2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Oh I hate when I feel deathly tired of life.Its not a good feeling at all.I want to believe that this must be the devil's attempt to take me out since God must have something oh so great for me but I just can't.I just can't do it anymore.I want to believe and be happy.I want to be the center of attention bc I just make ppl want to be near instead of repel.

I know my yoga/pilates class will help me simmer down.I don't want to take a bullet to my temple bc if I fail which I have before it cost too much money and others look at you funny.

Have a great evening ladies.
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Goddesmaker, you are having a crisis and need to go to the hospital immediately. Please do so. I am not in judgment of you, I care about you. Remember, we're supposed to have that coffee in Dallas next year. I'm waiting to meet you there. :yep:
I have to admit, I'm looking at those sealed books thinking, "I can get my pliers right now and just break those links." :giggle: I know...that's a big irreverent.
Oh I hate when I feel deathly tired of life.Its not a good feeling at all.I want to believe that this must be the devil's attempt to take me out since God must have something oh so great for me but I just can't.I just can't do it anymore.I want to believe and be happy.I want to be the center of attention bc I just make ppl want to be near instead of repel.

I know my yoga/pilates class will help me simmer down.I don't want to take a bullet to my temple bc if I fail which I have before it cost too much money and others look at you funny.

Have a great evening ladies.

Well, I am happy that you are feeling better--your first message had me concerned--and I wanted to respect your wishes not to email you. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
I feel like I am such a babe, there is so much I don't know or understand. I'm praying to God for wisdom and understanding.
It makes a difference when we have people who believe in our vision because they will help us to keep going until God brings it to pass. David and Jonathan's relationship was the best and I love it: Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. David loved it so much that he made a covenant and never forgot Jonathan's love and goodness to him. Thank you for people you have placed in our lives that build us up and share a vision with us that empowers us to excel in life. Thank you Lord.
It makes a difference when we have people who believe in our vision because they will help us to keep going until God brings it to pass. David and Jonathan's relationship was the best and I love it: Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. David loved it so much that he made a covenant and never forgot Jonathan's love and goodness to him. Thank you for people you have placed in our lives that build us up and share a vision with us that empowers us to excel in life. Thank you Lord.

Thank you for sharing this post! God placed a few people in my life that I know were divine connections for His purpose and glory!

It's always a blessing to have these types of relationships :)
Thank you for sharing this post! God placed a few people in my life that I know were divine connections for His purpose and glory!

It's always a blessing to have these types of relationships :)

Thank you very much for the compliment. Divine connections are excellent and a blessing. Those relationships cause us in some cases to develop qualities needed to help people. We normally have special favor with those people. Now, when I think about it--I am so happy for those people because they helped tremendously. Relationships are valuable and are apart of our spiritual life. David and Jonathan in my book is my all-time favorite relationship.
When God restores, we are even better than the former. God is a God of too much. My advisers and nobles sought me out and I was restored as head of my kingdom with even greater honor than before. You are a good Father.
Really liking this right now(simple song):
"I believe God. His Word is true. And I believe God. He will always come through. I choose to believe."

Self-epiphany: You have to make the decision to believe God if someone can talk you out of your belief, then you really never believed. Anyone to blame is yourself. Furthermore, if you are trusting God for something and someone tells you why it cannot and won't happen, it means get excited, make room for it because it is going to happen if you don't quit. The devil doesn't waste his time shooting down people who bound in unbelief. Let's go--firm, fixed and steadfast!
I wish I had a good support system.I have been alone for more than 5 yrs now.I find that I'm always alone in everything I do.It appears that when I feel there are some nice people I sense things and have to distance myself from them.I was at the nail shop today and say this group of ladies hugging.I was like man I wish I had that.They looked so happy to see each other but the tone from my observations appear something possible tragic or they dont like close.

I really abhor my inability to grow close to anyone.Pain of disappointment and not being able to manage alone is really getting to me.I want to marry but at this rate in my life I may never because I just dont have the ability to be penetrated.I hate I'm in lust over my co-worker.He is more so intelligent,treats me like a lady than he is attractive.He is nice looking too.I hate I want to have relations with a man even though I know its wrong.I don't feel I'm worth having as a wife but I dont want to settle by doing things I shouldn't.

This felt good to write out.I have been so depressed over these things this week that its showing at work.One of my clients tried to cheer me up.That was so appreciated.Im like always a bit down but this is real blue.
I think I have to quit my job for the sake of the Gospel. I have been involved with an organization for about 10 years that holds discussion groups and conferences for high school students on all sorts of social issues. And while I agree with their overall mission, the progressive agenda has become too much. It is assumed that unless one takes a liberal stance on homosexuality that one is automatically bigoted. The director regularly takes jabs at faith and religious belief and today seemed to try to get the students to see faith as a type of "fanciful dream." Thankfully they weren't really interested in following that line of thought.

