2 years of prgress down the drain-*warning for bandwagoners*

Just wanted to send you a :hug2: I'm sorry you are experiencing a setback. Sounds like you have a good recovery plan. GL!
Sorry this happened to you:bighug:. Everything does not work for everybody and you have to do what is best for you and your hair.

Treat your hair with TLC and be consistent.
:covereyes OHHH NOOO, SANDS!!!!:covereyes

I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced this. But you know what - the hair that will grow in it's place will be FULLER, THICKER, MORE LUXURIOUS and just down right HOT LIKE FIYAH!

GO ON GIRL!! :needhug:

Mmmm..you gotta do whatcha gotta do. Good luck to you on starting over, I'm sure you'll have success now that you've learned what's working for you.

Yeah, the best to you.

I don't about anyone else, but when I cut my hair, it makes it grow a lot faster. You'll be back to shoulder length in no time. Just don't be discouraged.
I agree with you...everything is NOT for everybody...just like you stretching past 12 weeks w/o my hair being briaded is a BAD idea....a one way trip straight to breakage city...yeah I thought I had a significant setback from stretching to 18 weeks I did lose a lot of hair but luckily for me I began with a LOT so when I lost what i lost it didn't look 2 bad. and yeah the ayurveda stuff not really my thing...very time consuming and i wasnt crazy about how my hair felt afterwards. w/ the exception of henna. i like the color and nothing else and the bandwagon thing is true find out everything you can before you jump on b/c using henna put my hair into protein overload using it too much and not knowing it was a protein!! On the bright side you know what works for you and what to do to grow it back...which it will
Sorry that this happened to you. Knowing what you know now, I know you will have great success!

I had to start over again. Cut all my hair off (shoulder length). Still a lot of damaged hair is left in the middle but my stylist did not want to cut ALL of my hair off. She siad she will do it little by little.:yep:
Wow...I really hope that you get things back on track soon. I know how you feel to watch progress slip away because of being tempted to try things that work so well for others. I have been a member of LHCF for about a year and it has taken me this long to figure out exactly what my hair likes and unfortunately what will NOT work for me.

Here are a few of my more memorable misteps:

Nexxus Phyto Organics: made my hair a hot crispy mess

Shikakai soap: Hair felt fine on wash day but over the next few days my hair felt weak and started breaking off

Dominican blow out: the stylist almost pulled all of my hair out while rollersetting and blow torched the rest while blowing out my roots

Air drying: leaves my hair crispy and brittle no matter what I wash and condition with

Oil rinsing: It took several trys for me to rinse all of that oil out of my hair

Baggying: I baggied my entire head, went to bed and woke up the next morning with wet hair plastered to the side of my head

Elasta QP Mango Butter: made my hair dry and brittle

Miconizole: left hellified build-up on my scalp

and the list goes on.....
Ouch, I'm so sorry. :nono:

I've hopped on the bandwagons around here, thank goodness the last one proved to be just what I needed.

You know your hair can and will grow...just stick to what's right for you and it will be thriving again in no time.
Good luck.
I am so sorry this happened to you. I know how it feels to have MAJOR setbacks. Im happy that this did not deter you from your healthy hair journey. Bigggggg HUgggggg:bighug::bighug:
I'm sorry you had a setback.

Thanks for sharing what you learned as it helped this lil newbie out.

Your hair will be thriving again soon.
I hate to hear you had this kind of setback, but Im happy that you know exactly what you need and dont need to continue your journey to amazing hair days. I also had to get tough on myself before about the bandwagons/growth aids, I promised myself I would stick to what was already working and that was that. Now when ever you get tempted to stray into doing something else, you can look at the things you listed as "yes" and as "nono" and stay focused.
Best Wishes!

I had something like that happen to me about 2 years ago:wallbash::wallbash:, yet it wasn't from LHCF bandwagon...It was from tooooo muuuuch PROTEIN:nono:

1. I clipped all of my straggly ends off
2. Bought me some store brand HSN vitamins
3. Got my hair braided (extensions)

I wore my braids for 3 months at a time. I did not get any relaxers!
Every time i took them down...I washed and deep conditoned my hair about 2 days later(weekend)...Back to the braid shop:yep:

I must say MY HAIR GREW A WHOLE LOT:grin:.
You go nomo . . . good looking on the bright side and your list of to do's looks good. You'll be back on track in no time.
I know how a set back feels. Like you, I jumped on the bandwagon with some products that worked wonders for others, but broke my hair off so bad I almost cried. I tried the Vatika Oil and another coconut oil based product. Coconut oil is great for some, but for me, it causes enough dryness that my ends split and snap off. My bra strap length healthy, black, shiny hair was left paper thin with black strings for ends. All that hard work and those years of learning about my hair all went down the drain literally in one month. Yes, one month because I put that stuff on my hair religiously every day for a month. Before I knew it the damage was done.

What did I do? Well, I couldn't bear to cut off six or seven inches. So I threw out the offending products, and wore my hair up. I went back to the things that had worked for me in the past, that I learned about on this board. I did my deep conditioning treatments. Stayed away from heat and no-lye relaxers, took my vitamins, and wore my hair mostly up in protective styles. And I vowed to only try new products on one section in the front of my hair, never in the bank on the longest length.

Well, the tragedy happened in the month of June in 07. Now a year later, it looks pretty much back to normal. Praise the Lord!

Please keep the faith. Your hair will come back and can be even more lovely than before. I wish you well.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I totally understand. My hair right now is shorter than it was this time last year because of mistakes I made and just trying to do too much w/my hair. But the good thing is now you know what doesn't work and you can get your hair back in shape. You will reach your goals!!! I have decided to stop monitoring my length so much and just focus on health. I am currently wearing wigs and instant weaves/half wigs to give my hair a break.
I agree with what everyone else has posted, and I liked how some compared their own experiences with some bandwagons. I've kept what I do pretty simple so that's probably a good thing. I'm sorry about your setback but will be looking forward to your comeback pics,:grin:
I feel your pain. Look at it this way. At least you know what works for your hair. I have been at this for a while and I still haven't figured it out. Well, I shouldn't say that. I know that LYE relaxers and stretching past 12 weeks (like you) leads to lots of hair down the drain. I've also learned to trust my own insticts. No one knows your hair like YOU! I have a zillion products and found 2 things that my hair likes. I too will be on the exchange forum soon. Good luck in rescuing your hair. I know you're armed with the right tools to achieve your goal.
Girl you good! You'll be back strong soon. Simplicity is key and since you know what you need to do then there is nothing but growth that will come out of it.
Yes, simple is they key, although I bought the indian powders I am scared to use them. I will pre-poo with the oils though.

Sorry you had to go through that though. You know what's best for your hair so stick to what you know is best. :yep:
Well, I'm sorry that you had to incur damage but I'm happy that you now know what works for you.

Even though you say your hair is dry, rough, limp, and scraggly looking you might still be able to get it back on the right track. Are you sure you're going to cut it? Is it past the point of no return?

I have the same exact question.

Have you thought of having one of the more experienced members becoming a mentor or a big sis to you, for times like this? Someone who can talk and walk you thru crisis?

I had several awful setbacks throughout my journey, so I know. I did cry at one point. It is all a learning experience.

Keep us updated, ma.