2010 Sulfur Challenge

I think I'm finally starting to feel the effects of the dryness related to sulfur. I need to up my moisture game.
I think I'm finally starting to feel the effects of the dryness related to sulfur. I need to up my moisture game.

So sulfur is suposed to dry hair?
One week ago, I started to use my own sulfur mix and I now experience some dryness too :ohwell:
So sulfur is suposed to dry hair?
One week ago, I started to use my own sulfur mix and I now experience some dryness too :ohwell:

Yes sulfur is drying to the hair. You want to try and keep the mixture on your scalp only as much as possible. I still end up with it on my hair, but cowashing and leave in moisturizers help keep the dryness at bay.
^^^Also, since I started putting castor oil and daily hair moisturizer like BB oil Moisturizer with Castor Oil in my sulfur mix, I have been having less drying issues.
^^^Also, since I started putting castor oil and daily hair moisturizer like BB oil Moisturizer with Castor Oil in my sulfur mix, I have been having less drying issues.

:yep: I notice this also when I use my mix I made with The Hairveda oil. It has a castor oil base. My Afroveda mix is pretty good too. No dryness issues with that one either.
Haven't oiled my scalp with the Claudie's since I took out my pixie plaits. I will restart in a couple of weeks when I get my hair in it's next long term protective style with lots of partings (easy to apply). Still taking my MSM every evening.
JBCO is not only good for the scalp and keeps dryness at bay but also makes for a less runny mix.
i'm so sad to hear that girlfriend. i also understand how that is because i'm back to counting the days/hours until perming for the same reason.
but they tell me it's a learning experience and that the hair will grow back!:yep:
i'm just so thankful that i have this new forum of sisters!
before i used to go through the breakage problem all alone and try to figure out what to do just using what only i knew.
we're lucky, NJoy! now we've got people from all over the place to help us in our journey!!!:yep:

i plan to be back to using my M-T-G by the last week of this month as my perm will be done by then (hopefully!) and enough time will have passed for me to be able to begin again!!! YAH!!!:grin:

Sorry to hear about your breakage, cosigning with grow. You know know you have the resources and support here to get it under control.:yep:

Thanks ladies. I really was freaking over just a bit of breakage. That just confirmed to dh how obsessed I am. He is REALLY enjoying himself at my expense. I'll get him back for this. *evil grin*
Checking in,
today I prepooed with WGO and hemp oil. then I did a double tea rinse and dced with Skala Jaborandi and Aussie Moist. Then I partially air dried and sprayed my scalp with the liquid MSM. I'll use my afroveda sulfur mix tonight.

So far so good with the MSM. No adverse side effects to report. No shedding or excessive dryness. It's is a tiny bit sticky till it dries, but other than that it's all good.
I went ahead and texlaxed today. I was really worried about stretching too long and breakage at the point of demarcation and manipulating my ng, oh my!

Texlax did nothing for laying the ng down and I'm trying not to use heat this year so, length checks should be interesting. Anyhoo, my May update is in my siggy. I'm loving the fullness.

*breathing a sigh of relief...for now*
I went ahead and texlaxed today. I was really worried about stretching too long and breakage at the point of demarcation and manipulating my ng, oh my!

Texlax did nothing for laying the ng down and I'm trying not to use heat this year so, length checks should be interesting. Anyhoo, my May update is in my siggy. I'm loving the fullness.

*breathing a sigh of relief...for now*

Beautiful! It looks so thick and full.:yep:
How was your vacation?

Excellent! I went to my old salon and got a corrective relaxer. No more using mild and trying to texlax for me! I also had her cut off a few inches and give me layers. She didn't want to; my hair was down below CBL and she couldn't understand why I wanted to be back above SL. But the last 3 inches were so pathetic and thinned out from breakage that I insisted. We compromised. The back layers are CBL, but my sides and front are much shorter. Doesn't really matter since I fake bun every day for work anyway. My summer growth spurt and sulfur use will have me back to an even length in no time.
Never too late. Welcome aboard, uwrong. Post what you're using. I'm sure Flow will be along to make it official.
To all the newbies in the challenge, please try to post starting pic. and reggie. We will have our first mid year update at the end of June. So there is still plenty of time to get on the growth train. We want to be able to have comparison shots so we tell if our hard work is paying of. And if not, what changes need to be made. HHG.:grin:
Washed my hair. Applied Surge cream to my scalp, Claudie's to my temples. Took 2000mg of MSM with my dinner.
Still taking msm. Holding off on sulfur mix for at least a week. In the meantime, using indian oils to nourish my scalp.
guess what ladies?

i just found out that Mustard Oil has Sulfur in it!

did you all know that?! i sure didn't and now that i do, and have some, i can't wait to use it, too!

(i'm still holding off on it because i need to perm asap!)
guess what ladies?

i just found out that Mustard Oil has Sulfur in it!

did you all know that?! i sure didn't and now that i do, and have some, i can't wait to use it, too!

(i'm still holding off on it because i need to perm asap!)

No I didn't know that. I have always wanted to try it. This just gives me another reason..:yep:
Last night I prepooed with WGO and Hemp oil. I dced with ORS. Then used my homemade sulfur mix and the MSM spray on my scalp.

Tonight I'll be applying my mixture again and sealing HH LTR and Castor Oil.
Good morning, ladies. Checking in to see how everyone's doing? I've started back on my mix last night. I was going to wait a week after my texlax but, 4 days will have to do. My new length and being able to feel my scalp has re-energized my hair care efforts. Not to mention, the great weather we're having these days is just putting me in the mood to pull myself together.

It's a beautiful day, ladies! I'm headed out to the gym and then back home to cowash. I hope to find more check ins.

**shaking the board** Let us know how you're doing.