Daniel Fast January 2012!! Who's in with me??!!

I started today. *sigh* I'm sitting here eating some brown rice for lunch and I'm about to scream because it tastes awful.

I started today. *sigh* I'm sitting here eating some brown rice for lunch and I'm about to scream because it tastes awful.

Gurl, you go to hook it up:lick:. How did you prepare it? Seriously though, those first few days are a doozy:spinning:. The natural living forum has some great recipes and last year Zeal started a thread on recipes she used during her fast. You might find some things you like there. Try a search using her name.
I'm at the end of Day 3. I went to Whole Foods today and picked up a few things. I tried seaweed salad again today. :nono: I tried it in the past and it was fine, but my palate must have changed because I could barely stomach it today.

I purchased apples, peppers, cucumbers all of which I am indifferent towards. They aren't a treat to me and I don't really care for them that much.

After this I think I may try to limit the amount of sugar and meat I eat.
today is day 4 for me and I'm still hanging in there. I can now walk past the coffee station at work because I've replaced my morning cup of coffee for a cup of hot water and lemon slices. Prayer does help a lot as my mind starts wondering off course I stop what I'm thinking about (bad habits, bad food, bad thoughts) and start praying.

Ladies have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend.
I'm at the end of Day 3. I went to Whole Foods today and picked up a few things. I tried seaweed salad again today. :nono: I tried it in the past and it was fine, but my palate must have changed because I could barely stomach it today.

I purchased apples, peppers, cucumbers all of which I am indifferent towards. They aren't a treat to me and I don't really care for them that much.

After this I think I may try to limit the amount of sugar and meat I eat.
Yum! I <3 seaweed:lick:. Day 1 for me:grin:. About to log off now and spend some time in prayer. God is the greatest!
End of Day 7 for me. I've been praying a lot, listening to the Bible online, and asking for guidance on a few things in my life.

I'm only going to do 12 days this time. I have two family events next week where I have to eat, a lunch and a dinner. I could potentially continue the fast through these events, but I feel guilty when I have any kind of seasonings to make the food more appealing.

I was not as adequately prepared for this fast as I thought I would be, either. I would like to do it again later on this year when I can properly plan and schedule my life events better.
The first couple days of fasting have gone relatively well, but I definitely feel like I need to spend more time in the Word everyday! I got pretty sick the day before I started and got very discouraged about doing it this year :nono: I called my mom at 2:00am feeling so dizzy I couldn't even sit/stand up and she prayed with me...don't you know I felt better and better the more we praised God and prayed?! It just reinforced that this period of fasting NEEDS to happen that much more and the enemy wants to derail the breakthrough that is going to happen as a result of this fast. So, I decided to forgo the planned total fasting for the first 3 days and do the Daniel Fast for the full 21 days...initially, I felt bad for not doing what I did last year, but God always sets me straight :yep: I have felt such a praise in my spirit since Sunday evening, so I know He is in the midst! I really feel like I can't praise Him enough for who He is! I pray all you ladies are doing well :bighug:
Today is my last day of my 10 day fast. I will say it had been challenging but with prayer & my will to push through it made it possible.
I will continue to stay in prayer & will be praying for you ladies.
Blessings to you y'all.
Gurl, you go to hook it up:lick:. How did you prepare it? Seriously though, those first few days are a doozy:spinning:. The natural living forum has some great recipes and last year Zeal started a thread on recipes she used during her fast. You might find some things you like there. Try a search using her name.

The brown rice was just some Uncle Ben's I microwaved. The package made it look so appealing. Clearly I need to add some Ms. Dash. Thanks for the tips on where to look

It is getting much better though.
To the Ladies who are fasting:

Here's something you may enjoy and it's a healthy 'Daniel' treat. :yep:

Buy some fresh curly kale leaves.

Rinse them really good and then shake them and place on some paper towels to absorb the extra water.

Cover a cookie sheet with foil and lightly spread some olive oil on it.

Preheat oven to 350

Place the curly kale onto the lightly oiled cookie sheet.

Sprinkle a little olive oil on the curly kale leaves.

Sprinkle with fresh seasonings of you choice (try to avoid salt).

Place in oven for about 10 to 12 minutes (or until the leaves are crispy but not burnt).

You have yummie healthy kale crispies. :lick:


(Note: You may want to keep an eye on the cooking time for all ovens vary; once you know your oven and how you like these, the next time you make these will be more predicatable for the oven time).
The brown rice was just some Uncle Ben's I microwaved. The package made it look so appealing. Clearly I need to add some Ms. Dash. Thanks for the tips on where to look

It is getting much better though.

You should try the Uncle Ben's Ready Whole Grain Medley pouches. I like the santa fe one. It has black beans, corn and peppers mixed in it.
Hi, I don't post much but I just wanted to let you all know that I have been on the Daniel's fast since Jan 3. My church goes on three 21-day Daniel's fast throughout the year and a breakthrough ALWAYS happens. I cannot begin to tell you the amazing things that has happened in my life, not to mention how many addictions/toxic relationships have fallen off since I've been doing this with my church for almost three years.

This fast the breakthroughs that I am expecting are:
1. A financial breakthrough. I am looking for a job that's commensurate with my experience. I'm tired of dumbing down... God wants me to do something greater.

2. Weight loss and overall care of my body- I really have been abusing my body with tons of toxins. I've been limiting it since becoming more aware of healthier eating habits.

3. Continue abstinence. I know he has someone out there for me if I just continue to be obedient and trust in God.

I have been lurking in the thread but decided to come out of hiding. I started the Daniel fast last Monday, the 9th. This is my 4th year doing the fast and it hasn't been to bad this year. I really don't have any cravings, last year I missed coffee something awful.

I pray that everyone is doing well and hearing from God. I am really enjoying my prayer time and I look forward to a year filled with His blessings.
I have been lurking in the thread but decided to come out of hiding. I started the Daniel fast last Monday, the 9th. This is my 4th year doing the fast and it hasn't been to bad this year. I really don't have any cravings, last year I missed coffee something awful.

I pray that everyone is doing well and hearing from God. I am really enjoying my prayer time and I look forward to a year filled with His blessings.
I just wanted to say that you are so beautiful! I love your hair and its nice to see you post in the CF!
I'm doing a 14-day Daniel fast with a friend of mine. Her church provided a list of things to pray for which majority of it align up with my goals. In addition, I'm praying for a financial breakthrough (job, clean credit report, more diligent in saving/spending), improve head to toe health (weight loss, hair, skin, removal of certain problems).

I'm pretty prepared for the Daniel's fast, because I've been drinking green smoothies for the last two weeks.
I have a week left in my 21 day fast...I have been struggling a bit. I just don't feel like I have been spending enough time in prayer :( I have been reading the Word and having great worship time with Him, but my prayer time has not been where it should be! I almost feel blocked in that area :nono: It is a bit discouraging, but the fast isn't over yet, and I know I need to seek His face more and re-double my prayer efforts from here on out! This fast is only the beginning of a year of spiritual transformation! I keep getting caught up in what I haven't done right, instead of humbly asking God to help me do more of His will from now on...I know the enemy wants me to focus on where I come up short to distract me during this period. But I don't have to help him get me further off track :lol:

ETA: I just thought about it and realized that praise and adoration is a type of prayer, so maybe the type of prayer I have been doing this fasting period has just been different :grin:
I'm gearing up for this and have a few questions:

-I know you're only supposed to drink water on the fast but can you use fruits/veggies to make juice in the juicer?
-What are you eating for breakfast?
-Anyone have any good recipes to share?