2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Im at my desk crying again this has to stop I feel so out of control of my anger.I have never hated life so much right now.I mean I have to work bc I wasn't born with a good family with money.I hate working.I wish I could die bc I will never advance if I keep going at the rate Im going.I just got chewed out by my manger bc she heard me say to a coworker about her headache is due to the work envirnoment.Your still new we can let you go.So I need to learn how to be like so many blacks in this office and be fake as possible.

I wish a sleep that I can't wake from ever again I hate this.
Im at my desk crying again this has to stop I feel so out of control of my anger.I have never hated life so much right now.I mean I have to work bc I wasn't born with a good family with money.I hate working.I wish I could die bc I will never advance if I keep going at the rate Im going.I just got chewed out by my manger bc she heard me say to a coworker about her headache is due to the work envirnoment.Your still new we can let you go.So I need to learn how to be like so many blacks in this office and be fake as possible.

I wish a sleep that I can't wake from ever again I hate this.

Do not give up. Don't tell another those things because folks will use that to hurt you further. Tell them to G-d alone. He will make things right.

Your posts stir my heart because I too have been experiencing incredible frustration at work this year. I have also been angry about the boxes others try to put me because of appearances and assumptions. I have experienced spirals of depression of hopelessness while focusing on circumstance and feeling like I'm not progressing fast enough in life, that my dreams are impossibilities. I know about that.

I also know that God is transforming my nature continually and has blessed me in countless ways. I feel incredibly convicted and am tearful saying this because I know I've been focusing on external circumstances rather than on the fact that He has never failed me. So I must share some things to help...

1. God loves you and everything He thinks about you and gives us comes from a position of infinite love. You are on God's mind, His eyes and attention are focused on you. His very nature is Love, and you cannot earn it by what you do or don't do, it's just who He is and He wants to lavish Himself upon us.

"But the Eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love."
Psalm 33:18

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
Psalm 139

2. God speaks primarily through His Word and He acts primarily according to our faith in His Word. You have to know the Word, you have to speak the Word. The Word of God is Truth and Life and has transformation power over your mind and circumstance. We do not read the Bible merely as comforting words but as a direct revelation of God's character, promises, and direction for living.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

There is so much to say about this but the most important thing is that you must take time to regularly mediate on the Word. There are many gifts God has already placed in you by His Spirit and promises in His word but you cannot benefit from them if you are ignorant of what they are.

You have the peace of God right now:
Philippians 4:7 , John 14:27

You have the favor (special treatment from God and others) of God right now:
Psalm 90:17

You have access to the wisdom of God right now:
James 1:5

Your feelings and perceptions can never outweigh the truth of the Word. Speak the Word over your circumstances and your feelings will eventually follow. I have seen astonishing changes in my bosses and work related issues by meditating on and speaking scripture before I go to work and even while at my desk. I challenge you to practice meditating and speaking the word, I guarantee you will see drastic positive changes in your attitude and feelings over time. Say things like:

The Lord surrounds me with favor like a shield
Psalm 5:12
**A shield protects and God's favor will protect you from harmful words of co-workers and superiors. You can be confident in God's protection.

I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath
Deuteronomy 28:13

The Lord delights in my prosperity
Psalm 35:27

I have more to say GoddessMaker but I need to get back in bed :drunk: I'm going to stay on you because God did not create you or me for a life of misery and hopelessness. In fact He created us to glorify Himself through and for good works. He wants to use you and I for great things:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10
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"I am in the safety of His arms." Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. God is always good.
Lord please show me me and allow me another chance to live properly.I want to be clean and spotless but all I feel is the devil's lies about me being nothing but a horrid rag.I want to learn the things I need from my current stage of life-just having enough not any real surplus.I want to be in a good position one day.I want to be happy about where I am bc knowing my track record God may just leave me here..I dont want it I want it the nice uppity life but I guess thats not where I was called.I want to be good in my personal and professional hell.
I am in a thankful mood and so, thankful for all the people that pray for my well-being and for my best. Happy about nothing. And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety.
Thank you Precious Father for washing me cleaner every day...I still have so many things to overcome but I totally, fully trust you and I celebrate your grace and mercy on me in advance. For you never fails your promises!!!!
Lord, me and my friends are ready for an end of a long tired road. Please have our Ram in the bush, as I (and them) close these old heavy doors.
One step closer, paperwork in 3 days...and I'm truly free. Sigh of relief cuz I don't have to go through a year-long process. Thank you, G-d!!!!!
Im so happy so the company I had the interview with last week emailed me wanting me to come back this week to meet the VP and another company I got a call from last week wants me to come in next Tuesday.Lord please dont let me get too hopful but in the same breathe let your will not mine be done.

God I thank you for never changing I mean really in this world everything is changing but God is unchanged.There are no emergencies with God which means for me I have to check my microwave thinking.

God I love you and how you had me up til 1 am unable to sleep which prompting me to dig into your word like I was an addict.I even wrote out scriptures on index cards because I can't get fired from this job due to my depression and lack of tact.

