20-21 Coffee Tea Acv Ayur Onion Rice Chebe Challenge

What's in your Mix?:eyebrows2:

This time, I just used 1 tbsp ACV in 1 cup of water. This mix brought the pH of the vinegar up from 3 to 4. I wanted to see how the non-herbal infusion worked in its own before trying any sort of mix. It definitely penetrated through some of the buildup. Unfortunately, I then realized that I should have detangled my hair first, so I ended up adding some leftover fenugreek/conditioner/oils/butter/stuff that I had in the freezer. I'll probably give the pre-poo another go in the morning.

I have a jar of calendula, lavender, nettle, and hibiscus steeping in ACV for next time.
How long are you keeping it on?

I have been using something similar to remove B/Up - but I am just pouring it over and rinsing, but not letting it sit.

How long do you leave it on?
I’m in!

I’ve been doing this routine for years so I fit in here.
Staple oils are castor and almond steeped with fenugreek, moringa, and hibiscus.

Staple rinses are fenugreek water and I'm considering rice water.

I include aloe or cactus rinses in the summer.

Occasionally I use soap nuts to cleanse my hair.
How long are you keeping it on?

I have been using something similar to remove B/Up - but I am just pouring it over and rinsing, but not letting it sit.

How long do you leave it on?

Sorry for the late reply.
I left it on overnight the first time. The second time, not long at all.

My hair felt dry after I shampooed, but softened up after I did a gloss.

Next time I would 1. Dilute the ACV more; 2. Not do it twice; and 3. Not leave it in overnight. I don't think that overnight is necessary.
So on Friday, I did a second AVC rinse and an ayurvedic gloss followed by a botanical tea rinse.

Used an ayurvedic growth oil after and some shea butter mixed with ayurvedic oil to seal my hair.