Your Family: Gon Head And Let It Out.....

My sister invited me to her birthday celebration. Her mother abused and terrorized me as a kid. She thinks i imagined it. I decided not to go to preserve my own mental health this year. Lhcf helped me in this decision. Thank you ladies. I feel empowered in ny decision. People IRL make me feel as if i am cray.
My mom is always asking me for money. She was supposed to renovate and sell her condo. Half way through renovating, she says she never got "a chance to enjoy her condo" And is thinking about selling it next year. She's lived there since I was 12 ( I moved out at 17) and i'm now 22. How did you not enjoy it in those 10 years? Don't ask me for money, for a mortgage you can't afford. Especially while im in the process of moving. #BYE /EndRant
I really can't complain. My family is pretty much independent of each other so when we get together we have a blast. We all have lives and know the need for "space" and love from a distance lol. But when we get together it's like we saw each other yesterday. I've luckily found a few friends that speak my language in that regard as well.

And I live around the corner from my mom and my fav cousin. And even still... Cherished space :lol: #intj
I didn't cook for Thanksgiving, so my my mother has decided to stress me about Christmas. I cook every night, and I enjoy it, but big holiday meals wear. me. out. I gotta clean up special, cook for however many hours, look nice, host... meh.

Oan, my niece is turning 21 this holiday season! Yay, now we can drink!! :lol: :cheers:
unfortunately, i wont get to be with my family for the holidays.

however, i'm so ****ing tired of them asking for texas roadhouse gift cards for christmas. this is the 3rd year in row! like, is the that only restaurant in town?
My mother is so damn annoying. Its like she purposely trolls. She was out shopping for bed sheets for me earlier and asked what color I wanted. I said navy blue and she goes "Navy blue is such a serious color for a young woman!" Um, wtf? Why does this woman insist on acting like she is dealing with a three year old. I swear she is trolling. She bought me twelve pairs of the same exact leggings. Same color, fit, everything. Who does that?
I didn't cook for Thanksgiving, so my my mother has decided to stress me about Christmas. I cook every night, and I enjoy it, but big holiday meals wear. me. out. I gotta clean up special, cook for however many hours, look nice, host... meh.

Oan, my niece is turning 21 this holiday season! Yay, now we can drink!! :lol: :cheers:
Kudos to you for even cooking every night. That's unheard of for me. I cook 2-3 times a week max. I became a believer in leftovers after I left home. Ain't no way I'm slaving over a hot stove every single day. I actually used to refuse to eat leftovers until I had to start cooking for myself.
My sister invited me to her birthday celebration. Her mother abused and terrorized me as a kid. She thinks i imagined it. I decided not to go to preserve my own mental health this year. Lhcf helped me in this decision. Thank you ladies. I feel empowered in ny decision. People IRL make me feel as if i am cray.
This is the exact same reason I will be spending the holidays with my birth mom versus my father's whale, I mean garbage, I mean "wife". She made my life a living hell growing up and now tries to play it off as me just being a bitter, jealous negro. No way am I going to make myself miserable just to put up with her.
Kudos to you for even cooking every night. That's unheard of for me. I cook 2-3 times a week max. I became a believer in leftovers after I left home. Ain't no way I'm slaving over a hot stove every single day. I actually used to refuse to eat leftovers until I had to start cooking for myself.
Don't give me credit for that, I don't work. :lol: House ish *is* my 'work'.
My mother is so damn annoying. Its like she purposely trolls. She was out shopping for bed sheets for me earlier and asked what color I wanted. I said navy blue and she goes "Navy blue is such a serious color for a young woman!" Um, wtf? Why does this woman insist on acting like she is dealing with a three year old. I swear she is trolling. She bought me twelve pairs of the same exact leggings. Same color, fit, everything. Who does that?
LOL! I laughed out loud when I read this. You're going to laugh at these things one day.

I'm not tired of my family, it will be fun to see them for Christmas. BUT there's one person who needs to move out of her parents' house. She's 22 and recently got married. The happy couple is living behind the kitchen in her parents' house. :look: My male relative (the father of the house) is imploding on a daily basis...
My granny called me worried the other day. She said she saw Syed on the news. She was like "oh, lawd. Syed out there murking folks."

"Grandma stop... "

If this lady don't... I remember when he fixed trouble shot the AC for my brother's vow renewal, my grandmother was like, "hell, you are alright. I may even marry you so you can get your green card."

Why must y'all be like dis... Lol

My family is racially inappropriate. My granddad did not know my ex-husband's real name, he said he ain't saying all of that. You Zorro. And he was Zorro for 7 years.

With my older black male companion I brought home, "don't bring that kneegrow over here, I don't want to talk to him. "

And if a white boy ever...they would straight up clown.

