2011 21 DAY FAST

I will be joining! I'm following Jentezen Franklin's 21-day corporate fast and I've read Fasting by him (great read). I did a 21-day fast last year with a local church and it was an amazing start to 2010, I'm looking forward to doing it again! I'm going to challenge myself and do the Daniel Fast the entire 21-days!!! I've done many 6am-6pm partial fasts to the point where it isn't even a challenge anymore. Giving up poultry (Im a pollotarian), dairy and sweets.... that's a serious challenge! However, I know God will see me through!!!
Here is a link to WCCI's website. Apparently they are doing a corporate fast again this year as well. The food guidelines we are pretty well versed on but, I like the prayer and confessions they will be doing. I thought some of you might want to incorporate them into your fasting and praying as well.
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@jynlnd13, the prayer journaling is an excellent idea. For anyone who hasn't looked yet, I think Jentzen Franklin's website has some .pdf links that include a prayer journal.:yep:
Posting a link to Sid Roth's website. He had a guest on who urged all believers to pray for our country and the governments of this world. We all know these are very troubling times. It is not too late but the right type of changes will not come until our lands are healed by God. I hope along with all of the personal things we seek on the fast, we are remembering our government and leaders on all levels.
Sid Roth - It's Supernatural Messianic Vision: Rick Joyner
I have been mentally preparing for this fast all week and looking forward to it.

I did a 21 day water only fast last year as per a Jentzen Franklin sermon i watched which told me to challenge myself because partial fasts, 6am-6pm and daniel fasts are not challenging enough for me anymore.

By not eating food for 21 days and only drinking water, my soul is more focused on the Lord than when i attempted any other fast... For me an absolute fast is what my soul prefers otherwise i'm not spiritually focused.

Stay Blessed Ladies
I am excited and nervous, but I will be starting a fast on Sunday for 21 days. Getting mentally prepared... I have some important life changing decisions I have to make this year and really need some guidance!
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It's about to go down. (Chumping Peanut M&Ms) and looking crazy. Silly me getting it in. LOL
I'll be participating in the fast as well. Jynlnd13 thank you for the idea about keeping a journal. I think I'll be doing that as well.
I am excited and nervous, but I will be starting a fast on Sunday for 21 days. Getting mentally prepared... I have some important life changing decisions I have to make this year and really need some guidance!

Don't be nervous we are all here to hold each other accountable. Waiting for a break through.
I'm really excited to start the fast! It's my first one. DH and I have been eating like there's no tomorrow since today is the last day before the fast. LOL!!!!
today, well yesterday since it's technically the 9th, I ate my favorite food twice-- mexican! haha

But I am soooooooo excited to start this fast. I am looking for clarity from YHWH about what to do with my life, and I know this fast is going to help me and YHWH is going to give me that breakthrough.
Love and Blessings, Everyone :giveheart:

Be encouraged. You can and 'you shall' do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

“Ask, and God will give it to you. Search, and you will find.”

----Matthew 7:7
Is it too late to join? I have been battling with myself over doing this 21-day fast...I was fasting on Sundays for a over a month last year and it was wonderful, but definitely tough! I was having dizziness issues so I stopped doing them. But I really keep feeling like I need to do this fast, but lately I have been feeling like *I* can't do it that long. I told myself that it isn't me doing it and this will help me depend on God more and deepen my relationship with Him. My latest excuse this weekend is that I am conflicted whether my motives are completely pure (bc a part of me is secretly hoping to lose weight from fasting and isn't it supposed to be all about God?) So then I told myself that I am not in the right mindset to fast...but I am beginning to think this is the enemy's way of trying to keep me from completing this fast. So I am doing a total 24h fast tomorrow for insight and earnestly talking to God about His will for me...

I hate that I analyze everything so much, but I definitely want to do God's will and NOT my own this year and I think this fast will give me some clarity on that. Thanks for listening ladies and please keep me in your prayers! :grin:
I'd like to join. My church is currently doing a 40 day fast, as follows:
Weeks 1 & 2 - Daniel fast
Weeks 3 & 4 - water and juice (with some variation-using our discretion)
Weeks 5 & 6 - Daniel fast
We're currently beginning the second week.
I'm glad to have found this thread, so that we can support each other in our spiritual journeys.:yep:

ETA: My reasons for fasting.... 1st to be purged of spirits and attitudes that are not in alignment with The Word. (My pastor calls it swatting flies.) There are feelings and thoughts that I've carried for years that I need to rid of to move forward. There are attitudes I do not want to pass on to my children...so i want break it now for their inheritance.
2nd I would like to hear from God on how to invest/use my time, energy and talents. I know that I'm not being all I should. I want to produce fruit!!!! :grin:
3rd I want to cleanse my body. All of the junk that goes in there needs to be purged. It is a temple and it is on loan. I want to take better care of myself.

