2 years of prgress down the drain-*warning for bandwagoners*


Well-Known Member
ok so her I am 4 weeks away from my 2 year anniversary and instead of raving how I made it to armpit length, I am in a state of starting all over.:sad:

My hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking, and hard to believe it all happened in a matter of a couple weeks thanks to swimming, the dreadful coconut lime mixture crap, and on to of that the amla, shikaikai experience.

I am so sad I could cry! :sad: It is so much hard work and just like that it can go away.

I tried to detangle twice, left conditioner in all day and practically embarrased myself going to school like that. :nono: I lost so much hair it's unreal. Now I'm left with some chicken little looking ponytail which obviously needs cutting. So I may just cut back to above shoulder and start over.

The bright side is that in 2 years I finally know what's for me and that's it. I'm sticking to it. No more bandwagons for me, and some part of the rules just have to be broken. I wasted so much money on products. I will sell some on the vendor forum soon. or you can pm for the dreadful ayurvedic mix.

1. relax every 10 to 12 weeks- by the 8th week I will wig it.
2.wear down first week, rollerset 2nd, bun the rest
3.when wearing down will use heat. kemi oil and elasta qp curl wax:yep: yep I said it.
4. rollerset with nairobi mousse
5. bun with biolage moisturizing leave in and s curl
6. Emergencee weekly along with ORS pack afterwards:yep:
7. for extra slip john freida poo and co for curly hair:lick:
8.no amla, shikaihai, henna powder crap:nono:
9. no bandwagns:nono:
10. no stretching past 12 weeks:nono:
11. no cowashing :nono:
12. no wash n go:nono:
13. no flat ironing without oils and serums don't work for me.
14. no anything other than what works for me from 1-7.:nono:

I wll most likely be lurking, I have no progress to post at this time. :sad:
may wig it out for @ 6 months.
Mmmm..you gotta do whatcha gotta do. Good luck to you on starting over, I'm sure you'll have success now that you've learned what's working for you.
aww. BIG HUG to you. Sorry this happened. I tried a few things when I first joined the board that chewed my hair to high h3ll too. I never really posted about it because I was sure that someone would say that I "just didn't do it right" or whatever. Like you, I believe that everything ain't for everybody regardless of "technique." I'm sorry for your setback, but glad that you're off to a fresh new start with a clear direction.

Be encouraged.
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Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?
Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?

This is true. Have you tried doing a really intense deep conditioning session?
Sorry girl but keep going strong, sounds like you know what your hair needs now so just do it. What happened with the Ayurvedic powders? I have been contemplating washing with them next week although it leaves my hair hard, i was going to try and tweak it some since it seems to be working for others..but I know everyone's head ain't the same.
If you have a reggie that works you definitely want to stick with that and avoid bandwagons. :yep: I think of bandwagons as more for folks still on the discovery part of their journey. You know? That part when you have NO clue what products or techniques will work for you. Truth be told, bandwagons saved/made my hair.
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Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?
Girl you are WORKING those braids and that flower!:grin:
I'm sorry sweetie, but yeah some of them bandwagons take some on a trip straight to hair hell!

just stick with what you know for you! :bighug:
Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?

I was thinking this also.

OP, I think using Emergencee every week is a bit much. You'll end up having protein overload.

Good luck to you. And I hope your hair regains it's health. It looks very healthy in your siggy.
You definitely have to go with what works for you. What works for some definitely doesn't work for everyone. Good luck in your progress.

You learned the most important hair lesson of all...Stick with what works for you. I learned it back when the henna craze started. Luckily, I didn't experiance any long lasting damage but it dryed/stripped my hair out something fierce. It's so easy to think "I just must not be doing the process right" and not accept that it may be a product/procedure that just isn't meant for you.

Good luck on your new journey. :wallbash:
You learned the most important hair lesson of all...Stick with what works for you. I learned it back when the henna craze started. Luckily, I didn't experiance any long lasting damage but it dryed/stripped my hair out something fierce. It's so easy to think "I just must not be doing the process right" and not accept that it may be a product/procedure that just isn't meant for you.

