1/2" growth in ONLY 4 DAYS!!!! do you believe it?

If you have worms you'd injest the DE to pass the WORMS through your stool to KILL the worms you Had in your body (Tape worms, hook worms, whip worms, ect...).
I didnt read the thread really but the entire thing has me :spinning:, cause i dont get it:lachen: Is it worms? Do you eat the worms?? What is it? Wheres the worms?
And what happen to just fruit,veggies, & water? why do you have to eat something like that to get hair growth? Why all this vagina cream, oily stuff that smells like bacon, & HORSE products?? Why not just protect your hair and give it some moisture & protien..its that simple! IMO:rolleyes: Just a little TLC!

Agreed! Diatomaceous earth also known as diatomite or kieselgur, is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae.

I agree that DE is Harmless (FOOD GRADE) but ladies don't believe everything your hear, take care of yourself and don't jump on band wagons especially ones you have to injest something, this one is harmless but what about other things people may put on here, don't be in such a rush for lush long hair, it will come, but rome wasn't built in a day and your beautiful mane won't either, everything takes time.
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We have worms inside us?

That is something I could've lived without knowing. Good luck but I don't have much faith in miracle growth aides. You can prove me wrong though.

Okay, after doing some research and reading that article, it seems like it's just plain ol' silica...what's the harm!
:ohwell:Ehh, to each there own . I am not willing to risk my health and waste good money on something that seems so risky. There are other ways of detoxing and other ways of growing hair. It seems like people will latch on to this without proper research and end up harming themselves. Not everyone is going to go look it up...some people will just ingest it and disregard the possible consequences.

And some people wont read at ALL and look down on it........
Plenty of DE threads on BHM in the body type section. If you want some more info go check it out. When I heard about the worms I was like NO SIR!
see, this is why i'm gonna try to measure my hair every 3 or 4 months. One little slip of the measuring tape or counting the little strangle hair that's a bit longer than the rest that you didn't measure before and folk think they grew 1/2" in 4 days. i see some before and after picks professing growth and i'm like :rolleyes:. i'm not hating though 'cause i'm sure i've done it (hence my first sentence). women passionate about hair growth will imagine water in the middle of a desert.
I've been taking DE off and on for a month. It's good for helping with weight loss (like green tea, not lipo suction) and lowering blood pressure. I don't know about the hair stuff.
I've been taking DE off and on for a month. It's good for helping with weight loss (like green tea, not lipo suction) and lowering blood pressure. I don't know about the hair stuff.

How much weight are we talking about losing? :)
I would love to shed 10 pounds :D
I don't believe it.

I doubt I'd even believe it if a pic accompanied it.

Half an inch of hair every 4 days works out to 3.75 inches a month. That works out to 45 inches of hair a year.

Yet when I bump this thread one year from now, I doubt anybody will be showing off their 45 new inches of hair growth.

I'm not one to tell folks how to spend their money, but I would like to advise that folks just think more than two seconds about some of these claims before taking it as realistic let alone as some gospel truth.
I think I would be open to taking it for the potential health benefits. but not for hair growth
ETA: I went over to Ebay to see if they had it for sell
this was in the description about the product

"Safety: DE dust can irritate the eyes and lungs, so wear goggles and a dust mask when applying it. The absorbent qualities of DE can result in drying of the hands if handled without gloves. "

Umm that's creepy to me
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I don't believe it.

I doubt I'd even believe it if a pic accompanied it.

Half an inch of hair every 4 days works out to 3.75 inches a month. That works out to 45 inches of hair a year.

Yet when I bump this thread one year from now, I doubt anybody will be showing off their 45 new inches of hair growth.

I'm not one to tell folks how to spend their money, but I would like to advise that folks just think more than two seconds about some of these claims before taking it as realistic let alone as some gospel truth.

:yep:My thoughts exactly.
It looks like that woman created the account in October 2009 and that post was created in that same month. Smells fishy to me. I don't understand how anybody would take her advice when they don't even know her. Did she even post pictures? If she didn't then those girls are suckers (sorry if I offended anybody LOL)
It looks like that woman created the account in October 2009 and that post was created in that same month. Smells fishy to me. I don't understand how anybody would take her advice when they don't even know her. Did she even post pictures? If she didn't then those girls are suckers (sorry if I offended anybody LOL)

I read that thread a few months ago. The OP was highly defensive whenever anyone asked for pics. She even gave some cockamamie excuse about how she didn't like the tone of some of the posters who were asking for pics. :perplexed Some other posters took pics and claimed they got growth. I know there is a DE thread around here but I never saw anybody touting insane growth.
How Diatomaceous Earth Works

1st: As it moves through the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These toxins are trapped and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach of digestive tract are "cut up" and killed by the sharp edges of the DE.

2nd: Diatomaceous Earth is very hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, DE is a 7. This is very important, because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp DE cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they "scrub" the walls. After only a few months of taking DE, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but CLEAN!! The advantages of this are:

The bolded hurts my soul just a little bit. The combination of images cause me to double over and wince a bit. How you gone "cut up" parasites but "scrub" my walls. :lachen:

Thats not gone stop me from taking it though. I'm just saying. :look:
The bolded hurts my soul just a little bit. The combination of images cause me to double over and wince a bit. How you gone "cut up" parasites but "scrub" my walls. :lachen:

Thats not gone stop me from taking it though. I'm just saying. :look:

LMAO that's the same thing i thought!
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If you read through the thread you will see that in some parts of the world DE is taken as a supplement for hair loss and some report family members having been using it for gorgeous hair for years. I'm not saying that it will help you grow 45 inches of hair in two months but the OP in the LHC only got that big jump in a short time once - her hair started growing faster overall when she started taking it and her updates show more realistic growth acceleration.

Of course, like everything, its not for everybody but I swear folks are so quick to be negative about things not necessarily sold for hair being used for hair. I think it is pretty funny because on the flip side if its in a pretty jar in the BSS and someone posts about how it made their hair feel like "butter" or made their curls "pop" stores would be sold out!

Sometimes I wonder what people think our ancestors were doing for thousands of years before grocery stores, salons, GNC, and Sally's existed.
I think I would be open to taking it for the potential health benefits. but not for hair growth
ETA: I went over to Ebay to see if they had it for sell
this was in the description about the product

"Safety: DE dust can irritate the eyes and lungs, so wear goggles and a dust mask when applying it. The absorbent qualities of DE can result in drying of the hands if handled without gloves. "

Umm that's creepy to me

There is a human consumption version - perma guard DE I believe it is... but yes, the above is what I read too.
I don't know about this... I'm a ceramic artist and whenever i see something with Silicon Dioxide on it's label, it's the same thing as the silica i use for my glaze calculations and clay body formation.

Silica is glass. So it's like a person is ingesting glass. I would think that it would be abrasive to the organs.
DE comes from the earth naturally? Who knows it could be a hair growth gift from mother nature...and we don't even know it.

I don't know what to think.

More opinions?