2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Spring brings renewal, revival and productivity. We thank you Lord that you are restoring and breaking any material thing that is preventing us from walking in your best: I will bless them and let them live around my sacred hill. There I will bless them with showers of rain when they need it. The trees will bear fruit, the fields will produce crops, and everyone will live in safety on his own land. When I break my people's chains and set them free from those who made them slaves, then they will know that I am the Lord.
When dealing with change you have to pick your pain.
We have two options: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Discipline weighs pounds. Regret weighs tons. - unknown
It is easier to believe God to bring about our victories rather than to try to enforce our own. When you attempt to enforce your own, you are creating chaos and you still have to go to him to get you out. It is better to wait and put no limits on what he can do for you.

The Lord is my strength and song; he has given me the victory.
Sometimes you just have to go on ahead and ignore.... especially when what someone offers is of absolutely no value to your spiritual life.
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There is nothing like being awoke from your sleep because obviously, God wants to speak to you especially when you have been sleeping pretty well. Pulling the covers over your head doesn't really work. Time to hit the floor.

For this is God. Our God forever and ever. He will be our guide even to death.
We are in the Father's hand and no one can pluck us out of His hand. Thank God for that--he is our protector, defender, deliverer and provider. It is good to know that he lovingly cares for us and watches over us.

Okay, time to get a move on the day.
I really wish my feelings weren't so strong about not attending a church.I think back when I was younger and loved going but I think deeper it wasn't because of God but more so to be seen to interact with people because I wasn't allowed to interact with others growing up.

So maybe now that I accepted I'm just not most folks cup of tea I don't even want to bother anymore.I'm finding saying I love the Lord to be a quite stressful and difficult thing since I continue to repeat the same offense however I do feel bad because if you love someone you would never do anything to make them sad ever.

I sometimes believe I should walk away from this christianity or having a relationship with God,but nothing else makes sense I suppose since I was raised in this stuff.I often feel I need a break from it all people,trying to correct my behavior,staying hopeful of a life that is nice even though the writing on the walls says this is it and your life is damned.

I dont know what I need anymore prayer or a new form of focus because at this rate I'm in a losing battle.
Ah, just one day at a time...it's as much as we can stand, truly. Wish we were already in Dallas, I'd invite you to coffee!!! :bighug:
I really wish I was in a place to move up north where a particular church is.I watch it online more so than I do any church that is in my area.I hate feeling heavy in this area of my walk yet I have no strength to do anything.This is where I am Lord why are you just standing there looking I thought I was something special but I guess Im not I dont even care about having millions as I know my life will always be in survival mode I just want to feel whole since I will always be alone
I really wish my feelings weren't so strong about not attending a church.I think back when I was younger and loved going but I think deeper it wasn't because of God but more so to be seen to interact with people because I wasn't allowed to interact with others growing up.

So maybe now that I accepted I'm just not most folks cup of tea I don't even want to bother anymore.I'm finding saying I love the Lord to be a quite stressful and difficult thing since I continue to repeat the same offense however I do feel bad because if you love someone you would never do anything to make them sad ever.

I sometimes believe I should walk away from this christianity or having a relationship with God,but nothing else makes sense I suppose since I was raised in this stuff.I often feel I need a break from it all people,trying to correct my behavior,staying hopeful of a life that is nice even though the writing on the walls says this is it and your life is damned.

I dont know what I need anymore prayer or a new form of focus because at this rate I'm in a losing battle.

GoddessMaker stay strong
Sometimes I want to fall back to my old bad habits/ways but I know it won't help me. It could feel great in the beginning but I know it'll hurt me in the end.

Don't say you're not anybody's cup of tea. Don't talk about yourself that way. You're a beautiful woman. I say stay away from the relationship forum for a while. It can depress you and make you feel like there's no hope in romance.

Sending you a big hug from Boston.
@ Goddess Maker, listen to Boston Maria---thanks for leaving that message. You can't listen to those thoughts because you won't be always that way. By the way, it is the devil telling you those things and convincing you of such.

