1/2" growth in ONLY 4 DAYS!!!! do you believe it?

I put a heaping tablespoon in some orange juice and just drink it down. I haven't noticed any bad side effects at all. I have been doing it for about a week or so. I don't measure my hair, but I do know it is growing. :yep:

I actually posted in that thread on that other board, but I no longer participate there.

Are you taking it for hair growth or just for overall health?
Tough As Nails!
Your nail plates are complex protein structures that grow four to five millimeters per month on average. With silica supplementation, fragile nails become normal within a short period of time. Silica will beautify the appearance of your nails and improve their hardness, making them shinier and less prone to breaking.
The restorative effects of silica will be most noticeable on your hair, skin, nails and teeth. Our skin and hair require silica essentially for the same purpose as do other tissues. As we know, the supporting collagen underneath the skin enhances elasticity and beauty. Collagen owes that quality to silica, which provides a beautiful complexion that is more than skin deep.
More Benefits!

I starting taking Silica supplements almost religiously everyday since November, and I swear my nails have never been nicer. I never had strong nails, you know the kind of nails that had tips that you can tap. Only very few times in my life had my nails grown over a half inch, but I had to reinforce them with polish daily to keep them from peeling, chipping, breaking. Since I started taking Silica supplements I haven't polished my nails for months (except yesterday on my bday) and my nails are extremely hard, smooth, and not peeling and they have grown almost 1/2 inch pass my fingertips! There is no sign of peeling or chipping anywhere. It looks like I have a french manicure! I can't even believe my very own nails could look like they look now! I keep staring at them like "is this ish for REAL?!" I just finished my bottle of silica from vitamin shoppe last week I am going back to get some more this week for sure!
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Most experts say that hair grows an average of 1/4 - 1/2 inch per month. Any claim that a product can grow hair 1/2 inch in 4 days is, at best, highly dubious.
So even if DE really does not cause this extreme fast hair growth... do yall think it would be worth it for its other benefits. Here is just some of what I read, I don't know how true it is.

I wouldn't because I don't really suffer from any of the things that it's supposed to help with. Also, since all the benefits seem to be linked to the sillica in the DE, I'd just skip the middle man and buy sillica supplements.
I have used DE to get rid of Pest in my home, Deworm my pets. It is safe for human consumption as long as you get the food grade and not the POOL GRADE!

Oh and No I don't believe she got 1/2 inch of growth using DE.

I saw the same post on that forum and after doing a lot of research on DE, I went and purchased some -- Food Grade (very inexpensive). I've been taking it now for a couple of months and YES it does "de-worm" you (and your pets). I was taking a lot of supplements for hair growth and nothing was happening until after a couple of weeks of taking DE. It really cleaned out my system and gave my body a chance to benefit from the supplements I was taking. Now, I don't miss a night without taking it on an empty stomach, right before bed and what happens in the morning?....TMI.....anyway, my skin and nails are clearer and stronger - I believe that's due to the high Silica contact in DE. I take it for 3 weeks and then off for 1 week and then back on for another 3 weeks, etc. I asked my doctor about it and she said that it was perfectly safe for human consumption. While it's scrubbing out your system of bad bacteria, worms/parasites, colon, etc. you can't feel it, but "they" sure can and then they're stopped in their tracks and then you release them....I know TMI....Anyway, I'm very happy with it and have had NO adverse affects from it. And my hair is slightly thicker since taking it. And to echo JJamiah - I don't believe the 1/2" in 4 days either, but I do think that it helps in hair growth - but don't forget to drink plenty of water!
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I don't know about this... I'm a ceramic artist and whenever i see something with Silicon Dioxide on it's label, it's the same thing as the silica i use for my glaze calculations and clay body formation.

Silica is glass. So it's like a person is ingesting glass. I would think that it would be abrasive to the organs.

I'm watching this with interest. When I take silica supplements, my joints feel stiff and gritty. But some of the ladies at LHC have received a noticable growth increase from taking DE.
I don't believe the 1/2" in 4 days from DE, but all the other benefits are worth looking into if you have some internal issues. I am waiting for my DE to show up now, and I don't know if I have worms, but a little internal cleanse can't hurt. As for me, it's really for health benefits, including better skin and intestinal health. Since hair grows from the inside out, it can't hurt.
If DE rids your body of worms, parasites, and bacteria...I wonder does it get rid of the good bacteria in your body?

I can see how DE would be able to clear skin though, it gets rid of toxins.
Ummm you lot can stop there. Reading about this stuff has made me want to clear the hell out! Nuke the suckers!