I praise you God for being so totally awesome even when I dont want to hear you.I pray for me and my best friend that we will grow and overcome together..we both have that we can do it alone thing bad.Love you my CF LHCF sisters.
"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."
--Matthew 24:12

Here, Jesus is speaking of the end times. It is similar to what Paul speaks about in 2 Timothy regarding the increase of ungodliness as the time of Jesus' coming draws nearer. I could never picture what exactly "the love of many will grow cold" would look like and wondered if we had reached that point in our society. I would ask, "Is it really that bad yet?" But today, reading a (secular) relationship blog and all of the associated comments, I was so saddened at the coldness of heart that was present. It has become 100% acceptable to look out solely for #1 even if it means people are hurt and used in the process. And if someone gets trampled, well, they should have been hip to the game. I think this is a part of the kind of coldness the Lord was speaking of.

I find it very interesting and enlightening that the Lord says that the love of many will grow cold because lawlessness will increase. In thinking about it, it makes perfect sense. Jesus told us that the fulfillment of the law is to first love God will all of ourselves, and secondly to love our neighbor as ourself. God's laws direct us toward respecting, honoring, accommodating, sacrificing for, and caring for those around us. To ignore or openly flout God's commands will ultimately mean that we are incapable of loving those around us, for the Lord teaches us what loving others means. Even in sexual relationships where the claim is that both people are adults and can enjoy and respect one another, they are still using one another in a way that the Lord says is dishonoring themselves. It's like the Lord wants us to to have (and created us to have) so much more honor and dignity than we even want for ourselves.

The word says that we are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world. That reading today was a real reminder to me about the attitudes that can be absorbed from things we read and watch that really counter Christ. Since the topic was relationships, I'll stick with that. It's not acceptable for we as Christian women to adopt a "use or get used/dump or get dumped kind of mentality." How easy and tempting is it for a woman to brag that she's the heartbreaker and doesn't let herself get dumped? Jesus was so meek. He really wasn't concerned about who rejected Him. His love had a purpose and He remained constant in that purpose. He didn't spend His energy maneuvering around rejection--because He always and only acted with the Father's purposes in mind, He could accept whatever came of that. I think we have to have the security of walking in the Lord's purpose in order to love with His love and to be unconcerned about being rejected or mistreated.

I still feel very sad about what I read.
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Sharing my daily email from The Christian Working Woman today:

Adjusting Our Expectations - Tuesday, May 10th, 2011
As written and presented by Mary Whelchel

Have you been sorely disappointed in a relationship? I find this is one area in life where all of us make a basic mistake of expecting too much from a person or a relationship.

For example, I observe that happy marriages are those who have adjusted their expectations of their mates and learned to appreciate what they have instead of expecting what they can't get. The same is true with our children. When we stop expecting them to fulfill our dreams, we discover some beautiful things about them that we never saw before. Unrealistic expectations blind us and keep us from seeing and enjoying the good we do have in relationships.

Dear friends, there is no person on earth who can deliver on every promise and be everything we want them to be to us. But at the same time, God gives us people-mates and friends and relatives and coworkers-who can bring us great joy and enhance our lives in many ways, if we'll simply accept them the way they are and adjust our expectations of them.

I've discovered that true contentment and joy is mine when I'm willing to go to Jesus for the fulfillment I've been expecting from others. But there have been times in my life when I wasn't willing to do that, and believe me, they were roller-coaster years of frustration and disappointment.

I received a letter from a young woman who expects her boyfriend to fulfill her. But it isn't working and she wrote of how he is disappointing her. Nevertheless she went on to say, in so many words, 'don't expect me to find what I'm looking for in Jesus alone, because Jesus can't put his arms around me or take me out on Saturday nights or run his fingers through my hair.' It's clear that she has decided that a relationship with Jesus cannot be a substitute for what she expects from her boyfriend.

Well, she's in a lose/lose situation, because that boyfriend will continue to disappoint her, and she refuses to adjust her expectations. In addition, she shuns the one relationship that will never disappoint her. I urge you to discover for yourself that Jesus is able to meet your needs. Then when others fail to come through, which will happen throughout your life, you will not be devastated by your own unrealistic expectations.
Thank you@Laela...I am trying to hide the disappointment I have in a friendship gone awry ...my expectations are high and by God taking these people out of my life one by one, its allowing me to cling even closer to God because He is the only one who can fulfill my needs and deliver on EVERY promise...

I am asking God for guidance more than ever...I will be 25 soon and I can't believe where I am in life. On one hand, I have achieved many goals that were only made possible through Him, but on the other hand I am very disappointed in some of the areas in my life. I need to let go of the dreams of what I thought my life would be by now and move forward with God. Forget the past, continue to repent, look to God and trust that He will take care of me now and in the future.
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Rest does not mean do nothing. Rest is holy spirit directed activity.

