2010 Sulfur Challenge

wait MzzMAc are you saying you got 1/2 inch in three days?!? Cause that dont seem normal to me!

LOL! I wish! 1/2 inch since my last relaxer.

I guess I should have started the measuring practices before i started the sulfur challenge so that i could have something to compare to.
Now I am just doing it and don't even know if it is working wonders....lol.

This is what I will do.....after my next relaxer....I will use a different sulfur mix (BT or BeeMines w/sulfur or BeeMines oil free w/msm) and see if there is a difference from what i am using now. I already have them all so I would be able to start right away.
I gave away the Solgar MSM and got some more from New Horizons. Also, made a herbal spritz to which I added some MSM, tried to do something similar to the Qhemet Karkady Tea Replenishing Mist. Although I didn't have the same herbs, it seems to have worked in principle. I have enough to last me a good while. My hair is getting MSM from all angles :lol:

ok, i already put some on my head, but just a little with a cotton swab....the smell scares me, so i don't want to overdo it.

also because i will be applying my mn (which just arrived, too) and jbco mix tonight before my nightly massage.

i also ordered the sublime sulfur, but will wait off on using it since i'm already starting with the mtg.

yes, my scalp is tingling a little bit from the mtg......

hhg ladies!

ok, i already put some on my head, but just a little with a cotton swab....the smell scares me, so i don't want to overdo it.

also because i will be applying my mn (which just arrived, too) and jbco mix tonight before my nightly massage.

i also ordered the sublime sulfur, but will wait off on using it since i'm already starting with the mtg.

yes, my scalp is tingling a little bit from the mtg......

hhg ladies!

:lachen:The good news is it does go away. Please be aware MTG is very drying to the hair so as your ng sprouts make sure to keep it EXTRA moisturized. I can no longer get away with just running some leave in through my hair. I have to part and saturate my ng. Lol it seems like the MTG makes it feel almost brittle, however after everthing is moistened up and streched out I can see the growth:yep: I have been on top of my moisture everday, so it's not a problem.
I applied my Beemine tonight. I will up to 5x/wk this week and 7x/wk next week. Then I will switch to Claudie's and do a 3,3,5,7 again. Then start over again with Beemine...
I want to join if that is ok. I am revisiting my mtg. It gave me good growth in the past and possibly sulfur 8.

.Plan on cowashing once a week. Mtg every other day. Not sure about where to fit in the sulfur 8 yet
hey grow

are you mixing the mtg with the mn and applying it. I have been considering this for a while because I got good growth with both of them. I stopped using them when i jumped on another band wagon thinking it was going to be better than these. then got discouraged and stopped using growth aids altogether. so now that i am back into this, i am at a crossroad because i did not know which one i want to go back using because as i said i got good growth with both. so i was wondering if the two could be mixed or would i be playing with fire.

are you mixing them and if so how is it going so far
I'm using Beemine on my off days and wondergro pure sulfur on the days I work. Both still have that sulfur smell, wondergro has it a little less. Does anyone know a good way to mask this smell? It's got to be some way to lessen it or something. After I've seen how thick my hair is becoming and the minimal shedding I have during washings, ceasing use is NOT an option.
did my scalp session a few moments ago.
i had to apply with my fingers cuz i've been applying a little too much with the bottle lately.
Yeah I am checking in. I am still using 5g of msm daily I tried using mtg last week and I can't do it. The smell even with all the extras I added still is too strong. I am in braids now and I washed my hair with my strongest smelling stuff and I can still smell it.
I am a little worried that my mixtures are not reaching my scalp b/c of this net that I have under my install. What do u guys think?
Finally got my first self-texlax out of the way yesterday. Whew! That was a relief. Today I'll make a sulfur-based concoction in an attempt to replace mtg. I have been keeping myself hidden away, working from home, so that I can use mtg. Now, I'd like to re-enter society. :grin: I'll hop back on the sulfur bandwagon tomorrow. I have bsl in my sights.
I'm using Beemine on my off days and wondergro pure sulfur on the days I work. Both still have that sulfur smell, wondergro has it a little less. Does anyone know a good way to mask this smell? It's got to be some way to lessen it or something. After I've seen how thick my hair is becoming and the minimal shedding I have during washings, ceasing use is NOT an option.