Type of Worm
Length or Growth
Symptoms of Worm/ Effect
Round worm
Common, approximately 1000 million people are infected worldwide.

up to 15 inch long, 200 000 eggs a day
Pain in upper abdominal, asthma, eye pain, insomnia, rashes.
Can cause blockages in the intestinal tract, loss of appetite, appendicitis, abscesses in the liver, etc.
Hook worm

up to 1/2 inch long
They feed on patient's blood. The symptoms include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, craving to eat soil, iron and protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin irritations, delayed puberty, mental dullness, etc. In acute cases it can cause cardiac failure and death.
Pin worm or Threadworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
Most common worm. Common in children, about 500 million are infected worldwide.

up to 1/2 inch long.
They lay about 15 000 eggs per day at outer of anus.
The symptoms of pinworms include itching and irritation of the anus or vagina, digestive disorders, insomnia, irritation or nervousness. The worms come out of the anal opening to lay eggs at night. The eggs can pass to others through air or by contact with infected food. The eggs are not affected by disinfectants.
It passes from person to person. The eggs can be passed by direct contact, or through sharing of food, toys, etc.
Whip worm
several hundred million are infected worldwide.

1 to 2 inches long
The symptoms of whipworms are bloody stools, pain in the lower abdomen, weight loss, nausea, and anemia.

up to 35 feet long. they lay million eggs per day
There are usually no symptoms of tapeworm. They are detected in the stool sample. The infected person may have dizziness, vomiting, hunger or loss of appetite or weight loss.
:giggle: I take it no one w/old school grandparents ever told them they needed cod liver oil so they didn't get worms...

While I don't believe 1/2" in 4 days (that would mean close to 4" in a month), keep us posted OP if you decide to use it for hair growth.
If DE rids your body of worms, parasites, and bacteria...I wonder does it get rid of the good bacteria in your body?

I can see how DE would be able to clear skin though, it gets rid of toxins.
I'd imagine this can be counteracted by probiotics.
Call me crazy but I went ahead and ordered DE and my shipment should be here soon. I'll keep you ladies posted (for better or for worse).

Wish me luck!
I don't believe anyone's hair will grow 1/2 in 4 days, no matter what you do to it or your body. Sorry, but until proven otherwise by pics, I will not fall for it. Them ladies on LHC are nice, as I was a member for a while, but many of them also exaggerate. As for the DE, I will do more research before I decide whether it's something I might want to try. The info sounds interesting. I was considering doing a cleanse, but I am scared of the process, lol!

Silica is found in many components: glass, sand, concrete, clay, potting soil, dirt, etc. I could go on and on. If taking DE is the equivalent to ingesting clay or sand, then IDK how that could be good for the soft mucosa that lines the digestive tract over the long-term. Maybe you're supposed to do it once in a while? IDK, I have to research this mess.
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Ummm you lot can stop there. Reading about this stuff has made me want to clear the hell out! Nuke the suckers!

Type of Worm
Length or Growth
Symptoms of Worm/ Effect
Round worm
Common, approximately 1000 million people are infected worldwide.... (removed the rest of the post to shorten response)

:blush: Ok, tickledpinkies09. There are just some things that I can go without knowing the graphic details. Thanks for putting the research out there but, now I have the weebie jeebies (aka heevie jeevies :lachen:) thinking 'bout them squirmy wormies. :nono:

Oh, then I go to comment and I see under your username is "Hungry all the time". Um, 35ft tapeworm perhaps?? :grin: j/k
:blush: Ok, tickledpinkies09. There are just some things that I can go without knowing the graphic details. Thanks for putting the research out there but, now I have the weebie jeebies (aka heevie jeevies :lachen:) thinking 'bout them squirmy wormies. :nono:

Oh, then I go to comment and I see under your username is "Hungry all the time". Um, 35ft tapeworm perhaps?? :grin: j/k

(35ft tapeworm) Don't even play like that...I'm scared for real now. LOL

My DE shipment came earlier today. I just got finished eating dinner, so I think I'm gonna give it a try maybe. I have to go to work early the next day, and I don't want no gastro-intestinal issues... cause that's not cute!
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Bump Bump... I am thinking of taking this. I need to lower my cholesterol and I read that this DE stuff could help. If I can get some extra hair growth out of it too - so much the better!

I wonder if I could just pick some of this stuff up locally in the DMV area? Anybody know?
Yeah, I read that thread too, and frankly, I gave it the side eye. I, for one, believe nothing without pics. Well, maybe I'll believe basic *believable* stuff.. but not some off the wall mess like .5 inch in 4 days.

I have also been on this board long enough to have seen 5011 bandwagons where members claim to have gotten these amazing lengths and it's the next best thing to having Jesus anoint your scalp :blah: yet those same posters are here years later with no appreciable length. :yawn:

So I will not be taking DE. I take my vitamins, I protect my hair, I moisturize it and give it protein. That's all. Perhaps I could be getting a foot per month :rolleyes: but I'm pleased with the growth and retention I've had thus far with my simple ways.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:DWL......LMFAO:lachen::lachen: TRUE WORDS!!!
I read back through this old thread and am tripping at how close-minded my previous comments in this post were. Since then, I'd been talking with a few ladies over at bhm and someone here and I did end up trying it...just to test her claim. I don't know what to think but, I did get 1/2" growth in like, 5 days. Can't remember the details exactly because it's been awhile but, I'm sure that I posted in the LHC thread and on BHM.

