Daniel Fast January 2012!! Who's in with me??!!

So if the foods bring please you have top cut them out? because I love raisins and I can eat water melons all day? so no raisins and water melons? but i hate apples lol
I'm in...I've been eyeing this thread for a while...I'm not sure whether I'll start on Jan 1 or 2 yet. Not sure how many days yet. This week I'm going to do some more reading up on the fast and grocery shopping so I can be prepared.
Thanks Shimmie for clarifying for me. I didn't think so, but I wanted to verify.

I've only completed one fast before and I didn't eat anything that was pleasurable at all. It was rough, but I would like to try again.

I will be starting on the 2nd of January. :yep:
Thanks Shimmie for clarifying for me. I didn't think so, but I wanted to verify.

I've only completed one fast before and I didn't eat anything that was pleasurable at all. It was rough, but I would like to try again.

I will be starting on the 2nd of January. :yep:

Miss_Luna :kiss:

You'll be just fine. You can and shall do all things through Christ who strengthens you. :yep:
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I can't wait til Dec 31st midnight to start my fast, I am going to run into my masters arm. I have to get out of this horrible habit, my mind is made up and I will not turn back. 12 month fast for me.
I have a question about not eating for pleasure. I like most fruits and most nuts. If I cut those out I would be strickly on veggies for 21 days. Is it ok if I just stay away from my favorite fruits and nuts?
Sign me up. I'm not sure I can go 21 days because of my working schedule but I'll have to see how that goes.
I'm in, with a slight modification (I'm allergic to some foods) and have recruited 2 others to fast according to what their biggest vices are. We are hopeing to get stronger spiritually/emotionally/physically.

GOD bless you!

From MyTouch 4G...On which animated Gifs may not be seen:(
Yep...I went grocery shopping last night and just started my fast today as well. Praying that this goes well!
I am fasting with my church for 10 days. The first 5 days are fruits and veggies ONLY, and the last 5 days is one meal per day.
I want to join in as well. I will start on January 6th following Susan Gregory's suggestion of fruits, veggies, water, tofu, etc...I hate even the thought of eating tofu but this is not meant to be pleasurable.

Can anyone share their thoughts on using green smoothies at all for the fast? I know what I have to stay away from adding to it/using but would smoothies be a problem? Shimmie, what do you think hun?
I've decided to do the Daniel fast. My church is starting on Jan 9th so I will too. The only issue I have is that I'm traveling to DC for a conference and will be gone for 6 days. If anyone has any suggestions for me please let me know.

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I started today. It was kind of rough for me. I'm used to eating sweets in some form daily, usually some kind of cereal. I prefer Special K, but either way I didn't eat anything like that. I've had a headache for the past hour but I'm going to bed soon and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I've also been praying throughout the day, and just trying to stay focused on why I'm fasting in the first place.

Good luck ladies.
I've already had a temptation but I passed in flying colors. I can't afford to indulge I am expecting great and mighty things from God.
I am going to start January 9th with a 21 day Daniel Fast. I just re-read last years thread and realized the same reasons I was going to use for not doing it last year were plaguing me this year :lol: I will start with a 3 day total fast, then transition into the Daniel Fast :yep: This thread last year was a life line for me and the fast was life changing! Label reading was a must and I didn't worry so much about which foods on the allowable list I was eating, bc the foods I crave most were ones I'd given up :look: Sugar, meat, and enriched flour products were so tough for me to give up and I believe God honored that sacrifice...I enjoy fruits and veggies and ate them, but if I gave up everything I enjoyed, I would only eat brown rice and be malnourished :lachen: I think God knows your heart and will put it on your spirit if there is something else you need to give up.
Also-I won't be eating cashews this time bc I gave them up earlier this year bc I binged on them, so eating them now would not be sacrificing, it would be adding something. I hope that helps clarify. I think each time God moves me to give up more, so I just suggest folks get started from where they are. Keen-No bread or pasta (although whole wheat pasta is ok with some people). Anyway- I'm so excited to join you ladies :yay:
Yesterday was day 1 for me & I did good. I must admit walking by the coffee station at work makes it hard not to grab a cup of java.
Ladies have a wonderful & blessed day.
Also-I won't be eating cashews this time bc I gave them up earlier this year bc I binged on them, so eating them now would not be sacrificing, it would be adding something. I hope that helps clarify. I think each time God moves me to give up more, so I just suggest folks get started from where they are. @Keen-No bread or pasta (although whole wheat pasta is ok with some people). Anyway- I'm so excited to join you ladies :yay:

I didn't eat any. I went out to eat. I had the chef made me some eggplant, mushrooms and tomatoes. It was so good I felt guilty. I didn't even consider the whole wheat pasta because I figure it has some process ingredient. Maybe I could have done organic whole wheat if there is such thing? Don't pasta have eggs? I didn't think we are allowed eggs.

ETA: @LilMissSunshine5 I will be adding plain nuts to my fast. My sister warned me that the last time her and my Dad attempted something like this, both of their sugar level got really high because they were eating lots of fruits. I can see me eating lots more fruits than veggies out of convenience. So I will have to reduce my fruit intake by introducing nuts.
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Keen- I agree with you about being cautious when eating out! I only eat things like whole wheat pasta when I can read the label to make sure sugar isn't added. It is crazy how they put sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in EVERYTHING :nono: I couldn't even eat whole wheat tortillas last year bc they had HFCS in every brand SMH I think plain nuts are fine...I ate so many cashews last year, but I am sticking to peanuts and almonds this year. So plain nuts it is :lol: Thanks about the fruit advice...I ate a lot of fruit last year too (more than veggies) because it was already ready to eat, so I will be careful about that this time! I want to eat more veggies, but that also requires more planning :look:
As for pasta, the website says that couscous(sp?) is permitted. I had some the other day with onions, peppers, and mushrooms. It was pretty good-even though that is not the point of the fast.