Your Family: Gon Head And Let It Out.....

My mother.,ughhhh. She decides to make this big huge feast but then spends the whole day irritated at how much she has to do. Its comes out great ....and we appreciate it. But...we're also fine eating Chinese food or something and just ALL kicking up our feet and relaxing. I mean damn no one special is coming over. It's just "us". If you love doing it fine but dont decide to do all this work and then get pissed that you have to do all this work!
my dad has been having stomach issues..instead of him making an appointment to see the doctor or changing his diet ( i have seen him eat stuff that would choke a goat) he takes it out on everyone..he makes everyone miserable. i know black men won't go to the doctor to save their lives..but why make everyone miserable. i have told him on many occasions that he is a mean old man..and to stop taking out those frustrations out on everyone. he still hasn't made an appointment so my mother is going to...he had the nerve to pick a fight. we don't know if this is for attention(me and Twingurl are going through cancer journeys) or if it is true. if i go over and see him eat this mess...i am going to assume it is for attention.
:bighug:I hope you fully recover from the cancer and live out your life happy and healthy.
I have a sister living with my mom because she quit her job. She is so lazy when it comes to her kids and life, where I have no idea where she came from. She leaves them with my mom or grandparents but gets mad when they have something to say about how they act. If you don't want someone to have anything to say about how you raise your kids then don't close yourself in a room while leaving them with everyone else because you don't want to be bothered.

And don't whine to me about how ppl treat you now that you need their help, which you clearly don't appreciate. They treat you any kind of way because you clearly don't care any more about yourself. You are disrespectful and no one is going to cater to you. This is your life, if you want more go and get it and stop hating on the ppl who did their work.
As i reread that I wonder if I sound as crazy as Sinead oconnor. I hope not. But all this family festivities was just too much. I really tried my best and even though i gave it my all. Never once complaining. I was told that I am selfish.
The drama of this holiday season... I'm looking to see how we will resolve it so I know how to behave going forward.
I am burning the fuqq up right now and the more I think about it the more pissed off I get. I have been an outcast in my family before, but they are going to f*king hate me after this and right now I am passed the point of no fuqqs.

My dad has ruined my holiday. I feel for my granny, I really do, but at this point the coddling stop for this trifling n****. First he put me in shidd that I quite frankly do not give a fuqq about, throwing shade at his current wife and then when I did not elicit a response that poor baby his arse he calls my dramatic arse sister who in turn is calling my siblings and their parents scaring the shidd out of them. All this shidd was manufactured by my dad. That is the summary. Now for the long arse story.

Okay, so I have talked about my dad a lot here, frankly I do not care to protect him and I would love nothing more for someone, anyone to identify him and whistleblow on him. He is a narcissistic punk with diluted self important and I am constantly in the role of the truth bringer. I haven't been able to do that for my granny because I feel so bad for her, I keep the peace grin and nod. I told my dad's ex wife to run, do not walk, tear arse to the courthouse, when she became "crazy."

So my dad is going through bouts of cardiac arrest and kidney failure. My dad thinks he can do what he wants and beat the consequence. This was drugs, so he got got. This is one thing he cannot beat. The doctors are trying. They are trying to thin his blood. He moved back near my granny and my granny takes care of him. Restricts his diet.

My mother called for me and I told her previously about his condition so she apologizes to him for some past stuff and well wishes him because she was broken up about the diagnosis. She was in pain. They were high school sweethearts and had not talked in over a decade. So then my dad gets on this kick how all his ex wife's are going to be fighting over his coffin. So then he contacts his next ex wife and "he claims" she has a life insurance policy out on him and still has his last name. You see where I am going with this. He also is eating stuff he is not supposed to.

So he pulls me to the side and I know some bull spit is about to fall out of his mouth.

"My current wife has had a boyfriend for five years (they been married for one). She was just with me for a come up (hell, that might be, but why the fuqq do I care. This is wholly inappropriate. I am not your friend)."

(Kanye shrug)

When I am not riled up, he takes it further.

"She was caught on my computer looking at child pornography and beastiality and now I am being investigated. They are threatening to recind my security clearance, I have access to the president, I worked for the pentagon (all true, access to the president, doubtful) and take away my benefits." Again:

(Kanye shrug)

I give him a look like, "you must have forgot who you were talking to, I am sorry. You abused me for two years so if this story is true, it was more than likely you that did it." I don't even know this woman. I am here for my grandparents. I am not here for you and shidd. I don't care. And he says this is what causes his heart to fail. No, n*****, drugs, drugs caused your heart and kidneys to fail. Stop blaming it on her and as for the deviant claim they interview me I am telling them straight up the truth.

I was ready to go home. I was ready to pack. I could not tell my granny. I saw her wake up at 3am every morning, praying, meditating. She does not want to hear discourse because she is trying so hard and he has guilted her. I do not want to break her peace.

But that is not all...
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So yesterday after being tired of hearing my dad throw shade at his current wife in church, I am good and ready to go. "After you give and give and give, when does the Holy Spirit say that is enough?" Boy if you don't sit cho arse down somewhere! How did he manage to find six women who were "crazy?" Out of all the women in the world. This man is dangerous and annoying as fuqq! I am out, I rather endure a tornado than listen to his shidd. Then my baby sister from Jersey calls. She is crying telling me dad has to have emergency surgery. I am like, "huh, I just left him in church, do I have to turn around."

I pull to the side of the road and call my grandma and ask her is dad in the hospital, do I need to turn around (moral support for my granny)? She is like no he is at home, and she gets off the phone to call him. I call my baby sister back and he told my other sister that she and my granny have a "do not resuscitate" order. And this sister is calling all the siblings and they are taking it hard. I tell her no, dad has been going through this for a month and we have been managing. Why did he call my most dramatic sister and say this? Tell her to stop that shidd. It is going to back fire on her. If she is going to be his minion, they will not trust his word.

She said dad wants them to call him and build a relationship. My granny is calling so I say I am going to call her back. She said my dad told miss drama this happened two weeks ago (I think that is a lie.) My granny told him not to tell her that. She has no responsibility over the DNR and that is pretty standard with pre op. His response, "well she is grown. She should know." I told my granny I would handle it. My sister called my mother, probably wanting to tell my sister. But I told her weeks ago, we been through that and my mother did not take it well, but at least she would be prepared when Miss Drama calls.

I then call my older brother and tell him to get ahold of Miss Drama. She is not talking to me at the moment. My dad is going to cause her to be alienated because of my dad's bull spit, so please stop her. She probably will not listen to me.

Then I call Sista Jersey back and tell her do not feel guilty at all. Not for him. I tell her what my granny told me and say look, you see from his response what he was about. He had Miss Drama contact you. What he is going through is serious, but we are at this point now, so for him to do that pisses me off. Notice Miss Drama had your numbers. He could have easily asked for it to make his peace. He wanted you to come to him, because that feeds his ego (Remember ex wives arguing around his casket like he is a KANG). And that puts Miss Drama in a poor light. When she is ready to come to me, she will but she is not ready for the truth, she is not ready for that pain. He is not our friend and barely our parent and what he is doing to Miss Drama is wholly inappropriate. And the thing is my dad has acknowledged that my brother is a know it all, I am the peacekeepers and Miss Drama is just that so I know my dad was up to no good, because we all fell into our roles. But I, for one, am sick of being that man's entertainment.

I tried to broach this latest escapade with my granny but she got defensive. So I am through once I clean this up. I am also going to contact current wife and tell her what I told the former, run, do not walk or, with this knowledge step your game up then call me when he is on his deathbed and, frankly I hope it is soon so we can all move on.

As for me, some counseling is in order. You do not fuqq with my siblings like that and I am so tired of raising parents. We are all we have. My brother does not associate with anyone in our family, period. But I do not think that is right as well, compared to Miss Drama, who is attempting to rewrite history. I am so tired of this hero worship.
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I didn't even visit my mom during Christmas and I don't feel a single bit of regret. I'm tired of her feeling like everyone has to kiss up to her despite all the crap she does. Man, I can go on and on about her. My brother tried to make me go because he forgave her for some really messed up stuff and he said if he could put it to the side then I should be able to as well. Heck no.

This is my first time completely cutting her off. Usually, I'm the only child that chases her, but NO. Not this time. I'm saving a lot of money and headaches by cutting her off. That one sided relationship is too much.
My dad seems to be doing this thing he does every 5 years or so... threaten to get rid of his family. He's currently playing these melodramatic French songs about "it's over"... I believe this is the 4th song he's played today.

Completely ignoring him. I told him how I felt 10 years ago... you wanna divorce us? I for sure am not going to stop you.

Anyway, reflecting on the drama this holiday season, I felt it forced me to face past hurts I've never talked about. I always felt so sad thinking about them on the rare occasions when I would think of them. Now that I acknowledged them out loud, it's as though I released the pain...

I still don't know what that means for the future exactly, but I'm glad to have finally let out what's been on my heart for 19 years now.