You have to be able to get down with our humour. In their old age they are alright. Or maybe it is me that has grown up lol. But I appreciate my grandparents more.
I had a miserable Thanksgiving and I wish I could boycott Christmas. Guilt won't allow me to do it so I'm sure I'll be running around like a crazy person at the last minute. I love my family.
I guess this fits....a chick called up my mom's house saying that she thinks she and her sister are my father's father has been dead for 7 years and they are both older than me. But all of a sudden the person who raised them told them that he knows he's not their father cause his wife (their mom) was cheating on now they pulled my dad's name out of a hat but their mom won't confirm or deny. She just stopped speaking to them altogether. They want me to take a sibling DNA test which I'm willing to do but apparently they want to be homies and sisters and get to know me better in the meanwhile. You're 49 years old with no car living in the Jungles? Nah son....I'm cool. Until the DNA is confirmed I can be cordial at best. I don't need any new friends. *Drake Voice* " No New Friends"
My family is racially inappropriate. My granddad did not know my ex-husband's real name, he said he ain't saying all of that. You Zorro. And he was Zorro for 7 years.
We must be related. :lol: My ex-SIL was Bajan. Now, Bajans ain't 'foreign', esp to NY'ers, but my 'aunt' (grandma's sister) insisted on calling her a different name. Her name was Andrea, my aunt called her Angela. Why?! o_O

Same aunt. One of my country uncles married an African woman. Don't ask me where she's from. She loves me, I love her, I've stayed in their home for extended periods, when she referred to home, she said 'my country'. Her name is Makeda. I don't have to tell yall how many variations and permutations that poor woman has had to go through over the years. :lachen:

My family is ignorant on purpose, I swear. :lol: My mother has told my friends when they're getting fat. I have actually lost a friend because she went in so hard. Why must I cry? :lachen:
My family is ignorant on purpose, I swear. :lol: My mother has told my friends when they're getting fat. I have actually lost a friend because she went in so hard. Why must I cry? :lachen:

You too? My moms always commenting about someone's weight. Last time she told someone they were bursting with fat. I was so embarrassed. I tell her to stop but she doesn't listen. Yeah I lost a friend over it too smh.
In the past I bought my mom meaningful gifts. She complained of a sore shoulder, I got her a gc to a spa she let it expire. I bought her an engraved Bible, ask me where that is... on and on... things that I figured she would like because it took some thought but I realized the thought doesn't count it is how much is spent. This year I will grab something last minute..
No more effort.‎
my dad has been having stomach issues..instead of him making an appointment to see the doctor or changing his diet ( i have seen him eat stuff that would choke a goat) he takes it out on everyone..he makes everyone miserable. i know black men won't go to the doctor to save their lives..but why make everyone miserable. i have told him on many occasions that he is a mean old man..and to stop taking out those frustrations out on everyone. he still hasn't made an appointment so my mother is going to...he had the nerve to pick a fight. we don't know if this is for attention(me and Twingurl are going through cancer journeys) or if it is true. if i go over and see him eat this mess...i am going to assume it is for attention.
my husband's aunt..steady trying to move in...we don't want her here...thank goodness he see's my side and is on my side when i said no she can't move in. i told her and she went in a tirade ..she even leaned over and threw a vase that his sis gave us as a wedding gift it broke and i am sure it would have hit me if i didn't lean back....he escorted her out...i really don't like her...she has really put me through stuff since we got back from our honeymoon...she always focuses on one of them and their spouses..because she doesn't have a life..i expected this behavior from his mom...not the aunt. his mom is so sweet ... his aunt not sooo much...
I've tried for the last two years, but next year my mom, dad, and niece are on their own for Christmas. They can stop by for dinner and to exchange gifts, but that's it.

The last two years they have spent the night on Christmas Eve because it makes DD happy. But my parents are so dang dysfunctional. They argue about stupid stuff and I have no time for it.

Then my niece. She's in the first grade so old enough to be grateful for what she gets. This is the second year in a row where she has complained about her gifts and sat around moping. She even got on the phone with her dad telling him that my daughter got everything that she wanted. Really child? You wanted the same toys as someone in preschool? No you didn't! You are just an ungrateful brat.

They are supposed to spend the night tonight and I'm going to be sure they are out of my house by 8:00 tomorrow morning.
I know I'm being petty but I prepped my baked macaroni and cheese last night... put it in the pan last night and refrigerated it and the plan was to put the top layer of cheese on this morning and bake it to a golden brown perfection.

Welllllll I get up this morning. Pan already in the oven. No top layer of cheese. Now it has the appearance that it's done because it browned so fast in the oven without the top layer of cheese but it's not actually done.

I don't understand. Why not let me finish my shhh? Now I'm round here acting really grinchy bc yall done messed up my mac and cheese. There is an art and science to this.