Speak life, ladies! And be prepared.
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My Pastor put our congregation on the Daniel Fast today! I spoke with him after the service and told him DH and I were already starting today before I knew he was going to put the church on it!
Is it too late to join? I have been battling with myself over doing this 21-day fast...I was fasting on Sundays for a over a month last year and it was wonderful, but definitely tough! I was having dizziness issues so I stopped doing them. But I really keep feeling like I need to do this fast, but lately I have been feeling like *I* can't do it that long. I told myself that it isn't me doing it and this will help me depend on God more and deepen my relationship with Him. My latest excuse this weekend is that I am conflicted whether my motives are completely pure (bc a part of me is secretly hoping to lose weight from fasting and isn't it supposed to be all about God?) So then I told myself that I am not in the right mindset to fast...but I am beginning to think this is the enemy's way of trying to keep me from completing this fast. So I am doing a total 24h fast tomorrow for insight and earnestly talking to God about His will for me...

I hate that I analyze everything so much, but I definitely want to do God's will and NOT my own this year and I think this fast will give me some clarity on that. Thanks for listening ladies and please keep me in your prayers! :grin:

Most likely is the enemy holding you back. You could do the daniel fast, that way you could still eat?

And what's so wrong with wanting to lose weight while following a bibical fast? It's no secret to GOD that you want to lose weight during the fast, so don't sike yourself out too much, because he already knows. Also the body is our temple, and I believe GOD wants us to be healthy, and fasting is a way to get healthy and allow him to heal us.

I am indeed aiming to lose weight on this fast because I know I am going to be healed of my diabetes. I know diabetes is not for me, but I feel like I was allowed to have it and go through it to learn, and in the end come out stronger. GOD has taught me and brought me through so much, while I've had diabetes, that I probably wouldn't of given much thought to if I were healthy. But I feel that it's my time to heal, and that he will heal me of this.

I did the partical fast today, and doing the daniel fast in full swing tomorrow.

Don't let the enemy hold you back from what you really want. GOD is here for us, and he won't ever leave us, nor forsake :)
Most likely is the enemy holding you back. You could do the daniel fast, that way you could still eat?

And what's so wrong with wanting to lose weight while following a bibical fast? It's no secret to GOD that you want to lose weight during the fast, so don't sike yourself out too much, because he already knows. Also the body is our temple, and I believe GOD wants us to be healthy, and fasting is a way to get healthy and allow him to heal us.

I am indeed aiming to lose weight on this fast because I know I am going to be healed of my diabetes. I know diabetes is not for me, but I feel like I was allowed to have it and go through it to learn, and in the end come out stronger. GOD has taught me and brought me through so much, while I've had diabetes, that I probably wouldn't of given much thought to if I were healthy. But I feel that it's my time to heal, and that he will heal me of this.

I did the partical fast today, and doing the daniel fast in full swing tomorrow.

Don't let the enemy hold you back from what you really want. GOD is here for us, and he won't ever leave us, nor forsake :)

Thank you so much for this! You really encouraged me :grin: I know I need to do this, but am always looking for the easy way out! But whenever I go back and forth like this, it is bc I know what I need to do, but don't want to do it...I don't want to live life like this anymore (ruled by my own desires). I want to be obedient to God this year immediately, instead of always going back and forth trying avoid the requested sacrifice! This year is already off to a great start...I woke up for church today and tithed cheerfully! I can't remember the last time I tithed bc I always have an "excuse" why I can't afford it. Well no more ladies...it isn't mine to begin with, so why am I trying to deny God 10% of what is rightfully 100% His anyway?

This fast is going to kick off a year of tremendous spiritual growth for me, I can feel it :yep: So to get that supernatural spiritual increase, I have to step out on faith and do some things I have never done before and I am prayerfully ready to do so. I am doing a 24h total fast and then transitioning into a Daniel fast for the rest of January!

I have been battling a *SERIOUS* sugar addiction for years, so this is going to be really tough, but I am stepping out on faith! God would not put it on my heart if He wasn't going to give me the strength to carry it out :yep:
Most likely is the enemy holding you back. You could do the daniel fast, that way you could still eat?

And what's so wrong with wanting to lose weight while following a bibical fast? It's no secret to GOD that you want to lose weight during the fast, so don't sike yourself out too much, because he already knows. Also the body is our temple, and I believe GOD wants us to be healthy, and fasting is a way to get healthy and allow him to heal us.

I am indeed aiming to lose weight on this fast because I know I am going to be healed of my diabetes. I know diabetes is not for me, but I feel like I was allowed to have it and go through it to learn, and in the end come out stronger. GOD has taught me and brought me through so much, while I've had diabetes, that I probably wouldn't of given much thought to if I were healthy. But I feel that it's my time to heal, and that he will heal me of this.

I did the partical fast today, and doing the daniel fast in full swing tomorrow.

Don't let the enemy hold you back from what you really want. GOD is here for us, and he won't ever leave us, nor forsake :)

This is interesting that you mention, you would like to fast to cure your diabetes. I remember reading the testimony of a man that got cured of his diabetes when he did a full spiritual fast for 30 days.
I believe God can def. cure diabetes and I wish you luck on this fast :)
Most likely is the enemy holding you back. You could do the daniel fast, that way you could still eat?

And what's so wrong with wanting to lose weight while following a bibical fast? It's no secret to GOD that you want to lose weight during the fast, so don't sike yourself out too much, because he already knows. Also the body is our temple, and I believe GOD wants us to be healthy, and fasting is a way to get healthy and allow him to heal us.