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God is in control...I can't stop rejoice for all the blessings that are flowing in my family's and friend's lives. He's in control.He's The Guidor, The Protector, The only Lover.
Wasn't Jesus' admonition for the individual, not for him to examine another's life, but for self-examination as it applies to him at the time of judgment? We've all got opportunities that we are wasting where we could build up heavenly treasure. The admonition is for the individual. However, it's a fine line between judgment and advice. Obviously, if something is horribly wrong in society or disruptive, it needs to be addressed for the benefit of all as we are to preserve life. The difficulty is in determining where that fine line is on spiritual matters. What is the intent behind pointing it out? If one searches deep down, the answer can be found. Transparency and truth.
God you are so awesome I can't tell it if I tried.God the word last night was so awesome even though I didnt stay for the whole event.That lady pastor was so on fire last night.She wasn't like some I have heard that are all pretty and cute no when she hit that no man should be over God and then she was like no n**** should be over God I was done.

This message was for me because she was talking about the religious spirits in the church.And how we aren't to judge others by appearance but be a discerning of spirits.

I feel something inside of me working.I feel like this year could be the year I finally can get back on God track 100.I want to submit it all to the Lord its scary but I can do it because God is my daddy.

I pray all that are hear have a awesome week.We are more than conquerors..We rock because our Daddy is the most high the greatest the Alpha and Omega the beginner and the end come on son we as the daughters of the highest King oh we the children of the Lord will do awesome things this week.
why can't I feel his spirit? I want to be close to him but I feel something blocking me. I don't feel him when I pray even though he is listening. I used to feel him when I was youger now I don't hnow what to do. I want to give up like why bother, but I know he is the answer. Any suggestions please tell me, pm me, something.

I was in church on mother's day and they have a segment where they praise. The band plays music and everyone was jumping around dancing and crying. I started to cry to not only because I missed my mom, but also because I couldn't feel what they felt. I thought how beautiful that the Lord was touching them like that and I cried because I felt nothing. What is this? I seriouslt can feel the block on my chest keeping me from allowing him into my heart and spirit. I don't want it there, what do I need to do?

Droid typing leads to typos for me
Geminigirl I am right there with you.You will have to do some deep soul searching in order to discover the blockage.You will have to be like a plumber who takes the pipe out and remove all the clutter and nonsense from it so things can freely move.

I don't know what has gotten into me or better yet what has been activated in me in the last few weeks as I have a hunger for the Lord's word like no other.I can't seem to get enough of his word.Im not that sweet nice saint lady who attends church every time its open but I just want to be up in the word.I am noticing even though I may still curse or get a bit mad about things its not lingering as long and I get upset at myself for such non christian light behavior.I noticed how I was getting ticked at my mother for cursing alot over a video game she was playing.

I want the real gospel the raw the truth.I can't deal with those who are playing church in order to make a show and have that look at me mess.

Lord I praise you for being so awesome and great.If I really get down and dirty Lord I can't help but praise you while I was in the darkness of some random man's car while I was 14.I have to praise you that I don't have a record from all the bad actions I did nor a baby from the whoreish times.Lord your a good daddy that I love.
Gemini..dont feel bad. I felt this way while attending a funeral. All that hollerin, pastor jumping around, music blasting by the band left me feeling blank and empty. I got nothing from the message which is crazy cause I listen to different pastors online everyday and come away rejuvinated and blessed. I realize that ive grown in a different way. I desire to be taught the good news. Not just preached to. Perhaps the same is for u.

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why can't I feel his spirit? I want to be close to him but I feel something blocking me. I don't feel him when I pray even though he is listening. I used to feel him when I was youger now I don't hnow what to do. I want to give up like why bother, but I know he is the answer. Any suggestions please tell me, pm me, something.

I was in church on mother's day and they have a segment where they praise. The band plays music and everyone was jumping around dancing and crying. I started to cry to not only because I missed my mom, but also because I couldn't feel what they felt. I thought how beautiful that the Lord was touching them like that and I cried because I felt nothing. What is this? I seriouslt can feel the block on my chest keeping me from allowing him into my heart and spirit. I don't want it there, what do I need to do?

Droid typing leads to typos for me

You and @GODdesmaker, I know well what this was in my own life. It's what led me to the RCC (just my journey) where it's so ordered and quiet in comparison. I couldn't get into all that hooping and hollering and crying...for what? I soon found that inner sanctum in quiet expression. It was so simple and encompassing. He's there in the tabernacle. Boom. That's it. I didn't have to nearly tear myself down and feel like jumping off a bridge kinda remorse for sinning...it was simply, "come here if you do that and get it right, simply that."

When I was worshiping with my bf's family some years back, I always felt like the odd man out. They were talking about speaking in tongues, flip-turning pastors, all this hoopla...and here I was, unmoved by any of it. It just wasn't me. I'm a very emotional person as in I have great empathy for others (oftentimes, to my detriment) but I couldn't handle tambourines, drums, aerials, splits, pirouettes, blasting horns and whatnot...just couldn't cry on demand. Something was off with that for me. I soon found out that feeling His Spirit for me meant finding compassion for others, saying a quiet prayer for xyz situation, placing money in the alms box for the poor, going to confession, attempting to amend my life...and it gradually moves upwards, in this rather lack-luster mundane daily existence.