2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Q: When does a light shine the brightest?
A: When it is surrounded by darkness.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the Light You placed in me. May it burn bright and Your will be on display. Amen.
I did something I haven't done this year..went to church..well it was bible study but it still good to me.The topic was on what does it mean to be a christian..this is soo profound for me since this is like my area I really want to be on point about.One thing that really was so hardcore for me was the breaking down of christian "Christ"-means the messiah or anointed one and ian means-belonging to a group and also smaller version of..so for me I am in the body of those that are of the anointed one..and its even much deeper since my 1st name is christian..puts alot of things in perspective..Im going to do my best to go every Wednesday this month..
Anytime you get blessed outside of the structured institution or system, it breeds contempt or resentment because people didn’t validate or authenticate it or because people can’t accept that God did it. But you know that you have been waiting a long time and God’s timing is right for you to come into your season.

How dangerous it is to go through life with all of that emotional junk just piling up inside of us, to be clean on the outside yet a mess on the inside. Have you taken some time to clean out your trunk? Have you taken the time to clear your head, your thoughts and unburden your soul? Sometimes, you never know how burdened you are until you lighten your load.


Faith is the light that leads us out of the darkness and the map that guides our way. Without faith, we would likely pull over on the side of the road, give up and watch everyone else pass us by. Realize that faith is like a muscle; trouble and opposition may strain it, but in the end it will grow stronger.


I am far more impressed with the wealth of a person’s character who doesn’t use his success to intimidate others. The real, rich inner stability that comes from gradual success is far more lasting and beneficial than the temperamental theatrics of those who have never learned their own vulnerabilities. We must never take ourselves too seriously. I believe that God grooms us for greatness in the stockades of struggle.

I am neither an economist nor am I delivering a prophetic utterance. But I believe that these times we face will subside soon. I believe this to be true because of spiritual factors such as an indomitable faith in God, but also because of a long history of watching an incredibly resilient national economy rebound from recessions and even depressions to arise like Lazarus from the dead! This too shall soon pass.

Become comfortable with criticism. No matter who you are, you cannot please everyone all of the time. Sometimes the fear of criticism will imprison your common sense. What will they think of me? What will they say about me? You must realize that if you are going to reach the heights you have been called to reach, you may elicit some criticism from those who are jealous, petty or angry because they were left behind.

All by: Bishop T.D. Jakes

Just powerful words to ponder upon.....:grin:

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So I went to a convention last night and was able to hear the great Dr.Juanita Bynum preach..when I say the atmosphere changed once she came in the room it was mind blowing.I mean I know we had been praising up a storm and maybe I was light headed since there was no air but I still felt something different..she taught on being obedient to God and how we need to do things when it comes to God with a urgency..I believe I got a bit happy because I found myself running around the church twice..Im chunky yall and Im shocked I have no pain today with all the jumping around..Lord Im eternally hungry which means my flesh can't feed..I desire to be pure and clean because I want the light of Jesus to reign brightly for those who don't know him..God your awesome.

I pray that God will show me how to rid myself of self-doubt about my future and about what God says about me.I also pray God will reveal if this guy that I think likes me a touch is about the Lord's business and not a thug..I desire to be more like God and less like a worldy whore.
With all that's going on in my life, I had this burdensome feeling this morning and just when that thought came to me, a timely Moment from the Master radio clip reminded me that more important than striving for happiness in life, is the desire to please God. Therein lies true contentment and is the bigger perspective. Am I satisfied today? Absolutely! I am satisfied that God loves me. That is more than enough.

“Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep.” Luke 15:6

When Jesus told the story of the missing sheep, some of the people who were listening wiped away a tear because they knew how it feels to be lost among the crowd. Jesus wanted us to understand that we have a Father who sees and cares for each one of his children—that we are all equally valuable to him. - Max Lucado

Have a blessed day, Ladies and stay encouraged!
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Days will come when you don't have the strength
And all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart
They'd see so much

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Praying that you have the heart to fight
Cuz you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
But they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You're beautiful, You're beautiful
You are made for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful, You're beautiful

You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to die!
I am just so grateful, the Holy Spirit has been opening my eyes up to so many things recently. I am so grateful to be saved, I was lost for a long time. I am saved by God's grace! Hallelujah!
I'm really looking forward to this job opportunity. I interviewed for a position with a company and they passed me over for someone pursuing a higher degree. I was so set on that job. BUT, in the interview, the director mentioned that they often worked with another company in the same field and when he was a professor, that company often asked him to send over their best students to recruit. I was disappointed that he didn't hire me, and felt silly because I really thought I was so perfect for that position. But later I remembered the other company and cold called one of their execs to ask if I could send my resume over. Long story short, they took my resume, brought me in to interview with various departments, and I got the job! And the really great part is that: the pay at this job is double what the first job would have been, and this job actually has longterm potential (which is what I need), whereas the first company told me it would only be through the summer. I was genuinely excited about the first job, but I think I'll be many times happier, more challenged, and ultimately better off at this one.

