,sexual impurity,pride,anger,hatered etc never light issues such as having too many friends or something.I just want to be a godly woman who can have someone to share the journey with.I see why Im emotionally horrid.
L-rd, please protect our youth from the violence of others. Help them to make good decisions in life and put a hedge of protection around them. Help their parents to guide their families in love with a strong desire to serve others. Help us all to give without expecting to receive back. Help us to continue to love despite the hatred we receive back. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the H-ly Spirit, amen.
When I Think about the Lord,
How He saved me, how He raised me,
How He filled me, with the Holy Ghost.
How He healed me, to the uttermost.

It makes me wanna shout,
Thank you JESUS,
LORD, your worthy, of all the glory, and all the honor,
And all the praise...

The first place we lose our victory is in our own minds. Take the limits off of God. Think and pray BIG THINGS! You will never deplete HIM.
I really feel like I have lost grips with myself.I feel like I'm on the verge of tears every time Im at church.I can't get it together.Im not suppose to cry I'm such a horrid person why do I feel God would want to help me.As much as I cry about the pain in my life I can't seem to get anything right.I'm not perky or extra positive every waking second of the day.His praises don't seep out of my mouth like honey..I wonder could I ever be anything great why do I feel like I'm about to explode.
I'm currently reading The Book of John with my 13 YO son, and I just ordered him a study Bible for young men which we will read together. He told me that none of his friend's parents study with them.

My son understands that he's set apart and he appreciates that. He doesn't have to worry about getting confused out there in the world because he is armed with the Word of God. Amen!
Ya'll I just want to say. Even in the midst of fear, God will take you to new levels in him....

There was a SEVERE TORADOIC like weather conditions here in Chicago, about two hours ago. I was in the tub, clutching my bible and with the blanket over my head.

I went up in tongues, prayer, SCREAMS, tongues, SCREAMS...you get the point.....I never spoke in tongues like that before.

But God showed up and protected his people. I just wanted to say THANK YOU JESUS!

Father, you can stop laughing at me now. It wasn't that funny!! LOL!!!!
Ya'll I just want to say. Even in the midst of fear, God will take you to new levels in him....

There was a SEVERE TORADOIC like weather conditions here in Chicago, about two hours ago. I was in the tub, clutching my bible and with the blanket over my head.

I went up in tongues, prayer, SCREAMS, tongues, SCREAMS...you get the point.....I never spoke in tongues like that before.

But God showed up and protected his people. I just wanted to say THANK YOU JESUS!

Father, you can stop laughing at me now. It wasn't that funny!! LOL!!!!

My cousin lives up north shore and saw one pass right by her window...last year. I'm glad things are okay.
I love this song!!! :sunshine:

When I Think about the Lord,
How He saved me, how He raised me,
How He filled me, with the Holy Ghost.
How He healed me, to the uttermost.

It makes me wanna shout,
Thank you JESUS,
LORD, your worthy, of all the glory, and all the honor,
And all the praise...

Only Jesus can transform you effortlessly. If transformation comes by your efforts it must be maintained by your efforts but if transformation is effortless, praise GOD it REMAINS!
Jesus what are you doing in me.I'm so not liking this tearing up stuff.It makes me feel like a punk.I'm noticing I hunger for the word even when I feel tired.Like today is bible study I was like Im not feeling good and ready to go home.Well I was going to watch it online but the online stuff acted a fool..so I jetted to the church and got there in enough time to get the word..the thought that hit me we are ladies set apart and God didn't go through the hell on the cross for us to be average..we are to excel and push..as we go through God will endow us with power,patience and drive to get through..

I want to get to the point where all you hear out of my mouth is his praises no murmuring..I want to get to the point where my life shows Im totally and unexcusable sold out for Jesus..I want to get to the point where I totally utterly trust my all with God even my finances..I want to get to the point where Im slow to speak in heat of anger..I want to be a emotionally stable woman who attracts both men and women who are of integrity..Lord please I don't want to be sub par..
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Im super excited about getting my esv study bible and a year long daily devotional..its time to invest in getting myself kingdom ready.I felt wow 60 dollars at the bible store but its like you spend that on hair and polish why not do something that will last forever..
I just went to the Christian bookstore and cleaned out their Derek Prince books. I think I bought 13--including another author on dreams and one of my favorite childhood fiction books. This season is about walking in the Spirit and prayer/preparation for a deliverance ministry. :pray:
Alrighty God, I'm stepping out in faith on this business ventures. Please give me ideals and make the path easy, give me favor and insight ....and show me how to think smarter not harder.
Oh Lord the word is defintely always a great treat for me.I love the fact that I feel this is my transistion season and God has me heavily in the word and study.Ladies don't forget that every gift you have is given to you by our daddy therefore don't harbor those gifts give them freely.

I don't understand what is going on right now.See for the last 2 days random folks have come up to me asking for something one at this little cheap women's clothing store.I was there with my mother since she never has any money nor has clothes for church events so I volunteered to get her a dress..she ask do we have any spare change so she could get some leggings..I was at first no but then while I waited for my mother looking for her a dress I looked through my broke wallet gave her my last 5 dollars of free money..then today a Denny's this guy was hanging outside the door asking for 4 pennies..I gave him my last little change..he made some smart remark but I felt God if you want me to give I will..I know I need to get better by trusting God and tithing in full..Lord I know you will keep me no matter what but I want to be in your will so that your light can shine brightly in me..