You know it's funny you mentioned that. If you really think about it.
Stretching to your normal relaxing time will not feel the same while using growth aids.
I remember feeling the same way at 5 weeks post, it felt like 8. And in all actuallity (don't know if that's a word), You could very well have 8 weeks worth of ng.
I trying to stretch to 12 weeks, somethiing I don't normally do because, like you I experience breakage and shedding. I'm just hoping for a nice surprise.
Right now I'm 9 weeks post, and the ng is crazy. I'm really fighting dryness with everything in me.
At times my ng actually feels crunchy.
The only things that are saving me are, prepooing with Ceramide rich oils like WGO and Hemp oils at night and cowashing them out in the morning.
These oils work wonders for increasing pliability & moisture in the hair.
Castor oil is also excellent for laying down ng and keeping it moist.
Ayurvedic oils and Chi Keratin mist are helping me also by decreasing shedding and breakage.