Youtube video gorgeous 4a natural hair

That's what I'm thinking about! When my hair is straighter there are less single strand knots. It makes perfect sense. If there's a way to do it safely, we could progress so much faster (naturals)
soooo true all those yrs as a straightened natural early on in my natural journey I couldn't have told you what a ssk was, now that I wear it mostly coily I'm encountering them more and more :perplexed I guess I just gotta tweak some things thats all:yep:
This was nice to watch. I wonder if my hair could take the heat like hers and Pinkskates if I consistently used Sabino....

I'm in braids now and rocking a slightly larger-than-TWA-length hair.

I really like her progress video. That was amazing to watch and it made the growth process seem more normal instead of making me feel like...whoaaa...long hair overnight....crazy jealousy...I hate my hair today...I'll always have short hair...blah blah blah. I can see what steps she took, and her styles weren't so "fabulous" as to feel unreachable for me. Mind you, I love to look at amazing natural styles, but I just don't have the time to do all that to my hair all the time.

Thank you so much for posting this. This is the best thing I have seen all weekend!!!

:love: I had to come back and post. I just adMIRE her hair. It's so similar to my texture it's not even funny (except I have 3c strands stuck in there)... her hair DEFINATELY looks 4a to me :yep: those puff ponies SCREAM FOUR-AYY! Ugh I just LOVE her hair! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!
I think this is a classic case of hair typing confusion. It's not an exact science which is why we've come to different conclusions.

Also, I don't know about Rustic and Aijo but IMO Mwedzi and Sera are not 4a's at all. I know Mwedzi calls herself a C-napp and Sera's hair looks completely 4b.

But like I said, hair typing is not a science.

Am not much for hair typing, but from what I understand 4a's & 4b's to be, I say that I am predominantly 4b with some 4a; someone's mentioned that I might have 4c hair too, but I don't know (am not exactly sure what that texture is, so...) :spinning:.
Hey Sera:hiya2:!! I just wanna say you are an inspiration to me I LOVE your hair you'e the longest haired type 4 I think I've ever seen and you really give me something to shoot for I <3 you, your videos and your hair:infatuated:

Whats your biggest tip for retention??
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She looks 3c/4a to me. He hair reminds me of mine, I hope to get to wear she is in five years, her hair is gorgeous.
amazing hair very thick and fluffy!

her hair seems to be a 4a/b in my opinion, she doesnt have much of a curl pattern like a 4b.....if she were a 3c her hair when wet would be very defined curls.
That's what I'm thinking about! When my hair is straighter there are less single strand knots. It makes perfect sense. If there's a way to do it safely, we could progress so much faster (naturals)

This makes sense. I'm beginning to think that my hair likes and needs heat. I am terrified of blowdrying and flatironing my own hair however, I do get it pressed at a salon occassionally, but right now, I'm keeping it in twists.

I think I'm going to start doing a twist set with heat. Meaning, I'll twist my hair in big twists, set under the hooded dryer for about an hour, untwist, then lightly blow out my roots only (or try that root control tool you told me about) and then as my style, I will do mini twists that I will keep in for at least two weeks.

I think the twist set (with heat) will make my hair easier to handle, as it will be stretched out similarly to a roller set and it will reduce the knots!

Her hair is gorgeous and the fact that she uses heat makes me feel more confident that I'll be fine with the indirect heat of the hooded dryer, and then light heat on my roots to lay them down.

Regardless to if you're going to wear twists or whatever, I think saturating your hair with a good leave-in or oil while in big twists and then sitting under the hooded dryer could be a good base for reducing the knots and making 4 hair more manageable.
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Thanks for the link. I was disappointed when she decided to close her fotki. She had so many styles documented.
Hey ladies I just added the direct link to her progressive video from you tube from 04-09 in the first post. It seemed that it was rotating her other vids starting with that one and then going to others depending on the day, which are just as good but not as inspiring as seeing her starting and finish point.

omg.. this video makes me soo happy that i've decided to go natural!!!