This morning--I began to think and meditate on the fact that God loves me and delights in me. God delights in prospering us and blessing us:If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey. Thank you Lord that this will be a great week and I expect great things to happen this week for us because only your goodness and mercy follow us.
God's Word is the final word on everything. It brings peace and clarity.

I am extremely happy and ecstatic along with having so much energy.
Thanks Lord for reminding me that You are for me and Your Word will not fail in my life. New level of trusting you--thanks for believing in me to pass the test. You saw the end from the beginning that I would rock out. But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord's own house; they flourish in the courts of our God. All is well when you bring victory for your beloved. You really love me in that I am more than a conqueror and have surpassing victory in all things--you will take care of the rest.
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Today is a new day and I will be happy in it.Happiness I'm learning can't be based off of circumstances in life.I often times feel like I'm on a emotional rollercoaster however God's word is steadfast.I have take a big leap today by canceling a interview.I want out of my current employer badly.However I feel like it's not time and even though it appears doors were opening I don't believe those doors where opening from God.I feel satan wants me to run as I have always done in times of turbulence.I will not be a fool and will pick up when I see the company may no longer be but for now its time to dig in and lean into things.I can't worry so much about money or if I will ever be found attractive by a man again all I can do is work,do what I'm told and do the right things.
God your love is beyond human comprehension. Due to your love for us, you act like a mother hen. The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.
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God your love is beyond human comprehension. Due to your love for us, you act like a mother hen. The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.

Nice Lady, your posts are so full of love and inspiration.

One day, I hope you will create a special thread of all of your messages and have them posted as a stickie. They are just that special and even more, just that 'nice' to brighten anyone's day. They sure do bless my day.

In this Random thoughts thread, they get missed by others who need this Word you are sharing. It needs to be upfront; let not your beautiful 'Light' be hidden; for not only does it shine, it brightens and heals the heart.

God bless you. :grouphug2:
Nice Lady, your posts are so full of love and inspiration.

One day, I hope you will create a special thread of all of your messages and have them posted as a stickie. They are just that special and even more, just that 'nice' to brighten anyone's day. They sure do bless my day.

In this Random thoughts thread, they get missed by others who need this Word you are sharing. It needs to be upfront; let not your beautiful 'Light' be hidden; for not only does it shine, it brightens and heals the heart.

God bless you. :grouphug2:

Awww...thanks for the love. I definitely will....that's funny you are all up in my head. I hope I do brighten your day. Thank you so much.
God is faithful forever and that is enough to stir us on the inside. He who calls you is faithful and will do it. His Word is a fail-proof plan combined with following through with anything he prompts you to do.
God is the God of a turnaround---unproductive things become productive when He breathes on. Sadness is turned into gladness and rejoicing. Let's go: The people of the city said to Elisha, “Look, our lord, this town is well situated, as you can see, but the water is bad and the land is unproductive.” “Bring me a new bowl,” he said, “and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him.Then he went out to the spring and threw the salt into it, saying, “This is what the LORD says: ‘I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive (1 Kings 2:19-21 NIV).’”
Awww...thanks for the love. I definitely will....that's funny you are all up in my head. I hope I do brighten your day. Thank you so much.

Nice Lady, you truly do brighten my day. I just read your post from 2 Kings and you just don't know how it has blessed my heart.

It's a 'Word' in Season.... truly a Word from the Lord.

Thank you, so much. :love2:
Word heard today.... It's only Jesus who can tell the devil to get behind Him, because he can't shove Jesus. Tell the devil to get 'thee behind me' without Jesus, you will get knocked down. :laugh:
[not aimed at anyone.. just sharing; no need for a rebuttal ]

Moment of Clarity: The only crowns I'm seeking to obtain are those God the Father has awaiting those who endure until the end. Amein! :yep:
Word heard today.... It's only Jesus who can tell the devil to get behind Him, because he can't shove Jesus. Tell the devil to get 'thee behind me' without Jesus, you will get knocked down. :laugh:
[not aimed at anyone.. just sharing; no need for a rebuttal ]

Moment of Clarity: The only crowns I'm seeking to obtain are those God the Father has awaiting those who endure until the end. Amein! :yep:

Soooooo true! (high five and ten) :clap:

Those Seven Sons of Scheva found that out quick... (Acts 19:14)

:hardslap: is what they got from the enemy... All because they were 'acting' like :strong: without Jesus, going around town, 'mocking' (imitating) the Apostle Paul.