Good luck on your new journey. :wallbash:

I dont know much about the ayurvedic powders but did you use lemon juice or ACV with the henna, because that WILL dry your hair out. Plenty of people use it without the terps.
Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?

I believe you can save your hair!!! Don't give up just yet!
I just purchased the ayurvedic powders, and was considering switching to an ayurvedic regimen. I'll really reconsidering this now. I thought it was a good natural alternative. Sorry to hear that this happened. Would you mind sharing what exactly you used, and how you did it?
I'm sorry this happened to you...

But you have taught us all a lesson. Well I speak for myself. I know that co-washing daily isnt for me. Infact..just leaving my tresses alone and washing once a week, in the meantime conditioning, works wonders for me. I had to start over back in January when I got the trim of a lifetime.

Good luck on your journey...It's only a test, that I am sure you will past.
Please don't be discouraged. You have so much wisdom to share now that you know what doesn't work. Just imagine that in two years your hair will be fabulous :yep:

Sometimes we have to learn what works for us. I learned this year that my hair only likes to be stretched to 10 weeks. So those 4,6 and beyond stretches I will never do :nono:

I also won't cowash daily anymore. My hair likes water twice a week. Any more than that and it's just not necessary. I know mist my hair with water or my glycerin mix to just moisten it if I want to.

You live and you learn. Just get your hair cut by a great beautician and make sure to post pics cuz we will want to see the cut!
ok so her I am 4 weeks away from my 2 year anniversary and instead of raving how I made it to armpit length, I am in a state of starting all over.:sad:

My hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking, and hard to believe it all happened in a matter of a couple weeks thanks to swimming, the dreadful coconut lime mixture crap, and on to of that the amla, shikaikai experience.

I am so sad I could cry! :sad: It is so much hard work and just like that it can go away.

I tried to detangle twice, left conditioner in all day and practically embarrased myself going to school like that. :nono: I lost so much hair it's unreal. Now I'm left with some chicken little looking ponytail which obviously needs cutting. So I may just cut back to above shoulder and start over.

The bright side is that in 2 years I finally know what's for me and that's it. I'm sticking to it. No more bandwagons for me, and some part of the rules just have to be broken. I wasted so much money on products. I will sell some on the vendor forum soon. or you can pm for the dreadful ayurvedic mix.

1. relax every 10 to 12 weeks- by the 8th week I will wig it.
2.wear down first week, rollerset 2nd, bun the rest
3.when wearing down will use heat. kemi oil and elasta qp curl wax:yep: yep I said it.
4. rollerset with nairobi mousse
5. bun with biolage moisturizing leave in and s curl
6. Emergencee weekly along with ORS pack afterwards:yep:
7. for extra slip john freida poo and co for curly hair:lick:
8.no amla, shikaihai, henna powder crap:nono:
9. no bandwagns:nono:
10. no stretching past 12 weeks:nono:
11. no cowashing :nono:
12. no wash n go:nono:
13. no flat ironing without oils and serums don't work for me.
14. no anything other than what works for me from 1-7.:nono:

I wll most likely be lurking, I have no progress to post at this time. :sad:
may wig it out for @ 6 months.

Sorry you've had the detangling nightmare but it's now behind you; you've learned a lot. Stay strong, you'll be healthyhaired after a while. Start and use a hair calendar-the mind plays memory tricks{I often forget exactly what I did the night before which gives me great results}-you'll be happy to know precisely what does what to your hair.
I have come to the same realisation myself.

My hair retained so much length when i only used Keracare shampoo and conditioner, greased my scalp with Dax, rollerset and flat ironed once week. I hardly ever trimmed my hair. I use to not even think about a re-touch until after about 3 months....now my hair can't seem to stretch past 9 weeks.