I usually don't go by sayings like "Man's rejection is God's protection" because they seem cliche sometimes. But this is definitely one of those "hidden blessings". So, don't be too discouraged if you don't get something you've set your heart upon, just keep working toward the goal, pray and be bold. Who knows what better thing the Lord has around the corner.
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^^ This is encouraging....timely. I got direction as well on a deal today, and I thanked God for a way of escape. Something just wasn't right, and confirmation came from different directions. I know He has something bigger and better. I trust God. :grin:
Yes, I ran around the room after reading this:roadrunner::

The greater the process one walks through, the greater the promotion will be. Before God can promote you, He has to process you. You can’t give up on your promotion. You praised Him broke, you praised Him sick, you praised Him depressed, confused and frustrated. You cried yourself to sleep and still went to church to worship the Lord. You have been through hell and you are still here praising God.

Now watch God! Bishop TD Jakes

Please keep me in your prayers, the Holy Spirit has convicted me to get all the double minded "New Thought" and "New Age" (= occult) books that I purchased in the 1990's and early 2000's out of my house. I have about 70 lbs of books going into my car and to the Goodwill. I really should have a bond fire in the back yard but my homeowner association would have a problem with that. :nono: Perhaps the Goodwill will have a bond fire, or a recycling program.

I am amazed looking back at the confusion in my life! Thank the Lord for his mercy and grace!!


Praise God!! I took the books to the Goodwill this morning and I praised Jesus all the way into work. I didn't even know how oppressive that material was to me until this morning when I got it out of my house. It was in my library room and I haven't even touched the books for years. Getting that material out of my house lightened my spirit. I also received a sign this morning that God will open doors for me now that He has my single minded devotion!! Hallelujah!!
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The first hald of the day wasn't on point a bit blue due to a blow to my ego but I will rejoice in the Lord and make it a good finish..workout and bible study..buffering my body both physically and spritually..I know tomorrow will be a great day!
With all that's going on in my life, I had this burdensome feeling this morning and just when that thought came to me, a timely Moment from the Master radio clip reminded me that more important than striving for happiness in life, is the desire to please God. Therein lies true contentment and is the bigger perspective. Am I satisfied today? Absolutely! I am satisfied that God loves me. That is more than enough.

“Be happy with me because I found my lost sheep.” Luke 15:6

When Jesus told the story of the missing sheep, some of the people who were listening wiped away a tear because they knew how it feels to be lost among the crowd. Jesus wanted us to understand that we have a Father who sees and cares for each one of his children—that we are all equally valuable to him. - Max Lucado

Have a blessed day, Ladies and stay encouraged!
You are such a blessing to me! I'm looking forward to later this month:grin:
Old school Mississippi Mass choir...:grin:
God made Me:reddancer:
Leader: Through everyday trials of life. The enemy will have you question your very existence, so I call to tell you the believer… that God…

God Made me. He made me who I am.
Leader: Come on and say it with me. God made me
Repeat Chorus (He made me- Leader)
Leader: Put a smile on your face, and say God made me.
Repeat chorus (He made me- Leader)
Leader: You may be feeling down, but pick yourself up

God made me. (Leader- and sing) God made me who I am.
Leader: So repeat these words after me and sing it

I’m a conquer, I’m victorious, I won’t be stopped, I won’t be stopped, I’m a believer, I’m an achiever, I won’t *be blocked, I won’t be blocked.
Leader: And you know why!

