2010 Sulfur Challenge

Realized that I don't need to use BT everyday. I'm using it every other day now. Tis all!:grin:
I didn't use the treatment last night. Got in too late and was dead dog tired. Using it today. Also, still taking msm. Just checking. I heard 8mg msm is appropriate. Does that sound right? Seems like a lot to me. I'm taking 6 mg.
Hey ladies. I'm not in the challenge but I'm thinking of making a sulfur mix. Is anyone using Pomada De Azufre in their mix, or has anyone used it in the past? If so, what was the recipe and what were your results? I notice it's 10% sulfur.
I am still in the chall.! Still using my S8 and MTG mix. Thinking of adding a few other items to rotate. Taking MSM daily (1 gram or 1,000 mg). Still doing well, and seeing some results!
I am sitting with a mixture of:
Afroveda Hibiscus Hair Infusion oil
Hairveda sitrinillah dc
Perfect Results Triple Silk moisturizing con

(I guess you can say I am fulfulling both my sulfur and deep dc challenge all in one!)
Hey ladies. I'm not in the challenge but I'm thinking of making a sulfur mix. Is anyone using Pomada De Azufre in their mix, or has anyone used it in the past? If so, what was the recipe and what were your results? I notice it's 10% sulfur.

I haven't tried it personally, Here is the one yardspice is using.
Flow - I really don't know!
What about you?

Copied from earlier post:

As far as growth, I was under processed in some areas from my last relaxer. I wanted to make sure I wasn't confusing that with ng. So I've been paying close attention to the textures since it seemed like it was growing really fast. I can tell it's ng because I now have three distinct textures throughout my head. The ng which is suuuuper dry and almost brillo.:lachen:The parts that are under processed, they are softer, but still have a lot of texture, and finally the relaxed ends.

I'm almost 5 weeks post and I have an inch of ng in most areas.
Oh I'm sorry Flow - I did see that and didn't remember that it was you.
My bad.

You know.....I get the brillo growth too!
Using my msm still. I can't tell If my hair is growing or not. I am just "growing" with the flow of things. I won't do a length check til April.
My scalp is a bit tender of late so I probably will not use my oil mix on my scalp for a while. Still taking my MSM internally every day though.
My scalp is a bit tender of late so I probably will not use my oil mix on my scalp for a while. Still taking my MSM internally every day though.

This happened to me when my mixture started getting too strong. How much do you have left? And yes I agree with taking a break for a few days.
I forgot to add, my nails are growing like crazy from massaging in the treatments.

Funny, I came back in this thread to mention something about nails. Why did I rub that Pomada de Azufre stuff on my scalp and it wiped my nail polish, CLEAN OFF! 1 basecoat, 2 polish coats, and 1 topcoat. What part of the game is that? Should I keep using it on my scalp? I'm scurrrrred! :lachen:
Funny, I came back in this thread to mention something about nails. Why did I rub that Pomada de Azufre stuff on my scalp and it wiped my nail polish, CLEAN OFF! 1 basecoat, 2 polish coats, and 1 topcoat. What part of the game is that? Should I keep using it on my scalp? I'm scurrrrred! :lachen:

:blush: Wow! That sounds pretty scary. I don't know about that stuff. I'm scurrred for you.
I forgot to add, my nails are growing like crazy from massaging in the treatments.

When I first started, I had acrylic nails that snagged my hair while massaging. Ever since, I keep my nails short. You don't find yourself getting snags? If not, maybe I'll let my natural nails grow out too. Are they harder too?

Funny, I came back in this thread to mention something about nails. Why did I rub that Pomada de Azufre stuff on my scalp and it wiped my nail polish, CLEAN OFF! 1 basecoat, 2 polish coats, and 1 topcoat. What part of the game is that? Should I keep using it on my scalp? I'm scurrrrred! :lachen:

What the?! :lachen: Nail polish remover??! I'm scurred fo ya. yiiiiiikes! I'm no help but, i'm interested in what everyone else thinks. Wow.
When I first started, I had acrylic nails that snagged my hair while massaging. Ever since, I keep my nails short. You don't find yourself getting snags? If not, maybe I'll let my natural nails grow out too. Are they harder too?

Only if I have a hangnail. And yes the are def. harder.:yep:
Yeah, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how my nails got messed up. I just did them on Sunday night. When I woke up Monday, they were fine. But today I was looking down at my hands like ewww, what happened? The pointer finger I used to dip my hand and apply the cream to my scalp last night is CLEAN. Then the other fingers have creases and smears in the polish where I was playing in my new growth today. :scratchch:
Yeah, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how my nails got messed up. I just did them on Sunday night. When I woke up Monday, they were fine. But today I was looking down at my hands like ewww, what happened? The pointer finger I used to dip my hand and apply the cream to my scalp last night is CLEAN. Then the other fingers have creases and smears in the polish where I was playing in my new growth today. :scratchch:

Is there some sort of acetone in that product?