I also think i'm chopping and changing the products i use so much i don't actually know what my hair likes or dislikes anymore. I remember the days when i didn't even notice the other products in the shop and i would only buy when what i had at home was nearly finished.

This board is excellent for advice and troubleshooting but the bandwagon thing for me spells disaster and my pocket is not loving me for it either.
Maybe it was just product buildup? Maybe you could do a goof clarifying poo and then up your deep conditioning for a week before deciding to cut :perplexed I'm sooOoOOo sorry that happened to you :nono:
yeah the Emergencee every week is too much

But you know what? Even though I'm natural, I have fine hair that gets over moisturized easily, odd as it may sound. A hard egg protein treatment is needed FOR ME at least every 2 weeks (emergencee leaves my hair soft, but it's still overly stretchy when I'm in serious need of a protein treatment and I don't use heat often). Everything don't work for everybody
ok so her I am 4 weeks away from my 2 year anniversary and instead of raving how I made it to armpit length, I am in a state of starting all over.:sad:

My hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking, and hard to believe it all happened in a matter of a couple weeks thanks to swimming, the dreadful coconut lime mixture crap, and on to of that the amla, shikaikai experience.

I am so sad I could cry! :sad: It is so much hard work and just like that it can go away.

I tried to detangle twice, left conditioner in all day and practically embarrased myself going to school like that. :nono: I lost so much hair it's unreal. Now I'm left with some chicken little looking ponytail which obviously needs cutting. So I may just cut back to above shoulder and start over.

The bright side is that in 2 years I finally know what's for me and that's it. I'm sticking to it. No more bandwagons for me, and some part of the rules just have to be broken. I wasted so much money on products. I will sell some on the vendor forum soon. or you can pm for the dreadful ayurvedic mix.

1. relax every 10 to 12 weeks- by the 8th week I will wig it.
2.wear down first week, rollerset 2nd, bun the rest
3.when wearing down will use heat. kemi oil and elasta qp curl wax:yep: yep I said it.
4. rollerset with nairobi mousse
5. bun with biolage moisturizing leave in and s curl
6. Emergencee weekly along with ORS pack afterwards:yep:
7. for extra slip john freida poo and co for curly hair:lick:
8.no amla, shikaihai, henna powder crap:nono:
9. no bandwagns:nono:
10. no stretching past 12 weeks:nono:
11. no cowashing :nono:
12. no wash n go:nono:
13. no flat ironing without oils and serums don't work for me.
14. no anything other than what works for me from 1-7.:nono:

I wll most likely be lurking, I have no progress to post at this time. :sad:
may wig it out for @ 6 months.

That isn't true. Knowing what works and what doesn't work for you is REAL progress. Through trial and error you've practically guaranteed future success. Just remember these lessons, chica....and be consistent.
Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?

ITA with everything that Mook said. Maybe your hair can be saved, I'm thinking of that damaged theread that's like 10000 pages but it is chock full of techniques. Look on the bright side- you know what works for you:yep:, bump the bandwagons. So sorry for your recent troubles ((((((Hugs)))). It will work out though, cause going forward you know exactly what to do.
My hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking, and hard to believe it all happened in a matter of a couple weeks thanks to swimming, the dreadful coconut lime mixture, and on to of that the amla, shikaikai experience.

Make sure you have also solved the swimming issue, too. I know my hair hates chlorine and if I don't at least put conditioner on first and ideally a swim cap, it takes a lot of TLC to get it in good shape again.

I'm sorry hun - that is so frustrating. I've definitely had to learn NOT to be a bandwagon jumper after having some not-so-hot results myself with certain products. At least now you have the tools to help grow your hair back healthfully . . . .
I believe you can save your hair!!! Don't give up just yet!

ITA!!!!:yep: The last stylist that I went to said told me that my hair was so damaged, I "should go ahead and shave it off and start all over":perplexed. Needless to say, I didn't take her advice. Not only has my hair improved, it's growing! Now that you know what works for you, continue to do what's best for your hair. God bless you and HHG, sis!