Leader: Now if you believe it, stand up and lift your hands and say….
Choir: My Soul says… Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. My Soul says… Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. My Soul says… Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.( Repeat as long as leader says)
Choir: God made me, God gave me, God raised me, God saved me (Repeat 2x’s)
Repeat Chorus
God made me. He made me who I am.
Choir Ending:
God made me who I am (Repeat 5x’s)
So you ask yourself, does God really care for me? He does, so there’s no need to be ashame of who you are. You can stand and declare to the world, God Made Me Who I Am!
Man God your really showing me you listen to prayer.I feel Im getting pimped slapped all up my head about things now,no cursing,tithing,being a good christian lady,bridling my tongue,not lusting,not getting angry,being nicer more approachable..so much at once God I really want to believe you have something great for me and not just have me learning all this to be alone for life and not really able to be in a great position of greatness..but its always out there..But either way Im excited about the word and the lessons that are coming through.Im not worthless,Im not a dumb idiot,I am strong,I am not disgusting,I'm not unwanted nor unloved even if I don't feel it yet.
I hope and pray that you will find the strength to make it through all this. She kept strong until the very end, with a lovely smile on her sweet little face. We have hope in Him and I sincerely desire for you to grieve and not hold it in to be the "strong" one. Knowing Him doesn't mean that we are not vulnerable nor that we can never speak our pain about a loved one's death. It is not weakness and lack of faith, it is strength and it is healing. We are still human.:bighug: We are all crying.
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Today is the day the Lord has made and we will be glad in it.We must not be busy with the world's work but the Lord's work.I'm so refreshed after church service and I know the devil doesn't like that Im slowly coming back into the word.I see this by all the frustration that I woke up to but praise his name I woke up.We ladies of the Lord must seize today and really get the point we don't have much time we are on borrowed time and the day will come when we can't work anymore..
You can't have one ear in Scripture and another in the world. It brings confusion. What does I Corinthians say but that the natural man cannot understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned. There are many choices that must be made, leadings, and decisions about how we will live our lives. And oftentimes God's way will seem paradoxical, unrealistic, naive even, from the world's standards. But we have to choose to believe the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and lead and manifest God's faithfulness and turn a deaf ear to all the other opinions, pundits, articles, blogs, relatives, books, music--anything and everything which doesn't point us to Christ.

Remember James' words that the double-minded man receives nothing from God, and is unstable--part of him believes God and wants to do things God's way, and the other doubts and is still attached to the world's way. But God would have us give ourselves over to Him completely.

I've been sowing too much confusion into my soul. Time for single-minded devotion!
Im like excited to be in church now.I say this with a open heart that I feel I have no where to turn the church.Im seeking to get to know anyone but I just need a place where I can release without judgment.I was able to cry this morning with all that is going on in me and around me at this place I store my things,my job,my personal thoughts,my lack of a man my lack finacially and career wise but thanks be to God for a refuge in the weary land but at least I know God will give me strength that I will be able to run and not grow weary..Lord your so awesome Im ready to go back to church again..my only qualm is the people I don't like alot of people near me at all it throws me but other than that Im happy.

Also please pray for my friend.She for the past year had been dating a married man.The married man wife knows of her and there is no love in the marriage its mainly still existing bc of show.She finally broke it off this weekend and she is really hurting emotionally about the situation and her walk with God.
You can't have one ear in Scripture and another in the world. It brings confusion. What does I Corinthians say but that the natural man cannot understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned. There are many choices that must be made, leadings, and decisions about how we will live our lives. And oftentimes God's way will seem paradoxical, unrealistic, naive even, from the world's standards. But we have to choose to believe the power of the Holy Spirit to guide and lead and manifest God's faithfulness and turn a deaf ear to all the other opinions, pundits, articles, blogs, relatives, books, music--anything and everything which doesn't point us to Christ.

Remember James' words that the double-minded man receives nothing from God, and is unstable--part of him believes God and wants to do things God's way, and the other doubts and is still attached to the world's way. But God would have us give ourselves over to Him completely.

I've been sowing too much confusion into my soul. Time for single-minded devotion!

I could have written this, thanks so much for posting the Derek Prince link in the generational curse thread. I enjoyed the videos, and I'm now enjoying the book.
Everybody keeps asking me if I'm getting remarried soon. What the heck? From their lips to G-d's ears. Of course, only the right one, kkk? Ahem.

Anyhoo, life is strange and sometimes we find that we had a purpose we hadn't expected..and that when we fulfilled it, we were in the right place at the right time but at the time, it sure didn't feel like it!

I can do all things through Christ who sustains me...including finding free mulch, loading it, unloading it and sprucing up the yard. Hip, hip, hoo-...ouch, oy (thud).
A FB friend posted a picture of himself at a so-called "Christian night club" a few days ago. A girl wearing extremely tight outfit was bent over in front of him while he was grinning ear to ear. He felt no conviction about it whatsover when others called him out for it. I am still grieving in my spirit after seeing that because it just shows how lightly people are taking Christ these days.
God' voice should be one of the most important and valued voice in our lives. After all, he is the all knowing and all-seeing God. He will lead us in the right paths knowingly and unknowingly. Sometimes, we find out from others had we just not made a particularly timely decision, we would have ended up somewhere less favorable. Now, that is some love-there!

Good morning, everyone and have a great day!
God Im so happy for a new day a new start your daily grace and provision will sustain me.Lord help me when I'm in the heat of the moment..help me to remember to that I can only change me and that no man should be able to rile me up it takes away the light you gave me..
Father give me the courage to eliminate all fear (or at least fight through it and win) but instead focus on my goals. In your son jesus name, amen!