2010 Sulfur Challenge

I'm about to apply my Bee Mine and MSM.

Zora I have heard of Sulfur springs, but showers wow. Please share.....

Njoy, I didn't know you were :ill: I hope you feel better soon.:yep:
Thanks. If I can just get rid of this congestion and pesky cough. Started out as severe allergies and morphed into a sinus infection/ear, nose, throat-thing. I'm good.
I fell off the wagon with juicing, and now I'm back on. My hair just does not look as healthy natural as it did relaxed.:sad: I don't like what my hair is turning into. I may go back to texlaxing.:ohwell:
OT. CarolineTwin, Venus was outta line for that outfit in your avi. IDK. Maybe she was making a point but, I'm still gonna have to call "foul" on that one. :grin:
I have been taking my MSM vitamins daily for a few days but I have not been adding my topical treatment:nono:. I will try to pick up where I left off in a few days.
I slacked off big time on my mix this week and only applied it once (last night). At least I feel good about upping my vitamins. I plan to relax at 6 weeks post this weekend so I'll be clarifying tonight which means that's it for the Sulfur till next week :sad:.

I know you all are probably cringing at relaxing so early but with all this new growth 5 weeks post feels like 8 weeks. Last night I noticed more than normal breakage, which is usually a sign that it's time to relax. Stretching longer usually puts me in a worse place.

I don't think I did that great of a job in retaining because my hair doesn't look much longer considering all the new growth I have. It's definitely fuller though.

Good luck and HHG!!
I slacked off big time on my mix this week and only applied it once (last night). At least I feel good about upping my vitamins. I plan to relax at 6 weeks post this weekend so I'll be clarifying tonight which means that's it for the Sulfur till next week :sad:.

I know you all are probably cringing at relaxing so early but with all this new growth 5 weeks post feels like 8 weeks. Last night I noticed more than normal breakage, which is usually a sign that it's time to relax. Stretching longer usually puts me in a worse place.

I don't think I did that great of a job in retaining because my hair doesn't look much longer considering all the new growth I have. It's definitely fuller though.

Good luck and HHG!!

Maybe all that ng is keeping you from really seeing what you've retained. I'll bet you're in for a nice surprise this weekend. We'll be here waiting to see. :lick:
I slacked off big time on my mix this week and only applied it once (last night). At least I feel good about upping my vitamins. I plan to relax at 6 weeks post this weekend so I'll be clarifying tonight which means that's it for the Sulfur till next week :sad:.

I know you all are probably cringing at relaxing so early but with all this new growth 5 weeks post feels like 8 weeks. Last night I noticed more than normal breakage, which is usually a sign that it's time to relax. Stretching longer usually puts me in a worse place.

I don't think I did that great of a job in retaining because my hair doesn't look much longer considering all the new growth I have. It's definitely fuller though.

Good luck and HHG!!

You know it's funny you mentioned that. If you really think about it. Stretching to your normal relaxing time will not feel the same while using growth aids.

I remember feeling the same way at 5 weeks post, it felt like 8. And in all actuallity (don't know if that's a word), You could very well have 8 weeks worth of ng.:yep:

I'm trying to stretch to 12 weeks, somethiing I don't normally do because, like you I experience breakage and shedding. I'm just hoping for a nice surprise.

Right now I'm 9 weeks post, and the ng is crazy. I'm really fighting dryness with everything in me. At times my ng actually feels crunchy.:lachen:
The only things that are saving me are, prepooing with Ceramide rich oils like WGO and Hemp oils at night and cowashing them out in the morning.

These oils work wonders for increasing pliability & moisture in the hair.
Castor oil is also excellent for laying down ng and keeping it moist.

Ayurvedic oils and Chi Keratin mist are helping me also by decreasing shedding and breakage.
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Yeah, I've decided that I'm going to let my ng tell me when it's time to relax. I usually try to relax no less than 12 weeks but, last time, I didn't quite make it to 10 weeks. My NG was crazy and I was a nervous wreck worrying about breakage. I was having bad dreams, scared to manipulate my hair at all. Oh, I was a mess!! And I definitely don't want to wait until I get breakage to tell me it's time to relax. That stretching is for normal growth and is cool for as long as you can manage it but, uh... I've learned to listen to my hair and when it says, enough is enough, guess what? Enough is enough!

