Is it too late for me to join the last three sessions. I know when I did the first two last year before I feel off the wagon that I had great results. If it is not too late, here is my information.

I am going to commit to __3__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be __no ice cream or cheese for 1 month_____________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

My picture is in my sig
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today i wasted my heat pass on straightening the bottom layer of my hair (i wanted to do a length check, but i'm far too lazy to tackle the whole thing..)
and it's hard to tell, because i'm more than six months post so my ends look super uneven and my roots are shrunken, but my sisters say it looks like it's grown a little comparing it to my pictures from christmas.
although i guess i won't really be able to tell until i relax it, since it looks the same to me.

what do y'all think?
the first picture is from christmas, the second is from today.


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hi all.. just checking in. i'm in the process of removing my braids. i just got back from a long trip so i am tired and jet lagged. i'm almost done removing all of my braids. i've been combing out the shed hair as i go. it's a lot but since i wore braids for 2 months, this is to be expected.

it appears as though i have at least 1.5" of new growth. this is very exciting. when i put my braids in, i had maybe 1/2" - 3/4" of NG. i also have been checking for split ends. i have a few. not many, as far as i can tell... i found one in the middle of my hair strand... but nothing excessive.

i didn't stick to my rules. i thought i was going to DC once a week. but i was worried about gunking up my hair. i sprayed my hair with a pro vitamin leave in (aphogee) once every few days and a moisturizing mix (water, coconut oil, and some other moisturizing stuff i can't remember) every 2 or 3 days.

i am going to put some kind of pre-poo on my hair for an hour today once i've combed out all of the shed hair and then wash, DC with heat, and then roller set my hair... see how it looks. i will probably have to use a 2nd heat pass in this session( :blush: ) for my relaxer touch up. i will try to make that happen this tuesday before i go out of town again. we shall see... i know that means a punishment for me. i think it was no soda for 2 weeks... gotta check back and see what i wrote...

i am also concerned that my hair stylist is going to try to pressure me into getting a trim. i'll probably blow him off... i'll get my relaxer done by him and then when i go out of town, i will try to get my hair done at my mom's salon and let them dust the ends. the girl who did it last time did a great job and i seriously did not notice any loss of length.
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today i wasted my heat pass on straightening the bottom layer of my hair (i wanted to do a length check, but i'm far too lazy to tackle the whole thing..)
and it's hard to tell, because i'm more than six months post so my ends look super uneven and my roots are shrunken, but my sisters say it looks like it's grown a little comparing it to my pictures from christmas.
although i guess i won't really be able to tell until i relax it, since it looks the same to me.

what do y'all think?
the first picture is from christmas, the second is from today.

It's definitely grown!!! :yep:
although i guess i won't really be able to tell until i relax it, since it looks the same to me.

what do y'all think?
the first picture is from christmas, the second is from today.

It certainly has grown. At Christmas, your hair was a lot further from APL than it is now...you're grazing APL.
I blow dried my hair to make it easier to put in my yarn braids. They took me 15 hours, but I'm glad I did them. I plan to keep them in for 2 months. Has anyone kept extensions in for 3 months? Would that be a good idea? My other option is to rebraid section by section to make it last 3 months and this way I wouldn't have to redo it all at once.
I have a job interview on Monday. :yep:

I'm transitioning and almost 9 months post so I used direct heat today. I have already used my heat pass so I'm on punishment :nono:

My original punishment is no eating out for 2 weeks, however, my job interview is out of town so I will be eating out while I'm there. So my punishment will be no LHCF for 2 weeks which I think is more painful than no eating out.

:ohwell: See you in 2 weeks.
Still going... however I might be getting a trim before the end of the challenge which will mean I'll have to take my punishment since I used my heat pass a while back!!
I am so ready to get a relaxer its crazy. I wanna see my straight hair and see it past APL. I will be relaxing this upcoming week, I will also do a S&D method while I am at work tonight.
Still holding it down, low manip, no heat, no scissors, have been using a spray mix, read somewhere on this board about rose water...the exact words...'don't sleep on the rose water" That is the truth! My hair has never been softer! I mix distilled water, rose water, vegetable glycerin and amla oil. Spray it on every morning, and sometimes at night before I baggie. I guess I have 3b, 4a and 3a all mixed in...it's crazy. My crown grows sooooooooo much slower and is a coarser texture than the rest of my head. Anyone have any suggestions, I'm all ears! Anywhoo, my hair is soooo soft even after it dries. Usually if i wear it loose, I have to use a detangler or soak my hair to untangle...not at all since using the spray and my JBCO. My hair luvs these challenges...thanks ladies!!
I can't believe Session I is almost over already. This year is flying by. My longest layer is touching the top of my brastrap right now. I will continue PSing with the hope that it'll be to the middle of my brastrap by June 10th, when my son graduates from middle school.

I will somewhat be using my pass for that week but not to straighten. We're leaving to go out of town that next day after graduation & I will not be PSing while on vacation. I will be wearing my hair out while on vacation.

Then when we get back, it'll be back to bunning until October.
Did a little heat, but mostly air dried roller set yesterday. Still no direct heat or trims and I'm hanging with the low manipulation hair styles. Still undecided it I will use my heat pass next week for my bestie's graduation.
Hey all, had to use a pass and I took my punishment, I had to use direct heat twice
I was at my cousins wedding in south africa and had mad regrowth that needed pressing and I then washed again to get my hair braided out there.
So now PS until mid may when I will take them out and get relaxed for my birthday I will have stretched for 6 months, a first for me!
Checking in
I have been doing very well. I did 2 dustings since Dec 09. Both times less than 1/4 in. I have also been DCing once a week and PS in between:) I cant wait to see my growth at the end of March.
Still going strong with no rules broken. I keep my hair braided and continue to DC at least once weekly and moisturize daily.
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I'm still doing my thing. Haven't checked in in awhile but haven't broken any rules either. Can't wait until March 20th to do my length check.
Checking in. I am still bunning daily though I did wear a couple of low manipulation styles earlier in the month. I have not trimmed but have been doing S&Ds and have also dusted a couple of days ago. My ends are looking good and I am retaining length well.
Checking in. Still PSing daily with a HW, baggying underneath. Still DCing 2x a week most weeks. No heat. Always airdrying.
I am going to commit to sessions 2-4 of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be to drink water only. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!! :grin:
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I have put the kinky twists in (March 6th...I know, I'm late updating :spank:) I'm going to leave these twists in until my birthday (April 22), then leave my hair out for a week or so. If I get a lot of growth, then I'm putting more back in, but if not then I'm going to have to find another PS....

And when it comes time to update at the end of the month, I'm going to put up the pics I took of the length before I put my twists in.


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used my pass around february to straighten my hair. don't have any plans on doing that again this year, but if it does i'll be doubling my workouts. =)