3 years down the drain....

i dont think my hair does well in braids or cornrows. ive never had luck with growing/ or retaining the length of my hair that way.

i havent ruled out anything though... including the relaxer...:ohwell: but ill wait a lil longer to see if anything changes.. :)

Did you by happen use a light colored dye? Im asking because a friend of mine (Latina) used a dye for streaks once. Her normaly curly hair did not curl where the streaks were. So a week later after the frizzy streaks she put a dark (brown/black family) rinse over her hair and somehow her curl pattern came back. You may want to try that.
Hey Silvergirl. Okay i found the thread. it's under having trouble detangling. I know you don't have perm hair (please stay that way) but ladies rave about how soft the hair feels immediately after they rinse it out. Ask the postee (DLewis) about what she thinks. I know someone sugguested Henna on top of the color, but i read something about that is not a good idea. ( So be careful)
im going to sit and think for the next couple of weeks before i decide. but during that time ill use it to continue DC'ing, trying the porousity control and protein sparingly.

i hope to soak in all the positive vibes but the stories of colored hair that had to be cut scare me too... but i realize that may be a possibility and im fully prepared for that too.

thanks everyone for the kind words and support :circle::bighug:
I'm too lazy to read through all the posts so forgive me if this has already been said.
Since you used a permanent color it probably altered your natural texture which is the cause of the half frizz half curl effect
What you should do is a hard core protein treatment to try to bring some of the curl back into your hair
This is what we mildly relaxed ladies do so I think this will work for you as well
Maybe Nexxus Emergencee or Aphogee protein treatment
Best of Luck and don't cut it. Just ride it out
I love your hair
Hi Silver girl. Your hair is really pretty. What happened to your hair is a temporary set back. You and your hair wil get over it.

I've never coloured before so I cannot advise on that aspect. What I will say is that as your hair is very dry, deep condition with a quality and all natural conditioner, but do not go over board. It's easy to be tempted to try to remedy a problem with many fixes, but you must pay close close close attention to what your hair needs. I wouldn't relax either.

Remember, this is temporary, your hair wil return to it's former self with consistent TLC.

I can't say much more than what all the ladies have said. I can say, though, be encouraged. Just remember, it's just hair. It will recover, grow in, grow back, whatever it needs to do to get you back where you can feel good about it. All this is temporary. All I can say is condition, condition, and condition some more. Be encouraged, you have SO MUCH support on LHCF. :)