A part of me thinks that I could be a voice that at least prevents the conversations from flowing unrestrained with no one to challenge it. At the same time, I don't think that challenge would be productive insofar as me doing my job is concerned. Maybe I'm giving up too easily though.

I've been listening a lot lately about the Lord calling His people out. I feel like this whole year or so has been a long process of removal.
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I think I have to quit my job for the sake of the Gospel. I have been involved with an organization for about 10 years that holds discussion groups and conferences for high school students on all sorts of social issues. And while I agree with their overall mission, the progressive agenda has become too much.

It is assumed that unless one takes a liberal stance on homosexuality that one is automatically bigoted.

The director regularly takes jabs at faith and religious belief and today seemed to try to get the students to see faith as a type of "fanciful dream." Thankfully they weren't really interested in following that line of thought.

A part of me thinks that I could be a voice that at least prevents the conversations from flowing unrestrained with no one to challenge it. At the same time, I don't think that challenge would be productive insofar as me doing my job is concerned. Maybe I'm giving up too easily though.

I've been listening a lot lately about the Lord calling His people out. I feel like this whole year or so has been a long process of removal.

The devil is a liar and the truth is not in him, nor those who lie for him.

So.... What did... and what 'would' Jesus do?

Wherever Jesus was and went, He loved, He stood and He made the difference.

God makes bad and unproductive things--productive. The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water; in the habitation of jackals, where each lay, there shall be grass with reeds and rushes. He restores and when He restores, it is beyond a job well done.
I sometimes feel that they are all just the same. When they can, they will take advantage of you and then charge you with something negative. The only one who is true is YOU, G-d. Only YOU.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake"

That verse really ministered to me over the weekend. I feel really blessed, I've been having so many questions in my mind and I tell you God has literally been giving me my answers in Bible verses.
Thank God for His Word, which breathes Life....visited this out-of-town church where I received His Word (a third time)... triple attestion... So I know this was for me. Thanking the Father today for the ministers of the Gospel who tell it like it T-I-is, wrapped in all the Love and Goodness that He expects it to be in. No mediocracy. No religiosity. No time for games. Straight up Gospel.

Ladies stay encouraged in the Lord, with the help of the Holy Spirit. He revives, restores, encourages, energizes, strenghthens ... :yep:
I'm praying for some comfort this week.I know it will be hard at work and I feel so busy at times Im unable to read my devotional from sisters prayer that I get via email each morning.I'm praying for forgivness of my sexual thoughts.They come so strong that it makes me want to do something I would regret:come on to my co-worker.But I know thats not classy as a lady nor proper as a christian woman.I want to be able to forgive myself a bit as well.I always feel subservient because I never believe Im worthy or God cares about me.

I hope that all have a great week and love on someone who may be lost in their own minds or help them while they are in transition in every sense of the word.
God you have great plans ahead and I thank you Lord, that we will accomplish what you have called us to do. Once we believe you have a great plan for us, we tend to be focused and it is very hard to get us off track. I have thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end.

We thank you Lord that something great will happen to us this week and we have expectations for great things this week and not bad things.
We are so dear to God. How precious are your thoughts toward us. You have great plans and good things on the way for us and to pass onto others.
This is just a random vent.

I sometimes wonder how on earth can I be happy.I mean I know one is like a ingraite when they aren't always praising and smiling.I feel like a dumb fool to be optimistic or even smile.I really can't muster enough energy to say something great will come from this sad life.Its just not about things I desired that may never come up but just society in general.I work with the poor.Im sick of it.I wonder why I can't seem to not having feelings.

Ok I need to think happy sappy thoughts,this so doesn't come natural for me.
We are so dear to God. How precious are your thoughts toward us. You have great plans and good things on the way for us and to pass onto others.

Such an 'on time' Word from the Lord. Thank you, Nice Lady. God bless you richly and abundantly. :love2:

I dedicate this Love message from Jesus, to our precious GoddessMaker . :grouphug2:
We are blessed. God determines to bless us and it doesn't make a difference if man tries to thwart it(Numbers 24:1 NLT). Thank you Lord for recently opening my eyes to this Scripture of your love and goodwill toward your children. As Joseph Prince says, I am blessed and it cannot be reversed. Fear opens the door to turn off the blessing or for curses to enter. I am not willing to accept the curse.....

This is a Psalm 65:11 Year. It is a year crowned with goodness. The goodness of God is abundance, prosperity, healing, provision, redemption, restoration, and sustenance. I am focused on where I am going.

Lord, you have good plans for us! I am really happy that on Sunday that my pastor preached about the annointing. It was powerful--empowered to win!
We thank you Lord before this day kicks off that it will be a great and productive day. Please Lord give us success in all our endeavors. We thank you it so.

We also ask that your peace will overshadow us today.