Well-Known Member
Thinking about getting some of this. Its very high in protein. Vegetarian Organic Life 13
Ladies, please say a prayer for me. I have been struggling with abdominal pain since yesterday morning I have a history of stomach problems (I had my first ulcer at age 10!), so this is not a "new" thing perse. I think maybe I have been eating too much fiber and not drinking enough water, hence the issues. I am going to lay off the wheat containing products and nuts for the next 6 days. Trying to stick to fruits and veggies for the rest of the fast I was driving last night and it was so bad I just had to say "Jesus help me!" over and over again. Then a thought came to my mind that I should praise Him through the pain...not that I am happy about it, but my praise should NOT be dependent on my circumstances! So I just start praising God for who He was and do you know the pain subsided until I arrived home?! Jesus is just so good to me! I just feel compelled to praise Him through the good and bad times now...another blessing of the fast But I am still praying the pain will be taken away because I don't want to keep functioning at half-speed...thanks ladies!
I'm sorry to hear that... do you drink chamomile tea? I've read that drinking this tea in the morning on an empty stomach soothes the pain of ulcers.
So, I stopped fasting last week, I gave up. I reasoned that I would start again in March, but I feel like God has just slapped me up side the head and said no child, you need to fast now. I know I do. I know I can, I just stumbled, but I am standing back up. Everything I was trying to do before, is out the window now. I am just going to focus on God and his word. I know Jesus gives me everything I need to be strong. Praying for everyone God bless you all.
Let's stand in agreement.
No matter the issue. We are covered. He may not come when we "want". He comes in his time. His way are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. But he knows what he is doing.
If you pray. Don't worry. God is not slack concerning his promises. Stand on the promises. All power is in his hands.
Let's rest! We were born into rest. Think about when Adam was created.
(I'm encouraging myself) LOL!
YouTube - Youthful Praise - Resting On His Promise (AUDIO ONLY) <---- Resting on
Day 8. Thank god I'm still going strong.
Keep going! You can do it! It's over for me. But I may just try to keep this diet.