2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

To know God one must open themselves up to accept him.Not many desire to really go deep for Jesus,I feel my time is coming when things will no longer matter and all will be focused on him and his work.I believe thats why I have no social life or rest.I pray that my next moves are directly correlated to his plan.
Happy Resurrection Sunday! This morning's service was amazing. I completed my new member orientation last week and the "graduation ceremony" is in two weeks. I've already made a lot of new friends and look forward to getting involved with one of the many ministries.

Be blessed ladies!
May the Lord bless all of you who basked in His presence today! What a blessed day, knowing all that the Lord has done for us!

Jesus is alive!!!
Jesus is alive!
Death has lost its victory and the grave has been denied!
Jesus lives forever!!!!!!
I keep getting the message through secular and gospel means that Dreams need to be resurrected. I think God is trying to tell me something. I keep saying I never hear God, maybe I been hearing him :orders: and just didn't know it was him?!?! :perplexed
I wonder if God can bring my heart from the grave.I wonder if he can help me like so many seem to have received help from him.I my walk is much different from most since I have so many barriers in my way.I hope other areas in my life will pop off as my workouts have this year.As I lose lbs I feel I have lost some of my baggage not enough to write home about but its coming off..
+Thank goodness for family, friends, and sisters on this forum. :grinwink:
+Feeling a bit better and stronger.
+Glad I went to church today. Seeing the little children perform touched my heart.
Thank you for another week and I thank you that goodness and mercy will follow us into every single day. We have an expectation for good and help us to have an inner picture of goodness showing up.

Songs of joy and victory are sung in the camp of the godly. The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things!
Im blessed to be alive because as much negative deadly thoughts come through my mind.I look forward to the day I can be calm in the sea of nonsense.
Lord thank you for your constant confirmations. I know I'm coming to the end of this road to my breakthrough.
I knew it would be difficult standing in a sea of difference where I'm the odd man out. But I offered friendship and received fear, confusion, even baseless hatred. They cannot see us, L-rd. They cannot hear us...and all I want to do is to stand with friendship hand outstretched. No swaying of sides, only mutual respect is on the table. Now I know how You felt, somewhat.
Letting go feels like giving up?

I thought I wasn't supposed to give up....

Joseph didn't give up....

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Im blessed to be alive because as much negative deadly thoughts come through my mind.I look forward to the day I can be calm in the sea of nonsense.

Amen!!!!! I love the days its gone too, its nice not wrestling life and death

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Faith does not come by having HEARD.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing......and hearing...and when you're done. HEAR SOME MORE!
"Rejoice, in the Lord, always and again I say rejoice...." This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Its sad that most people don't know the united states was created as an occult society. I want everyone to wakeup and get saved.
I know looking at my past post here and just looking at my life it doesn't appear that I'm happy at all nor am I very successful like so many.I often times am so narrow focused which I honestly feel is in my mental makeup that I can't seem to be grateful.

I happened to see the title of a thread in the parenting section and it was something about raising kids with hearing impairments.And it hit me even though Im not successful in my opinion and in most of societies definition Im thankful to have my ability to hear the birds chirp in the morning and the ability to see..I will cling to this until my life either ends or gets on a more mainstream success pattern.
Got up at 3:54 and witnessed the beatification of Blessed JPII. It was beautiful. Thing is, I forgot about it.
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Sitting up looking at my show Ruby and they hit a key thing your only as sick as your secrets.I don't know if I have any secrets anymore but I haven't properly dealt with everything in a way that is proper so I can move on and be happy or something like everyone who has been healed of past abuse both sexual,mental,emotional and physical.I just want to be normal and not so angered and charged by life.I want to be the docile lady who doesn't curse or do anything ungodly like.
I believe with all my heart that my depression is suppose to be my thorn that will never be taken away.I hate working,living and being near ppl..why is this so,because most ppl aren't about anything.Im going to keep trucking til my wheels fall off literally..but I want to be under the covers away from the world.
Been pondering a bit about the end times, as many Christians are. Many take the "seeming" lack of a strong US presence in the eschatological scriptures to indicate that we as a nation utterly fall and perhaps no longer exist. While I know well that all "great" nations have risen and fallen, I think there is definitely another possibility. The US has a strong history and political tradition of not entangling itself in the world. Thomas Paine's Common Sense, the Monroe Doctrine, our current reluctance to go along with the UN--all ways in which Americans have distinguished ourselves from being beholden to the world's system.

This could be purely my own hope, but it could also be true. I looked up some commentaries and found interesting thoughts on the "young lions of Tarshish" in Ezekiel and possibly relevant eagle wings mentioned in Revelation.


