20-21 Coffee Tea Acv Ayur Onion Rice Chebe Challenge

Used my onion skins, nettle, fenugreek, red clover blossom tea spritz. Also added peppermint, rosemary, and other essential oils. Massaged my scalp and sitting here enjoying the wonderful tingling sensation.

I will basically be reporting the same thing everyday until I make a new batch on Sunday. I think I will be adding burdock root next time.
Used my spritz today. I am just so happy my itchy scalp is going away.

I don’t think my scalp likes oil. Especially castor oil and maybe olive oil. They both make me itch and castor oil makes me feel like my scalp is on fire.

I have tried so many times but to no avail. :cry3::cry::cry2::cry4::crybaby::crying3:

I cant really do heavy oils on my scalp either, esp castor. I tolerate olive in very small amounts if its infused with ayurvedic herbs or “thinned out” with coconut oil.