The question to every Believer: "Who in "hell" knows you?"

The enemy responded to the 'fake sons'...

"Paul we know..... "

And the evil spirit answered and said to them, “I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?”

And the man, in whom was the evil spirit, leaped on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. ---- Acts 19:15-17

Folks betta' watch the god they choose to follow.
Hmmmm, we all need mercy....but G-d is working through miraculous ways and providing a path where boulders were once thrown to create an impasse. Praise be to G-d. May those who commit evil recognize their faults and repent. G-d is bringing down these feisty ole devils in ourNnations , one by one...but it's finally happening!:bouncegreViva Native America!!!! G-d is on the side of the common man.:yep:
I really wish my feelings weren't so strong about not attending a church.I think back when I was younger and loved going but I think deeper it wasn't because of God but more so to be seen to interact with people because I wasn't allowed to interact with others growing up.

So maybe now that I accepted I'm just not most folks cup of tea I don't even want to bother anymore.I'm finding saying I love the Lord to be a quite stressful and difficult thing since I continue to repeat the same offense however I do feel bad because if you love someone you would never do anything to make them sad ever.

I sometimes believe I should walk away from this christianity or having a relationship with God,but nothing else makes sense I suppose since I was raised in this stuff.I often feel I need a break from it all people,trying to correct my behavior,staying hopeful of a life that is nice even though the writing on the walls says this is it and your life is damned.

I dont know what I need anymore prayer or a new form of focus because at this rate I'm in a losing battle.

I'm a few days late but your post really did speak to me. I didn't grow up in church and I was not taught about the love of Jesus or anything in the bible. The few times that I did attend church as a child I was met with messages far from love and full of condemnation of other people. I grew to strongly dislike church and associated Christianity with superficial love and hate, but God has a way of working on us even when we turn from Him.... During my college years I started having a lot of struggles in my personal relationships and I started to wonder if it was ME...was I the one causing these issues? I know now that God was just separating me from people, He was isolating me and delivering me from the very thing that kept me from Him: PEOPLE (the wrong examples of Christians).

Once I was delivered from the opinions of other people I came to know God. If I have learned nothing else over the past 6 years it is this: we can't put the cart before the horse, God must be first at all times...especially in church. I literally had to get to know God on my own and for myself. I began to attend a big church by myself (a major fear of mine) and God made me get comfortable with it being just the two of us in that season... it was so hard. Once I got to that place He started to bring the right people into my life and so I am now in a place where I can share my walk with others and not be distracted or swayed by others because God is my ROCK! I had to love Him before I could love my neighbor.

Perhaps God is distancing you from people so that you can fulfill the greatest commandment : Mark 12:28 Reading your post really made me think of my own struggles and journey... I could go on for days. Just know that God has you in this place only so you can draw closer to Him. We all have to be pruned and just when you feel like you are going crazy or losing this battle just trust that He has already won the war. He created the solution before the devil could construct the problem.

Edited to add:

You spoke of being frustrated that you are committing the same offenses.

Please read Romans 7:14.

Don't let the devil beat you down with your flaws. In 2 Corinthians 12 Paul wrote about the thorn in his flesh he said he went to God 3 times asking that he remove the thorn but God didn't. Not only did God not remove the thorn but he told Paul that "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

I could shout on that one! We will never be perfect in this flesh. Continue to ask God to remove what is not like Him from your spirit, repent often and thank God every day for grace!
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Nay in all things I am more than a conqueror and having surpassing victory in this life. Lord, I am totally dependent on you and you are my priority. Let's go!