I am indeed aiming to lose weight on this fast because I know I am going to be healed of my diabetes. I know diabetes is not for me, but I feel like I was allowed to have it and go through it to learn, and in the end come out stronger. GOD has taught me and brought me through so much, while I've had diabetes, that I probably wouldn't of given much thought to if I were healthy. But I feel that it's my time to heal, and that he will heal me of this.

I did the partical fast today, and doing the daniel fast in full swing tomorrow.

Don't let the enemy hold you back from what you really want. GOD is here for us, and he won't ever leave us, nor forsake :)

I'm praying for your total healing... in Jesus' Name. :giveheart:
Just checking in. I am on Day 2 of a total fast (water only). I plan to go 3 days and then continue the rest of January on the Daniel fast. It is tough, but it has already had an impact, so I know I need to stick with it, so I can continue to grow closer to God throughout this period. I will say that I feel pretty good during the day and have had unusual amounts of concentration and mental clarity. I also haven't been getting annoyed by everyday things as much, so this feeling of peace is great...but I will be happy to eat on Thursday LOL The nighttime is the worst for me. I fed my kitties tonight and their food smelled good to me, so I know I have it bad :giggle: Thank you for the prayers and encouragement ladies! I have NO DOUBTS this was the right decision for me and am so grateful you all gave me the boost I needed to go in the right direction! :yay:
On day 2 of my fast. Started a day late, but I started. Been having mild headaches and cravings, but I'm praying and pushing through. The enemy has really attacked my family this week... praying for them and myself. I know this fast was at the right time for me especially with what is going on...All I can do is focus on God instead of what is around me. How's it going everyone?
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Day 2- checkin in as well.

Let me tell you this has been harrrd! It seems only when I'm fasting, do people around me get the yummiest foods. My mom had this large subway sandwich and my friend gave me a coupon for a milkshake :/
My family is even eating KFC tonight :(

But, when the temptation arises, I tell myself I want holiness over food.
and this verse from Paul arises
Phil 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

And then I stop to think of the missionaries, like Paul who sometimes are unable to have food. They learn to go without! They don't have all our American comforts. It makes me realize how good I have it. I also realize I need to endure suffering so that I may live beyond the humanistic lie. That my life is about MY pleasure and enjoyment. This fast has awakened me to depend on God and not my circumstances.:yep:
I've been having a hard time...i'm siking myself out, listening to negative thoughts and giving into my flesh. I've been do a "partical" fast...but I'm going to pray on it tonight and see what kind of fast GOD wants me to do, because I kind of just said I'm going to do the Daniel fast without praying about it. Also I didn't annoit myself with oil before starting. Could I use coconut oil or seame oil to annoit myself?
I didn't anoit myself either...since I am transitioning into the Daniel Fast tomorrow, I figured I'd anoint myself then. Man, I am really glad all you ladies posted about your struggles bc I was beginning to feel like I was the only one having a hard time. Last night was the worst bc I could smell my neighbor's food and my stomach was growling! I was having random food thoughts popping up while reading the Jentezen Franklin book called "Fasting" (which he said would happen LOL) But reading your struggles has encouraged me, if that makes any sense! Bc although we are struggling, we are still pressing forward toward God's will! This is the longest I have ever been without food and I am starting to feel the physical effects...not feeling so great today :nono: But I know that this is only temporary! The sacrifice is definitely worth the effort :yep: It is such a humbling experience, which I DEFINITELY needed! I mean, I was lightweight ashamed bc I wanted to eat CAT FOOD and had a fleeting thought that it wouldn't "count" bc it wasn't real food :giggle: But the devil is a liar and I promptly proceeded in talking to God and reading His Word! I just can't explain the peace I feel right now knowing I am doing God's will for me, but I want it to stay.
I had several encounters yesterday that just reinforced this...when I was really struggling during the night, I read more of the Fasting book, which truly encouraged me! But God is so great that He had to send me a personal message of support! I don't have traditional resolutions, but I did have one major goal for the new year: to see myself the way God sees me. I feel like if that happened all other things would fall into place bc I would not hesitate to fulfill God's purpose for my life if I loved myself the way He loves me...well what do you know, as I was reading the book, the author stated that fasting enables us to see ourselves through God's eyes. I immediately started boo-hooing and praising God! I had to just fall on my face and worship Him for caring so much for me that He sent my own words back to me for encouragement and confirmation! He is so wonderful!!! Hang in there ladies...Jesus has great things in store for us if we just have faith! He is preparing us for a new season in our lives! :yay:
And I just plain to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for anointing myself...I don't know that it really matters what we use because God knows our hearts. I feel like it is more of a symbolic gesture than a set ritual, but that is just my opinion
Fast has gotten off to a rather bumpy start:perplexed. Physically attacked, emotionally attacked, spiritually attacked but that's all to be expected:ohwell:. It sure doesn't feel good though. **sighs** I am determined to press on none the less. Just posting to let you know you are not alone in the attack realm. This flesh does not want to be subdued:nono:. Indeed it wants to kill us all.