13 Ways You Know You’re Dating A Grown-A** Man


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13 Ways You Know You’re Dating A Grown-*** Man


1. You know where you stand. You are his girlfriend or you are a girl he’s dating but either way he’s not scared to define it. He’s not afraid that a girl will cry and run away if she doesn’t hear what she wants to, he wants a mature woman because he is a mature man.

2. You don’t have to prod him to become a real adult. He’s self motivated to improve on his own. If there’s an area of his life that needs improvement, he’s working on it long before you notice it.

3. Texting with him is peaceful. Sometimes you have conversations. Sometimes you make plans. But it’s never a power struggle of who initiates and who texts lasts. It’s not fishing for compliments or security. It’s simply a short form of communication.

4. He calls his mom. You don’t need to tell him to do this and he does it to keep in touch, not because he needs her stamp of approval on all his choices.

5. He has interests. Like actual interests. Not beer darts or meeting women. He reads the newspaper or books, and when you ask him his opinion on something, he has an answer.

6. When you spend the night at his place, it doesn’t feel like camping. His sheets are (reasonably) clean, there’s (gasp) toilet paper and (double gasp) fresh towels in the bathroom, and there’s something in the fridge other than beer.

7. He doesn’t disappear for days or a week at a time. He knows that if he needs space or some time to clear his head when he’s stressed out all he needs to do is say that. He’s strong enough to be upfront rather than running away.

8. He never says “just trust me” as an attempt to end a disagreement. He knows that if you’re expressing a concern, the solution isn’t to just tell you not to have it. He isn’t manipulative.

9. He doesn’t get jealous. Sure, it doesn’t make him happy when another guy hits on you while he’s checking your coats, but he doesn’t blow up about it. He’s secure in your admiration.

10. He doesn’t treat you like a child. If he disagrees with you he can tell you that. He assumes you want to engage with him rather than assuming you are a piece of glass that will shatter at the slightest disturbance.

11. He encourages you to grow and try new activities. He isn’t afraid he will be left in the dust and he genuinely wants the best for you.

12. You never have this conversation: “Where do you want to go?” “Uh, I don’t know, where do you want to go?”

13. You don’t have to play a guessing game when he’s upset about something. He tells you. Directly. With words. And you have a conversation and figure out a solution.

Number 6 yaaaas I can't stand going to a males place for whatever (kick back, study etc) and the bathroom is dirty and there's one dusty looking rag in there nothing for me to wipe my hands with and it has an odor. Ugggggh I get on everybody about that. Like don't even invite me near your place, male or female, if your bathroom is a mess. Any other room I would imply you should clean up and be done but the bathroom ughhh I just want to up chuck and leave!

Whoo glad I got that off my chest
The type of man in that list is the only man I am interested in. I will leave the other types to the teens and young twenty-something year old.
Welp.,I think I'm finally dating a grown a-- man. The only thing I didn't nod to was the living situation. His apt looks like a college kid lives there.. I had to tell him to buy plates..which he did lol.
I was scared that this list would be full of faux-masculine BS, so I'm pleasantly surprised by its contents. I hope I meet one of these elusive grown butt men soon :)
Number 9 and 13 are driving me crazy about one of the guys I have been dating lately. I'm about over it tbh. We are not even exclusive. He gets jealous very easily (so far all I have here in SK are guy friends, which I wish weren't the case but it's sometimes hard to make girl friends in the military and being in Korea makes it 5x harder to find a good girl friend *shrug*). Also, when he is obviously annoyed by something he never flat out tells me. I would rather he outright tell me if something is bothering him so that we can talk about it. I hate the drama of him being passive aggressive and me in turn ending up confused and annoyed myself. Like I said, I'm about over it.
13 Ways You Know You’re Dating A Grown-*** Man

1. You know where you stand. You are his girlfriend or you are a girl he’s dating but either way he’s not scared to define it. He’s not afraid that a girl will cry and run away if she doesn’t hear what she wants to, he wants a mature woman because he is a mature man.

2. You don’t have to prod him to become a real adult. He’s self motivated to improve on his own. If there’s an area of his life that needs improvement, he’s working on it long before you notice it.

3. Texting with him is peaceful. Sometimes you have conversations. Sometimes you make plans. But it’s never a power struggle of who initiates and who texts lasts. It’s not fishing for compliments or security. It’s simply a short form of communication.

4. He calls his mom. You don’t need to tell him to do this and he does it to keep in touch, not because he needs her stamp of approval on all his choices.

5. He has interests. Like actual interests. Not beer darts or meeting women. He reads the newspaper or books, and when you ask him his opinion on something, he has an answer.

6. When you spend the night at his place, it doesn’t feel like camping. His sheets are (reasonably) clean, there’s (gasp) toilet paper and (double gasp) fresh towels in the bathroom, and there’s something in the fridge other than beer.

7. He doesn’t disappear for days or a week at a time. He knows that if he needs space or some time to clear his head when he’s stressed out all he needs to do is say that. He’s strong enough to be upfront rather than running away.

8. He never says “just trust me” as an attempt to end a disagreement. He knows that if you’re expressing a concern, the solution isn’t to just tell you not to have it. He isn’t manipulative.

9. He doesn’t get jealous. Sure, it doesn’t make him happy when another guy hits on you while he’s checking your coats, but he doesn’t blow up about it. He’s secure in your admiration.

10. He doesn’t treat you like a child. If he disagrees with you he can tell you that. He assumes you want to engage with him rather than assuming you are a piece of glass that will shatter at the slightest disturbance.

11. He encourages you to grow and try new activities. He isn’t afraid he will be left in the dust and he genuinely wants the best for you.

12. You never have this conversation: “Where do you want to go?” “Uh, I don’t know, where do you want to go?”

13. You don’t have to play a guessing game when he’s upset about something. He tells you. Directly. With words. And you have a conversation and figure out a solution.


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The type of man in that list is the only man I am interested in. I will leave the other types to the teens and young twenty-something year old.

Haha I'm a twenty something and never wanted anything less. It's why I really don't date much bc I don't have time for games.

My friends can deal with those. Lol

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