While our country is on our mind, I hope that we pray that the US would extract itself from the world's system. We don't need the world, we really don't--we can sustain ourselves. People want us to be a "superpower". That's not what is important. We shouldn't look to dominate the world scene, only to be good and right and just. Throughout US history, we have remained allies of Israel--pray that we remain such, for the Lord promised that He would bless those who bless Israel.

People can choose to be vessels of honor or vessels of dishonor. I think countries can choose as well. We can shape ourselves to be a vessel of honor in this world.

2 Timothy 2:20-21 said:
20But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

21If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
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Lord please cover my friend and give him discernment. I know that there are a lot of naysayers in this situation but YOU hold the ultimate power. May YOUR will be done. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Lord I'm asking for deliverance from this particular situation. It was been plaguing me for weeks now, an even though I've tried to let it go, I can't. So I pray that you take charge of it, have your own way, and I suppose whatever will be, will be. I can't do anything else but take refuge in you and bear the consequences.
Been pondering a bit about the end times, as many Christians are. Many take the "seeming" lack of a strong US presence in the eschatological scriptures to indicate that we as a nation utterly fall and perhaps no longer exist. While I know well that all "great" nations have risen and fallen, I think there is definitely another possibility. The US has a strong history and political tradition of not entangling itself in the world. Thomas Paine's Common Sense, the Monroe Doctrine, our current reluctance to go along with the UN--all ways in which Americans have distinguished ourselves from being beholden to the world's system.

This could be purely my own hope, but it could also be true. I looked up some commentaries and found interesting thoughts on the "young lions of Tarshish" in Ezekiel and possibly relevant eagle wings mentioned in Revelation.


While our country is on our mind, I hope that we pray that the US would extract itself from the world's system. We don't need the world, we really don't--we can sustain ourselves. People want us to be a "superpower". That's not what is important. We shouldn't look to dominate the world scene, only to be good and right and just. Throughout US history, we have remained allies of Israel--pray that we remain such, for the Lord promised that He would bless those who bless Israel.

People can choose to be vessels of honor or vessels of dishonor. I think countries can choose as well. We can shape ourselves to be a vessel of honor in this world.

Yet the founding of this colony is through the British colonial system which is still in place. We were discussing this on a radio program last night. One said that he hoped we'd extract ourselves in the meddling of other nations' affairs. I suggested that the reason this nation has so much wealth is precisely due to that reason. It has to continue to exploit to satisfy it's capitalism.

I think there is a way to correct some of the continued wrongs but is everyone ready to put down his wealth to achieve it? The first people they should honor are us, Native America...then African Americans and down the line it goes, then Israel. How on earth would it happen? Possibly through great tragedy, death and destruction by starting out as pioneers again and this time, not killing others for land.

I tell you, the same discussion, practically...how timely. I think that U.S. citizens are simply tired these days.
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I pray I can shake this feeling of worthlessness its starting to show badly..I also wish I didnt get so negative when things are going ok.
Honestly God,

As much as I have faith which has sustained me, and as much as I say I want your will to be done, I really hope that it coincides with my desires.
Yet the founding of this colony is through the British colonial system which is still in place. We were discussing this on a radio program last night. One said that he hoped we'd extract ourselves in the meddling of other nations' affairs. I suggested that the reason this nation has so much wealth is precisely due to that reason. It has to continue to exploit to satisfy it's capitalism.

I think there is a way to correct some of the continued wrongs but is everyone ready to put down his wealth to achieve it? The first people they should honor are us, Native America...then African Americans and down the line it goes, then Israel. How on earth would it happen? Possibly through great tragedy, death and destruction by starting out as pioneers again and this time, not killing others for land.

I tell you, the same discussion, practically...how timely. I think that U.S. citizens are simply tired these days.

I see what you are saying. And it's interesting, because one of the theologians I read mentioned that the US was founded through the British empire, which was an extension historically of the Roman empire--however removed. However, I would argue that the US clearly rebelled against that system and distinguished ourselves from it, and up until WWII was pretty adamant about not getting involved in the affairs of the world. And we were doing just fine with that economically.

The history of racism toward blacks and Native Americans is terrible, but I think that in reflecting on the meaning of the end times, everyone will bow the knee to Jesus and Jesus alone--including the most exploited peoples. The US, like most all nations, has done bad things; but the point now is to not fall under God's wrath.

I don't want to derail the Random Thoughts thread, so feel free to PM to disagree with me. :grin: