They ALWAYS Come Crawling Back!!

In my past relationships I have always made sure I was of sound mind, sober, not pms'n, and not angry when I told them to hit the road. So as they are trying to creep back,I will always know I made the right decision the first time. This has worked well for me. There has been times that I actually hung in there just a little longer to feel confident I was doing the right thing. I also keep text msg conversations (for years) that are deserving of a 'curb kick' just to remind me... How much of a jerk he was....I don't want to forget.
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In my past relationships I have always made sure I was of sound mind, sober, not pms'n, and not angry when I told them to hit the road. So as they are trying to creep back,I will always know I made the right decision the first time. This has worked well for me. There has been times that I actually hung in there just a little longer to feel confident I was doing the right thing. I also keep text msg conversations (for years) that are deserving of a 'curb kick' just to remind me... How much of a jerk he was....I don't want to forget.

My ex's are still floating around cause I allow it, sigh:( I do keep text though just to remember some of the rude things that would be said and why I was unhappy. It's funny how you can just forget things and if you let your guard down they will be right back in your life. Smh
I only had one bf that "did me wrong". In my late teens. When we ended seriously we both didn't contact each other again.

He had told me before that he doesn't talk to exes though.