Back then I was a regular length checker so, she said 4 days and I think I randomly decided to check at 5 days (not expecting to see anything really). The growth was there. Now, keep in mind, I'm doing other things and my hair was growing pretty fast anyway so, I'm not sure that I fully attribute it to DE. But I did have other benefits from taking it:

My skin glowed, my...um...well, let's just say I was pottying regularly, I slimmed down a bit and, best of all, my sinus issues went away. That was worth the trip right there.

Back to hair. It seemed that I did get that initial spurt but it wasn't on-going and I think others were saying the same. I mean, I didn't get 2 inches in a month on DE. So, some were suggesting to stop and restart to duplicate the spurt. I didn't get to test that because someone from bhm said something about DE being a blood purifier and said that taking it would basically void taking supplements. :blush: Um, that made sense and I was spending too much to be wasting supplements. I had to choose so, I chose to stick with my supplements and leave the DE alone.

I was taking 1 TBS in my morning breakfast smoothie and a1 TBS at night in my herbal tea. I couldn't mix it in water or oj. :nono:

There definitely were good benefits from using DE. I may try it again from time to time...when I'm taking a break from supplements or something. I still don't want to waste my money on supplements if DE is going to clean 'em right outta my system.

BTW, I never noticed any worms coming out of me. But then again, I wasn't looking either. :blush:...Hello?! :lachen:
I used it... Saw some growth but I think it was due to msm not de
If she had some parasites or something de could have cleaned her out to the point her hair and rest of her body thrived.
In Europe and Asia Diatomaceous Earth is used extensively as a health and beauty product for hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. They have no FDA.

This is misleading. Europe has the EMEA and Asian countries have their own drug approval boards. If it's not approved, it's not approved.

Having said that, I don't see how this is any different from taking bentonite clay or charcoal. Both can save your life in a toxic emergency. I think I'm gonna try it because my detox process is brutal. I could use a new regimen in that department.

If you have worms, better out than in! And silica is in food and plants. People are overreacting. Horsetail is in a lot of those supplements you girls are taking for silica. It's not gonna tear you a new one or give you worms. Lawd hammercy.

Sent from my HTC Inspire™
This is misleading. Europe has the EMEA and Asian countries have their own drug approval boards. If it's not approved, it's not approved.

Having said that, I don't see how this is any different from taking bentonite clay or charcoal. Both can save your life in a toxic emergency. I think I'm gonna try it because my detox process is brutal. I could use a new regimen in that department.

If you have worms, better out than in! And silica is in food and plants. People are overreacting. Horsetail is in a lot of those supplements you girls are taking for silica. It's not gonna tear you a new one or give you worms. Lawd hammercy.

Sent from my HTC Inspire™

Well, I am gonna find some locally and update this thread with my results. I figure I have nothing to lose. If I don't like it, I'll just feed it to my dogs since it is cheaper than Frontline.

Hmm, I would try some for my yard too but it doesn't get rid of mosquitoes.

Well, I am gonna find some locally and update this thread with my results. I figure I have nothing to lose. If I don't like it, I'll just feed it to my dogs since it is cheaper than Frontline.

Hmm, I would try some for my yard too but it doesn't get rid of mosquitoes.

I'm gonna try it, too. It's on Amazon for $11.99 for 1 lb. (prime eligible)

Please remember not to inhale the dust. Treat it as if it were enzymes.

ETA: diatomaceous earth is FDA approved as a food additive when being used in facilities for peat control that process food, IF that means anything to you. It means NOTHING to me considering that water is not FDA approved as a drug to treat dehydration, but Latasse, a glaucoma medication, is a approved for off label use to grow eyelashes. Sure your one of your two pretty grey eyes will turn brown irreversiblely, but that's not important. :nono: :lol:

Sent from my HTC Inspire™
Got my DE today. Here's a start pic before somebody calls me a liar and I have to read :lol: :-p

Sent from my HTC Inspire™


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I don't believe it.

I doubt I'd even believe it if a pic accompanied it.

Half an inch of hair every 4 days works out to 3.75 inches a month. That works out to 45 inches of hair a year.

Yet when I bump this thread one year from now, I doubt anybody will be showing off their 45 new inches of hair growth.

I'm not one to tell folks how to spend their money, but I would like to advise that folks just think more than two seconds about some of these claims before taking it as realistic let alone as some gospel truth.

Anybody get their 45+ inches yet?