Looking forward to our end of June length checks. I'm trying not to keep checking every 2 weeks (keep it real. trying not to keep checking daily :lachen:) . We've been doing a lot of checking in. I want to see fruit!! And then I'm not going to check again until the end of the summer. :look: Ehn, we'll see. :grin:
Yeah, I've decided that I'm going to let my ng tell me when it's time to relax. I usually try to relax no less than 12 weeks but, last time, I didn't quite make it to 10 weeks. My NG was crazy and I was a nervous wreck worrying about breakage. I was having bad dreams, scared to manipulate my hair at all. Oh, I was a mess!! And I definitely don't want to wait until I get breakage to tell me it's time to relax. That stretching is for normal growth and is cool for as long as you can manage it but, uh... I've learned to listen to my hair and when it says, enough is enough, guess what? Enough is enough!

:yep: I'm playing it by ear. If I feel like I must relax at 10/11 weeks, so be it. I do not wan't another setback.:nono: I think today will be my last day using sulfur just in case.

Looking forward to our end of June length checks. I'm trying not to keep checking every 2 weeks (keep it real. trying not to keep checking daily :lachen:) . We've been doing a lot of checking in. I want to see fruit!! And then I'm not going to check again until the end of the summer. :look: Ehn, we'll see. :grin:

:lachen:Now you know you lying.:rofl:
OT. CarolineTwin, Venus was outta line for that outfit in your avi. IDK. Maybe she was making a point but, I'm still gonna have to call "foul" on that one. :grin:

Totally agree, bet she realises what a damn fool she was for designing it and then worse, wearing it.
Good luck every , can't wait to see your updates
You know it's funny you mentioned that. If you really think about it. Stretching to your normal relaxing time will not feel the same while using growth aids.

I remember feeling the same way at 5 weeks post, it felt like 8. And in all actuallity (don't know if that's a word), You could very well have 8 weeks worth of ng.:yep:

I trying to stretch to 12 weeks, somethiing I don't normally do because, like you I experience breakage and shedding. I'm just hoping for a nice surprise.

Right now I'm 9 weeks post, and the ng is crazy. I'm really fighting dryness with everything in me. At times my ng actually feels crunchy.:lachen:
The only things that are saving me are, prepooing with Ceramide rich oils like WGO and Hemp oils at night and cowashing them out in the morning.

These oils work wonders for increasing pliability & moisture in the hair.
Castor oil is also excellent for laying down ng and keeping it moist.

Ayurvedic oils and Chi Keratin mist are helping me also by decreasing shedding and breakage.

Yeah, I've decided that I'm going to let my ng tell me when it's time to relax. I usually try to relax no less than 12 weeks but, last time, I didn't quite make it to 10 weeks. My NG was crazy and I was a nervous wreck worrying about breakage. I was having bad dreams, scared to manipulate my hair at all. Oh, I was a mess!! And I definitely don't want to wait until I get breakage to tell me it's time to relax. That stretching is for normal growth and is cool for as long as you can manage it but, uh... I've learned to listen to my hair and when it says, enough is enough, guess what? Enough is enough!

Looking forward to our end of June length checks. I'm trying not to keep checking every 2 weeks (keep it real. trying not to keep checking daily :lachen:) . We've been doing a lot of checking in. I want to see fruit!! And then I'm not going to check again until the end of the summer. :look: Ehn, we'll see. :grin:

Exactly! I learned the hard way about trying to stretch to a certain length of time instead of "listening" to my hair. I just make sure I coat the entire pre-relaxed strands with coconut oil as best I can to protect it. I really glob it on too. I think this was the most important tip I ever learned from LHCF.

I also noticed a difference in the feel of my NG. It's just kinda weird feeling. I can't explain it but you probably know what I mean since you said yours feels crunchy. It's like it's kinda dry yet it feels stronger than ever.

