2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Just left the conspiracy thread, and though hearing about such things gets me stressed out, I'm thankful that it reminded me of my Almighty Heavenly Father, who I can always run to for comfort and protection.

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Dear Lord, I'm leaving it with you. I know that I can't do it of my own will. I need trust and have faith that you are working for my good.
Dear God, protect my heart and keep it away from those that will attempt to break it. Only open my heart to the one that you have designed for me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
dear god, please deliver me from where I am at, I miss my family, and I made a terrible mistake. It seems like no one underdrstands me or what I have actually gone througj. My poor babies. Everyone has turnef their backs on me and condeemed me for my mistakes, but you haven't. You are the only one who can deliver me from this and I will continue to pray that you do. It took me up intil a fewvdays to realize you have been telling me to come closer. Since no one is hear for me on earth, I turn to you, please deliver me from here. This can't be the life you have in mind for me, it just cant be. Only by miracle and through your grace will I make it. In jesus name I pray, amen.

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Lord, I thank for a great prior week and this week will be even better for us. This will be an Ephesians 3:20 week, plus it is Holy Week. Great time to get even closer to you.

Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Thanks this will be a great week and plus, we are comemorating everything you have done for us.
I pray for focus and concentration this week.I'm tired of flipping out at work because I feel Im perceieved as less than.I'm also tired of having the weight of the world on my shoulders never being able to unwind or relax bc Im not ideal.I wish I could live out my life with gusto and not so much fear.
its hard reaching out for help and guidance and being ignored, but I will not stray from what I ultimately want to do and thats get closer to the Lord. Even though I know not where to start I believe he will guide me. It will be a process but my goal is change and deeper faith. Instead of me asking, I wrote down what I can do and work on for him, and I will start there.

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"I feel good good anytime, I speak about Jesus I feel good." Furthermore, it makes it easier to wait on His Goodness every step of the way. It makes it even sweeter to be in His House and I will be all the days of my life because He loves me. He is everything I need Him to be.
Im scared to trust you again I dont even want to enter into your house that man made.I don't know if I can ever give myself fully bc you won't allow me to have what I desire either death or a life that isn't always such a burden..I wonder why you born me into a black race a poor family a horrid history..why was I created for your amusement or joy?

But I will continue to push and at least uplift the other creatures out in the world since I believe in others way more than I could ever believe in me..

The wounded angel
Praying for you GoddessMaker.

Just remember how you start off in life doesn't mean that's how you will finish. Don't allow your past to dictate your future.

I believe things will get better for you (((HUGS))).

Im scared to trust you again I dont even want to enter into your house that man made.I don't know if I can ever give myself fully bc you won't allow me to have what I desire either death or a life that isn't always such a burden..I wonder why you born me into a black race a poor family a horrid history..why was I created for your amusement or joy?

But I will continue to push and at least uplift the other creatures out in the world since I believe in others way more than I could ever believe in me..

The wounded angel
I want to love and be cheerful but I feel so dumb.I wonder if I can ever gain hope.I hate being a bother but I feel like now I need people which kills me inside.Im trying not to buy a gun bc even though Im miserable I know those I would leave behind would be left in anguish due to bills.I hope if my time comes earlier in life Im well off enough that no one is burden by me so they can be free of me.Dealing with friendships is so overwhelming people only want to be with you in the good.
"I will wait on you Jesus"--song stuck in my head. So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.
I wonder if my heart which is ice increasted with stone can ever be tender or warm again.I feel nothing for this holiday weekend..I guess since its all a show to me.Im at work with folks who think Im just an itch or that I need to do more blah blah.I really tried to be nice and try to communicate I dont believe this will end well for my co-worker I want to hurt him but instead I would open fire on myself and be done..life is for those like him not me.
"Evermore I will serve you. Evermore I will glorify the name of the Lord. I bless your name for evermore." But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.
I guess this is more of a vent/frustration. I moved to this new city a few months ago and initially isolated myself in an effort to protect myself. Anyway, the path got extremely lonely so I reached out to build a social network. I've joined a church and also joined a few non-church groups. Long story short: the non-church groups have so many "fun" events going on that I enjoy and have attended. However, it's getting difficult to turn down certain events that I would deem inappropriate for a true Christian (e.g., tarot card reading, club dancing, etc.). This journey is so difficult at times. I know it's not supposed to be easy, but sometimes I feel like I have to choose between spending a Friday/Saturday night alone vs. hanging out with the world and worldy. Just keeping it real ...
The Ten Commandments is on right now on ABC.
Since childhood, I've always watched this every year at Easter time!
I am so filled with joy on this Resurrection Sunday.

I wish more Christians would seek real truth. We have to study to show ourselves approved. The devil is a liar and there is not truth in him. Satan you have no power. Your lies will NOT prevail.