Wow. Are you serious?

That's sooo exciting! Isn't it amazing how one person, even one that you don't know can be so inspirational that it inspires you. I'm not necessarily talking about natural or relaxed being better. Just that something inspired you on this level. How wonderful!
I just had to come in here again, and take another peek at her glorious head of natural hair. So beautiful!!!! I am convinced that most women could grow their hair to great lengths in about 5- 8 years, using growth and retention skills.
Umph! Umph! Umph! I'm speachless.

The next time I feel discouraged I'll just pull up this video. Thanks for sharing!
Great post. Her hair is beautiful and she seems like such a sweet person. Her hair reminds of my hair when it was natural - long and thick. I used a similar blowdryer to "blow out" my hair. I do miss my natural hair after seeing her hair. Her video was definitely inspirational.
Her hair is gorgeous, thick, and healthy. It shows her progress from 04-09 current. Very documented. I know she's at least 4a.

Although I know she's been growing her hair for 5 years, it's videos like this that make me impatient to reach my hair goals. UGH! :wallbash: She's a great example of commitment and keeping a stable regimen. :yep: I'm so proud of her and glad she posted her videos on youtube. If anyone says that we can't grow long full healthy hair I will be sending them her videos.
omg.. this video makes me soo happy that i've decided to go natural!!!

Wow. Are you serious?

That's sooo exciting! Isn't it amazing how one person, even one that you don't know can be so inspirational that it inspires you. I'm not necessarily talking about natural or relaxed being better. Just that something inspired you on this level. How wonderful!

I feel the same way. In fact I think anyone with thick healthy 3 or 4's texture her length will have hair that looks similar to hers. It's a beautiful thing and I can't wait.:yep:
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Just bumping so those who did not see the second video can see it. She responded answered all the questions brought up in the thread! Go to post #1 to view it.
I was re watching the response video to lhcf so that I could get some more info to tweak my regime (that I posted also in post 1) and I decided to rewatch the progression video (also in post 1) as it's just so cool. Anyways I was reading some of the responses to the video on youtube and I was cracking up. Here's one that had me hysterical. I really think she has a funny sense of humor:

nocurves81 (15 hours ago)
No offense, but you don't exactly have typical hair. Your curl pattern is obviously looser than most and therefore less prone to breakage. You hair is beautiful but that's not attainable for all naturals.

I see you watched 1 vid and not 13. With that mentality, I hope you enjoy short hair because that's what you'll have for a long time to come. Ty for visiting.
I was re watching the response video to lhcf so that I could get some more info to tweak my regime (that I posted also in post 1) and I decided to rewatch the progression video (also in post 1) as it's just so cool. Anyways I was reading some of the responses to the video on youtube and I was cracking up. Here's one that had me hysterical. I really think she has a funny sense of humor:

nocurves81 (15 hours ago)
No offense, but you don't exactly have typical hair. Your curl pattern is obviously looser than most and therefore less prone to breakage. You hair is beautiful but that's not attainable for all naturals.

I see you watched 1 vid and not 13. With that mentality, I hope you enjoy short hair because that's what you'll have for a long time to come. Ty for visiting.

WHOA! Love that response. Gull got fiyah! :lachen: And I totally agree with her. :yep: nocurves81, clearly has a defeatest attitude and wants to bring everyone else along for the ride. Misery loves company I guess.
:lol:That was a funny exchange and I think both of them have valid points:yep:

I don't think its ever good to think with limitations so I disagree with nocurves81 that her progress isn't attainable for everyone I think it is for most. However, it is true that those with looser hair textures have an easier time retaining length, thats just a fact...... and she does appear from what I've seen of her lovely hair to have a predominently looser texture. It's not good or bad, its just an observation.

I feel like I'm in an alternate universe, all thru growing up all the girls would be like yea I got x,y, and z in my family and claim soft curly hair now if you state you observe someone has curly hair they go on the defense? Is this the twilight zone? lol:lachen: