You're With Your Sidepiece And He Has A Medical Emergency. What Would You Do?


sliding under the radar
An associate of mine is a single woman who is apparently sleeping with a married man. How did we find out you ask? Well last night she had to rush her marriedbae to the emergency room because he was having shortness of breath while they were together. She drove him (in his car) to the ER. Being that we live in a small town, folks phone lines started ringing off the hook when people in the waiting room noticed these two together. Of course somebody calls the wife and she makes her way to the hospital. All hell breaks loose.

Single woman makes a social media post about she was in the right place at the right time and if it wasn't for her, dude would be dead. Turns out he had a heart attack.

What would you do if you were in this situation?
An associate of mine is a single woman who is apparently sleeping with a married man. How did we find out you ask? Well last night she had to rush her marriedbae to the emergency room because he was having shortness of breath while they were together. She drove him (in his car) to the ER. Being that we live in a small town, folks phone lines started ringing off the hook when people in the waiting room noticed these two together. Of course somebody calls the wife and she makes her way to the hospital. All hell breaks loose.

Single woman makes a social media post about she was in the right place at the right time and if it wasn't for her, dude would be dead. Turns out he had a heart attack.

What would you do if you were in this situation?
She's not wrong about being in the right place at the right time. It would be heartless to drop him off and leave but I'd have taken off once the wife got there for sure.
Take him to the ER. Tell him to call his next of kin. Uber home. Oh, no Uber. Then she needs to walk somewhere away from the hospital and call a friend for a ride. Bottom line, I’m not going to be in the hospital when Mrs. Heart Attack shows up.
She's not wrong about being in the right place at the right time. It would be heartless to drop him off and leave but I'd have taken off once the wife got there for sure.

This scenerio is exactly why the Side - Heaux International Handbook volume XIV exists. The intrinsic nature of being a Side - heaux means that you're not obligated to provide emotional or physical support those are legal wife duties. When in doubt or a murky situation arises please consult non- existant marriage certificate. Side heauxing is a beautiful financial situation when proper protocols and guidelines are adhere to.
She was in his car though. We're too small of a town so there's no Uber, Lyft, taxis or bus service here. I guess she could have called a friend or family member to come scoop her up.
Take the car to a public place near her car and walk home. The car is the least of anyone's concerns if he's having a heart attack. It's irrelevant anyway if being with him at the hospital outted their situation.
This scenerio is exactly why the Side - Heaux International Handbook volume XIV exists. The intrinsic nature of being a Side - heaux means that you're not obligated to provide emotional or physical support those are legal wife duties. When in doubt or a murky situation arises please consult non- existant marriage certificate. Side heauxing is a beautiful financial situation when proper protocols and guidelines are adhere to.
I don't think this is an emotional support situation. It's more of a decent human being thing. If I'm there when an acquaintance is having a medical emergency I'm not gonna roll out if I'm the only one there. Doctors will have questions about what they were doing, if they took medications, etc. As much as possible I'd stay for that stuff because I'd do that for anyone.
I would leave immediately after getting Adultry bae to the ER.
Take him to the ER. Tell him to call his next of kin. Uber home. Oh, no Uber. Then she needs to walk somewhere away from the hospital and call a friend for a ride. Bottom line, I’m not going to be in the hospital when Mrs. Heart Attack shows up.

This. I’m not waiting for the wife of the man I’m having an affair with to show least not without expecting a fight.

He was in the wrong place at the right time. However, I'm assuming if he wasnt with her he would've been at home with his family and his wife would've been driving him to the ER.

Right. Like saying that was supposed to make people forget that she wasn’t supposed to be with him in the first place. :lol:
So many questions...smh.

First of all, I'm shocked that she would make a vague...or not so vague...reference to the event on social media. Then again, maybe I shouldn't be shocked. Obviously, she's not ashamed or embarrassed to be taking up with a married man.

This should be a warning to the husband to get his life in order. It would be a shame for him to pass away leaving so many unanswered questions and broken hearts.

This should be a reminder to the side piece that if he had passed away, she would have no claim to anything belonging to him. She doesn't get to sit with the family, she's not listed in the will and she's not next of kin. In the end she is nothing more than a footnote.

The wife...bless her heart. She probably knows about her husband's shenanigans.
Call an ambulance. After giving them his vitals, situation, medical history, I’d see him to the ambulance and tell those folks I’d see them at the hospital. Then I’d mosy on home and if I am somewhat close to the wife’s circle, I’d call someone and say I seen so and so being put in an ambulance.

Not a good idea, Wifey could report the car as stolen.
She'd be at the hospital and wouldn't be thinking about his car and much later. If you're talking about after the fact then she'd know the truth before it ever went that far. The point of leaving the hospital isn't to keep the wife from finding out. It's to avoid the drama involved with the confrontation and potentially the gossip but I have a hard time believing the town is so small that just being there was enough for everyone to find out.
If the town is so small they don’t have taxis then the neighbors already identified his car parked in the driveway.
Being from a family in which adultery is a favorite hobby and being from a small town, the hospital incident just confirmed the rumors that were already circulating.
This was my point further up. People knew, they had too. They just needed to really see the extent of it.
Call an ambulance. After giving them his vitals, situation, medical history, I’d see him to the ambulance and tell those folks I’d see them at the hospital. Then I’d mosy on home and if I am somewhat close to the wife’s circle, I’d call someone and say I seen so and so being put in an ambulance.

Exactly!! Call an ambulance was the first response I had. The rest is hilarious and genius!
So many questions...smh.

First of all, I'm shocked that she would make a vague...or not so vague...reference to the event on social media. Then again, maybe I shouldn't be shocked. Obviously, she's not ashamed or embarrassed to be taking up with a married man.

This should be a warning to the husband to get his life in order. It would be a shame for him to pass away leaving so many unanswered questions and broken hearts.

This should be a reminder to the side piece that if he had passed away, she would have no claim to anything belonging to him. She doesn't get to sit with the family, she's not listed in the will and she's not next of kin. In the end she is nothing more than a footnote.

The wife...bless her heart. She probably knows about her husband's shenanigans.

Nelson Rockefeller, ex governor of New York, supposedly died in his mistress's bed (although everybody involved denied it). He had a heart attack, said mistress called a friend (instead of calling an ambulance) and the friend finally called an ambulance an hour after the heart attack happened. :(

Why is sidepiece looking for kudos for saving Adultry Bae's life?

I'm sure that this was no 'secret' in this small town but it now has been confirmed. What went down at the hospital and what is going too happen now? Is the relationship going too continue with no more sneaking around?
This is juicy!

Knowing me I would have called an ambulance because idk if I can drive under so much pressure. In her situation, I hope wife beat.her.tail and plans to divorce her cheating health insurance draining arse excuse for a man. Include those ambulance costs in his portion of the divorce too. That’s his responsibility now
This is juicy!

Knowing me I would have called an ambulance because idk if I can drive under so much pressure. In her situation, I hope wife beat.her.tail and plans to divorce her cheating health insurance draining arse excuse for a man. Include those ambulance costs in his portion of the divorce too. That’s his responsibility now
What ends up happening is the mistress and wife look like fools and the man stays married and probably cheats with someone else.