Try adding a few drops of EO.
Yeah I am checking in. I am still using 5g of msm daily I tried using mtg last week and I can't do it. The smell even with all the extras I added still is too strong. I am in braids now and I washed my hair with my strongest smelling stuff and I can still smell it.

Yes it def. takes some getting use to. I've read where some people pour off some of the cade oil while the sulfur is settled at the bottom, and replace it with a better smelling oil.
Finally got my first self-texlax out of the way yesterday. Whew! That was a relief. Today I'll make a sulfur-based concoction in an attempt to replace mtg. I have been keeping myself hidden away, working from home, so that I can use mtg. Now, I'd like to re-enter society. :grin: I'll hop back on the sulfur bandwagon tomorrow. I have bsl in my sights.

You've made awesome progress!! I feel you on the keeping you self hidden while using the MTG. I plan to keep using it at night only and only while it's still cold. I can't imagine using this stuff in 90 degree heat.:nono: Hopefully I'll have a nice amount of growth by this summer.
You've made awesome progress!! I feel you on the keeping you self hidden while using the MTG. I plan to keep using it at night only and only while it's still cold. I can't imagine using this stuff in 90 degree heat.:nono: Hopefully I'll have a nice amount of growth by this summer.

I started off using it at night but, as much of a trooper as dh is, the smell was getting to the both of us. Girl, I was trying everything. I'd baggy it (to try to keep the smell locked in, even tho I knew my body heat was setting off the scent) and then a scarf. Didn't work. I'd baggy it and wrap it in a twisty towel and then a scarf. :nono: My pillows smelled like it, my room. :nono: So, for hubby's sake, I started using it while I'm home alone, hoping it would be gone by the time I had to pick up my son from daycare. A lady that works there called me out on it. "What do you have in your hair?" I tried to cover it with coconut oil and peppermint oil so I told her I had a treatment in under my scarf with coconut and peppermint. She said, I smell sulfur. D'oh! :blush: (Old ladies keep it real, honey). I commented on her great sense of smell. There IS sulfur in the treatment. She said she used to use sulfur a long time ago and gave me one of those "ummm hmm" looks. :look: Now I rush past her as quickly as possible, not sure whether the smell is still there or not. Like I said, I sure hope I can mix up an alternative. It's just a matter of time before she comments again. :rolleyes: Oh, and I had some in my hair going to a movie once and sat there in paranoia, knowing for SURE everyone could smell the mtg. I know I did. :blush:
I started off using it at night but, as much of a trooper as dh is, the smell was getting to the both of us. Girl, I was trying everything. I'd baggy it (to try to keep the smell locked in, even tho I knew my body heat was setting off the scent) and then a scarf. Didn't work. I'd baggy it and wrap it in a twisty towel and then a scarf. :nono: My pillows smelled like it, my room. :nono: So, for hubby's sake, I started using it while I'm home alone, hoping it would be gone by the time I had to pick up my son from daycare. A lady that works there called me out on it. "What do you have in your hair?" I tried to cover it with coconut oil and peppermint oil so I told her I had a treatment in under my scarf with coconut and peppermint. She said, I smell sulfur. D'oh! :blush: (Old ladies keep it real, honey). I commented on her great sense of smell. There IS sulfur in the treatment. She said she used to use sulfur a long time ago and gave me one of those "ummm hmm" looks. :look: Now I rush past her as quickly as possible, not sure whether the smell is still there or not. Like I said, I sure hope I can mix up an alternative. It's just a matter of time before she comments again. :rolleyes: Oh, and I had some in my hair going to a movie once and sat there in paranoia, knowing for SURE everyone could smell the mtg. I know I did. :blush:

:lachen::lachen:You're braver than me, I don't think I go out in public with it in my hair.
I'm hopping back on the sulfur bandwagon tonight. I'm mixing homemade sulfur concoction. Hoping this will provide a good alternative to the stinky stuff. Fresh new month, fresh touch up, great opportunity to measure results. Hope everyone's having a fantabulous day!