And I use Castor oil in my mix and I love the Chi Keratin mist. It's the best because it's just enough where it's not so hard core but still does the job. :yep:
Maybe all that ng is keeping you from really seeing what you've retained. I'll bet you're in for a nice surprise this weekend. We'll be here waiting to see. :lick:

Yeah, I keep thinking the ng is all shriveled up and will give me a big surprise. Hopefully I'll see some progress that'll make me want to snap some pics. I hope I can hang in there till the end of June though. :spinning:
Yeah, I keep thinking the ng is all shriveled up and will give me a big surprise. Hopefully I'll see some progress that'll make me want to snap some pics. I hope I can hang in there till the end of June though. :spinning:

Um...:look:...but feel free to take some pics after your relaxer to share this weekend. :lick: I don't think anyone will mind. :lick::lick::lick:

I'm itching to take a peek and post some pics of my hair too. :look: End of June is a loooong way from now but, that's more time to rack up more NG. :spinning:

I airdried my hair in 2 bantu knots. I can't stop feeling on the NG. I love it! :drunk:
Um...:look:...but feel free to take some pics after your relaxer to share this weekend. :lick: I don't think anyone will mind. :lick::lick::lick:

I'm itching to take a peek and post some pics of my hair too. :look: End of June is a loooong way from now but, that's more time to rack up more NG. :spinning:

I airdried my hair in 2 bantu knots. I can't stop feeling on the NG. I love it! :drunk:

I know, right. I love seeing progress pics myself. I'm airdrying right now and thanks, you just gave me an idea mentioning the bantu knots so I may just wear a twistout till the weekend. That way my hair will look much shorter now and I'll have a better chance of being surprised when I relax :grin:
Yay!! I started using my BT:lick: again today! I'm back in business!! With BT and the summer growth spurt I should gain additional inches.
I've been using my sulfur mix three times a week, so far so good! Between the sulfur, ceremides and jbco I'm excited to see how much growth I have received and retained by my next touch up in 3 or 4 weeks.
Well I did my touch-up over the weekend and... MEH.... no length retained AT ALL! I was so disappointed. :perplexed I don't get it. I had so much new growth and even in the pictures I couldn't see any progress. I didn't notice any breakage or shedding either so I'm really confused. I even measured and it seems I only retained about 3/4 of an inch from about 4/25 to 6/5 (just about 6 weeks). My new growth had to be at least 1.5 inches from that time. I always measure the entire length of the strand from the scalp from each section of my head (top/crown/back).

In all reality though, when I took my initial measurements on 4/25 I was counting the longest strands of each section that were barely hanging on so I'm assuming they couldn't survive hanging out there on their own at this measurement. :look: So now all my measurements will be for the fullest part instead of trying to take credit for the scragglers. I was just so disappointed after all the hard work with all the scalp mixes and even adding MSM and Biotin and using much less heat than ever.

On a good note, my hair is DEFINITELY MUCH FULLER and healthier now.:yep: So hopefully my next length check won't be a bust since I'll have a more accurate measurement. I guess I need to get a trim, huh.

The first pic shows my new growth before relaxing. My hair was just airdried with no heat. The others were taken after the relaxer.


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^^^Realistically Hairsnob, for a 6 week period, your hair should have grown about half the length you mentioned above, ie, 3/4 of an inch instead of 1.5 inches. 1.5 inhes of growth is more relaistical over a 12 week period, not 6 weeks. This could really crush you if you continually have such high expectations and not get them over the long haul. Just thougth I'd interject this tiny correction. Your hair growing gorgeous and thick in your siggy none the less:yep:.
^^^Realistically Hairsnob, for a 6 week period, your hair should have grown about half the length you mentioned above, ie, 3/4 of an inch instead of 1.5 inches. 1.5 inhes of growth is more relaistical over a 12 week period, not 6 weeks. This could really crush you if you continually have such high expectations and not get them over the long haul. Just thougth I'd interject this tiny correction. Your hair growing gorgeous and thick in your siggy none the less:yep:.

Thanks for for the compliment and for snapping me back to reality too. I guess I should be happy about that. You're so right about setting high expectations and I guess I definitely had that.

Thanks for the encouragement!!!
I couldn't take it, I broke down and relaxed at 10 weeks post. I do feel like I regained the length I last from trimming last month.:yep: Now before you ask to see pics. I'm trying to wait to our reveal date. I have been basically pinning my hair up and forgetting about it. I'm hoping I get a nice surprise when I post my before and afters.:drunk: